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18 Tngonometry
12. The number ofoolutions
so of 12 cos cos*t4o
Single Correct Answer Type is
(2) 2
(1) 0
(3) infinite (4) none of these
1. If sin = and cos 0= then the general value of 13. Number of solutionss of the equation sin x+coS x
0 is (n e Z) -2V2 sin x cos x=0 for xE[0, n] is
5 (2) 0 (3) 1
(1) 2n+ (2) 2n7+ (1) 3 (4) 2
6 6 tan 5x- tan 4X
solution of
14. The general 1+ tan 5x tan 4x =l is
(3) 2n+ (4) 2n+
6 4

(1) nn+ 1 ne Z (2) nnt

2. The mnost general value for which tane=-1, cos 0=
is (n e Z)
4 ,neZ
(4) nn=
(1) n++
4 (2) nz+ (-y"
7n (3) ¢ 6 ,nez
15. Consider the equations:
(3) 2n + (4) none of these x sin atysin 2atz sin 3a= sin 4a
x sin b + ysin 2b +z sin 3b = sin

3c = sin 4c
3. Sum of roots of the equation x -2x sin +1=0is x sin c ty sin 2c+z sin
20 Then the roots of the equation
(1) 0 (2) 2 a (3)1 t (4) 3
4. The number of solutions of the pair of equations
2 4 8
#nn) are
2sin - cos2 =0 and 2cos -3sin =0 in the interval (1) cos a, cos b, cos c (2) sin a, sin b. sin c
[0, 2r] is (3) sin 2a, sin 2b, sin 2c (4) cos 2a, cos 26, cos 2.
(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 4 16. The number of solutions of the equation sin 26-2 0
5. Number of solutions of equation 2sincosx +4 sin 0 = 4in [0, 5] isequal to
2ak (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) S (4) 6
2sin ssin x= cosx- sin xfor xe [0, 4z] is
2 17. The number of distinct real roots of the equation
(1) 6 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) 12 tan
=-V3 is
6. Number of solutions of the equation 4(cos2x + cos2 x + 1) x+x+1
+ tan x (tan x - 2V3) = 0in [0, 2] is (1) 4 (2) 5
(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 3 (3) 6 (4) none of these
7. Let 0 <0,<8,< 0,<...denote the positive solution of the 18. The smallest positive value ofx (in radians) satistying
equation 3 +3 cos =2 sin 0. The value of 0, + 0, is
(1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 87aa(4) 47 equation logcos x sin x =2- logsectan x), is
8. Assume that is a rational multiple of rsuch that cos is
a distinct rational. The number of valuesof cos is (1) (2) (3)
12 6 4
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6
9. If x,y e [0, 2] and sinx + siny = 2, then the value of
19. The number of solution of sin'y - cos?x sinx +2s
+ sinx =0in 0 <xS3ris
xty is (4) 6
(2) 2
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5
(1) n 20. The range ofy such that the equation inx,yt cosr=
(4) none of these
(3) 3r has a real solution is
V3 +1 -l= 0 (1) -2,2] (2) - V2, V2]
10. Number of roots of cos'x + 2 sinx 4
(3) -1,1] (4) -1/2, 1/2]
which lie in the interval (-, T] is
21. +coSt
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 8 Solution of the equation sin(VI +sin 20) =
(ne Z)
11. The sum of all the solutions of cot = sin 20 (0# nT.
n is integer), 0 S 0s, is (1) nt (2) nn +
4 12
(1) 3/2 (2) n (3) 34 (4) 27
(3) nnt (4) none of these
Trigonometrlc Lquatlons 4.19

