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If we lived in Rome, Francesco ______________________________ (to visit) us.

(Daca am locui in Roma, Francesco ne-ar vizita.)

If he __________________________________ (to come), tell him I am in the garden.
(In caz ca el vine, spune-i ca sunt in gradina.)
If the teacher ___ _________________(to explain) the homework, I would have done it.
(Daca profesorul ar fi explicat tema, as fi facut-o.)
If it _________________________ (to rain), the children would have played outside.
(Daca nu ar fi plouat, copii s-ar fi jucat afara.)
If it were a bird, it ______________________________________(to fly).
(Daca ar fi pasare, ar putea zbura.)
She wouldn’t have come unless we ___ ______________________(to invite) her.
(Ea nu ar fi venit daca nu am fi invitat-o.)
If it were cold, it ___________________________________ (to snow).
(Daca ar fi frig, s-ar putea sa ninga.)
If the weather had been nice, they __________________________________ (to play) football.
(Daca vremea ar fi fost frumoasa, ei ar fi jucat fotbal.)
If you behave yourself, I _________________________________________ (to give) you a toy.
(Daca te porti frumos, iti voi da o jucarie.)
If the boys had taken the bus, they ______________________________ (to arrive) on time.
(Daca baietii ar fi luat autobuzul, ar fi ajuns la timp.)
I would have talked, if he _____________________________ __________(to ask) me.
(As fi vorbit, daca m-ar fi intrebat.)
If he had come earlier, he ___ ___________________________(to meet) Tina.
(Daca el ar fi venit mai devreme, ar fi intalnit-o pe Tina.)
If he _________________________________ (to see) you, he would have talked to you.
(Daca el te-ar fi vazut, ar fi vorbit cu tine.)
If I ___________________________________ (to realize) the truth, I would have stopped.
(Daca as fi realizat adevarul, m-as fi oprit.)
Andrew ____________________________________ (to water) the flowers if he stayed at home.
(Andrew ar uda florile, daca ar sta acasa.)
If I ___________________________________ (to come) home earlier, I would prepare dinner.
(Daca as veni acasa mai devreme, as pregati cina.)
I __________________________________________________ (to stay) at home if it snowed.
(As sta acasa daca ar ninge.)
I _________________________________________________ (to stay) at home, if it rains.
(Voi sta acasa, daca ploua.)
The teacher _______________________________ (to be) happy if we learn the poem by heart.
(Profesorul va fi fericit daca invatam poezia din inima.)
If they ______________________________ (to have) enough money, they would buy a new car.
(Daca ar avea bani suficienti, ar cumpara o masina.)
If we ___ _______________________________________(to study), we would pass the exam.
(Daca am studia, am trece examenul.)
If Oliver found money, he _____________________________________________ (to keep) it.
(Daca Oliver ar gasi bani nu i-ar pastra.)
If I __________________________________________ (to be) you, I would not go to the party.
(Daca as fi in locul tau, nu as merge la petrecere.)
If he __________________________________________________(to read), she will go to play.
(Daca el nu citeste, ea va pleca sa se joace.)
Would you _______________________________ (to come) to work if he increased your salary?
(Ai veni sa muncesti daca ti-ar creste salariu?)
If you eat fruits and vegetables, you ____________________________ (to have) healthy body.
(Daca mananci fructe si legume, vei avea corpul sanatos.)
If Tony _________________________(to know) her phone number, he would not give it to others.
(Daca Tony ar sti numarul ei de telefon, el nu l-ar da altora.)
If I ___________________________________________________ (to fly), I would go in the sky.
(Daca as zbura, m-as duce in cer.)
If I ________________________________________________ (to be) light, I enlightened the world.
(Daca as fi lumina, as lumina lumea.)
I _____________________________________________________ (to give) miracles, if I were holy.
(As darui miracole, daca as fi sfant.)

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