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arnve potato pencil ctrcus
cute huge beautiful view

Sayeachword. Thenwrite the number of syllablesand underlinethe

medium i*,- largest , i school i; population |t i
,, ,l_
aso l::j rnenoty around f"-l suggested i''-t

Kgffi Sayeachsentence.Matchthe sentencesto the sentencestresspatterns.
1 The peopleore very kind. a 0l+-*'Cl
2 Is it on old or o new book? b +iM.$l+ell
3 Which country do you come from? C +r?+iOO
4 It hos o huge temple. d +lmOC

Comptete presentit to the class.

the interviewdialogue,
You ore interviewing Chris of your school for on orticle in your schoolnewspoper.
You: OK,
Chris: Chris Anderson.
Chris: Two months ogo.
chris: Yes,very much. It's nice here ond the food is very delicious.

Chris: I reolly like to meet rrew friends ond I wonted to seethis countrv.
6-gto'@ Listenand choosethe correct information about each city.
City 1
Lltv nome Sydney Beijing
Country Austrolio Chino
Populotion 14,900,000 4,250,OOO
Ronking Lorgest Secondlorgest

City 2
City nome : Modrid Coiro
. . :.
io""ity rgypt Spoin
Poprrlotion 7,4OO,OOO 3,200,000
Ronking , Lorgest Secondlorgest

6\ff Completethe paragraphabout a studentfrom City 1.

Ziyi comesfrom o city colled {r}

It is in (z) . Her city is the {r}
city in 1+1 , with o
populotion of (s)

Writea paragraphabouta studentfrom City 2. Presentit to the class.

At the Movies

Cffi* Listen
Ted: Hey,Mox. It's Ted.
Mox: Sorry.Who's speaking?The
receptionis bod.
Ted: It's Ted.Con you heor me?
Mox: Yes,it's o little better now. Whot's XT
up, Ted?
Ted: Do you wont to seeq movie loter?
Mox: Excuseme? Which movie?Super
Ted: Yep,SuperTwins.
Mqx: OK. Thot soundsgood.
Ted: It storts.of 6:L5,so I'll meet you
outsidethe movie theoter ot 6:00,
Mox: Sorry?Did you soy 6:00?
Ted: Yes,6 o'clock.
Mox: OK. Seeyou then!

ffi Answer
1 Why con't Mox ond Ted heor eoch other very well?
2 How doesMqx moke sure he understondswhot Ted is soying?
Asking for clarification
When you do not heanon undenstand what someonesays,you can
. ask to repeat what they said using sorryor excuseme.
. repeatwhat you heardso the personcan clarify if it is conrect.

and take turns sayingeach

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmate
sentenceusingthe wordsgiven.

1 Sorry.Who's speoking? Who's this, Con you soy thot ogoin

2 It's Ted.Con you heor me? Boe,Doiki

3 Excuseme? Which movie? SuoerTwins? Stargirl,lohnny the Superhero

4 Sorry?Did you soy 6:00? 10 o'clock,noon

bad can hear which

want father bet.ter out.side thea.ter

Do you wont to seeo movie loter?
ct Remember to userisinq
2 Thot soundsgood.
for q
intonation uestions,
# O +OO
evenif the lastwordin the
sentence is not stressed.
Put the dialogue in the correct order. Then listen and practicethe
dialoguewith a classmate.

Som: Four.
Coshier: Sorry?How mony?
Som: Excuseme. Which screen?
Coshier: Screen3. It's upstoirs.
Som: Four ticketsfor StarKids,pleose. ,
Coshier: OK. Hereyou ore. Four ticketsfor StarKids.
It's showingon Screen3.
Screen3, upstoirs.OK, thonks!

qW Workwith a classmate.
a telephone to seea movie.

to clarify
Presentyour telephone conversation in your
to the class. conversatlon.
(fi|F@ Listenandcomplete
the dialogue.
Solly: Hello?
Ted: Hey there, Solly. Would you like to seeo movie
this (r) ?

Solly: Hi, Ted.Uh... Whot's (z) ?

