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OBJECTIVE 1- Plan administrative duties in operation theatre
i. Basic principles of administration
ii. Workplace policy compliance
iii. Sops
iv. Resources in operation theatre administrative skills
• Administrator- Is a person responsible for carrying out the
administration of a business or organization
• -Is a person who dispenses or administers something
• Administrative- refers to the running of a business or organization
Administrative functions of a perioperative administrator
• Ensure efficient scheduling and reduction in turn-around times
• Supervises and coordinates the daily planning and implementation of the surgery
schedule; activities of personnel in the operating room
• Ensure adherence to procedure and schedule
• Oversees pre and post operative patients
• Lead both medical and non medical theatre staff – thereby they’ll supervise all
non medical staff while promoting multidisciplinary teamwork and effective
communication between team members at all levels
• Motivates and mentorship – A good O.R manager will focus on motivating and
developing there team through providing mentorship and through setting
objectives and ensuring their delivery through personal development plans and
• Development and research – may participate in research project and research
based practice
Basic principles of administration
• Getting it right
• Being customer focused
• Being open and accountable
• Acting fairly and proportionately
• Putting things right
• Seeking continuous improvement
• All public bodies must comply with the law and have regard for the rights of those
• They should act accordingly to their statutory powers and duties and any other
rules governing the service they provide
• They should follow their own policy and procedural guidance, whether published
or internal
• Public bodies must act in accordance with recognised quality standards,
established good practice or both e.g. – about clinical care
• Public bodies should provide effective services with appropriately trained and
competent staff
• They should plan carefully when introducing new policies and procedures
• In their decision making, public bodies should have regard to the relevant
legislation, decision making should take account of all relevant considerations;
ignore irrelevant ones and balance the evidence appropriately
• Public bodies should provide services that are easily accessible to their customers
• Policies and procedures and understandable information about the services
• Public bodies should aim to ensure that customers are clear about their
entitlements about what they can and cannot expect from the institution and
their responsibilities
• Public bodies should do what they say they are going to o
• If they make a commitment to do something, they should keep to it or explain
why they cannot
• Public bodies should communicate effectively, using clear language that people
can understand
• Public bodies should treat people with sensitivity bearing in mind their individual
• Public administration should be transparent and information should be
handled as openly as the law allows
• Institutions should give people information. And if appropriate, advice that
is clear, accurate, complete, relevant and timely
• Public bodies should handle and process information properly and
appropriately in line with the law
• So while their policies and procedures should be transparent, public bodies
should, as the law requires, also respect the privacy of personal and
confidential information
• Public bodies should create and maintain reliable and usable records as
evidence of their activities
• Public bodies should always deal with people fairly and with respect
• They should be prepared to listen to their customers and avoid being
defensive when things go wrong
• Public bodies should treat people equally and impartially
• The should understand and respect diversity of their customers to ensure
equal access to service and treatment regardless of the background/
• Public body actions and decisions should be free from personal bias
• When taking decision and particularly when imposing penalties, public
bodies should behave reasonably and ensure that the measures taken are
proportionate to the objectives pursued
• When mistakes happen, public bodies should acknowledge them,
apologise, explain what went wrong and put things right quickly and
• Putting things right may include reviewing any decisions found to be
incorrect and reviewing and amending any policies and procedures found
to be ineffective; unworkable or unfair, giving appropriate notice before
changing the rules
• Public bodies should provide clear and timely information about methods
by which people can appeal or complain
• Public bodies should operate effective complaints procedures which
investigate complaints thoroughly, quickly and impartially and which can
provide appropriate range of remedies/ solutions
• Public bodies should renew their policies and procedures regularly to
ensure they are effective actively seek and welcome all feedback,
both compliments and complaints
• Use feedback to improve their public service delivery and
performance and cuptive review lessons learned from complaints so
that they contribute to developing services
What is policy compliance?
• It is the level to which your manager and employees follow
procedures and guidelines covered in your policies
• For this to happen, two things need to happen, first, employees need
to be able to access the right policies so they know what to comply
with and secondly, there needs to e some way of measuring the level
of compliance, so you can then take action to increase it
Why is Policy Compliance Important?

i. Ensure organisation is complying with different laws and

ii. Keeping employees safe and support health and wellbeing
iii. Protect the data of employees, customers and suppliers
iv. Supporting key organisational process and maintaining standards
v. Driving efficiency and supporting productivity
vi. Delivering the very best customer service
vii. Standardising processes across different teams, departments and

• An organisation can adopt a holistic approach and adopt a number of different

steps and tactics that are very likely to succeed increase compliance levels
1. Making policy compliance a strategic priority
• Making policy compliance happen requires it to be an organisational priority,
ideally leading to a culture of compliance
2. Getting your policies up to date
• Policy compliance can only be increased with a set of policies that are up to date
and are perceived by employees as being up to date without this, policies are
more likely to be ignored
3. Removing barriers to accessing your policies
• To encourage compliance, make it as easy as possible for employees to find and
access your policies by removing any unnecessary barriers
4. Introducing employees attestation process
• Introducing an employee attestation process that requires employees
to acknowledge they have read and understood a policy is critical for
compliance, this is done by usually confirming on the policy similar to
agreeing to terms and conditions or even using an e- signature
5. Making policy compliance sustainable
• Policy compliance isn’t a one time effort, it needs to e ongoing and
truly sustainable
1. Define expectations
• Managers should clearly communicate the expectations and make sure employees understand
them e.g. dress code, attendance and performance standards
2. Create an employee handbook
• It serves as a reference guide for both new and existing employees about the company’s policies
and procedures
• Handbooks should include topics like a vacation time guidelines, sick leave policies, workplace
safety procedures, compliance procedures etc.

3. Develop a training program

• A comprehensive training program can help ensure that all employees have access to the same
level of knowledge regarding company policy and procedures
• This could include online tutorial/ seminars on topics such as customer service etiquette or
workplace safety precautions
4. Monitor compliance procedures
• To ensure employees comply with company policies, managers should monitor procedures
• Regular audits can help identify any areas of non compliance, while automated systems can
provide a more efficient way to track employee adherence
• Providing feedback to employees is also important for reinforcing the importance of following
established company policies
5. Set up regular audits
• Ensure employees comply with policies and procedures on an ongoing basis
• Can be done through reviewing employee records or conducting spot checks in certain
6. Utilize automated systems
• Utilizing automated systems such as policy management software or online portals make it easier
to track employee compliance
• The systems allow employer to monito how often employees access specific documents, review
training materials and complete forms

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