### Comma Usage Vs Semicolon Usage

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### Comma Usage Vs Semicolon Usage

**Directions: determine whether the clauses need to be joined with commas or semicolons. Put
the proper punctuation on the blank.**

1. The artist preferred to paint in oils ____ he did not like watercolors.
- Correct punctuation: **;**
- Explanation: This sentence consists of two independent clauses. They can be joined by a
semicolon to indicate a close relationship between the ideas.

2. Even when the house looks clean ____ there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the rug.
- Correct punctuation: **,**
- Explanation: The first clause is a dependent clause. It should be followed by a comma before
the independent clause.

3. I’m going to leave early today ____ unless the boss comes back from the meeting.
- Correct punctuation: **,**
- Explanation: The phrase "unless the boss comes back from the meeting" is a dependent
clause. A comma is used to separate it from the independent clause.

4. The computer can perform many calculations at once ____ however it cannot reason like a
- Correct punctuation: **;**
- Explanation: "However" introduces a new independent clause. A semicolon is used before
"however" to properly connect the two independent clauses.

5. In the first place it was snowing too hard to see the road ____ in the second place we had no
- Correct punctuation: **;**
- Explanation: These are two independent clauses closely related in thought. A semicolon
appropriately connects them.

**Directions: Determine whether each sentence needs a comma or semicolon. Put the correct
punctuation mark on the line. Then explain why that punctuation mark best completes the

1. When the islanders started fighting amongst themselves _____ the monkeys took control.
- Correct punctuation: **,**
- Explanation: The first clause is a dependent clause, so it should be followed by a comma.

2. The islanders were weary of fighting _____ consequently the monkeys faced little resistance.
- Correct punctuation: **;**
- Explanation: "Consequently" introduces an independent clause. A semicolon is used before
it to join the independent clauses.

3. As soon as the monkeys were in charge of Fire Island _____ things began to change.
- Correct punctuation: **,**
- Explanation: The first clause is a dependent clause, requiring a comma before the
independent clause.

4. David was afraid of Tiny the leader of the monkeys _____ because David had heard things.
- Correct punctuation: **,**
- Explanation: "Because David had heard things" is a dependent clause, and it should be
separated by a comma from the main clause.

5. Tiny demanded all kinds of crazy things from the islanders _____ this troubled them greatly.
- Correct punctuation: **;**
- Explanation: "This troubled them greatly" is an independent clause. A semicolon is used to
join it to the preceding independent clause.

**Give it a shot: Write six ORIGINAL sentences that correctly use a semicolon.**

1. The storm was intense; the streets flooded within minutes.

2. She wanted to go to the concert; however, the tickets were sold out.
3. John studied hard for the exam; he knew his future depended on it.
4. The recipe was complex; nevertheless, she decided to try it.
5. He didn’t see the car coming; as a result, the accident was unavoidable.
6. They were exhausted from the hike; still, they reached the summit.

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