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FOOD STUFF BILLING FORMAT Honey something as been bordering me here i was hurt

yesteday on my way coming back from school, and it really makes me feel so sad and
unhappy here. I was robbed yesterday on my way back from school and they are with
knife and they collected all my money and every thing on me and ran away that
really hurts me baby, and i have make a report to the police but i havent heard any
feed back from them yet since then. am really sad and unhappy honnie am really
broke right now i dont have any money here with me any more and i dont have food
stuff at home anymore and that makes me feel very sad and unhappy. Honnie PLS i
dont know how you are going to feel about this, if you can help me with any amount
of money you can afford i will be so glad and happy, just for me to get food stuff
here, i know you will never want me to get starve here honnie. TEXT BOOKS FORMAT my
heart is crush cause right now am not feeling much ok or better,Just stuck between
classes and alot problem to be solve within some few days which i think i can,t do
and feeling so down about all.. My tutor fee class is due and it will affect my
social work examination, But my love am having problem and i think i do need your
help if you can be able to help me out.. the best the help i need from you is just
$150USD so i can pay off my tutor fee class and get the recepit down and next week
i can present it, i will be starting my Examination next wish i told you my love.
but let me know how much you can help me with or spare for me so i could come see
you and get things done for myself i know this sound stupid and you might have your
doughts but am assuraning you that all is in hand made of God with God speed and
Love have a nice day.. My heart is crush cause right now am not feeling much ok or
better,Just stuck between classes and alot problem to be solve within some few days
which i think i can,t do and feeling so down about all. I will be starting my final
Exam next week tuesday wish i told you my love. and i was told to pay for my final
project Exam, my love and if i dont pay for the project Exam i will not able to do
my final Exam. my love i cant wait to be with you all my life and i really need you
now. ABOUT INHERITANCE Dear Love Honey there is something about me that i would
love to tell you cos you seems caring and honest to me since i lost my parent in a
car accident there is no one to care for me or support me in my dreams, so after
some months i got a mail from the lawyer telling me that his the personal lawyer of
my late parent and they have some property in herited for me . I inherit alot of
money and properties from my late parent and i cant have access to it until i got
back home and all my property documents is with my late parent lawyer and his in
China presently but he would be back in shortly . thats why am looking for a person
that will be honest , patient and care for me but am very happy that i find you . a
man that will support me in starting a good live a man we can start a new life
together wish is you my love.. i have a property that worth over ( 30 million
dollars ) but not until i got back home i would not get it .. am looking for a
honest , caring , loyal person that i would love and he would love me for whom i am
. hope you understand what am trying to say . thats why am taking my time to find a
patient person to start a new life with but you are so kind and honest i cant wait
to be with you.. Honey there is something about me that i would love to tell you
cos you seems caring and honest to me since i lost my parent in a car accident
there is no one to care for me or support me in my dreams, I inherit alot of money
and properties from my late parent and i cant have access to it until i got back
home and all my property documents is with my late parent lawyer and his in China
presently but he would be back in shortly. i have a property that worth over ( 3
million dollars ) but not until i got back home i would not get it. and thats why
am taking my time to find a patient person to start a new life with but you are my
true love and you will remain my love forever. MENSTRUATION PAIN hunnie am really
sad here cause am in pain here and i cant wait to tell you mylove its my
menstruation time and I'm having bleeding disorder and its really painfull Baby and
am scared....... I have spent some money on medications just to get over it but no
luck so I visited the clinic today and I was put through some Thyroid hormone
testings and discovered that its too stress that caused it..I was prescribed some
medications and its expensive they are Zoloft - Generic tablet,diuretics and
Antifibrinolytic which they'll cost me some money, and i dont have that amount for
now, you cant wash me in pain, and i no you really want me...if you are willing to
do this for me pls tell me so i can send you my address and Address...OK, dont let
me down honnie.. i hope on you. THIEF BILLING FORMAT Hello Darling, How are you
spending your night without me? Hope all is well with you over there and how is
your work going?.Am having some little problem with me here but since i have no one
to tell this rather than you. i was robbed today on my way back from school and the
are with knife and they collect all my txtbooks , my money and every thing on me
and ran way that really hurts me . and i tried to make a report to the police but i
havent heard any feed back from them yet since then. am really sad and unhappy
honnie am really broke right now i dont have any money here with me any more and i
need to buy my textbooks, cause next week is my final project in school, and so if
i dont pay for the textbooks i will not able to do my final project my love i need
you now, you are the only one i have. BIRTHDAY BILLING FORMAT mylove i want to tell
you that in the 3 next days is my birthday but am not happy cause i want to be with
you all my life i want celebrate my birthday with you mylove........mylove i want
to tell you some thing but i'm very scared telling you cause i dont want you to get
mad at me mylove.. baby i want to tell you that i want to buy some drinks for my
friends for my birthday and i want to make some shoppings for my self, and i dont
no how to tell you baby, but if you can assist me with some money i will be very
glad and very happy honey.. FLIGHT BILLING FORMAT I am so excited I cannot sleep
knowing we will soon be together. it will be the best day yet in my life to kiss
and hold you and every day will be better than the last my love. I love you so much
and want you to be with me at this very instant baby. you are so wonderful Loving
you comes to me Passionate and full Loving you is not hard For it is pure and true
Loving you with each beat of my heart Even when i feel blue Loving you with all my
heart Is something that I'll do No matter where I am I will always love you . I
cant wait to meet you and Hold you tight in my arms,My Passport as expire to come
over there and meet you,But all I need is the Airfare and I can afford some amount
with me, but I will need some Amount to Complete it and I dont know if you can
assist with the Funds,In other to let this dream come true.. I will like you to
tell me the Nearest Airport close to you??? And tell me if you can afford some
Little Amount to compelete the Flight... TO COMPLETE THE FLIGHT MONEY So Honey
About My Flight informations that was the next thing i want us to plan about..
Honey Last week i was told by my traveller agent that i will need Just $2000 for my
flight ticket a nd i need to come and pay it now so that i can get booked . But i
have a little problem with that.All i have now is just $700 and i still need about
$1300 to complete that... So Love I Know that you truely Love me and i can't wait
for me to get back to the State to meet you...So I will need your assistant about
that.. Tell me Like how much you can come up with and also if you can come up with
all that will be very nice and I will Apprecuative and I promise i will never Let
you Down..Darling i will always Cherish and Care for you...I know you've said we
could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind
being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me

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