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 The new curriculum physics practical assessment consists of only two (2) scenario
questions, from either Mechanics, light or electricity and a learner attempts only one
 The duration for this exam is strictly 2 hours.
 The learner is required to carry out a scientific investigation for a presented scenario.
The steps in a scientific investigation are;
 Observing a situation.
 Identifying a problem or question.
 Identifying variables involved.
 Formulating a hypothesis.
 Designing and carrying out an experiment.
 Collecting and tabulating data.
 Writing a report for the investigation.


The learner must write a practical work report which will include the following;
a) Aim of the scientific investigation (experiment).This is to be stated basing on what
experiment the task requires you to perform from the task
b) Variables of the experiment.
 Independent variable.
 Dependent variable.
 Controlled variable.
c) Hypothesis
d) List of apparatus and materials. You are required to list down all the apparatus you will
use in carrying out the experiment.
e) Procedure of the experiment and setup. A diagram (if not given) showing how the
apparatus should be assembled for the experiment and an outline of the procedure/ steps
to be followed or taken during the experiment.
f) Presentation of data.
 Table of results. All with table headings and correct units in the table column
 Graphs. These should also titles clearly stated, axes well labeled, and scale stated
and used.
g) Calculation of the slope. To be calculated following the concept of significant figures and
decimal places. Recorded with the correct units.
h) Sources of errors. Identify the possible sources of errors in the experiment results. [the
controlled variables can be a source of errors if not accounted for]
i) Safety precautions taken. This is to avoid accidents and breakage of the apparatuses being
used in the experiment.
j) Conclusion; conclusions can come from the value of the graph, the value of the slope or
intercepts etc.

The conclusion will either qualify or disqualify the hypothesis. It is the conclusion
that shows that whether the hypothesis is correct or not.

Formulating A Hypothesis
 The hypothesis is a concept or an idea that is to be tested through research
and experiments.
 OR: A hypothesis is the prediction about what the scientific investigation will
 OR: It’s simply a statement that is to be proven at the end of the scientific
experiment or investigation.
 It shows the relationship between one dependent variable and a single
independent variable.


There are three (3) basic types of experimental variables that a learner must identify
and note down while performing a scientific investigation in Physics practical. And
these include;
a. Independent/Manipulated Variable.
 This is a variable that we can change or control in a scientific experiment or
 OR: This is a variable which the experimenter (or investigator) changes to test
its dependence on other variables. For example the starting values like
masses, lengths, angles, resistances etc we use to obtain other variables
(dependent variables)

b. Dependent variable/Responding variable.

 This is the one which we can test in a scientific investigation in order to get
 The dependent variable depends on the independent variable.
 When taking data during a scientific investigation, the dependent variable is
the one being measured for every independent variable tested.

c. Controlled/Fixed/Control variable
 This is the one the investigator/experimenter holds constant during a
scientific investigation.
 The control variable is not part of an experiment, but it is important because it
has an effect on the results.
 Some of the most common control variables are temperature, direction of
wind, wind speed, amount of light, humidity, duration of the experiment
etc and if not taken account of it might nullify the correlation between the
dependent and independent variable. Whenever it is possible, control variables
should be identified, measured and recorded.

