Economics 101 Lecture Notes

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Page 1: Introduction to Economics

Economics studies how societies allocate scarce resources to satisfy unlimited

wants and needs. It includes microeconomics (individual choices, markets) and
macroeconomics (national economies, global interactions).

Page 2: Supply and Demand

Supply and demand principles determine prices and quantities in markets.

Topics include market equilibrium, elasticity, factors affecting supply and
demand, and government interventions (price controls, subsidies).

Page 3: Macroeconomic Concepts

Macroeconomics examines aggregate economic phenomena such as GDP,

inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. It explores fiscal policy
(government spending, taxation) and monetary policy (central banking, interest

Page 4: Economic Systems

Economic systems (capitalism, socialism, mixed economies) allocate resources

and distribute goods and services. Topics include market structures (perfect
competition, monopoly), income distribution, and global trade.

Page 5: Economic Development and International Trade

Economic development strategies (industrialization, infrastructure) aim to

improve living standards and reduce poverty. International trade theories
(comparative advantage, protectionism) analyze global economic interactions.

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