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Fp eZ IRS:S.40 “(aH Seb) (Wik Amettns-of) T-§-2e02- REFRENCE copy gua entee ao ty FOR UFFICIAL USE ON SECTIONAL cubkAKY SE! LIRECILLATE A.0,8,0., LUCKNOW—It _ 01" This speoiftedtion if der fixed’seriel Nd. 940. The final number indicates t ¢.4h9. original adoption as standard or in.the event of vision, the year of labt ‘Fevision.. ; : “ADOPTED 1970, REVISHD, 1975 and 1984, (0.2 “Ts specification req Railway Standard(IRS) , wopd Britis ‘S2aRlects Pe : Genta tive - ASIN ¢'D 570-77 standard Method of tent for | yatorgbsorntion ; of plectione: ites reference “to. the folloving Indian erican- Soctety ‘of estine Materials tandara (Bs) arene . D 688--7?a Method of Test for Tensile’ proverties or Plastics: {BG 4'b7e2 wethiodvor testing’ plastics. | 0.3” whereyer'in'this. syeci fication, any of the above nentlones ; to’ by number only, without Suc fhe latest iesde.of thet... -: ingle otherwise ‘the :particular issue’ Os4-“intssgecdtication is;intended chiefly to cover. the ‘techntoot provisions and the provisions relating to. supply of athe ,com- {Nylon insulated joints and -does not include all, provisions of. a,contracts se 7 Mey hed . 1.1, ‘thts "specifica tlon“eovers. the Treaiitemen| i3 of pion ingulating *compénents sea en oeaesalt ° simtsy insulated. split ‘stretcher bers, insuleted.pod Joints, ete. . a 12 whepeversreferonce 18°neds, to. Tngulator' 4h" tis specific: “ At whall be taken’ Bo mean, any! 6f the Ansplating components. Veontds'e+s002/— S seAwinorooy “> Por, the purpose of this, stoliderd, tetzinclogy givém in IRS. ‘specification No. $23_ (Electrica, “gtgnailing end Interlocking” Bquipnents) shall apply.” Sons 3.° GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 The insulators shali confdim-to- the drawings approved by the purchaser. where. they are not expressly indicated, tolerances of. 1.0mm may be’ adopted for” Jind? dimensions ‘ant hole centres., dhe tho ineutatard“SharY fe moulded from Nylon Type 66-Na tural Colour on automatic injection, screw type moulding machines. the surfeceof the insulators shall, be” smooth, ‘sound and free from mouising defects, such ag babbles, surface streaks, spla marks, born tarks, volds, surface sinking, crazing and b1is- steriag of the surfece, windows, varping; weld lines, lemina~ » Lfons jetting, cracks, ete. Atl edges shall be neatly “inished nd froe from’flash. : : ‘Te ‘raw mater21 used for-the manufacture’ shali conform to the reduirenc:ts prescribed in Appendix "at... .., 3.5 The raw material shell te resistant to ol1,contamination. guarantee-shall be given by the.manvfacturer thet no re~ “consti tited gr recovered mtertal-has cused for" the nanufactiire of inswlators....- ; 3.6 “the ingulators, after ianufecture; shall te conditioned for water absorption eccording to the procedure described in. Appendix 'Bi- erate i 4. TESTS AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS < 4.0 Unless specifically called for in the individual, test .” orSpeekfications,rall,tests shall be conducted under ambient conditions. See toe ee 4.1 type Tests :- Tue following shall. ctnstitite type tests”: - * a) Tests on raw-material: (Appendix yas v') Chentical, test) (Clause” 4.6) eae. s, 4.1.1 The ‘téwts given. in Avpondix-At, shall, pe" gondic taf on 4As Moulded Snecimens"s: "As Moulded” specimens" ave defined ts those wiich, upog imédiate’ remove’ from ‘the, mould, ere _ sealed, in containers 4 mpermeable to ‘wa