ofthegeneral solutionsN of4 sin 0sin 20sin 40 sin A0 a () I5r (2) 30x
22. One
10070 (4) nonc of these
Vn ez
() (Gn 1) e'12,Vnez (3)
(2) (nt ) *9,Vnez 33, General solution of sin'x-5 sinx coNX6
(3) (3n 4 ) 9,Vnez () x n4, n eZonly
() (Gn t 1) 3, (2) n+tan 6, ne Zonly
general solution of the cquation 8 cosx cos 2x cos 4x
23. Theov/sinx is (3) both () and (2)
-sin (4) noncof these
() (nn7) +(n2), Vne 2 34. The totalnumber of solution of sin'x t
cos"xsinx cosx
()2n7) +(*'14), VneZ in [0, 2x) is cqual to
(3) X (0n7) +(n'14), Vne z (1)2 b (2) 4
(4) x (t)t (r/14), Vne Z (3) 6 (4) none of these
tan 70 tanOtan 40
sin' - cos'e cos 0
-2 tan 0 cot0 lif 35. General solution of tan0 + tan40+
24, sin 0-cOs 0 tan 70 is
1+ cor'o () 0n/12, whcre n eZ
(2) 0n/9, whecre ne Z
(3) 0nn+ r/12, where ne Z
(4) none of these
36. The general solution of tan 0 + tan 20+ tan 30 0
25, For0<x,y<, the number ofordered pairs (, )satisfying (1) 0 nr/6, ne Zonly
the system of equations cot(r )-(1+ V3) cot (r -y) (2) On , ne Z, where tan a= 1/N2 only
(3) Botlh a and b
N=0 and cos y= is (4) none of these
() 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 3 37. The number of solutions of sec'0+ cosec'0+2 coscc'0 8,
0s0so2 is
26. The least positive solution of cot () 4 (2) 3 (3) 0 (4) 2
in 38. Which of the following is true for
z= (3+ 2i sin 0) /(1-2i sin O), where im I?
(5) (1) zis purely real for 0=nT± 3, ne Z
(2) z is purely imaginary for 0=nTt /2, ne Z
(4) (3) z is purely real for nI, nE Z
(4) none of these
27. The number of real roots of the equation
cosee e+ sec 0- V15 = 0 lying in [0, x] is 39. The number of solutions of sin.x+ sin 2r + sin 3.x
COS + cos 2x t cos 3r, 0Sxs 2r, is
(1) 6 (2) 8 (3)4 o (4)0
(1) 7 (2) 5 (3) 4 e(4) 6
28. If0 <xs 2n, then the number of solutions of
3(sinx +cosx) - 2(sin'x+ cos'r) = 8 is 40. Nunnber of solutions of the cquation cos* 2r + 2sin 2x
(4) 4 -17 (cos x+ sin x),0<x< 2r is
(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2
() 4 (2) S (3) 10 (4) 16
29. If2 sin' (/2) cos?x) = 1- cos(r sin 2x), x* (2n + 1) m2,
ne l, then cos 2r is cqual to 41, The number of values of 0 in the interval
() 1/5 (2) 3/5 (3) 4/5 (4) I

30. The number of solutions of the cquation cos 6x + tan'r satisfying thc cquation (V3 = tan' 0+ 2 tan² 0 is
+ cos 6r tanx =1 in the interval [0, 2r] is
(1) 4 (3) 6 (4) 7
() 2 (2) 4 (3) 0 (4) I
(2) 5
The number of solutions of the equation sin'x cosx 42. The value ofkifthe equation 2cosx +cos 2kv 3 has only
One solution is
t sinxcosr + sinx cos'r= l in the interval [0, 2r] is/are (1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 2 (4) /2
(l) o (2) 2
(3) 3 (4) infinite 43, Number of' solution(s) satistying the equation
S2. The sum of all the solutions of the equation sinx sin 2x sin 4x
in [0, 4r] equals
() 0 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 6
4.20 Trigonometry
44. The number of roots of (1 - tan 0) (1 + sin 20) = 1 + tan 8 53. One of the general
solutions ofV3cos 0- 3sin
for e [0, 2x] is cos 30 is 8=4 sin
(1) 3 (1) mr+ /18, me Z (2) m2 + 6, mez
(2) 4 (4) none of these
(3) 5 (4) none of these (3) m u3 + /18, m e Z
cos'x +sin 2x + a=0 iss
54. The equation sin'x +
45. If tan(A B)=land sec(A + B) = 2/N3, then the smallest
positive values ofAand B, respectively, are (1) -5/2 < as 1/2(2) -3sas1 solvable
(3) -3/2<as I/2(4) -1<asI
251 197 197 25r
(1) (2) 55. The total number of solutions of cosx = NI- sin r
24 24 24 24
3 1 137 ato aou 137 31noo [0, 2r] is equal to
(3) (4) (1) 2 (2) 3
24 24 24 2 4 0
(3) 5 (4) none of these
46. If 3 tan(0 15°) = tan(0 + 15), then is equal to (n e Z)
(1) nn+ (2) nn+ 56. The total number of solutions of cotx = cotr +
45Ast xe [0, 31], is equal to
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 0
(3) nT t (4) none of these
3 57. Let a and B be any two positive values of x for whi:
47. If tan30 + tan = 2 tan 20, then is equal to (n e Z) 2cosx, cosx, and 1- 3cosx are in G.P. The minimi
value of | a-B|is
(1) nt (2) 4
(1) (2) 4
(4) none of these
(3) I ( 4 ) none of these
cot'x-6=0 is
48. The solution of 4sin'x + tan'x + cosec'x + 2
(ne Z) 58. The number of values of 0 satisfying 4 cos 6+3 sin 8=5
as well as 3 cos +4 sin =5 is
(1) nn+ (2) 2nnt
(1) one (2) two
(4) none of these
(3) zero
(3) nn + (4) nT
3 6
59. The general solution of cosr cos 6x =-lis
equatione (2) r=2n,n e Z
49. The set of values ofx satisfying the (1) x=(2n + 1) t, nE Z
(4) none of these
) is
sin 3a =4sin a sin(r + a) sin(x (3) x= nN, nE Z
(2) n7± 3, neZ cos(0) - cos(7ö
(1) nn# N4, neZ neZ 60. The number of solutions the eauation
n1± /12,
(3) nn± 9, n eZo (4) has
(4) infinie
solutions of 4 sin"x + cosx = 1is (1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 1
50. One of the general 2)sin8+3
(1/5), Vne Zhoeoo 61. Let 0e [0, 4] satisfy the equation (sin0+of8isofk
(1) nn± a2, a cos
(3/5), Vne Z (sin 0 + 4) = 6. If the sum of all the values
(2) nn+ a2, aF cos
cos (1/3), VneZ form kz, then the value of k is
(3) 2n7t a2, a = (1) 6 (2) 5 (3) 4
(4) 2
(4) none of + 1)
Z, the general solution of (V3- 1) sin 0 +(V3 62. The number of solutions of
51. Forn e interval [O, 2x] is
cos =2 is (n e Z) (4) 10
(2) O=nT+ (-1)" (1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 5
4 12 equal
(1) 0= 2n7t +
63. If cos 3x + sin 2r---2, then ais
(3) 9=2n74 (4) O=nn +(- 1)" 4 12
() (6k +) (2)

