Assignment 2_Certificate in Child Psychology_Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

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5th & 6th September Assignment 2 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Assignment 2
Week 2_Child Psychology

Q1) What are the different Neuro disorders? Explain anyone with common
signs and symptoms.

Response/ Answer:
Different types of neuro development disorders found in children are attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism learning disabilities intellectual disability (also
known as mental retardation), conduct disorders Cerebral palsy and impairments in
vision and hearing when autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are most common disorders found in childhood.

Neurodevelopment disorder is a disorder of brain function that affects emotion,

learning ability, self-control and memory which affects child’s development and

Autism Neuro development disorder autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a

development disability caused by differences in brain, they have problem with social
communication and Interaction and restricted behaviour as interest they have different
ways of learning moving or paying attention for example:

1. They avoid eye contact.

2. Do not respond when called by name.
3. Plays with toys the same way every time.
4. Gets upset by minor changes.
5. Flaps hand, rocks his or her body or spins self in circle.
6. Delayed speech skill, movement skill, unusual eating and sleeping habits.
7. Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry.

5th & 6th September Assignment 2 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q2) What are some academic challenges faced by children with specific
leaving disabilities?

Response/ Answer:
A child with a leaving disability may have difficulties in reading, writing, speaking,
listening, understanding mathematical concept and general comprehension. The most
common difficulty found in children is reading disability (dyslexia) more than 80% of
learning disability falls in this category. It is a result from deficit in phonologic
processing as the skills needed for reading, decoding Phoenix ability to produce
sounds and proper auditory capabilities. So, they find difficult in learning such as
acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, and
mathematical abilities. This is a condition which affects learning and intelligence
across all areas of life.

Academic challenges are:

1. Poor study habit.
2. Difficulty in grasping.
3. Test anxiety that leads to poor performance in exams.
4. Difficulty in planning and organizing to complete the given task.
5. Inconsistent class attendance.

5th & 6th September Assignment 2 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q3) List down Erik Erikson’s stages.

Response/ Answer:
Eric Erickson has laid 8 stages and the development required in the same.

1. First stage is infant age between 0 - 1 year. Basic conflict is between Trust vs
mistrust. It is for the hope. Trust is that basic need such as nourishment and
affection will be met.
2. Second stage is early childhood between 1 - 3 years. Here it is autonomy vs
shame / doubt, it is for will. The child develops a sense of independence in
many tasks.
3. 3rd stages play age 3 – 6 years. Which is initiative vs guilt, it is for purpose.
Child takes initiative on some activities. May develop guilt when unsuccessful
boundaries are over slipped.
4. 4th stages school age 7 -11 years. It is industry vs inferiority. It is far
competence to develop self confidence in abilities. When competent for sense
of inferiority when not.
5. 5th stages adolescence between 12 – 18 years. Deals with identity vs
confusion. It is for fidelity which experiments with and develops identity.
6. 6 stage is early adulthood between 19 – 29 years. It is intimacy versus
isolation. It is for love which establish intimacy and relationship with others.
7. 7th stage is middle age between 30 – 64 years. Kids of generic activity vs
stagnation. It is for care which contribute to society and be a part of the family.
8. 8th stage his old age which 65 years onwards. Its integrity versus despair its for
wisdom which access and makes sense of life and meaning of contribution.
Erickson believed that development begins after 5 years of age which depends
upon trust, autonomy, intimacy, individuality etc.

5th & 6th September Assignment 2 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q4) Why is family history an essential component case history taking?

Response/ Answer:
Family history is essential because one can understand the past occurrence of the
client, his medical or mental condition in family members or any type of behaviours by
family members, which can be violence also. In family history the collection of
information about the client and other family members helps us to understand
heritable illness, current family health status, Psychosocial disorder. Family care study
gives an opportunity to analyze family dynamics using different aspects of community.
Case studies can generate new and unexpected findings as well as list and define
existing theories. If a counsellor knows the child’s case history, he can put students in
real life practical care scene in order to understand their presence of mind. To list your
concepts. To understand how a counsellor will apply his concepts in real life scenario.
Components of case study are:
a) The research questions.
b) Its proportion.
c) Its unit of analysis.
Case component means what the primary client is entitled to if found to be eligible. A
case component can have a financial or a non-financial objective. Family members
share more than genetic characteristics, they also share environments, lifestyles, and
personal habits.

5th & 6th September Assignment 2 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q5) List down a few childhood related concerns that one encounters on a day
to day basis ?

Response/ Answer:
While upbringing a child certain concern are noticed which cannot be ignored, they
affect In child’s learning behaviour and emotions including learning and
developmental disabilities, autism, risk factor. When a child becomes emotional this
causes destruction or rude behaviour.
It becomes a common practice such as:
1. Disrespect and backtalk
2. Abusive language.
3. Aggressive or violent behaviour
4. Lying.
5. Bullying.
6. Manipulation
7. Lack of motivation and laziness
8. Behaviour problem in school.
9. Conduct disorder.
10. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
11. Learning disability.
12. Antisocial personality disorder.
13. Underdeveloped social skills.
14. Interrupting.
15. Screaming.
16. Running away.
17. Pulling hair.
18. Throwing things.
19. Does the opposite of the most instruction given to them.
20. Seldom obeys and verbal orders.
21. Use of no in the conversation.
22. Not motivated by words.
23. Very impatient.
24. Cannot stand frustration.
25. Always have reason for an excuse.

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