Human Rights Education Reviewer (1)

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A document of France, stating that all citizens are equal under the law.

a. Magna Carta
b. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
c. The United States Declaration of Independence
d. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What is the Golden Rule of Confucius?
a. Do not do unto other what you would not have them done unto you.
b. In everything, do to others just what you want them to do for you.
c. No one of you is a believer, until he desires for his brother, which he desires for himself.
d. All of the above
Lethal force should not be used except when strictly unavoidable in order to protect your life or
the lives of others.
a. Basic Standard 3 c. Basic Standard 5
b. Basic Standard 4 d. Basic Standard 6
Avoid using force when policing unlawful but 6 non-violent assemblies. When dispersing violent
assemblies, use force only to the minimum extent necessary.
a. Basic Standard 3 c. Basic Standard 7
b. Basic Standard 4 d. Basic Standard 8
Which category of human rights includes rights such as the right to life, freedom from torture,
and freedom from slavery?
a. Civil and political rights c. Economic rights
b. Social and cultural rights d. Collective rights
Rights that cannot be suspended nor taken away nor restricted or limited even in extreme
emergency and even if government invoke national security.
a. Civil Rights c. Non-Derogable Rights
b. Derogable Rights d. Statutory Rights
Report all breaches of these Basic Standards to your senior officer and to the office of the public
prosecutor. Do everything within your power to ensure steps are taken to investigate these
a. Basic Standard 7 c. Basic Standard 9
b. Basic Standard 8 d. Basic Standard 10

In examining the historical development of human rights, how did the Magna Carta of Human
Rights, also known as the Petition of Right 1628, contribute to the protection of individual
a. It reinforced absolute monarchy
b. It established principles of due process and limitations on government power
c. It endorsed the suspension of habeas corpus
d. It limited individual freedoms
In analyzing the global impact of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1864),
how has this document influenced the development of human rights norms and the drafting of
constitutions in various countries?
a. The declaration had minimal influence outside of France.
b. The declaration led to the rejection of human rights principles in other nations.
c. It served as a model for subsequent declarations and constitutional frameworks,
influencing human rights globally
d. The global impact of the declaration was limited to a few countries.
How does the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1864) differ from earlier
declarations, such as the Magna Carta or the English Bill of Rights?
a. It focuses solely on the rights of the aristocracy.
b. It emphasizes the absolute power of the monarchy.
c. It excludes any mention of individual rights.
d. It broadens the scope of rights to include all citizens, regardless of social class
What foundational principles underpin the concept of human rights?
a. Cultural relativism and national sovereignty
b. Utilitarianism and individualism
Human Rights Education Page 1
c. Inherent dignity and equality
d. Economic prosperity and political stability
How do economic, social, and cultural rights differ from civil and political rights within the
framework of human rights?
a. Economic, social, and cultural rights encompass aspects like education, health, and
employment, contributing to overall well-being
b. Both sets of rights are identical and have no distinctions.
c. Civil and political rights prioritize collective well-being over individual liberties.
d. Economic, social, and cultural rights focus solely on individual freedoms.
Rights of people to self-determination, to pursue economic, social and cultural development and
financial security.
a. Civil Rights c. Political Rights
b. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights d. Statutory Rights
Ensure all detainees have access promptly after arrest to their family and legal representative and
to any necessary medical assistance.
a. Basic Standard 5 c. Basic Standard 7
b. Basic Standard 6 d. Basic Standard 8
Do not carry out, order or cover up extrajudicial executions or ―disappearances, and refuse to
obey any order to do so
a. Basic Standard 7 c. Basic Standard 9
b. Basic Standard 8 d. Basic Standard 10
Everyone is entitled to equal protection of the law, without discrimination on any grounds, and
especially against violence or threat.
a. Basic Standard 1 c. Basic Standard 4
b. Basic Standard 2 d. Basic Standard 6