52. The value

of cosy (--c-)
(3) (Qk+) (4) none of
is zero if
cOsx + siny
(3-:)led (2) y=0udd
+ cosx sin
64. The general solution of the equation :
(1) 2nT+
(2) nn+,nel
(1) x=0pe 1 (ne Z) ,nel
(4) ntty- 4 (3) nT+ (4) 21n1 -7:
(3) x=y 4
Trigonometric Equations 4.21

of all the solutions

pairs which satisfy the equation
The sum
in [0, 47 of the equation 75. The number of ordered (where ye [0, 2])
65. t 2r sin(ry) + 1=0 are (4) 0
cos x+ is
tanx t cotxtl= (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3
(3) 7/2 equations in x, y, and z:
(1) 3Tbn
(2) 2 (4) 4n 76. Consider the system of linear
solutions of log,|sinx] =-+2r in (sin 30) xr-y+z=0
total number of
66. The to (cos 20) xt4y +3z =0
[0, ] is equal 2x+ 7y + 72 =0
(2) 2 values of 0 for which
(1) 1 Which of the following can be the
(4) none of these solution?o mse
(3) 4 a the system has a non-trivial
solutions of sin {x} =cos {x} (where (1) nn (-1Y" r/6, Vne Z
67. The total number of to
part) in [0, 2x] is equal
3 denotes the fractional (2) nT+(-1y' /3,tneZ 8
Sacsen (2) 6 toed Z o0dme ohbn
(1) 5
Ceic)o(4) none of these
(3) nn+(-1Y r9, Vne
(3) 8 (4) none of t h e s e ) n e
+a=0 can be solved if
77. The equation sin'x-2cosx(2)
satisfying|4 sinx 1|<\5
68. The set of
is given by lxin2 3z
(1) V3 sasv3
Dn (3)1sasl
(4) None of these
(2) 10 10 cosr t a> 1+ cosx holds for
78. If the inequality sinx ta negative integral value of a is
( any x e R, then the largest
(2) -3 (3) -2 (4) -1
3t (4) none of these (1) 4
value ofx for any value of
79. sin:r+ cosr =y'-y+a has no
+ 2 sin 1=0 are of y ifa belongs to
69. If roots of the equation 2r-t4xo s o t (E) (1) (0, V3) (2) (-V3, 0)
opposite sign, then belongs (4) (V3, co)
(3) (-oo, -N3)
()) +[-cosx] (where [-] denotes the
t cosx=3 +[- sinx]
80. The number of solutions of [sinxgreatest integer function),
13 17n cinun ( xE[0, 2r], is
(3 (4) (0, ) (3) infinite (4)
6 (1) 0 (2) 4
will have a solution
81. The equation cosr + bcos'x + 1 =0
70. If|2 sin cosec > 1 and , InE Z, then if b belongs to
(2) [2, o)
(1) e,
(2) cos20> 14 (- , 2
-2] ] 2
(1) cos20> 1/2 (4) none of these
(3) cos2e< 1/2 (4) cos 20< 1/4 82. The number of values of y in [- 27,
2n] satisfying the
solution of the equation equation |sin 2x + |cos 2x siny| is
71. Which of the following is not the
sin 5x 16 sin'x (n e Z? (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6
83. If both the distinct roots of the equation |sinx + |sinx
(1) nn (2) nTtsdn +b=0in [0, ] are real, then the values of bare
(1) -2, 0] (2) (-2, 0)
(3) nn (4) none of these
(4) none of these
(3) [-2, 0)
equationh &4. sin xl + e sin x + 4a =0 will have exactly four different
lk. The number of solutions of the
solutions in [0, 2r if
=1 in [0, ] i s 0
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4hobi (4) 5 (1) aeR

