History 101 Lecture Notes

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Page 1: Introduction to History

History is the study of past events, societies, cultures, and their impact on the
present. It uses primary and secondary sources to reconstruct and interpret
historical narratives.

Page 2: Ancient Civilizations

Ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome laid the
foundations for modern society. Topics include political systems, social
structures, art, architecture, religion, and contributions to science and

Page 3: Medieval Europe

The medieval period in Europe saw the rise and fall of feudalism, the spread of
Christianity, the Crusades, and the development of institutions like universities
and guilds. Topics include the Byzantine Empire, Islamic civilization, and the

Page 4: Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration (15th-17th centuries) marked European expansion

overseas, spurred by trade, colonization, and technological advancements.
Topics include explorers, trade routes, colonization of the Americas, and
interactions between cultures.

Page 5: Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution transformed economies and societies through

mechanization, urbanization, and social change. Topics include inventions
(steam engine, textile industry), social impacts (urbanization, labor conditions),
and the rise of capitalism.

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