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Page 1: Introduction to Biology

Biology is the scientific study of life and living organisms, ranging from single-
celled microbes to complex multicellular organisms. It encompasses various
disciplines such as genetics, ecology, physiology, and evolution.

Page 2: Cell Structure and Function

Cells are the basic units of life. They vary in size, shape, and function but share
common structures such as the cell membrane, nucleus, and organelles. Key
concepts include cell theory, types of cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic), and
cellular processes like metabolism and reproduction.

Page 3: Genetics and Heredity

Genetics explores the principles of inheritance and variation in organisms.

Topics include DNA structure, gene expression, Mendelian genetics, genetic
disorders, and modern techniques like genetic engineering and genomics.

Page 4: Ecology and Ecosystems

Ecology studies the relationships between organisms and their environment. It

includes levels of organization (population, community, ecosystem), interactions
(predation, competition, symbiosis), energy flow, nutrient cycles, and
conservation biology.

Page 5: Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary biology examines how organisms change over time through

natural selection, genetic drift, and other mechanisms. Topics include evidence
for evolution, speciation, adaptation, and the impact of evolutionary processes
on biodiversity and human health.

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