ter pourss : } mintimun!o “three -samt Best mblés “shat ‘orpach type test! «There shall be no,faliursis. ot ich Wer: The test sbecinen for ténstIs “strength and. Doreen tage ‘ elongation at break shall be as.per Figure ls “the test _. ‘speed shall be maintained’at 5. mm/min. 4.2 °° AQCEPTANCE .18S Rape eet fhe foljowingshall ,crpefl bite accep- tence tests ttc: “ a) -Visual inspection Test, 'b) ‘ Qheeking of- dimensions {¢: ©) Specific gravity test (Cleuse 4.74) a) Melting point test (Clause 4.268 e) Tensile strength (Clause 4.2.8) f£) longs tion at break(Clause 4.9/6) Lause’ 464) 4.21 4.262 4.2.6 2.2.7 4.2.8 _ shall not be less. than 4.0. ker /1 -3- g) urface Hardness Shore 'D' scale “(G2euse 4.2:7) h) Crushing Test, (01: se 4.248) (Clauses442 (e),(%) and (hn) will be apriiceble to insulated rall joints only). - : A sampling procedure for acceptance tests for visual inspeetion, checking of dimensions, specific gravity and melting point tests is given in Table 1 of Appendix 'D! For acceptance :tesf(e) and (4), a,minimun number of trae insulators which have Passed acceptance tes Coy shall be selected. ‘The insulaters shall s' these acceptance tests for conformity with tl of this specifications If any of these insulators fails in any of these acceptence fests, the purchaser or his nominee at his diseretion may call fer fresh insulators telee the original number and subject them again to ali tne tests or to the tests in yhich’ the failure (s) occur. Should any of the insulators fai (s) in the repeat test(s), the lot shall be rejected. A sampiing procedure for“sccoptance tests for tensile strength, elongatiog at break and, crushing toasts is given in table 2 of Appendix '% st for specific & BS + 27827Pt 5 (method & shall lie bitween 1613 and 1.15, The test for melting poins shall be to PS + 2782/Pt T ‘me thod.103-C) or capillary methed or by means of an approved molting point avparatus. ‘the-melting point shall bie between 255° © and 265° Ge Tne tests for tensile strength and percentage elongation Siall be conducted on specimens cut from channel side plates and end posts (Iigs. 2 & 3) previously conditioned as per Avpendix B. Before conducting these tests, the specimens shall be kept immersed in water under rocm sperature far 2 period of 24+ 1 hours. The testing shali be sted within a period of + hour after remaving the specimens from, the water. tank. The speed of testing shell be 50nn/minuie. The tensile, strensty, and elongation aa{89 N/a and, 408 shall he conducted as per ‘The. specific gravity respectively. The surface hardness shall te éetermined by using, the stanierd shore: 'D' Hardness: Testing Machine, and 3 nose of samples et random fron channel side plates and end - posts each shall te s@lectedAnd heréness determined at 10 points on each sample ard the average worked out. The average value of herdnegs (Shore "D" scale) shall not te less than.75. ° Grughing tests will be carried out on insulating bushes as.per Fig. 4. ‘Tha bush shall be held between smooth surface of i pebeaen re of e vice end the jaws ‘brought fo closer until they are apart to tne extent of 6 D whore D ig the outside diameter of the bush. It shall be held in that position for 5 minutes before the + Contderse6-4/— ae fe Jews are graduelly closed agein till they are-036 D-epart where 1¢ shall be held for a further neriod of 5 iinutes. The jaws shall then bé opened out arid ‘the wish taken out and examined, It shall be free of any surface cracks. 