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1. If she ……………….. (invite) me, I ……………….

2. If it …………………. (rain), we ………………… (cancel) the match.
3. If I ……………….. (get) a promotion, I ………………… (buy) a car.
4. If she ………………. (be late), we …………………. (go) without her.
5. If you ………………. (ask) more politely, I ………………… (buy) you a drink.
6. If you …………………. (not behave), I ………………. (throw) you out.
7. If he ……………….. (win) the first prize, his mother ……………… (be) happy.
8. If he ……………….. (get) proper medical care, he ………………. (survive).
1) If I ............................................(wake up) late, I .............(be) late for work.
2) If my husband ....................................(cook) , he .......................(burn) the food.
3) If Julie ..........................................(not/wear) a hat, she ........................(get) sunstroke.
4) If children ...............................................(not/eat) well, they ..................................(not/be) healthy.
5) If you ................................(mix) water and electricity, you ..............................(get) a shock.
6) If people ...........................(eat) too many sweets, they .....................................(get) fat.
7) If you ..................................(smoke) , you ..........................................(get) yellow fingers.
8) If children ...............................(play) outside, they .......................................(not/get) overweight.
9) If you ..............................................(heat) ice, it ......................................(melt).
10) If I ....................................(speak) to John, he .................................(get) annoyed.
11) I ..............................(feel) good the next day if I ..........................(go) to bed early.
12) Lots of people .............................(come) if Jenny ...............................(have) a party.
13) She ............................(buy) expensive clothes if she ...............................(go) shopping.
14) My daughter .........................(pass) her exams if she .................................(work) hard.
15) David ................................(be) sick if he .................................(drink) milk.
16) The river ............................(freeze) if it ............................(be) very cold.
17) I ....................................(like) to visit the museums if I ........................................(be) in a new city.
18) I ...........................................(cycle) to work if the weather ..........................................(be) fine.
19) My flatmate .....................................(clean) really well if she .....................................(clean) the
20) Everybody ............................................(be) grumpy if it ..................................(rain) a lot.
Name ____________________________________________________________

Test paper

Solve the exercises using the conditional rules:

1. If she ……………….. (invite) me, I ………………. (go) to the party.

2. If it …………………. (rain), we ………………… (cancel) the match.

3. If I ……………….. (get) a promotion, I ………………… (buy) a car.

4. If she ………………. (be late), we …………………. (go) without her.

5. If Julie ..........................................(not/wear) a hat, she ........................(get) sunstroke.

6. If children ...............................................(not/eat) well, they ..................................(not/be) healthy.

7. If you ................................(mix) water and electricity, you ..............................(get) a shock.

8. If people ...........................(eat) too many sweets, they .....................................(get) fat.

Name ____________________________________________________________

Test paper

Solve the exercises using the conditional rules:

1. If I ............................................(wake up) late, I .............(be) late for work.

2. If my husband ....................................(cook) , he .......................(burn) the food.

3. If you ………………. (ask) more politely, I ………………… (buy) you a drink.

4. If you …………………. (not behave), I ………………. (throw) you out.

5. If he ……………….. (win) the first prize, his mother ……………… (be) happy.

6. If he ……………….. (get) proper medical care, he ………………. (survive).

7. If you ..................................(smoke) , you ..........................................(get) yellow fingers.

8. If children ...............................(play) outside, they .......................................(not/get) overweight.

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