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12th & 13th September Assignment 3 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Assignment 3
Week 3_Child Psychology

Q1) List down some intelligent tests? write down about anyone

Response/ Answer:
Intelligent test which is used includes Standard Binet Intelligence Scale and the
Wechsler Scale Which was introduced in 1916.

Types of intelligence tests are:

1. Individual test.
2. Group test.
3. Performance.

Individual test:
The first Test that were prepared was individual. These tests are reliable but they
consume more time and energy. There are however useful in making case studies or
individual studies of behaviour problem. This list initially in verbal form in mother
tongue where the child must read the question, listen to it and answer. The problem
occurs when the child is not conversant with the language of the examiner or is
illiterate. In this case verbal test does not serve the purpose. So nonverbal or
performance test has been prepared. Here the task requires the child to do a thing
then reply to the asked question. Where The child fits in a zigzag puzzle, make some
geometrical forms, identify some wooden shape like triangle, rectangle, or circles. The
child may also arrange cubes in descending or ascending order of size. In all these
activities where no language is needed, Instruction also can be given in action or
There are some drawbacks in individual performance test.
1. This test is time consuming.
2. There is a disparity in score.
3. It may be sometime more or less.

Advantages are:
1. There is face to face interaction between individual and tester.
2. Guidance can be provided based on result.
3. It is useful for small children.
4. The tester can motivate the individual by praise and encouragement.
5. There is very little scope for cheating.
6. There is no competition.
7. Formal formalities are observed and all instruction are given clearly.

12th & 13th September Assignment 3 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q2) What are some features of autism? Which assessment can be

used to diagnose?

Response/ Answer:
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Is a developmental disability caused by difference in
the brain. People with ASD often have problem with social communication. So
interaction and restricted or repetitive behaviour or interest. Such people may have
different ways of learning moving or paying attention. The features of autism appear in
the early age. It is not a disease but early intervention can help children to manage
specific challenges they face. According to the study ASD is four times more in male
than female. Which can have significant impact on a person’s life.

Autism effects can vary from person to person. Some will need lifelong support while
other can live and work independently. In some cases, the signs and symptoms may
be seen in infant stage whereas they may become obvious as the individual grow.
ASD Affects a person’s way of learning. Sometimes the person may be hypersensitive
to light, sound, and taste. There may be a typical speech pattern and tone of voices.
You will find late development of speech skill. They may find difficulty in maintaining or
responding to conversation, they may have limited eye contact, limited response to
social interaction, repetitive speech and behaviour pattern, difficulty in understanding
other people’s feeling. For autism person. break in routine or exposure to loud sound
can be overwhelming. Such situation can lead to outburst of anger, frustration,
distress, sadness, or shutdown. Which others may take in a very wrong way.

Assessment used to diagnose autism after they appear in early childhood and a
reliable diagnose is possible at the age of 2 year. However, many people receive
diagnosis in later stage, but if this is done in early-stage A child can get support during
their developmental years that will benefit them throughout their life. The feature of
autism varies widely but if a parent or caretaker has concern about the child’s
behaviour they should seek help and advice.

12th & 13th September Assignment 3 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q3. List down Freud’s stages.

Response/ Answer:

Sigmund Freud says that personality development in childhood takes place during 5
psychosexual stages.

They are:
1. Oral stage.
2. Anal stage.
3. Phallic stage.
4. Genital stage
Sexual energy in each stage is expressed in different ways through different body
parts. These are called psychosexual stage because each stage represents the
fixation of libido on different area of the body. As a person grows physically certain
areas of their body becomes important as sources of potential frustration, pleasure, or

Frued’s psychosexual stage of development:

Stage Age Development

Oral Birth – 1 yr Mouth sucking, swallowing, etc.
Anal 1 – 3 yrs The anus with holding or expelling Faeces
Phallic 3 – 6 yrs The penis or clitoris menstruation
Latent 6 – puberty Little or no sexual motivation present
Genital Puberty – death The penis or vagina sexual intercourse

Freud believed that life was built around tension and pleasure, and all tension was
due to the built up of libido and that all pleasure came from its discharge. Frued
stressed that 1 – 5 Years of life are crucial to early experience play a large role in
personality development and continue to influence behaviour in later life.
Each stage of development is marked by conflicts that can help build growth or style
development depending upon how they are resolved. If the psychosexual stages are
completed successfully a healthy personality is the result.

12th & 13th September Assignment 3 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q4) How do we use cognitive behaviour therapy with children?

Give an example.

Response/ Answer:
Cognitive behavioural therapy treatment involves efforts to change thinking pattern.
Strategies include learning to recognize one’s distraction in thinking that creates
problem. We are gaining a better understanding of the behaviour and motivation of
others. CBT is a way to help children to reconsider their thought pattern around pain
and anxiety by noticing and changing our helpful thought pattern where the child gains
skill to help reduce pain and improve activity.
While using CBT we take following steps:
1. Identify troubling situation in your life.
2. Become aware of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs about the problem.
3. Identify negative thinking.
4. Reshape negative thinking.
A cognitive therapist may schedule activities which their patients use to enjoy such as
taking long walk or meditation and encourage them to try engaging them where, they
find the activities rewarding and feel better while doing them as a part of their
If a child is admitted to school and he Hesitate to go to school he throws tantrums. In
such case the therapist will study in what circumstances the child has been brought
up. If he has grown only with his parent then his sigh it will be very difficult for him to
cope up with his peers The therapist will make the parent , teacher to keep patient,
give time for the child to adjust and just leave him on his own with due monitoring.
Slowly the child will adjust and become fine.

12th & 13th September Assignment 3 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q5) Write down some activity-based intervention that you can use
in child psychology.

Response/ Answer:
Ans) Some activity-based interventions are:
1. Art therapy
2. Play/ activity intervention.
3. Animal therapy.

Art therapy:
Children who have been maltreated can find difficult to verbalize their experience and
may feel intimidated by the therapeutic environment and overwhelmed by the
verbalization of abusive experiences. Using variety of media such as paint, clay,
photos, poem, storytelling, and music there are art-based therapies one thought to
help facilitate the nonverbal and verbal expressions of thought feelings and life

Play/ activity intervention:

It depends on the age of the target population are based on Prerinse that play an
activity or vital for health development. Play therapy Uses play as a natural medium in
which children express themselves. It provides a way to communicate complex ideas
that would be otherwise difficult.
Activity based intervention Such as sports or games He is an appropriate medium for
adolescents because it is more enjoyable. It requires the development of social skill
and peer relation.

Animal therapy:
The therapist makes use of animal as a part of therapeutic process. Animals from dog
through are used. These animals are taught to aid the therapeutic environment
through provision of warmth, acceptance, empathy, and unconditional love. It is found
that the presence of animal is improved communication skill of children undergoing
this therapy. Children are motivated, their anxiety lowers down and it also provides
opportunity to teach boundaries and appropriate touch in maltreated children.

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