4,3 Routine Msts - The following shel] oojstitate tontine tests t~ 2) Visual ingpection test (Clause 4.4).° 7”, : v) Checking of dimensions (Cleuse “4.5) - ¢) “Melting point test (Clouse 4.245)... 4.3.1 The nenufecturer ‘shall perform visuel Ispeetion test. on-ail the instlators. ‘The manufacturer shall also-perforn tests for checking of dimensions an¢ melting point on at least 3 insulsjors from gach dey's production. The naruvacturer shali give a certificate to tae purchaser of his nominee to this effect before a lot is put up for inspection, 4.4 Visual Tnopestion Test s- The insulators shall te visually ated olianee with, the requirements of ¢lause 2 thos Dimepsions :- “whe dimensions of the insulators ecxe% for confornity with the dtawings approved 4.5 4.6 Chemice 1 Test 4.61 Method « Place @ few m: Ltgranes of the sample in the bottom of an ignitin: tube (about £0 x Cwm in size) clemping the tube in a Gertioal position. Gentiy heat the lower end with e small flame until at 250° C to 400°C heavy vapours” rise to the upper portion. Bring a narrow strip of filter Pater moistengd.with a-froshly seturated solution of 0- nitrobenzaldehyde in Pi-Na TH, Into contact with thé vapours. 466.2 The colour produced on the strip of filter paper shall be deep cRauve black which fades in the airs 5. MARKING 5.1 Kech insulator: shall be clearly: ‘and angela nsy marked me inaleate $= a) Nene oF trade notk of the nemufeofurs- >)“ Drawingnniber. : 6) Raft, sectian for yiten . jut tates, 4) 18 or'RH Tr channel side plaies+ ®) Year of mannfecture. 5.2 the requirenents of clause S41 sal not enply to tneulating bushes. # 6. PACKING. ¥ : 6.1 The insulator¢ shall‘ be 90 pected ag .to porait ‘eonventent handling and to protect agains? loss or denege during ‘transit and storage. Contdere cee oS/— . APPENDIX: "A, (Glance 334) “Otek TSSTS ON RAW MATERIALS USED ‘FOR: THE MANUPACTURS . is Ht + OF INSHIATORS A rs f.Nlo.’ ° Properties |. "|: Values: Test. Method 4). | Tenstlg strength, : ret/eee Wan.) “RBM 2D 628 N/mc“X Min) « 41): |. Blongation at . : ; : _ preeks (tn) ~ 40 ‘ ASTM 4D 638 _ 111): Melting Pointyec —., 255°-265°C . - BS + 2782. 1 mae _. Part I (method 103¢) : eae or capillary method or. approved melting point apnaratus. 1-18-1616 BS + 2782 ‘ part 5 (flethod . 509 A) 213 5 ASTM D576 vi)'» Inherent : a : # 4) Wisoosity, Min 0.88 -See Appendix 'Ct L ae i APPENDIX "Bt : (Clause 2.6) i: , WATER ABSORPTION F : Bel: The insulators-shall te innersed in boiling weter in a suitable tehk for a sufficient time depending jupon the size |. -0f the component efter which ‘the amount of water‘ absorption shall be checked. . - F B-2" | The amount of water, absorption shall be checked by taking the’ weight of a minimum of twenty insulators before and after immersion in boiling water. “Tho amount of water, absorption shall not be less than 4%:of the initial weight. 'B.8 Tr the emontit:of water absorption is less then % of tre . Yaitiel weight of tne insulators, they- shall te conditioned further until, the water absorptian is not less then 4% « “Bsa ‘he 1nsule tors after conditioning shall not’be taken out “-. +, immedi teiy ftom the tank but ellowed to cocl slowly to the. anbient temperabire to eyotd quenching strains. eee ~ APPENDIX fee : Co CAPPBNDDX ta! Dlatiss VE, ee HESSTREMENT, OF" THHERSNT.V 19C0S ITY C-1 APPARATUS _ : a) 50ml. volumetric flesk, b) Pipette. =. . ¢) No. 1 sintered filter. conta ss + 3.6/= c-2 0-3 C~4 c-8 