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High-quality Learning at ADIS is a continuous process that empowers learners to be responsible leaders– who

are independent, curious, and knowledgeable – through the support and challenge of a loving and diverse

Name: Date:
Grade: 12/ Section: ____
_____________________ ______________
English Department
Punctuation Marks: Semicolons Usage

Exercise 1: Add semicolons as needed. Cross out semicolons used incorrectly, using this ( ) symbol. If
the sentence is correct as written, write C in the blank.

____ 1. A prehensile tail, one that can grasp or wrap around things, has proven to be a valuable aid to
survival for many species the North American opossum and South American spider monkey are two animals
that have this type of tail.

____ 2. George Frederick Handel, the German-born English composer of the eighteenth century, is best
known for his oratorios, such as Messiah and Solomon but he was also a master of instrumental music, as
his two series of concerti grossi and his ceremonial suites show.

____ 3. Brick is a longtime favorite as a building material because of its good looks and sturdiness
moreover, it can be virtually free of maintenance.

____ 4. The sphinx is a fascinating creature from ancient mythology its body was that of a lion, while its
head was portrayed as that of a man or woman, ram, or hawk.

____ 5. The silver-haired senator was considered the eminence grise of his party that is, he was its senior
statesman, or “gray eminence.”

____ 6. The list of performers for tonight’s talent show includes Marty Allerdyce, who will play the piano
Jason McPherson, who will do a tumbling routine and the Chang twins, who will juggle items the audience

____ 7. We will not go along with your plan to disrupt the shareholders’ meeting; furthermore, we will
oppose it with all our strength.

____ 8. Self-portraits are among the most powerful of all paintings the self-portraits of Rembrandt and Van
Gogh stand out for their revealing intensity.

Exercise 2: Determine whether each sentence needs a comma or semicolon. Put the correct punctuation
mark on the line. Then explain why that punctuation mark best completes the sentence.

1. David decided that he would form a resistance _____ he would gather the town's strongest warriors.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

2. David talked to Hugo _____ the strongest man in town, and Hugo couldn't wait to help.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Hugo led David to Katrina, the fan-dancer from the parlor _____ she was excited to join the effort.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Katrina introduced David to Bruno, the rock thrower _____ and Bruno was ready for action too.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Now that David's team was assembled _____ it was time for them to take down the monkeys.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

6. Katrina lured the monkeys into a pit, Hugo trapped them _____ and Bruno crushed them with a rock.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

7. David was happy that Tiny escaped _____ David wanted Tiny for himself.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

8. David was wearing taco shoes when he jump-kicked Tiny _____ however, the irony went unnoticed.

Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

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