cosx-x+=0 lies in the (4) none of these

e root of the equation 2 (3)
85. The equation tan'x 2 sec»x +a=0will have at least one
(2) solution if
(1) 1<as4 (2) a>2
(3) (3) as3 (4) none of these
14. The smallest positive xsatisfyingthe equation 86 The total number of ordered pairs (r, y) satisfying
x+yl=2, sin (x3) = 1,is equal to
lOBcosy Sin x+log.n cosx =(3)
2 is4 4 ) n/6 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 6
(1) 2 (2) /3
4.22 Trigonometry
exactly four
87. Ifa, be [0, 2n and the eauation x²+4+3
sin(ar + b) 2r 6. Ifsin-2 sinx-| =0 has different
=0 has at least one solution, then the value of (a t+ b) can
in xe [0, nz], then value/values of nis/are
(1) 5 (2) 3 (3) 4
(ne Ny
(4) 6
smallest positive values of x
(1) 7. For the andy, the
2(sinx+ siny) -2 cos(x-y) =3 has a solution.
thenequawhiik c
2 (2)
97 of the following is/are true?
(3) (4) none of these
(1) sin x+)
88. The
sum of allroots of sin z logI=0 in (0, 2r) is
(1) 3/2 (2) 4 (3) 9/2 (4) 13/3
(3) number of ordered pairs (x, y) is 2
89. Find the number of pairs of integer (x, y) that satisfy the
(4) number of ordered pairs (, y) is 3
following two equations: cos (xy) =xoh 8. Forthe equation -2r-= - tan'(r
+y) +cot(r
tan (xy)) =yua exactly one value ofx exists +y)
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 4 (4) 6 (1)
90. If no solution of 3 siny+ 12 sin'x = a lies on the line (2) exactly two values of xexists
y=3x, then (3) y=- + nt+ n4, n e Z
(1) ae (-, -9) U(9, ) (4) y=1+nn+ 4, ne Z
(2) ae [-9,9] 9. Ifx+y= r4 and tanx +tany= 1, then (ne Z)
(3) ae -9,9} (1) sinx =0 always
(4) none of these (2) whenx=nnt 4 then y=-nt
(3) whenx= nt then y= nT+ (r4)
Multiple Correct Answers Type (4) when x= nIt 4then y= nt-(T4)
10. Ifx +y= 2r3 and sinx/siny = 2, then the
1. If4 sin'x + cosx= 1, then xis equal to (n e Z) (1) number of values of xe [0, 4n] are 4
2 (2) number of values ofx e [0, 4n] are 2
(1) nn (2) nnt sin
(3) number of values ofy e [0, 4n] are 4
2nn (4) number of values ofy e [0,4 are 8
(3) (4) 2n±
3 4 11. Let tanx tan'x >0and |2sinx< 1. Then the intersectin
2. If sine+sin cos + cos'0 = 1, then is equal to (n e Z) of which of the following two sets satisfies both t:
(1) 2nn (2) 2n+ (1) x>nn, nE Z (2) x>nt T6, n e Z
(3) x<nn 4, ne Z (4) x<nt+ r6, ne Z
(3) 2nn (4) n1
2 12. If cos(r + a3) + cosx = a has real solutions, then
3. Ageneral solution of tan + cos20 = 1l is (n e Z) (1) number of integral values of aare 3
(2) sum of number of integral values of a is 0
(1) nT -- (2) 2nt+
4 (3) whena= 1, number of solutions for xe [0,2]are3
(4) when a= 1, number of solutions for x'e [0, 2r] are2
(3) nI+ (4) nn
4 1
13. If0sr< 21. then 2cosecx -y+1s/2
4. If sinx t cosx= + for xe[0, n], then (1) is satisfied by exactly one value of y
(1) x=4 (2) y=0 (2) is satisfied by exactly two value of x
(3) y = 1 e (4) x=3r/4 (3) is satisfied by xfor which cosx =0
(4) is satisfied by x for which sinx = 0
5. The equation 2sin|cosx =l -cos (r sin 2x) is 14. If sin x-a sinx + b= 0 has only one solution in (0,a
satisfied by then which of the following statements are correct?
(1) ae- , 1]U [2, oo)
(1) x=(2n + 1),ne Z (2) tan =ne
x Z
(2) be(- , 0]U[1, oo)
(3) a= 1 +b
(4) x= 2 "EZ
(3) tan x=-7EZ (4) none of these
Trigonometric Equatlons 4.23

sin 30+(2 sin 20-3) (sin 0- cos 0)

+(cot 8+ V3).x +cos?3n 23. Thecpression cos 30+
-)holds tue
2 is positive for all Oin
forallreal;. thenthe most general vvalues of can be given 3r
(2) 2nr+

