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Table of Contents:
AWS Cloud Virtual Internship:1.AWS Academy Cloud Foundations [82367]
2.AWS Academy Cloud Architecting [82369]

1.AWS Academy Cloud Foundations [82367]

Module Module Contents Date PageNo

Module 1 Cloud Concepts Overview

1. 1.Introduction to cloud computing
2. 2.Advantages of cloud computing
3. 3.Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
4. 4.Moving to the AWS Cloud –The AWS
5. Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)
Module 2 Cloud Economics and Billing
1.Fundamentals of pricing
2.Total Cost of Ownership
3.AWS Organizations
4.AWS Billing and Cost Management
5.Console Demonstration - Billing Dashboard
6.Technical support
Module 3 AWS Global Infrastructure Overview
1.AWS Global Infrastructure
2.AWS services and service category overview
Module 4 AWS Cloud Security
1.AWS shared responsibility model
2.AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
3.Console Demonstration - Identity and Access
4.Securing a new AWS account
5.Securing accounts
6.Securing data on AWS Working to
ensure compliance
Module Module Contents Date Page No
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Module 5 1.Networking and Content Delivery

1.Networking basics
2.Amazon VPC
3.Console Demonstration - VPC Wizard
4.VPC networking
5.VPC security
6.Amazon Route 53
7.Amazon CloudFront
Build your VPC and Lanch a web Server (Lab-2)
Module 6 Compute
1.Compute services overview
2.Amazon EC2
3.Console Demonstration - EC2
4.Introduction to Amazon EC2(Lab-3)
5.Amazon EC2 cost optimization
6.Container services
7.Introduction to AWS Lambda
8.Activity - AWS Lambda
9.Introduction to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
10.Activity - AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Module 7 Storage
1.Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
2.Console Demonstrations - EBS
3.Working with EBS(Lab-4)
3.Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
4.Console Demonstration S3
5.Console Demonstrations - S3 and EFS
6.Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
7.Console Demonstrations - S3 and EFS
8.Amazon Simple Storage Service Glacier
9.Console Demonstrations - Glacier
Module 8 Databases
1.Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon
2.Console Demonstration - RDS
3.Bulid a Database Server (Lab-5)
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4.Amazon DynamoDB
5.Console Demonstration - DynamoDB
6.Amazon Redshift
7.Amazon Aurora
Module 9 Cloud Architecture
1. AWS Well
2. Architected Framework
3. Reliability and availability
4.AWS Trusted Advisor
Module 10 Automatic Scaling and Monitoring
1.Elastic Load Balancing
2.Amazon CloudWatch
3.Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
4.Scale & Load Balance your Architecture

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