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Graduation Ideas

computer science and

Resume Parser AI Project
Recruiters spend a lot of time skimming through resumes to
find the best candidate for a job position. Since there can be
hundreds of applications for a single position, this process has
been automated in several ways- the most common is keyword
matching. Resumes are shortlisted and read by the recruiters
based on a set of keywords found in a candidates resume.
Otherwise, the resume is discarded, and the candidate is
rejected for the job. However, this screening process has many
drawbacks. Candidates are aware of the keyword matching
algorithm, and many of them insert as many keywords as
possible into their resumes to get shortlisted by the company.
You can build a resume parser with the help of artificial
intelligence and machine learning techniques that can skim
through a candidate’s application and identify skilled
candidates, filtering out people who fill their resume with
unnecessary keywords.

Instagram Spam Detection

Have you ever received a notification that someone
commented on your Instagram post? You excitedly pick up
your phone and open the app only to find that it’s a bot
promoting some knockoff brand of shoes. The comment
section of many Instagram posts is filled with bots. They can
range from annoying to dangerous, depending on the type of
call to action they require from you.
You can build a spam detection model using AI techniques to
identify the difference between spam and legitimate

Animal Species Prediction

Another interesting computer vision project you can do is to
predict an animal’s species based on an image.
You can do this with the Animals-10 dataset on Kaggle. There
are ten different categories of animals in this dataset dog,
cat, horse, spider, butterfly, chicken, sheep, cow, squirrel,
This is a multi-class classification problem, and you will need to
predict the species of the animal based on its picture in the

Pneumonia Detection with Python
Many diseases such as cancer, tumors, and pneumonia are
detected using computer-aided diagnosis with the help of AI
There are open image datasets available on Kaggle for
disease detection. You can try your hand with disease
prediction on one of these datasets the Chest X-Ray Images
(Pneumonia Detection) dataset on Kaggle.

Fake Product Review Identification

This AI project is similar to the Instagram spam detection
project listed above. There are many business owners out there
who fabricate reviews for their products to get more sales
misleading individuals who are looking to purchase high-
quality products.
You can build a fake review identification system to solve this
problem. Kaggle has a dataset called Deceptive Opinion
Spam Corpus that you can use for this project. This dataset
contains 1600 hotel reviews- 800 of them are positive, and
another 800 are negative.

Price Comparison Application

Have you ever seen a dress in a store and wanted to know the
lowest price you could get it ?
In this AI project, you can build an app that allows users to
upload a picture of the item they want to buy. Then, the app
will scan through many online stores and find the lowest price
for the item . This way, the user gets the best possible deal.

Ethnicity Detection Model
Race breakdown is an essential part of customer segmentation
in companies. However, it isn’t always easy to access this data
as it isn’t publicly available.
You can build an ethnicity detection model that detects a
person’s ethnicity from their picture.

Image to Pencil Sketch App

In this advanced level artificial intellignece project, you can
create a web application that converts an image uploaded by
a user into a pencil sketch.

Sign Language Recognition App with

Sometimes, it can be challenging to communicate with people
who have hearing disabilities. Learning sign language can be
complicated, and it isn’t a skill most of us have.
In this project, you can build a sign-language recognition app
in Python.

Detecting Violence in Videos

Videos displaying violence or sensitive content are harmful and
can negatively impact a person’s mental health. Videos like
this on social media should be marked with a trigger warning
or censored for individuals who don’t like to view violent
In this project, you can build a deep learning model that
detects violence in videos and automatically generates a
warning, informing users to watch it at their own risk.

Blindness Detection
You will create a machine learning model to support disease
diagnosis in this project. You'll use tonnes of images acquired
in rural regions to aid in the automatic detection of diabetic
retinopathy. The model will help prevent blindness and detect
other future diseases, such as glaucoma and macular

Improved Detection of Elusive Polyps

The project aims to create a machine learning model that will
aid the GI in detecting polyps in the area under observation,
thereby overcoming the problem of incomplete detection. The
developed CNN model relies on an architecture that integrates
temporal logic with a single frame detector to get more
precise outcomes.

Plant Disease Classifier

In this AI project, you will create an AI application that can
detect plant illnesses by implementing a deep learning model.
You will use the Pytorch framework and a Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) architecture to implement the deep learning

Reverse Image Lodging

This project in AI uses an image similarity-based
recommendation system to help people choose their favorite
Airbnb accommodation. Use the Inside Airbnb dataset from
Airbnb, which contains an entire list of apartments in the
United States. You can use the urllib2 library to scrape photos
and other information from Airbnb apartments in KSA.

Iris Flowers Classification ML Project
This is one of the most simple machine learning projects with
Iris Flowers being the simplest machine learning datasets in
classification literature.
The goal of this machine learning project is to classify the
flowers into among the three species – virginica, setosa, or
versicolor based on length and width of petals and sepals.

MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification

To begin working in these areas, you need to begin with a
simple and manageable dataset like the MNIST dataset. It is
difficult to work with image data over flat relational data and
as a beginner, we suggest you can pick up and solve the
MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification Challenge. The MNIST
dataset is too small to fit into your PC memory and is
beginner-friendly. However, handwritten digit recognition will
challenge you.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis Using

Twitter Dataset
ocial media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit
generate huge amounts of big data that can be mined in
various ways to understand trends, public sentiments, and
opinions. Social media data today has become relevant for
branding, marketing, and business as a whole. A sentiment
analyzer learns about various sentiments behind a “content
piece” (could be IM, email, tweet, or any other social media
post) through machine learning and predicts the same using

Reyad Bike Ride Request Demand Forecast

At Reyad , choosing the right forecasting methodology for a

use case like bike ride request demand is dependent on
several factors like how much data is available, the business
requirements, and other external factors such as weather play
a vital role. In this machine learning project, you will choose
the best machine learning approach to predict Ola bike ride
request demand for a given latitude and longitude for future
time duration.

Table Reservation Graphically App
Few are very specific when it comes to sitting at the table of
the restaurant or maybe because of privacy, or a special date
it could be any occasion. For them, it is perfect; mobile app
development that should consider this fabulous idea to create
an app. The best part- you can add is to show them
graphically and let them choose the table they want.

Home Security App

A home security app enables users to control all the security
devices at their homes or offices.
Such devices include burglar alarms, surveillance cameras,
and motion sensor alarms. Users can access videos of past
and present occurrences via the app.

Augmented Reality App

Not everyone is creative when it come to interior designs. Most

people have a hard time deciding which color is perfect for
their apartment, where to hang the picture frames, where the
furniture should be, and the general arrangement of things
becomes difficult for them.
With Augmented Reality, users can take pictures with their
phones and virtually place 3D models of items in the
apartment, which can be viewed from different angles.
AR app enables users to have a picture in mind of what the
arrangement of an apartment will look like without having to
purchase the items required for the actual arrangement and
interior design.

Room Cleaning Service App

Due to their busy schedules, many people do not have to clean

ther apartments, cars, clothes, and workspace. This trend is
common among professionals, students, and business people.
You can prefer solutions to them by creating a room clearing
service app that will be replete with every possible house
clearing service they may require.
The app can be designed so that the users can access various
cleaners who need clients to hire them from their clearing


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