(3)2nrt (4) nt
) 2n- 2nr +
r-2r+b22 for allthe real values ofxsl and
I6 I'(sinc) ), then the
(0, a2) U(12, possible real values ofb
is are
() 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 24. The solutions of the equation l+ (sinx - cosx)
satistying =2 coy? 2 is/are
12. The value ofx in (0, n2)
sinx COS
nT -,ne Z
V2is (2) x= +
() x=+neZ 2 16
(2) (3) 24(4) 3
() 12 36 7
(3) x= eZ (4) x= 8
Ifcos 30= cos 3a, then the value of sin can be given by
such that (x + y) and
25. Ifx and y are positive acute angles |=0, then
(1) t sina (r-y) satisfy the equation tan -4 tan 0 +

(3) sin () X=onet (2) y=7

19, \Which of the following sets can be the subset

of the (3) y=:6 (4) X
general solution ofl+ cos 3r=2 cos2r (ne Z2
sinxsin yy =
() nr+ (2) ntt 26. The solutions of the system of cquations 4
cOSTCOS V= are
(3) na (4) 2n
(1) x=+(2n+k); , kel
20. The values ofx, between 0 and 2z, satistying the equation 3 2
cos3r+cos2r= sin 2. are
(2) y=+k-2n);n,
9 13r
5 (4)
); ()7 (3) 7 (3) x= 6 (2n
2 +k);n,k el
21. Which of the following set of values of x satisfies the n,kel
eouation 2sin'x-3 sinx+1) 4(2- 2sin'x +3sin x) = 92 (4) y=+k-21);
3 2

(1) x=ntt,ne l (2) x=nTt,neI 27. Let/() =cos(a, +x) +cos(a, +) +tcos(a, +a)
+...+ cos (4, t ) where a), a, ... a, ¬R.
(3) x=n, ne I (4) x=2nr+,nel
Iff(r) =fr,) =0, then , - | may be equal to
22. If0 <xs2r and lcosx S sin.x, then (1) n (2) 2r (3) 37 (4) n/2
(1) the set of all Ivalues of xis 28. The cquation 2sin0+ (22-3)sin 0- (32+2)sin -22=0
has exactly three roots in (0, 2), then can be equal to
() 0 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) -1
(2) the number of solutions that are integral multiple of 2
29. The system of equations tanx=acot x, tan 2r=b cos y
is four
is r (1) cannot have a solution if a=0
(3) the sum of the largest and the smallest solution (2) cannot have a solution ita = 1
(4) the set of all values (3) cannot have a solution if 2va >b(l - a)
(4) has a solution for all a andb
4.24 Trigonometry
9. The number of values
ofy e [0, 2r], when
solution for permissible values of a, are the
30. If cos x+
cos (1+ tan² 2y) (3 +sin 3z) =4, then (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 systen
(1) xis an integral multiple of t For Problems 10-12
(4) 5
(2) x cannot be an even multiple ofn
(3) zis an integral multiple of t Consider the equation ( -81 +13)dt =x sinlals
(4) y is an integral multiple of r/2 real values of x for whích
10. The number of the equation
31. Number of real solutions of the equation (tan xt solution is
1) (2) 2
(tan x+ 3)(tan x + 5) (tan x+ 7) =33 (1) 1
(1) will be two in the interval -2, T2] (3) 3 eeo (4) infinite
(2) will be four in the interval [- /2, T2] 11. Ifxtakes the values for which the equation has a
(3) will be three in the interval [-2, ) then the number of values of a e [0. 1001 is solu
(4) will be four in the interval -n/2, ) (1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 5 (4) 3
12. One of the solutions of ly - cos al <x.
Linked Comprehension Type values that satisfy the given equation, is where xand a
For Problems 1-3 (1) ye 5,7] (2) ye E7, 5]
Consider the cubic equation x -(1 + cos +sin ) x + 3) ye [5, 7] (4) none of these
(cos sin +cos For Problems 13-15
+sin ) x sin cos =0 whose roots are
Consider the system of equations
1. The value of x+x x cos' y + 3x cosy siny = 14
(1) 1 +xequalstse f
(2) 2 x sin' y + 3x cos'y siny = 13
(3) 2 cos (4) sin O (sin +cos ) 13. The value/values ofx is/are
2. The number of values of 0 in [0, 2z] for which at least two (1) +5\5 (2) ± \5
roots are equal (3) + 1/N5 (4) none of these
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 14. The number of values ofy e [0, 61] is
3. The greatest possible difference between two of the roots (1) 5 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 6
if 0 e[0, 2x] is 15. The value of sin'y + 2cos'y is
(1) 2 (2) 1 (3) V2 (4) (1) 4/5 (2) 9/5
For Problems 46
(3) 2 (4) none of these
Consider the equation For Problems 16-18
sec + cosec =a, 0e (0, 2) - {r2, T, 3r2}
Let S, be the set of all those solutions of the equatia
4. If the equation has four distinct real roots,then (1 +a) cos® cos(20- b)= (1+acos 20) cos(0-b)
(1) <a> 2V2 (2) la< < 2V2 which are independent of a and b and S, be the set of all sud
(3) a>-2V2 (4) none of these solutions which are dependent on a and b. Then
5. If the equation has two distinct real roots, then 16. The set S, and S, are
(1) la >2V2 (2) a<2V2
(3) lal<2N2
() {n7,n eZ} and
(4) none of these
6. If the equation has no real roots, then
(1) la > 2V2 (2) a<2v2
+(-1)'sin'(asin b) +b;neZ
(3) la<<2V2 (4) none of these
For Problems 7-9
) nez}and nr +(-1)' sin- (asinbj:ne2}
Consider the system of equations sinb ue
Sinx cos2y = (a 1) + 1, cosx sin2y
7. The number of values of a for which
the system has a