In what way do human rights serve as a safeguard against various forms of abuse and
a. Protection against abuse is solely the responsibility of law enforcement.
b. Human rights establish a framework for protecting individuals from abuse and
c. Human rights condone abuse in certain situations.
d. Human rights provide legal cover for abusive practices.
Which of the following would be considered an example of a gross human rights violation.
a. A minor altercation between neighbors
b. Discrimination in employment based on gender
c. Peaceful protests against government policies
d. Mass killings or genocide
Under what circumstances is the use of force by police or military considered a potential human
rights violation?
a. When it is used to protect civilians
b. When it is proportionate and necessary
c. When it exceeds what is necessary and proportionate
d. Only during armed conflicts
How does the recognition of inherent dignity and equality contribute to human rights?
a. Inherent dignity applies only to specific privileged individuals.
b. The concept of inherent dignity underscores the worth and equality of every individual,
forming the basis for the formulation and protection of individual rights.
c. Human rights only apply to those who meet certain societal standards.
d. Inherent dignity has no relevance to discussions on human rights.
How are human rights typically classified based on their nature and scope?
a. Religious and cultural rights
b. National and international rights
c. Temporary and permanent rights
d. Civil and political rights, economic, social, and cultural right
Which rights are considered economic, social, and cultural rights?
a. Right to life and liberty
b. Right to privacy and freedom of religion
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c. Right to education, health, and an adequate standard of living
d. Right to freedom of assembly and association
How did the First Geneva Convention of 1864 address the treatment of wounded soldiers and
medical personnel?
a. By allowing for their mistreatment as a means of weakening enemy forces
b. By establishing protections and provisions for their care and treatment
c. By prohibiting medical assistance to enemy combatants
d. By excluding certain categories of soldiers from medical care
Why is the United States Declaration of Independence considered a seminal document in the
history of democracy and human rights?
a. It articulates principles of equality, unalienable rights, and the pursuit of happiness
b. It advocates for the establishment of a colonial aristocracy
c. It upholds the principles of absolute monarchy
d. It disregards the concept of individual rights
How did the establishment of the United Nations contribute to the global promotion and protection
of human rights after World War II?
a. By promoting unilateral decision-making
b. By emphasizing the sovereignty of individual nations
c. By endorsing military intervention without global consensus
d. By providing a platform for international cooperation and the formulation of human rights
How did the Civil Rights Movement in the United States contribute to the advancement of human
rights globally?
a. By promoting segregation and racial discrimination
b. By advocating for the suppression of minority rights
c. By inspiring movements for equality and justice around the world
d. By endorsing racial hierarchies
How has the United Nations (UN) played a role in conflict resolution and peacekeeping since its
establishment in 1945?
a. By providing a platform for diplomatic dialogue and deploying peacekeeping forces in
conflict zones
b. By endorsing military interventions in all conflicts
c. By advocating for the dominance of powerful nations in international affairs
d. By promoting the use of force as the primary solution to conflicts
Which rights fall under the category of civil and political rights?
a. Right to education and healthcare
b. Right to freedom of speech and right to vote
c. Right to work and right to fair wages
d. Right to housing and right to clean environment
What is the primary focus of rights-based policing?
a. Strict law enforcement without regard to human rights
b. Balancing the needs of the state over individual rights
c. Exclusively focusing on community engagement
d. Prioritizing the protection of human rights while ensuring public safety
What role does documentation play in the human rights policing checklist for a police station?
a. It is unnecessary and adds bureaucratic burden.
b. It enhances accountability and transparency
c. It is solely for internal record-keeping.
d. It compromises officer autonomy.
How does the human rights policing checklist guide law enforcement regarding search and
seizure procedures?
a. By allowing arbitrary searches without legal justification
b. By encouraging invasive searches without consent.
c. By emphasizing the importance of search warrants and respecting privacy rights
d. By prioritizing speed over adherence to legal procedures.
When faced with cases that fall outside the scope of the Human Rights Desk, what is the
recommended action?
a. Disregard cases that are not directly related to human rights violations.
b. Handle all cases internally without external involvement.
c. Refer cases promptly to appropriate authorities or agencies

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d. Delay referrals to maintain control over the investigation.
What is the primary objective during the initial contact with individuals seeking assistance at the
Human Rights Desk?
a. Establish a supportive and confidential environment for individuals to report human
rights concerns
b. Prioritize cases based on severity.
c. Determine the individual's legal status.
d. Quickly resolve the issue without further investigation.
What is the core concept behind the Principle of Distinction in International Humanitarian Law?
a. Allowing combatants to target civilians intentionally.
b. Distinguishing between civilians and combatants, and between civilian objects and
military objectives
c. Granting immunity to all individuals during armed conflicts.
d. Prioritizing military targets without regard for civilian presence.
How does the Principle of Proportionality guide the use of force in armed conflicts?
a. Encouraging excessive force to quickly end conflicts.
b. Allowing unrestricted use of force to achieve military objectives.
c. Limiting the use of force to situations of self-defense only.
d. Ensuring that the harm caused is not excessive in relation to the military advantage gained
Which aspect of the ten basic human rights standards applies to law enforcement officials
regarding freedom from torture?
a. Law enforcement officials have the authority to use torture as a means of interrogation.
b. Law enforcement officials are immune from torture laws during investigations.
c. Law enforcement officials are prohibited from inflicting torture or cruel, inhuman, or
degrading treatment or punishment
d. Law enforcement officials can use torture in extreme circumstances
How does the right to liberty and security of person apply to law enforcement officials among the
ten basic human rights standards?
a. Law enforcement officials have the discretion to arbitrarily arrest individuals without
b. Law enforcement officials must respect and protect the right to liberty and security of
person, ensuring arrests are lawful, necessary, and proportionate
c. Law enforcement officials are exempt from respecting the right to liberty and security of
d. Law enforcement officials can detain individuals indefinitely without due process.
A turning point in human rights.
a. Amendments c. Petition
b. Magna Carta d. Resolution
The idea of human rights spread quickly to the country of
a. China, Rome and Italy c. India, Rome and United States
b. India, Greece and Rome d. Japan, United States, Italy
The United States Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.
a. July 2, 1776 c. July 4, 1776
b. July 2, 1777 d. July 4, 1777