Measurement and recording of Data

 When recording values in the table of results, the first column holds the
independent variables. This data consist of readings or measurements taken
directly from a measuring instrument.
 It should be expressed to a fixed number of decimal places dictated by the
scale of the instrument, the units used and the precision of the instrument. All
the raw reading of a particular quantity should be recorded to the same
number of decimal places and should be consistent with the precision and
accuracy of the apparatus.
 Each reading recorded from an instrument should consist of two parts
a) A numerical value recorded to the nearest smallest scale division.
b) Units. N.B When given an instrument for carrying out measurements one
need to study the scale and establish the least Count or What 1 small scale
division represents and then Units.
 Recording measurements in an experiment.
(i) Single measurement (The procedure does not require repeating)
Examples of single measurement: Width of metre rule; Width of a
glass block; Rough distance of the image of a distant object in a concave
mirror or convex lens. Take the required measurement at least three
times and then calculate the average of the measured values and give
its value to the degree of accuracy of the measuring instrument. The
measured results may be put in table and the average calculated outside
the table. If the measurement is required to be recorded in SI units,
then record all the values in S.I units before finding the average. In
some cases a single measurement is taken once. For example, in
experiments using a helical spring the initial position of the pointer
before attaching a mass on it is recorded once.
(ii) (ii) Repeated measurement (Certain steps of the procedure are required
to be repeated for given values) These measurements are put in the
main table of results to the accuracy of the instrument used. In any
column the number of decimal places in that column must be the
same. The main table of results should have only values of varying

List Of The Physics Measuring Apparatuses And Their Accuracy.

Instrument Quantity Unit Accuracy (Number Least Count
measured of decimal places)
Meter-rule & Foot ruler Length (cm) 1 dp. 0.1 cm
Stop clock Time (s) 1 dp. 0.5 s
Stop watch Time (s) 2 dp. 0.01 s
Ammeter Current (A) 2 dp. 0.02A
Voltmeter Voltage (V) 1 dp. 0.1V
Protractors Angles (0) 0 dp. 10
Thermometer Temperature 0
C 0 dp. 10C
Spring balance Weight N 2 dp. 0.05N
Spring balance Mass G 1 dp. 2.5g

Manipulation Of Data.

This involves the rules governing data manipulation.

a) Addition and subtraction rule. When adding or subtracting two quantities, the value with
the least number of decimal places is considered. Forexample;
(i) 4.7 +2.41=7.1(1 d . p) (we consider the least
(ii) 4.21−3.0=1.2(1d . p)
b) Multiplication and division rule. When dealing with quotients and products of varying
quantities the least number of significant figures of the two quantities is considered.
Significant figures.
Are digits in a number that are known with certainty plus the first digit that is uncertain. The
Significant Figures of a number have meaning in reference to a measured or specified value.
Rules governing significant figures.
1. All non zero digits in a number are significant. E.g
4362 (4 S . F),1241(4 S . F),1.26 (3 S . F) , 1.2(2 S . F).
2. All zeroes occurring between non zero digits are significant. They are also known as
trapped zeroes. E.g 1.004 (4 S . F), 1002(4 S . F).
3. Law of trailing zeroes: All zeroes to the right of the last non zero digit are;
(i) significant if they are not as a result of rounding off. E.g 720(3 S.F)
(ii) (ii) Not significant if they are obtained as a result of rounding off E.g 6259 to
3S.F is 6260(3S.F).so this zero is not significant.
4. Zeroes before a non zero digit are not significant. They are known as leading zeroes. E.g
0.06(1S.F),0.000000054(2 S.F).

 When multiplying and dividing quantities these rules must be followed for example.
a. 1.24×1.8=2.2(2sf)
b. 1.045×1.93=2.02(3sf)
c. 0.04×1.2(2sf)=0.05(1sf)
d. 1.9×2.40÷0.002=2000(1sf)

Recording trigonometric functions

All trigonometric functions are recorded to 3 decimal places with no units.e.g sin, cos, tan, log, In
E.g cos25=0.906, sin25=0.423, tan25=0.466, log25=1.398
Recording roots of numbers.
When dealing with square, cube, fourth roots, e.t.c of a number, they must be recorded to a finite
number of decimal places. i.e;
 Whole numbers are written to 3 E.g √whole number=3d.p, √4=2.000, √25=5.000,
√4 56=2.736.
 For numbers with decimal places, the significant figures of that number are considered
√4.0(2sf)=2.0 √3.52(3sf)=1.88 3 √25.48(4sf)=2.943

Summary of the Physics practical Work Report

a. Aim of the scientific investigation (experiment)
b. Variables of the experiment.
 Independent variable.
 Dependent variable.
 Controlled variable.
c. Hypothesis.
d. List of apparatus and materials.
e. Procedure of the experiment and setup.
f. Table of results.