fete cn? c-8 wetting 4) Uctube visconeter, (igure .5) ‘and. accessories. ° e)° Stop watch reading ‘to 0.1.seeond. : f) Balence to weigh up to 0.00L-gm. |, g) Woter bath controlded-at 25°C 4 0.1 6 h) & pair of safety spectacles. i) A pair of medium industrial gloves. SOIVENT ¢+. Yhe.soivent-shall be formic acid of concentra tion 90 4 0.1%; Keep. the solvent in such a way: that, its conven sra~ » ‘d ty frequent removal of the’ stopper from PROCEDURE +- Weigh 0.25 + 0.002 gm. of finely divided nylon and trangfor it to the 60 ml. volumetric Zlesks Add bout 25 ml. forte seid end well until the last trace of nylon is dissolved. ore fore: nthe flask tii1 the level is 25 mm below 50 uh 3 5% to the water beth and 44, 08d minutes. ‘There after ed jas ev the 50 mi. ner by adding foruic acide Charge the visconeter through the sintered filter, with 2 slight exeess Of sdlutiony using « long pipette to minimize - anjFoperetion, this may be done before the visconeter 1s placed in its holder in the bath. After the viscometer has Atteined temperature equilibrium with the bath, adjust the volume of solution so thet the Ilquid level (bottom of the meniscus) settles et the mri 'G'. Particular care mst be taken to see that the capilery arn is vertically held in its holder. E o Apply pressure or suction to bring. the level of solution to a point eboat € rm ebove the timing mark 'B'. evolding any” -vubble fdvmation. Release the vressure °F suction. fecord the flow time far the votten of meniscus to pass from thé top edge‘of.mari *a!. to the top edge of mark \f'. | Carty ,out two tind nafs, "These. should agree ta + O+1 seca is Tae flow tine ‘of pure solvent shall be determined first. Before ‘viscométer is ‘ised; after discordant readings and at intervals Gurihg regriar-use,(-clean it with a mixture 2% equal volunea of concentrated sulchurie ecid and stturateé solutinn of postassium dichronete tn waters Rinse it with water followed by ecetone and dry it by drawing through; a stream of air free from dust. Between successive sttis~ “factory determinations, wash thé viscometer with acetone and dry as described above or alternatively, rinse i* twice with the Liquid on which. the next flow tine is required. Calculations Inherent “Viscosity = Log, 5 % Where = * ve T= Mow tine of solution. ~~. 1,2 ‘Plow tine of solvent. © = Solutinn concetration, g/100mf. of the visconeter above mark 'G'; for consenience in ” contd. a Ue he | Dead 0-9.8 The. viscometer C+9.1 ‘Ostwald viscometer No. 1 size shall normally be use? - GrOet Heagurenent, of inherentwvigesst ty? any other type >f wisco- ietor sed shall have, 4 flow Spe, of, 40 Yt, 150 seconds for solvent 80% formic’ acid, ' ae allste kent thiled with clitomie acid - solution while not in hse. ‘ Netes pe. 0 eee eect ce at ua 1) Tt 1s converient ‘to have.’an-additionel water beth con- : strolled at 25° Of 6160 which cari be used to keep doivent and gless-ware: t.aporoxinetely the required temperature. This heins to preveht temperature errors In the ecourete bath dndelso cuts dow the tine to reach equilibrium. car ; 11) sefety spectacles and rubber gioves should be worn . because of nthe corrosive nature of formic acid. APPENDIX 'D! : SAMPLING FOR ACCHPTANCE OF. LOTS D-1l 10T + te De1.1 In eny consignment, all the insuletors of the same type mantufeetured 2 same factory during the same period shall be grou other to constitute a lote .2 ‘Fron each lot a certain numbér of insulators shall be! i selected