Ted: Excuseme? The troffic is reolly
(3) here!
Solly: I soid, "Whot's showing?"
Ted: Oh, right. There's DetectiveGirl ond Secret
Solly: Hm ... Secret
I heord it's reolly

Ted: SecretSuperheroes?
OK. Let'sgo seeit.
Secret Solly: Hey!There'so (s) gome orcode
Superheroes next to Mego-Theater.
Ted: Sorry?There'so whot?
Solly: A greot gome orcode.It meons we con ploy
gomes (6)_ the movie.
Ted: Greot! Good ideo!

Work with a classmate.Taketurns asking and answeringthe questions.

1 Why is it difficult for Solly ond Tedto heor eoch other?

2 Who knows which movies ore showing?
3 Why does Sally wont to see SecretSuperheroes?
4 Whot will they do beforethe movie?
Favorite Movies

Listenand read.

fenny: Did you cotch o movie lost weekend?

Ben: Yep.I sow Ninia Warrior3. It wos
greot. I reolly enjoyedthe fight
scenes.How obout you? Hove you
seenony good movies lotely?
|enny: Yeoh. WeekendKiss.
Ben: Soundslike o romqnce movie.
fenny: Yeoh,I reolly like romqnces.You
Ben: No! Action movies ore exciting ond
fost, but romonce movies are reolly
slow ond boring. I definitely prefer
qction movies.
fenny: I don't like movieswith o lot of
fighting"ond oction in them.
Romoncemovies ore reloxing ond
enjoyoble.They moke me feel hoppy.
Comediesore olso good. They con
moke me lough so much!
Ben: I like comedies,too-especiolly
oction comedieswith fight scenes!

Followthe instructions
andanswerthe question.
1 Underlinethe reosonwhy Ben likes-octionmovies.
2 Circle the reosonwhy Ben doesnot like romqnce movies.
3 whqt kinds of movies does]enny like? whot reosonsdoesshegive?
Givingpositive and negativereasons
Youwillsometimesbe askedto choosebetweendifferentoptions.To showwhichyou prefer',
it is a goodideato
. say the optionyou pnefer.
. givesome positiveneasonsfor why you preferthat option.
. givesome negativeneasonsto showwhy you do not pneferthe othenoptions.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 I reolly like romonces. comedies,qction movies

2 Action movies ore exciting ond fost. Fontosymovies fun, imoginotive
3 Romoncemoviesore reolly slowond boring. dull, uninteresting, weok

4 I definitely prefer oction movies. romonce movies, comedies

5 They moke me feel hoppy. sad,scored,excited

good great dig ac.tion m o.vie r o.mance

enjoyed huge

o lilf! t o
Sounds o romonce movie.
o +el
S o m e t i m eass y l l a b l e
Comedies ore olso good.
Completethe paragraphby usingthe wordsfrom the box.
Thenlistenand readthe paragraphto a classmate.
,r ::aQd r , ,rr::,.::=!i:
rir :

comedy funny definitely nosty choose reolly

If I hove to choosebetween(r) movies ond horror movies,

I (2) comedies.Horror movies ore (3) scory ond
(4) . But comediesore (s)-_ .: . ond they moke me feel
hoppy,so I (e) preferseeingcomedymovies.

Preparea short paragraphto show whether you prefer action moviesor

comedies, Practite saying it vuith a classrnate.

Useful action-packedthrilling special

effects storyline
words humorous enjoyable family silly





r@ Usenegative reasons
.,lx&. a b o u to n eo p t i o na n d
positive reasons about
^@ yourpreferred option.
Present to the class.
Listenand completethe paragraph.

Do you prefer to wotch movieswith your friends or with your fomily?

Wotching movieswith my (1) is so

much better.It's o little (2) to wotch
movieswlth my (3) . We hove to wotch
o movie thot (+) will like. So,we often
wotch(s) _ movies qs o fomily, but I
don't like (6) much. My friends ond I
oll like (7)", " movies.We tolk o lot obout
the exciting scenes.So I definitely (8) _ _
wotching movies with my friends.

lean Smith

Readthe paragraph.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns asking and

answering the questions.

I like wotching movies with my fomily better. I olreody

spend o lot of time with my friends ot school ond after
school. But when I seeo movie with my family, it feels
speciolond fun becousewe do o lot more thon just go to
the movie theoter. For exomple, we often go somewhere
exciting to eot before the movie. So I definitely prefer
wotching o movie with my fomily.