~nez md
none these
n +(-1)' sin
solution is 17. oitslo on a and bsuchthat
Condition that should be imposed
(2) 2 is non
1) 1 (4) infinite empty is
(3) 3
8. The number of values ofx e [0,
2], when the system has (2)
solution for permissible values of a, (4) 4 (3) (a sin b|s 1 (4) none of these
(1) 1 (2)2 ( 3 ) 3
Trigonometric Equations 4.25
I& Allthe pemissible values ofb if a = 0 and S, is a subset
of(0,) are given by List II (Solution)
Z List I (Equation)
()) be (n 2n1). ne =7. P. 2nt +314,ne Z
2) be (-n27-nz), ne Z a. If max (5sin G+3 sin (8-a)
(3) be n , n), n e then the set of possible values
(4) none of these of ais
For Problems 19 and b. x*
b+ sin I
2cos 2r-1 (cos x-3 sin r) tan x
-, be R (cos x)z-3 sm r+2 =1
c. V(sin ) +2 cosx=0 r. 2nz + cos (1/3).
19. Equation has solutions
ne Z
S. no solution
d. log, tan x = (log, 4)
(log, (3 sin x)
4. Match the equations in List I with the number of
(2) be(-,) in List II.
List I List II
Exactly one solution
) be R a. cos aut cos br=2,(a+0.b=0) p.
b. cos I+cos (12)r -2 q. At least one solution
(4) none of these cosar+ cos bx=1.(a+0.b=0)r. No solutíon
s. Infiníte solutíons
20. For any value of b for which the equation has a solution. d. cosx+ cos I=-2
the number of solutions when xe(0.2r) are always Codes:
(1) infinite a C d
(2) depends upon the value of b (1) q p S

(2) q P I
(3) two (3) s I q p
(9) none of these (4) p q I S

5. Consider the equation sinx+ (2a-3) sinr+ (a-3a +2)

Matrix Match Type =0,xe 0. 2z) and match the following lists.
List I List II
a. Equation has one solution if p. ae (0, 1) U(2.3)
List I (Equation) List II (Solution)
b. Equation has two solutions if q. a=0.3
. Equation has three solutions if r. a=1, 2
cos2x + cos'r = 1
P. d. Equation has four solutions if S. ae (1,2)

bc d
(1) q ps r
b. cosx +V3 sin x=3 Z (2) q pI s
3) s rpq
(4) p q rs
c I-1 tanr=(1 +N3) tanxr. = (2n -1), neZ 6.
List I List II

a. The least positive root of the equation p. (0, 12)

d. tan 3.I-tan 2x-tan x=0 tan x=r lies in
b. The least positíve root of the equation q. (r2, )
6 tan x = 0.5x lies in

C. The least positive root of the equation r. (T, 312)

tan x =r lies in
List II (Number of d. The least positive root of the equations. (312, 2r)
List I(Equation) solutions) tan x=2x lies in

2. r++4x+2 sin x =0 in 0<r<2r p. 4 Codes:

b C d
b. sin cos e=2-2 2--2 g. 1
(1) r S

c. sin 2y+ cos 4x=2 r. 2 (2) r q

d. 30 |sinx =x when 0 <xS 2r S. 0 c(3) LS p 4
(4) q r r p
4.20 Trigonometry
11, Number of solutions of the cquatíon sin
Numerlcal Value Type +2sin'x +sinx 0in0Sx<3ris
1, 12. Let kbe sum of all xin the interval [0, 21)
Number of values
ofp for which equation sin'x +1+p' 3cot'x +Bcot x +3 0, then the value |such fha,
-3 psinx 0 (p >0)
2. If logoss sin x I-
has a root is 13. If0e [0, 51] and re Rsuch that 2sin of.ris
Xe -2n, 2r] is logos
cos x, then number of values of the mazímum number of values of thee
pair (r, 0)is
3. Number of roots of the equation (3 + 14, If21an'x - Ssecx1is satisfied by
2 sin'x, xe [0, 5], are cos x) 4 cractly seven t
4. Number of solution(s) of the cquation sin x sin 3x
of xe 0,2n) neN, then the yreate
cos 3x cos9x
sin 9x 15. If sinx+ sín y cos Uco%xVxe R, then sin
cos 27x -0 in the interval (o,i cqual to y*on
16, If sin (sín x + cos x) cos (cos sin ), and
5. Number of solutions of the equation (V3 + 1)+(3- 1y possible valuc of sinx is y
-2 is then the value of kis
6. Number of intecgral valuc(s) of m for which the 17. The number of solutions of the cquatíon
sinx - V3 cos x= 4m-6 has solutions, x e [0, 21], +sín x + sin 2x + sin 3x = 0, whích satisfy the
4-m onl

