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Endangered animals-pikas

 American pikas are believed to have evolved from Siberian ancestors that crossed the former
land bridge between Asia and Alaska. They once lived across North America, but have been
retreating upslope over the past 12,000 years. American pikas now live on high-elevation cool
mountains west of the Rocky Mountains. They can be found in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado,
Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico, as well as western
Canada. American pikas are found above the tree line in alpine terrain. They live on rock faces,
talus (slopes form by rock debris), and cliffs near mountain meadows.
 Rising temperatures threaten pikas by shortening the period available for them to gather food,
changing the types of plants in the alpine meadows where they feed, shrinking the size of
alpine meadows, and reducing insulating snowpack that protects them from cold snaps in the
winter. Most directly, warming can also cause the animals to die from overheating.
 Here is what you can do to help pikas: Adjust your thermostat by two degrees; Replace your
light bulbs with LEDs; Consider purchasing renewable energy; Wait at least two years before
upgrading your mobile devices.

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