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Scheme Construction Of PCC Road

S/No Items Quantity Unit Rate (Rs.) Cost (Rs.)

A Material Cost
1 Cement 2860.00 Bags 700 2002000
2 Sand 7150.00 Cft 20 143000
3 Crush 14300.00 Cft 50 715000
4 Sgingle 10725.00 Cft 20 214500
5 RCC Pipes (9" dia) 67.00 Nos. 1500 100500
6 Shuttering 5000.00 Nos. 25 125000
7 Mixture 232.00 Hr 700 162400

Sub toal material and equipments 3,462,400

B Labour Cost
1 Skilled Labour 108.00 Men-Days 1500 162000.00
2 Unskilled Labour 297.00 Men-Days 700 207900.00
Sub total labour cost 369,900

Grand Total 3,832,300

Cost Estimate of PCC Road
PCC Road
Lengthinft Widthinft Hight inft Quantity Unit Cement Sand Cush Shingle RCC Pipes (9") Mixture Shuttring Skilled Labour
S/N0 Description Labour
NO L B H Bag Cft Cft Cft Nos Hr Sft Days Days

1 Excavatin/Dressing & Levelling

1 2500 13 0.5 16250.00 Cft

Total 16250.00 Cft 81.25

2 Shingle filling At Bed

1 2500 13 0.33 10725.00 Cft

Total 10725.00 Cft 10725.00 53.63

3 P.C.C( 1 2 4)

1 2500 13 0.500 16250.00 Cft 66.67 2500.00

Total 16250.00 Cft 2860.00 7150.00 14300.00 232.14 2500.00 108.33 162.50

Total Quantites 2860.00 7150.00 14300.00 10725.00 66.67 232.14 5000.00 108.33 297.38

Quantites (Net) 2860.00 7150.00 14300.00 10725.00 67.00 232.00 5000.00 108.00 297.00

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