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19h & 20th September Assignment 4 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Assignment 4
Week 4_Child Psychology

Q1. What are the common projective test used? Elaborate any one
of the tests.

Response/ Answer:
The common projective tests are:
• The Rorschach Inkblot Test.
• The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
• The Draw-A-Person Test.
• The House-Tree-Person Test.

The Rorschach Test:

This test was originally developed by Simon Rorschach.
How does it work?
It is the best-known projective test and it is all the first test of its kind developed.
Clients are shown a series of cards with Inkblot images and asked what the image
could be. As these tests are not standardized and answers are open to interpretation,
hence the results are invalid. In psychology a projective test would start with an
ambiguous image. When you look at a colourful image one sees number of things.
Hence, according to the theory behind these tests, it is what you see in reflection of
your personality or your experience. Most other types of personality test ask you to
describe how you feel, think, and behave. This test is useful in identifying depression,
anxiety, and psychosis. Responses to the Rorschach Test are typically scores based
on the location in the blot of the things seen.

19h & 20th September Assignment 4 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q2. Where is Intelligence Test used? Name a few Intelligence Tests

that are commonly used.

Response/ Answer:
Intelligence Test is a series of task designed to measure the capacity to make
abstraction, to learn and to deal with novel situations. The most widely used
Intelligence Test used includes: The Stanford Binet Intelligence scale & the Wechler’s
Scale Intelligence Test help to develop the IQ Test which further aids in identifying
students that could do with extra help with school work. IQ tests are also given to
children with autism spectrum disorder to measure their mental capacity. IQ test is
usually given when a child is about to attend school.
Types of Intelligence Test used are:
1. Achievement Test: This is used to assess what you already know about a
particular topic or a school subject etc. This test is commonly used in Test
because it helps educators measure if students can learn and understand
concepts and topics.

2. Aptitude Test: This test gauges an individual’s potential. This is designed to

demonstrate your abilities and predict one’s success in future.

3. The Binet Simon Intelligence scale: This Test was created in France in 1904
by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. The French government asked Binet to
create a way to determine which school children would face the most
challenges in their academics. They focused on areas like-memory, attention
& critical thinking skills. They believed that all three, play an important role in
how each one learns. Binet said that every person has a mental age, which
differs from actual age, that age is based on how a person performs

4. The Stanford Binet-Intelligence scale: This is the second IQ test. It was

developed in Stanford University by Prof Lewis Terman. He translated French
Binet Test in English which was useful for Americans. He added more
questions and used Binet’s theory of mental age as the basis for coining the
term Intelligence Quotient or IQ.

5. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: This test differs from both Benet and
Terman’s version because it was created by adolescents and adults. It only
contained questions and not task. He believed that by questioning the task
would be more accessible, accurate, fair & easy to administer.

19h & 20th September Assignment 4 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q3. What are the signs & symptoms of ADHD. Suggest some
strategies that can be used for children with ADHD?

Response/ Answer:
The signs and symptoms of ADHD are:
1. The child often has trouble holding attention on task or other play activities
2. Often, they do not seem to listen when spoken.
3. They do not follow all instructions given and fail to finish school work, course,
or duties.
4. They also have trouble in organizing task and activities.
The primary features of ADHD include: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive
behaviour. These symptoms start before twelve yead of age while they are noticeable
as early as three years of age.
The strategies for managing children with ADHD in a classroom are:
1) Extra time to be given during the test.
2) Instructions and assignments tailored to the child.
3) Positive reinforcement and feedback.
4) Using technology to assist with task
5) Allowing breaks or time to move around.
6) Give a praise and reward when rules are followed.
7) Give clear effective directions & commands.
8) Develop routines around HW and course.
9) Help them to build relationships, strong social skills and maintain friendship.

19h & 20th September Assignment 4 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q4. What is behaviour modification. Suggest some techniques

used in behaviour modification.

Response/ Answer:
Behaviour modification is a Psycho-therapeutic intervention primarily used to
eliminate or reduce mal behavior in children or adults. It is an approach that overtime
may replace undesirable actions and behaviours with more desirable one thus
leading to better lessons and outcomes with your life.
Some techniques used are:
1. Choose a problem behaviour to change.
2. Measure the problem behaviour by collecting data.
3. Determine the purpose of the problem behaviour.
4. Create a behaviour Intervention Plan.
5. Teach a new alternative behaviour.
Apart from the above-mentioned behavioural therapy technique used are
reinforcement, punishment, shaping, modelling & related techniques to alter
behaviour which can produce fast and effective results.

19h & 20th September Assignment 4 By ~ Mrs Nahid R Shaikh

Q5. What are the common signs and symptoms of Autism?

Elaborate few strategies for teaching children with Autism.

Response/ Answer:
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a mental disability caused by differences in the brain.
People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction.
And restricted or repetitive behaviour or interest. People with ASD may have different
way of learning, moving, or paying attention which makes their life very challenging.
Common signs & symptoms are:
(i) Avoid eye contact
(ii) Does not show facial expressions like happy, sad, angry and surprised by
9 months of age.
(iii) Plays with toys the same way every day.
(iv) Is focused on parts of objects.
(v) Delayed language skill.
(vi) Delayed movement skill.
(vii) Delayed Cognitive or learning skills
(viii) Unusual eating and sleeping habits
(ix) Unusual moods or emotional reaction
(x) Anxiety, stress or excessive worry
Strategies to teach children with Autism are:
(i) Limiting sensory overload
(ii) Using rewards and incentives
(iii) Providing appropriate feedback
(iv) Focusing on Autism Reading
(v) Applied behavioural analysis
(vi) Tell them about social stories.
(vii) Teach them sign language.
(viii) Give them occupational therapy.
(ix) Increase their floor time.
(x) Add music to their therapy

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