7. The number of solutions of the

cquation 18. The Jeast valuc of 'a' for whích
2a sin x+a-3sin 2x = 5+a has atthe leat
+cos' x - 2 cosx cos
.= sin'
in interval solution ís
19. The number of ordered paírs (, y) satisfyíng the ca
sin'(x +y) + cos(x-y)= 1whích lie on the circle
= is
8. If cos 4x = a, + a,cos'x + a,cos'x is true for all values of
xE R, then the value of 5a, + a t a, is 20. Thenumberofordered pairs (r,y) satisfyíng x sin' r+
9. Number of integral values ofa for whích the equatíon cos'x
- sinx t a=0 has roots when xe (0, r/2) is =2 sin x sin y, where xe (-I, 0) (0, ) and ye(0,14
10. Number of roots of the cquation
21. Number of solutíons of the cquatíon cos 5x %
tan (61
,un-)_ 2(0.25) -)
cos 2x
+ sin 5x =0lying in [-21, ) is
+ | =0 is

2. Forx e (0, ), the cquation sin x +2 sin 2x - sin 3r=3s
Single Correct Answer Type (1) infinitely many solutions
(2) thrcc solutions
1. Let )=x and gx) = sin x for all xe R, Then the sct of (3) one solution
all x satisfying (fogogo) () = (gogo) (r), where (fog) (x) (JEE Advanced 214
=Sg)), is (4) no solution
(1) ±/nn,ne {0, 1, 2, ...} 3. Let s=xe (-7, n) : x* 0, +2 The sum ofalldisti
(2) ± ynT ,ne (1, 2, .... solutions of the cquation V3 secx+ cosecx +2(tan-
=0 in the set S is equal to
(3) + 2n, ne {., -2, - 1, 0, 1, 2...j 7n
2 (1) 27
9 (2)
(4) 2nn, ne f., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...} (3) 0 5T
(IIT-JEE 2011) (4) 9(JEEAdvanced20le
Trigonometric Equations 4.27
Correct,Answers Type
Multiple Z= (r:gr) =0}, W= {x:g)=0}
II contains some information
List Icontains sets X.Y.Zand W. List
< e<.2 ,the solution(s) of (JEE Advanced 2019)
1. For0 regarding these sets.
Scosee 0+(n4
-lcoseco"=4/2 is(are)

List I List II
(2) /6 (3) /12 () X 310
() r4 (4) Sz/12
(IT-JEE 2009)
2. Let ,. oE
[0, 2 be such that 2cos 0(1 - sin ) = (Q) an arithmetic progression
(R) NOT an arithmetic progression
sino tanteot Jcos p-1, tan(2r- 9)>0 and (V) W
(S) 2
-1<sin 8< Then p cannot s a t i s f n i 6' 6 6
(2) T 4 (T)
() 0<p<
37 (U) I 3r
3 2
2 -<9<2Mo
(IIT-JEE 2012) 2. Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination?
Linked Comprehension Type (1) IV(Q), (T) (2) II-(R), (U)
(3) III-(P), (Q),(U) (4) IV-(P), (R), (S)
1. Letf() =(1-x) sin x+x for allxe R. 3. Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination?
Consider the statements:
(1) I-(0), (U) (2) I-(P), (R)
P:There exists some xe Rsuch thatf) +2x= 2(1 +x). (4) II-(R), (S)
0:There exists somexe Rsuch that 2{(x) +l=2x(1 +r). (3) II-(Q),(T)
Then Numerical Value Type
(1) both P and O are true (2) Pis true and is false 1. The number of all possible values of 0, where 0<0<,
(3) Pis false and is true (4) both P and O are false for which the system of equations
(IT-JEE 2012) (y+) cos 30 =(yz) sin 30
Matrix Match Type 2cos 30 2 sin 30
1. Match the statements/expressions in List I with the x sin 30=
statements/expressions in List II.
(ryz) sin 30=(+ 22) cos 30+y sin30
List I List II
has a solution ( Y0, Zo) with yo 0 is
a. Root(s) of the equation (IT-JEE 2010)
2sin' +sin' 20=2 6(6)
b. Points of discontinuity of the functionoD bod 2. The number of values of in the interval such
,where [y] denotes that for n = 0, ± 1, ±2 and tan 6 = cot 50 as well
the largest integer less than or equal to y as sin 20= cos 40 is (IT-JEE 2010)
c. Volume of the parallelepiped with its
edges represented by the vectors T 3 3. The number of distinct solutions of the equation
i+j,i+2jand i+j+zk 5
cos 2x + cosx + sin'xt cosrt sin°x 2 in the
d. Angle between vectors @ and b where
,b and are unit vectors satisfying interval [0, 2z]i s . (JEE Advanced 2015)
+b+N3c =0
4. Let a, b, c be three non-zero real numbers such that the
t. I
(IIT-JEE 2009) equation v3a cos r + 2b sin x = c,x , has two
Directions for 0 2 and 3:
Letf() = sin (7 cos x) and gx) = cos (2 sin x) be two functions distinct real roots a and ß with a +B=.
Then, the
defined for x > 0. Define the following sets whose elements are b
value of is (JEE Advanced 2018)
written in increasing order:
X= {*:f() =0}, Y= (x:f) =0}
4.28 Trigonometry
5. Letf: [0, 2] > Rbe the function 6. Let the functionf: (0, ) ’R be defined by
defined by
eteL f() = (3-sin(2rx)) sin X f(O) = (sin 9 + cos) + (sin- cose)
Suppose the function fhas a local minimum at
If a, Be [0, 2] are such that x e [0, 2] : when e{,..., }, where 0 precise,
[a, B], then the value of B-
f) >0} =
(JEE Advanced 2020)
the value of 2, + .. +, is )<4<. < i,< 1. ]
(JEE Advanced 20)

