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Commun ity Res ilience Activity-North (CRA-N )

Orakza i Tribal District
Memo of Justification
Title of Project: Sup porting Economic Reintegration for Former TOP Ali Kh el & Mu la Kh el Communities
Project Code : K036
Location : Upper Orakza i
Contractor: M/S JHK
Date: 13-June-2022
During grant im plementation, variation in quan tities of rehab ilitation work recorded on site are incorpo rated in
th e revi sed budg et through thi s am endment. Details of th ese variation s are listed below.

1. Initially it was planned to rehabilitate 921 meters of channels ou t of which 859. 5 meters was new
con stru ction whil e 61 .5 meters was existing section rehabilitation . Now to increase its coverage
whil e irrigatin g more co mmunal agriculture land facing water sacri sty, length of newly con stru cted
channel has increased from 859 .5 to 985.68 meters . Total re habilitati on & con structi on of new
channel increased from 921 to 104 7 meters. Through this extension it will not only increase planned
lan d coverage but will also make sure that enough discharge available for th e operatio n of
microhydle located at the end of the chan nel.
2. To facilitate water conveyance across th e road, RCC conduit pl anned in th e initial design is
deducted from revise d scope due to on going road extension proj ect. This will not affect th e
functionality of th e project.
3. Length of reta ining wall decrease from 133 .19 to 105 meters fulfilling th e required slope stability
requirements on site. The wall height is acco rdingly adjusted to ensure the strength and erosion
control effectively.
Following changes are requested throu gh this amendment in the revi sed scope.

Original Deliverables Revised Deliverables

Activity B- Construction & Rehabilitation of 921 Activity B- Con struction & Rehabilitation
Meters of Irrigation ch annel of 1047 Meters of Irrigation channel
i. New Construction: 859 M i. New Con struction : 985.60 M
ii . Rehabilitation of Existin g Channel: 61 .5 M ii. Rehabilitation of Existing Chann el: 61 .5 M

Activity C- Con stru ction of 133.1 9 M Retainin g Wall Construction of 105 M Retaining Wall
Activity D- Environmental Mitig ation Compliance Activity D- Environmental Mitigation Compliance
i. Removal of Tress - 17 No i. Removal of Tress - 17 No
ii. Plantation of Tress- 340 No. ii. Plantation of Tress- 340 No.

Original Contract Amount: PKR 9,571,842/-

Revised Contract Amount: PKR 9,627,268/-

Prepared & Revi ewed By: Kalim Ullah Approved By:

Area Engineer Prog ra m Manager
Signature: Signature:
Date: / 3 Date : _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _


Co m muni ty Resilience Activity Nort h (CRA- N) Plot #3B-1, M edite rra nea n Pl aza, Diplomatic Encl ave, G-5, Islamabad, Pakist an
T. +92 51 2600690-94 • • w w w

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