at zendon and subjected to acceptance tests (a) to * (a) given ‘h Anyinsuletor feiling to satisfy the anpropriste requirements ‘shall be considered as defective D-2 CRITKRION FOR CONFORMITY. i to. te ‘selected from a lot 221 end 2 where Ny is. the size of the.first samole. ‘If found in this sample is iess than or equal toy, the lot shall be considered as conforming to the redutrenents of the specification. If the nunber of defectives in the First sample lies between 6, and Coy a further semple of - Ep insuletors shall be takeh and tested. If the nusber’ of defe@tives in the two samples“combined is less ths’ Gp» the lot shall be constaered as conforming to the quirements of the specification, otherwise the. -ot - shall be considered as not conforming to the. requisements of the specification. eecaee : TBI | Df a (Sampling blen for {cceptance tests (a) ‘to (4)-Ciause 4.2) ‘Tot Size First qecond THy Feceptanse Refection” sfuple sepple Nps | Noe ee yh 2 : x Segoe ses oe tpt 00 101 to 200 % a 2 201 to 500 ¢ 34 : 501 to 800 20 20 801 4nd above 43 26 epathe.. + -8/- Ages ptance Rejection a SPECIMEN FOR TENSILE TEST FOR.) + GS MOULDED? WILON COMPONENTS, | . FlG-1 DIMENSIONS | lW- WIDTH OF NARROW SECTION “Wo hoe WARROW SECTION, 4 (ALSO) GAUGE LENGTH 60 os le THE” SPECIMEN SHALL BE FREE OF DRAFT OR FIN 3" SPEED OF TESTING SHALL BE 5m.m/Ki. “IR aWN. AREA DF CROSS SECTION WITHIN GAUGE LENGTH > “SHALL BE ADOPTED FOR CALCULATION OF TENSE ~ (STRENGTH : L DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES. 1 S00 2635 SPECIMEN FOR TENSILE, TEST. ON CHA INNEL SIDE PLA Calne TE ¢ FUG. 2 ae BS ee red RG. No. _ [S22003-04 [52213-14 [S22/23-24 |S 22133-34| S22/43-44) 5 22173-74) AIL SECTION) S2 kg. 90R 75R 60R SOR 60k | 6 WAL” 305 230 2/0 205 208 305 lOTE ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES. : DISTANCE BETWEEN GRIPS SHALL BE 80 WHICH SHALL ALSO BE GAUGE LENGTH. MIN. AREA OF CROSS SECTION WITHIN GAUGE LENGTH SHALL BE ADOPTED ~———————— mA OKIE SPECIMEN FOR TENSILE TEST W END POST CHIES) SPECIMEN TO BE W AS Sronw- ae -| a 7 $99 i BR DIMENSIONS [2RO No Eto A Tae TO LE TSW 22s | 52 Kg. \56 | 136| 67 | 40| 32 [70 | 22 e2 90R [43 36-5 |667| a0 125 Gaeel2s . 75R_\l28-6\l22-5 |6/-9 | 40 42135 | 60F © 114-3|109'5|572 | 40 S224S SOR |10¢8)/00 4) 40. {S2e75* t 60K. [172 [150 40 | 32 | 70 [24%] S2218S * 60ky VIC | 172 | 150 }74:S| 40 | 32 | 70 os Be RUNioUiy WoT ee £ L DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES. % ja. 6” DENOTES GAUGE LENGTH AND ALSO : |_ QUSTANCE BETWEEN GRIPS. PIM AREA OF CROSS SECTION WTinN GAUGE — 34-2 LENGTH SHALL BE ADOPTED FOR 263) _ | METHOD. OF TEST ON . "NYLON BUSH . €1G.4) AWS Sap ‘$SED POSITION OF ‘BUSH : DIMENSIONS __—'| 7 RAIL. SECTION 06 | 050 os | eg oe’ |e | es | iss “ 60R 283 70), 140 | ke 22143 50R S48 IAS 12:0 S 22179 |60Kg 60K. UsC| 3-8 18:5 15-5 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES . U-TUBE_VISCOMETER (F1G.5) : ETCHED RINGS Sao 2639 Yee 008.211 80-04 asta [dreepenentioe eee pet ee es ne srsemce be 75.202 Central Relay. Muni € $7. 