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Page 1: Introduction to Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It examines

cognition, emotion, perception, personality, and developmental processes across
the lifespan.

Page 2: Biological Basis of Behavior

The brain and nervous system play crucial roles in behavior. Topics include
neurons, neurotransmitters, brain structures (cerebral cortex, limbic system), and
how biological factors influence behavior and mental health.

Page 3: Learning and Behaviorism

Learning theories such as behaviorism explore how behaviors are acquired and
modified through conditioning (classical and operant conditioning),
reinforcement, punishment, and observational learning.

Page 4: Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology investigates mental processes like memory, problem-

solving, decision-making, language, and perception. Topics include cognitive
development, information processing models, and cognitive biases.

Page 5: Social Psychology

Social psychology examines how social influences, attitudes, conformity,

prejudice, group dynamics, and interpersonal relationships shape behavior and

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