1 Why doesChris preferwotching movieswith his fomily?

2 Why doesn'tChris preferto wotch movieswith his friends?
3 Whot exomple doesChris use?

that bad want start
great ninja huge dig

ffi.* Sayeachword. Thenwrite the numberof syllablesand undertinethe


hear L--l romance i j movie i I action ]

r"l '
theater r._ definitely r outside i reception ,

.w' Sayeachsentence.Matchthe sentencesto the stresspatterns.
1 Soundslike on action movie. a f=,OO
2 Comediesore olso enjoyoble. b ;rrOe'ruC{D

3 It stortsot7:3O. C +lD==lO
4 I reolly enioyedthe oction scenes. d {lq,clO

Preparea dialogue between you and a friend about a movie you want
' to go and see.Presentyour dialogueto the class.


l iH
Look at eachtopic. Chooseyour preference
and give reasonsfor it. Then ask a classmate
and write down what he or she saYs'

:"'lillr9f r1l1rllllTiltillii::{1slgilt1l,,t

Do you prefer to wotch onimoted rnovies or live-oction movies?

My classmate




Do you prefer to seeo movie or reod o book?

Me My clossmote



Negotive reosons
dont believeit!

Listenand read.

Ben There'sbeen o UFO sighting! I sow

o report obout it on the news lost
Kylie: Are you serious?It'd be so
amozing to seeo reol UFO.
Mork: No woy. Do you really believein
Ben: I heord it londed in the forestnot
for from here. They soy there ore
even morks on the ground to show
where it londed.
Kylie: No woy! Oh, we've got to go ond
seefor ourselves!
Mork: I don't believeit. Somekids mode
those morks for sure.
Ben: The report soid q mon sow some
little peoplemoving oround
betweenthe trees.
Kylie: You'rekidding! Do you think they
could be reol oliens?
Mork: Are you serious?This oll sounds
like o big joke to me.

Answerthe questions
andfollowthe instruction.
1 Which friend hos o positive reoctiop to Ben'sstory?Who hos o negotive reoction?
2 Circle the expressionsthot Mork ond Kylie use to show their reoctions.
3 Which expressioncould meon both "it's not true" qnd "thot's so omozing?"
Using expressionsto show surpniseor disbelief
Youcan show a quickreactionto what somebodytellsiou by usingspecialexpressions.
. To show you are surpnisedor impnessedby something: Cool!/ You'rekidding!/ No way!
. To show you do not believesomething:No way!/ | don't believeit for a second!/ Are you

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 Are you serious?It d be so omozing to seeo reol UFO. scory,cool o reol spoceship,
o monster
2 No woy. Do you reolly believein oliens? monsters,ghosts
3 I don't believeit. Somekids mode those morks for sure. Someone it up, o joke
4 You'rekidding! Do you think they could be reol oliens? it o true story

marks far marks

forest report be.lieve r e.por t
world heard a . m a z . i n gs e . r i . o u s

@ ffiwO O
There'sbeen o UFO sighting!
w OwO & Offi O
We'vegot to go ond seefor ourselves!
i O O O ffi wO a w * -ingisusually
This qll soundslike o big ioke to me. a
'". :.

i ::t;
Lookat eachstatement.Writea quickreactionand
practicewith a classmate.

News Reoction
I set o new highest Yo u'r e kid dingl Thaa'sgreatl
scorein thot new

I sow the Bigfoot

monsterin the

A UFOlonded in
our bockyord lost

I've iust won


h =tffiWork with a classmate.Preparea dialogue explainingsome amazingnews.
UFO monster ghost Bigfoot hauntedhouse

to theclass. Remember to use
ffi expressions
to show
or surprise.
F G&] -
E f* Preparenotes about an amazingstory. lt can be true or imaginary.