g. The graph.
h. The slope.
i. Sources of errors.
j. Safety precautions taken.
k. Conclusion;

Scientific investigation 1
An old man and his grandson, who had grown up with his parents in the city, were
very hungry after working in a garden. While resting under a mango tree, a ripe
mango fell from the tree. The grandson got excited and wanted to get more mangoes
to eat before proceeding home for lunch, but he was not sure of a quick way to
harvest the ripe mangoes from the tree. The grandfather advised that if he could
climb up the tree and shake the branches, the ripe mangoes would fall to the
ground. The grandson did exactly that and many ripe mangoes fell to the ground,
which he ate with his grandfather. The grandson then told his grandfather that their
physics teacher told them that mangoes fall from trees because of the force of gravity
acting on them. He added that the teacher had also told them that bodies fall freely
at the rate of 10 𝑚𝑠 . The old man, being curious, wanted to know how the teacher

arrived at his rate. He challenged the grandson to prove to him that indeed bodies
fall freely at the rate of 10 𝑚𝑠−2. However, the grandson did not know how to prove
this to his father.
As a physics learner and using the set up above, help the grandson to practically
verify and show the grandfather that bodies fall freely at a rate of 10 𝑚𝑠−2.
The relationship between the period, T, of oscillation and the length, 𝑙, of a

pendulum is given by T 2=( )l .
3 masses of 100 g, 1 mass of 50 g, 1 spring with a pointer, 1 metre rule and 1 retort
stand with 2 clamps
Aim of the experiment;
An experiment to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity.
• Independent variable; length 𝑙.
• Dependent variable: time, t for 20 oscillations, period T and 𝑇2
• Control variable; wind speed and reaction time.

Hypothesis; Acceleration due to gravity, g=10𝑚𝑠−2.

List of apparatus
1 piece of thread of length 110.0 cm, 1 pendulum bob, 1 metre rule, 1 retort stand
with a clamp, 1 stop clock or stop watch, 2 small pieces of wood.
(a) The pendulum bob is suspended by means of a thread from a retort stand as
shown in the figure below.
(b) The length, 𝑙, of the pendulum is adjusted to 0.900m
(c) The bob is displaced sideways through a small angle and released to oscillate
(d) The time, 𝑡 for 20 oscillations is determined and recorded.
(e) Procedures (b) to (d) are repeated for 𝑙 = 0.800, 0.700, 0.600, 0.500 and 0.400 m.
(f) The results are tabulated in a suitable table including the values of time 𝑇 for one
complete oscillation and 𝑇2.
(g) A graph of 𝑇2 against 𝑙 is plotted.
(h) The slope, 𝑆, of the graph is then calculated.

(i) The value of acceleration due to gravity, g, is got from the expression g= , where 𝑆 is
the slope of the graph.

 Inconsistence in timing of the oscillation i.e poor timing.
 Inaccurate measurement of length 𝑙 of the pendulum.
 Elliptical oscillations caused by shaking of the retort stand.
 Non-uniform oscillations due to wind disturbance.

Mitigation/ precautions
 Disturbance due to wind can be avoided by switching off the fans and closing
windows and doors.
 Ignore the first few oscillations and start timing only when oscillations are steady.
 Make sure the angle through which the pendulum swings during timing is small.
 Always give the pendulum bob a small displacement.
 The length of the pendulum should be measured from the point of suspension to the
centre of the bob.
 When the oscillations of the pendulum become elliptical, stop timing and displace the
pendulum bob again.
Table of results
𝑙(𝑚) t(s) T(s) 𝑇2(𝑠2)
0.900 38.02 1.902 3.618
0.800 35.59 1.780 3.168
0.700 33.28 1.664 2.769
0.600 31.12 1.556 2.421
0.500 28.25 1.413 1.997
0.400 25.40 1.270 1.613

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