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Page 1: Introduction to Literature

Literature encompasses written works that reflect cultural and human

experiences through narrative, poetry, drama, and essays. It explores themes,
characters, symbols, and literary devices.

Page 2: Literary Genres

Genres include fiction (novels, short stories), non-fiction (essays, biographies),

poetry (lyric, narrative), and drama (tragedy, comedy). Each genre has unique
structures, styles, and purposes.

Page 3: Literary Analysis

Literary analysis examines elements such as plot, setting, character

development, themes, symbolism, and narrative techniques (point of view, tone,
irony). It explores how these elements contribute to meaning and interpretation.

Page 4: Major Movements and Authors

Literary movements (Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism) and influential

authors (Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen, Faulkner, Woolf) shaped literature and
reflected societal changes.

Page 5: Cultural and Historical Context

Literature reflects and responds to cultural, historical, and philosophical

movements. Topics include colonialism, feminism, existentialism, and the role
of literature in shaping identity and social change.

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