Now tell two classmatesyour story and write

down their reactions

4 g &. S o.. d d, q s*: e & # W d w'

Name: 1 X"s-S' W"q"" # d'& & $ & d&# ##


{,4P Presentyour story and your classmates'
reactionsfrom Activity I to the class.

d f|n
Ryon stortedthe science
experiment.He hod some
yellow liquid ond some
blue liquid. He wontedto
know whot would hoppen
if he mixed them together.
Ryon poured o little blue
liquid into the flosk of
yellow liquid. Nothing
Ryon put more blue liquid
in. He wotchedos the -
yellow liquid turned green
ond mode somebubbles.
He could heor o stronoe
sound. -= q i :,'1
Ryon put oll the blue
liquid in. Thereweremore

bubblesond the stronge
sound got louder.He
droppedhis testtube ond
turned oround.
Boom! The greenliquid
I *q r
exploded!Yuck!Whot o 3.,i'

trt Answer tfu* qrxesticn *etd €*HH*wtfue Enstr*ee€s*n"

1 Which porogroph (A, B, C, D or E) is not shown in the pictures?
2 In eochporogroph,underlinethe detoilsyou con seein the pictures.

Describingevents from pictures
When describingeventsfrom picturesyou needto
. talk aboutthe thingsthat you see happeningin the pictures.
. use some extnadetailsto connectone pictureto the next one.

Listenand repeat.Thenwork with a classmateand take turns sayingeach

sentenceusing the words given.

1 Ryon put oll the blue liquid in. [in, Diono purplepowder
2 The yellow liquid turned green. blue, purple, red
3 He could heor o strongesound. see thing

4 fhe greenliquid exploded! mode somebubbles,becomecleor

started wanted exploded star t.ed bub.bles

poured happened turned ex.plod.ed
mixed watched dropped ex.per.i.ment

He hod someyellow liquid ond someblue liquid.
Ryon put more blue liquid in.
g :.= .:,! t At the startof many
Yuck!Whot o mess! threeandfoursyllable words
in English,
ex-isnot stressed.

Matcheachpictureto the correctdescription.Thenlisten
and practicetelling the story with a classmate.


,n' n
f,\ p, .n ;@;
A e" e R

He droppedo
bosketboll ond the
flour explodedoll
over the kitchen!

Choosethe correct details to connectthe pictures.Then listen and practice

telling the story with a classmate.

3 Amy mode some EventuollY,when

1 AmY wonted to 2 Shewotered smoll boxesout shetook the boxes
moke squore
the plont and it of cordboord. off, her tomotoes
stortedto grow. werebig ond

A Soonthere were smoll to-oto., on the plont.

B Sheput the cordboordboxesoround the growing tomotoes.
c Shebought sometomoto seedsond plonted them.
B G'IX Present the story from Activity F to the class.
Readthe paragraphand put the details into the correct places.Then listen
and read the story to a classmate.

]ulie wonted to moke on ont fqrm. Shefound on

old fish tonk, ond got somesoil from the gorden.
i _.lNext she cought some onts ond put them on

the soil.i\..,.._.*:
ltoter shecqme bock to the tqnk ond
got o big surprise.The onts hod.escoped!
kitchen toble wos coveredin onts. I

A Sheput the soil into the old fish tonk.

B Then fulie went owoy to do something elseond soon forgot obout the onts.
c Yuck!Whot o mess!

Workwith.a classmate.
Presentthe story about makinga bouncingegg to
w the class.

Kote bounce egg vinegor T2hours woter 24hours drop broke


Sayeachword. Thenwrite the number of syllablesand underlinethe

bubbles' i
i--- r
markri ; amazing experiment
i l
report believe Senous exploded :_ .,
Sayeachsentence. to the stresspatterns.
Matchthe sentences
1 There'sbeen o monstersighting. a OIO+,= 1Jf:r+

2 Wow! Whot o story! b , 1 , + = : r O eo ' + l O

3 Shehod some hot woter ond some cold woter. C .1 r.r,,+, lD O

4 Thot oll soundslike o big joke to her. d O=u-rO

Completethe dialogueusingexpressions
to showsurpriseor disbelief.

Potty: "l sow o report on the newsobout o new cell phone thot is smoller thon
on eroser.
Potty: It con connectto the Internet, toke photos ond ploy music.
Potty: They're giving owoy the first 500 free todoy.
Potty: The report soid thot you con even use the phone to recordpeople
speoking from more thon 50 metersowoy!

ffi Make a story hy writing a descriptionfor each picture and two
connectingdetails. Presentyour story to the class.

Picture L:


Picture 2:

Picture 3:


Picture 4:

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