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Assalamualaikum wr. wb

First of all, Let us be grateful for the chance to be able to stand here in a healthy body and mind
in this nice morning, all thanks to the Almighty Allah SWT. I also would like to thank my respectable
teachers and my beloved friends here for taking their little time to sit here listening to my speech.

Today we celebrate Youth Pledge day in which on this date, exactly ninety-five years ago, the
Indonesian youth pledged and declared for one motherland, one nation and one language. With this
declaration, there was also “Indonesia Raya” song, the Indonesian national anthem created by W.R.
Soepratman, played for the first time. It is a very importance moment in Indonesia history. If we look
back to the hard time of the struggle in fighting for the independence of this country, Indonesian young
men had so many enthusiasms to fight for Indonesian independence. They did not hesitant to do
anything in their power for their country. And we as their legacy, must continue their fight. Because the
fight did not stop when the Independence was already in our hands. There are so many things to do for
our country for it to grow and to be prosperous. So, what can we do?

The first most important thing to do is that we must be proud of our country. We live in the
globalization era where the cultures from all around the world mixed with ours. Even, sometimes
Indonesian youth these days has adopted those cultures and left our culture behind. Like the way they
act, how they dress, and also their way of thinking. They have been too influenced with the outside
cultures and I am afraid that they will eventually forget their culture where they were first brought to. It
is time we are proud of our own culture. It is an invaluable inheritance that must be preserved. If we
open our mind to look closely, we will find that our culture is more exquisite than others. It is alright to
adopt some of the outside cultures, but do not forget our hard earned culture.

Youth Pledge day reminds us, over and over again to realize that, even when the years has
passed, even when we have already adopted many outside cultures, we have to be proud of our country,
the place where we were born. And if we are already proud of our country, then the next step is easy,
dream high. Yes, it might be not related at a first glance. After all, what benefit would our dream bring to
the country. But our proud feeling, whether we know it or not, will influence our thinking, and
consequently, our dreams. Say that one of my friends here wants to be a doctor. Someday she or he will
become a doctor. A doctor who is proud of her or his country will do the best on his or her work and will
then make the country proud. It is really a nice circle, isn’t it.

Well, that all that I can deliver in my speech today. Be proud and dream high, those are a little
piece of mind on how to continue the legacy of the Indonesian Youth who had bravely declare and
declared for one motherland, one nation and one language. Thank you for your attention,

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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