400001 em Raia, Fate Pisce, Caleta 709 032 [Nombeen Kallway,Baveda House, New Delt-4 10.001 on Eanem Rava, Goraipa-273 001, ‘Now East Foner Railay, Maligon, Guwaati781 00] Seuss Ray, Park Town, Cennei-600 O03 Soul Comal Railway. Soounersbod-$09 371 Sou Easter Raywsy. Garden Reash,Cabute-700 005 Wester Raihias. Chircheate Mumbsi-00 920, ‘The GNLSRT. CORE, Nowa Vso AL Rodd, Cisl Lins, Allahabad Tre GAUSQT, Nero Ralneys, Mew Bhawan, 33/1, Chawringhse Road aluna-T90971, ‘The General Manage SAT. Delhi Mero Ral Corporation, 3* oor, NDCC Place, Bhisrwprarmika Me, New Debit 003 The OSUS KT NC Rava. ahad Fes1Cow Ratna. Bhubaneshwar as Cemeal Rabon Galpar Seush Eas Railwne. Bangahve West Cental Ratton. Jabaipat Nout West Rainey, poe Tee Direcor ARISE. Taina Road, Lalaguda P.O Secundermbnd-s00 017, Sub Amortee! No | Specie 40:84 fi No teats Joma ~ Nylon compeneet, ie Foun amar deus 6 IRS Specifienion No. S486 9. yon Aiaatsice Jou.s xe ines issued 2s Aesadnen Ko | 1. Asem elas 7 any bo ded fer exsirg Clans swiven Selo 7 MAINTENANCE Goce inn -MskraRe: a Ti Un cave of a fale, replacement of complete insulation joints esi 72 AMl procuremea: stall be mae in compete sts. The cxitng Clause 0 vider in Appendix °D” may be amended as D2 | Tae seteal sence of insulate to be selected from slot shall bein cordance with Table Tard 2 wherein Nis the sie f defectives Fund inthis sampt i ss thao or egal Che sal be consicered as ceforming the requirriets of the apcicavion ‘Sena sampling seal ot be erated in ane case ‘TABLE ‘Stapling ps for Neegtsace wet (6) 10 (2)~Claese 4.2) Tei —— plan for Acceptance tests () (8 and ()~ Chase. ncopies alee with ve Kes pA NU Kain) Dieetor/ Sigil for Director Genaral The SecrtarySigma,Rilvay Wear, Ril Lavan, New Delhi The Secretr/SRTIRE.ltallvay Boor. Rail Bhavan, New Delhi ‘Market, Nsew Delh-1 10.001 ‘he Director insp ‘S&T, RDSO, Is floor, Now Annexe Pulling, Wester Aaieay, Charchuate, Mumbsi-t00 020, The Director IspeetiowS&T, RDSO, £* floor, West Wing, 17, NS Roel, Feslie Place, Caleunaa 6 The Dixector InseectiowSA, RDSO, Ground for, DRM Offs, Bengalore-23 7. “The DireziorIespection/S€T, RDSO, nd lar, Annexe: Baling, ‘Math Nowe, Lucknaw- 226011 S Mis Black Bum go AM. Lid, 5, Conon Steel, 3" foo, Koka Fo0007 5. Ms Hal Udyoy. §-A. Industrial Area, showara, Jaipur (W)-202012 YO, Mls. Carbonairetncusttes(Madias), Pu. Lad, 148, OMf Mababalpurar Read. Post Bag Nn. 895, Perurgudi, Cheni-600605 U1 Sis Vat Nora Bibi. 81, Indus ea, Dharwar, Sepur CW} 302012 12, Ms Krishna Fagineoring Pu. Led, 20, Co-operative Inds Estate, Kenpur208 0 (3, Mis.O.K tndustres, 4-55, MUD, Indostrnl Area, Anger (East) Marsan 083, 4, Mis Poiyser Plastics Lisi, Aof485 M, MID, Maro tndusial Aes, Street No 2, Muribi-400 093, 5, Mis Spee Mouldas Limited. 16, Netaji Subhesh Rond, Kolkatta-700 por 16 Mis Unique Pfasic Industries, 6, Cama Road, New Aline, Kolkata-700 oss 11 SW’ Agarwal Engg. Works, 28. Abul Kalan Azad Roa, Howish-7H1 19) IS Mts Calcata Springs Limited. 18. RN Makberee ined, Kolkorta-70000) 19, Mis Car Pfos fri, 14, Old Mahabalipuram Rood, Pas Bag No £95, Pesrunud, Chennai odd 196 20, Mis Colon Fesrous (ad, 18, .N Mathesoe Road, Kolktta-7C0001 3 Emerprizes(P) Lal. Opp: Medipor, apr Road, Modinngar-201 204 22 Mis. tnveelas Tain (P) Le. 16. Nee Ssbash Rood, Kolsn1-709 00: 25 Ws tndicacor Manufacturing Co. 25, Pasa Road, New Delhi! 19055 24 Mix Mouletal Fibee Glass Products, 65, Coton Set, Kotha 70007 35, Mis NO Techna Fasineesing (Mv Ld, Shanti Niketan 8, Camat Stet, 2° Novar. Svite No. Kolkata-700 617 2h Ws RSonePipced Elec: Mo Led Plat No B-l43, Road a 9-6, YL rea fipur 20200. 27, Mie 88 nda Limited, 24 Abul Kao Azad Road Howrah 10, 28 Dy. Director GAIA toxive Power Ditecrate, RDSO. Manak Naga, Lackrowe-22601 fo formation and recor ea . KI) cae Director / Signal for Diroster General

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