Answers Key
Linked Comprehension Type
Single Correct Answer Type 1. (2) 2. (3) 3. (1) 4. (1) 5. (3)
1. (1) 6. (4) 7. (1) 8. (2) 9. (4)
2. (3) 3. (1) 4. (3) 5. (3) 11. (4) 12. (2) 13. (1)
10. (1)
6. (3) 7. (1) 8. (3) 9. (1)
14. (4) 15. (2)
11. (1) 10. (2) 16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (2) 19. (1)
16. (1)
12. (3) 13. (4) 14. (1) 15. (1) 20. (3)
17. (2) 18. (2) 19. (2) 20. (2) Matrix Match Type
21. (1) 22. (3) 23. (3) 24. (2) 1. a’r, b’s, c’p,d’q.
25. (3)
26. (1) 27. (3) 28. (1) 29. (2) 30. (4) 2. a’ q; b’s; c’s; d’p.
31. (1) 32. (2) 33. (3) 3. a ’ g; b ’ s; c ’p;
34. (1)
36. (2) 37. (4) 38. (3) 39. (4)
35. (4)
40. (1) 4. (1) d’polanotocob
41. (1) 42. (3) 43. (3) 5. (3)
44. (3) 45. (1)
46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (1) 49. (2) 50. (1) 6. (4)
51. (1) 52. (4) 53. (3) 54. (3) 55. (1) Numerical Value Type
56. (2) 57. (4) 58. (3) 59. (1) 60. (3)
61. (2) 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (6) 5. (1)
62. (2) 63. (4) 64. (2) 65. (3)
66. (2) 67. (2) 6. (4) 7. (2) 8. (5) 9. (1) 10. (0)
68. (1) 69. (2) 70. (1) 11. (4) 12. (5)
71. (4) 72. (2) 13. (6) 14. (7) 15. (1)
73. (1) 74. (3) 75. (2) 16. (4) 17. (2)
76. (1) 77. (2) 78. (2) 79. (4)
18. (14) 19. (12) 20. (8)
80. (3) 21. (13)-0
81. (3) 82. (2) 83. (2) 84. (4) 85. (3)
86. (3) 87. (1) 88. (3) 89. (1) 90. (1) ARCHIVES
Multiple Correct Answers Type JEE ADVANCED
1. (1), (2) 2. (1), (2) Single Correct Answer Type
3. (1), (3), (4) 4. (1), (3) 1. (1) 2. (4)
5. (1), (2), (3) 6. (1), (3)
3. (3)
7. (1), (2), (3) 8. (1), (4) Multiple Correct Answers Tvpese
9. (2), (3) 1. (3), (4) 2. (1), (3), (4)
10. (1), (3)
11. (1), (4) o12. (1), (2), (4) Linked Comprehension Type
13. (1), (2), (3) 14. (1), (2), (3) 1. (3)
15. (1), (2) 16. (3), (4) Matrix Match Type
17. (1), (4) 18. (1), (3), (4) 1. a ’ q, s
19. (2), (3), (4) 20. (1), (2), (3), (4) 2. (4) 3. (3)
21. (1), (4) 22. (1), (3) Numerical Value Type
24. (1), (2) 1. (3) 2. (3)
23. (1), (2) 3. (8) 4. (0.5)
25. (3), (4) 26. (1), (2), (3), (4) 5. (1) 6. (0.50)
27. (1), (2), (3) 28. (1), (3), (4)
29. (2), (3) 30. (1), (4)
31. (1), 4)

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