What is considered the primary international document that outlines the fundamental principles of
human rights?
a. The Magna Carta
b. The United Nations Charter
c. The Geneva Conventions
d. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
Why human rights are considered foundational to human dignity?
a. They recognize the inherent worth and equality of every individual
b. They only apply in times of peace.
c. They provide a legal framework for governments.
d. They prioritize certain groups over others.
How does rights-based policing approach community engagement?
a. Collaborates with the community to address issues and build trust
b. Limits communication to formal legal proceedings
c. Views the community as a source of potential threats
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d. Minimizes community involvement to maintain control
What is the name of the treaty that serves as a cornerstone for the international human rights
framework, covering civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights?
a. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
b. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
c. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
d. The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (CAT)
How does the Magna Carta of Human Rights address the relationship between the government and
a. It advocates for unchecked government authority
b. It emphasizes the supremacy of the government over individual rights
c. It establishes limitations on government power and protects individual liberties
d. It ignores the concept of due process in legal matters
What key principles or rights are emphasized in the Petition of Human Rights 1628?
a. Right to bear arms and self-defense
b. Right to religious freedom and expression
c. Right to privacy and confidentiality
d. Due process and protection against arbitrary detention
What is the primary purpose of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 1864?
a. To establish an absolute monarchy
b. To proclaim fundamental rights and liberties
c. To limit individual freedoms
d. To promote censorship and control
Why is the First Geneva Convention of 1864 considered a landmark in the history of international
humanitarian law?
a. It promoted military aggression
b. It disregarded the rights of war victims
c. It established fundamental principles for the protection of war victims and medical
d. It advocated for unrestricted warfare
The international treaty that focuses on eliminating discrimination against women and promoting
gender equality is known as:
a. The Convention Against Torture (CAT)
b. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
c. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
d. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
The first document listing the 30 rights to which everyone is entitled.
a. Magna Carta
b. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
c. The United States Declaration of Independence
d. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Renderstanding of the tophuily, Determine whether the statement is true or faise based on Your the topic.
Mark your answer as either True or Falseccordingly STRICTLY NO ERASURE!

1. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted in 1789, laid the foundation for the
recognition of human rights principles globally.

2. Economic rights primarily focus on individual liberties and freedoms, while civil and political rights
encompass rights related to standard of living and work.

3. International treaties and agreements are sources of human rights law, but customary international Inw
does not contribute to the development of human rights.

4. Human rights can be classified into two categories: civil and political rights, and economic, social, and
cultural rights

5. The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, is considered one of the earliest documents to influence the
development of human rights. 6. The classification of human rights into categories facilitates
understanding and implementation of

rights by grouping similar rights together. 7. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights primarily focuses on civil and political rights.

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8. The principle of proportionality allows states to use excessive force to maintain public order.

9. Human rights are subject to cultural relativism and may vary depending on cultural norms. 10.
Economic, social, and cultural rights include the right to work and the right to an adequate

standard of living.

11. Human rights are static and do not evolve over time.

12. The right to education is an example of an economic right. 13. The Geneva Conventions are sources
of international humanitarian law but do not contribute to the

development of human rights. 14. Civil and political rights include the right to vote in elections.

15. The Magna Carts of 1215 primarily addressed the rights of the nobility and did not have broader
implications for human rights.

16. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) is responsible for promoting
and protecting human rights globally.

17. The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) includes

provisions related to the right to education, healthcare, and adequate standard of living. 18. The
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) includes provisions related to

the right to privacy and freedom from arbitrary arrest. 19. The principle of state sovereignty allows states
to disregard international human rights law if it conflicts with their national interests.

20. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is legally binding on all member states

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