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Q1. Select the correct meaning of the highlighted one word.

The study of brain focuses on how the brain functions under normal conditions and
examines what goes wrong in neurological disorders.
(a) Hepatology
(b) Nephrology
(c) Neurology
(d) Cardiology

Q2. Select the correct option to ill in the blank.

The brain is housed within the skull, which provides protection. The skull is made up of 22
bones, 14 of _________ form the facial bones and 8 form the cranial bones. The brain is
surrounded by cerebrospinal luid within the cranium.
(a) which
(b) whose
(c) whom
(d) their

Q3. Select the correct option to ill in the blank.

The human brain comprises the forebrain (cerebrum, hypothalamus, thalamus), which
regulates functions like emotion and hunger; the midbrain (tectum, tegmentum), central to
___________ auditory and visual information; and the hindbrain (cerebellum, medulla, pons),
essential for survival functions like breathing and heartbeat.
(a) disseminating
(b) making
(c) con irming
(d) processing

Q4. Select the correct meaning of the highlighted words in the given sentence.
Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for higher cognitive functions
such as reasoning, emotions, problem-solving, and sensory interpretation. The cerebrum
is divided into two hemispheres, each consisting of four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital,
and temporal.
(a) Fallacious; diverse
(b) Empirical; exegesis
(c) Specious; distinction
(d) Casuistic; uniform

Q5. Parts of the given sentence have been given as options. One of them contains a
grammatical error. Select the option that has the error. If there is no error select “No error”
as your answer.
Thalamus act as a relay station for sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex, and is
also involved in the control of sleep and awake states.
(a) Thalamus act as a relay station for sensory and motor
(b) signals to the cerebral cortex, and is also involved
(c) in the control of sleep and awake states
(d) No error

Q6. Select the correct antonym of the highlighted word in the given sentence.
Hypothalamus plays a crucial role in hormone production and regulation of body
temperature, hunger, thirst, and emotional responses.
(a) Paramount
(b) Pervasive
(c) Critical
(d) Irrelevant

Q7. Select the correct option that best replaces the highlighted phrase. If there is no
replacement select “No replacement” as your answer.
Cerebellum regulates motor movements, coordinates voluntary movements such as
posture, balance, coordination, and speech, resulted for smooth and balanced muscular
(a) resulting for
(b) resulted in
(c) resulting in
(d) No replacement

Q8. Parts of the given sentence have been given as options. One of them contains a
grammatical error. Select the option that has the error. If there is no error select “No error”
as your answer.
Medulla Oblongata controls autonomic function such as breathing, heart rate, and
(a) Medulla Oblongata controls autonomic
(b) function such as breathing,
(c) heart rate, and digestion
(d) No error

Q9. Select the correct meaning of the highlighted idiom in context of the given sentence.
Pons acts as the main highway by which the forebrain sends information to the cerebellum
and lower structures, and also plays a pivotal role in the balancing act of sleep and
(a) A literal act of balancing physical objects.
(b) Maintaining an equal distribution of weight.
(c) Managing two competing demands effectively.
(d) Performing a routine in a circus.

Q10. Select the incorrectly spelt word from the given sentence.
The brain is composed of grey matter and white matter. Grey matter primarily consists of
various types of cells, while white matter is mainly composed of axans, which connect
different areas of the brain.
(a) Primarily
(b) Matter
(c) Axans
(d) Various

S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct one-word for the study of the brain is (c) Neurology.
Meanings of other options:
• Hepatology: The study of liver functions and disorders.
• Nephrology: The branch of medicine that deals with the physiology and diseases of the
• Cardiology: The study and treatment of disorders of the heart and blood vessels.
S2. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct option to ill in the blank is (a) which.
"Which" is used to introduce a relative clause referring to the antecedent (14 bones) and
providing more information about it.
Meanings of other options:
• whose: Used to indicate possession, not applicable here.
• whom: Used for human objects, not suitable in this context.
• their: Possessive adjective, incorrect as it does not introduce a relative clause.

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct option to ill in the blank is (d) processing.
"Processing" correctly describes the function of the midbrain in handling sensory inputs to
make sense of auditory and visual information.
Meanings of other options:
• Disseminating: Refers to spreading widely, not suitable here.
• Making: Too general and nonspeci ic.
• Con irming: Implies validation, which is not the context here.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct meaning of the given words is (b) Empirical; exegesis.
Given words: cognitive, interpretation
Meanings of all options:
• Fallacious; diverse: Fallacious means based on a mistaken belief, and diverse means
varied - not applicable here.
• Empirical; exegesis: Empirical refers to knowledge derived from experience or
experiments, itting the cognitive functions of the cerebrum. Exegesis involves critical
explanation or interpretation, suitable for how sensory interpretation is handled in the
• Specious; distinction: Specious means misleadingly attractive, and distinction refers to a
difference - neither accurately describes the cerebral functions.
• Casuistic; uniform: Casuistic relates to case-based reasoning, and uniform means
consistent or the same - these do not appropriately describe the cerebrum's functions in
reasoning and diverse interpretation tasks.

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option (a) contains an error.
The subject "Thalamus" is singular; hence, the verb should also be singular. The correct
form should be "acts" instead of "act."

S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct antonym of the given word is (d) Irrelevant.
Given word: crucial
Synonyms: critical, essential, pivotal, vital
Antonyms: insigni icant, trivial, minor, irrelevant
Meanings of all options:
• Paramount: Means supreme, a synonym.
• Pervasive: Means widespread, not directly related.
• Critical: A synonym.

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct substitution of the highlighted words is (c) resulting in.
"Resulting in" correctly links the action of the cerebellum with its effect, using the correct
preposition and verb form to express causation.

S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. Option (b) contains an error.
The noun "function" should be plural "functions" as it refers to multiple functions such as
breathing, heart rate, and digestion.
S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option (c) is the correct meaning of the given idiom.
Given Idiom: balancing act
Meaning of idiom: Managing two competing demands effectively.
Example: The Pons plays a pivotal role in the balancing act of sleep and arousal,
highlighting its function in managing two vital and competing neural processes.

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option (c) is incorrectly spelt word.
Correct spelling is: “axons”.
Meanings of all options:
• Primarily: Correctly spelt, means mainly.
• Matter: Correctly spelt, refers to substance or material.
• Axans: Incorrect, should be "axons," which are nerve ibers.
• Various: Correctly spelt, means several different kinds.


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