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“Necessity of Social Media ’’

VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /

1. Even if you do not _______ What I have to say, I would appreciate you listening
to me with an open mind .
A) agree with B) reject C) clarify D) Hear to E) Anticipate

2. The selection committee was amazed to see such fine work done by a mere ------

a) painter (b) artist (c) amateur (d) businessman (e) expert

3. Your ……..remarks spoil the effect of your speech; try not to stay from your main
point .

(a) persistent (b) enigmatic (c) out of context (d) innocuous (e) derogatory

4. Not only he made a crucial mistake,…… he tried to hide it

(a) also (b) although (c) but (d) as (e) but also

5. The changes in the organization were so gradual that it almost went..........

(a) unnoticed (b) hasty (c) spontaneous (d) distorted (e) Ommitted

6. Of all the phases of film making, screen writing is the most………; it is a rare
instance when only one person is responsible for a script.

(a) prolific(b)challenging(c)famous (d)easy (e) passionate

7. No sooner had he arrived ....... the train left.

(a) then (b) has (o) had (d) than

8. He was rejected in the program........ his poor analytical skill.

(a) because of (b) because (c)as (d) since (e) despite

9. Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions; it only guarantees............


(a) equality (b) equal (c) same of (d) only (e) equality of

10. Government of the people, by the people,........... the people, shall not perish
from the earth

(a) on (b) thou (c) for (d) beside (e) to

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words :

11. Frequent

(a) regular (b) fragile (c) collaboration (d) soon (e) every now and then

12. Lucid

(a) clean (b) clear (c) illogical(d) biased (e) luminous

13. Ancient

(a) anchor (b) new (c) melody (d) old (e) modern

14. Genuine

(a) authentic (b) traditional (c) classic (d) genius (e) false

15. Eccentric

(a) acute (b) normal (c) odd (d) trivial (e) trauma
C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be
corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark E.
16. The energy question, along with other issues, are going to be discussed at the
next meeting .

17. Not one of the children has ever sang in public before .

18. The leading roles in the widely acclaimed play were performed by Jessica and
A. B. C. D.
19. Diligence and honesty, as well as being intelligent are qualities which I look for
20. I might of passed if I had done my home work , but I had to go to work .
D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions
followed by the passage.
By the end of the first quarter of the nineteenth century a number of the Eastern
Institutions of U.S.A ------ Havard, Yale, Columbia, and Pennsylvania ------ had
some of the necessary ingredients of a university , but hardly yet the point of view.
They were little clusters of schools and institutes of a university, but hardly yet the
point of view. They were little clusters of schools and institutes. Indeed, just after
the American Revolution, the schools of Pennsylvania and Harvard had assumed the
somewhat pretentious title of university, and shortly after, the University of Virginia
was founded under the guidance of Thomas Jefferson.
In the South, Georgia and later North Carolina began to rise. The substance in all
these was mainly lacking, though the tile was honored. There were rather feeble law,
medical, and divinity schools, somewhat loosely attached to these colleges. It has
been commonly recognized, however, that the first decade after the close of the civil
war, that is, from about 1866 to 1876, was the great early flowering of the university
idea in the U.S.A.

American Universities have come a long way since then. Today, U.S universities
have been recognized for their quality of education through out the world. Specially,
the concept of general education requirements along with the specialization in a
particular discipline has earned praise from the renowned educationists all around
the globe. The American universities are continuously experimenting with new
ideas, and this phenomenon, they believe gives them a competitive advantage over
the educational institutions of other developed nations.

21. In the opinion of the author, in 1825:

(a) Only Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Pennsylvania could truly be called

(b) All American educational institutions could justifiably claim to be universities.

(c) Those institutions that called themselves universities were not justified in doing

(d) No American institution of higher education had any of the necessary ingredients
of a university.

22. Thomas Jefferson founded:

(a) The University of Pennsylvania.

(b) Harvard.

(c) The University of Virginia.

(d) The University of Georgia.

23.The Civil War ended:

(a) About 1866.

(b) About 1876.

(c) About 1856.

(d) During the decade from 1866 to 1876.

24. The words "little clusters" most nearly means:

(a) Small groups.

(b) Small Colleges.

(c) Small Buildings.

(d) Small organizations.

25. The university idea really began to develop:

(a) In the first quarter of the nineteenth century.

(b) Just after the Revolution.

(c) During the last quarter of the nineteenth century.

(d) Just after the civil war.


26. A. Adulation B. Adlation C. Aduletion D. Addulation

27. A. Adulterate B. Adeldurate C. Adulterat D. Adultarate

18. A. Adventitious B. Adventious C. Adventitus D. Adventituous

29. A. Adverisity B. Advercety C. Adversity D. Advercity

30. A. Affedevit B. Afidevit C. Affidevit D. Affidavit


**short : Long ; beautiful: :
(A) pretty (B) ugly (C) gorgeous (D) witch
31. We: Us: She:
(A) Whose (B) His (C) Her (D) Their
32. Pen: Write: Food:
(A) Drink (B) Sleep (C) Exercise (D) Eat
33. Library: Student; Kitchen:
(A) Cooking (B) Meal (C) Customer (D) Chef
34. Detective: Inspector: Teacher:
(A) Student (B) Child (C) Professor (D) University
35. Anarchy: Order: Chaos:
A. Turbulence B. Disorder C. Silence D. Peace
“ Dengue ’’
VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )
A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /

1. Economics-------- favorite subject in college though I hated the math portions in


(A) were (B) have (C) has (D) was

2.. Spiderman reached the party after Batman---------.

(A) would leave (B) have left (C) had left (D) left

3. All of my cousins --------in Thailand's Assumption University's Ph.D. program.

(A) will enroll (B) enroll (C) are admitting (D) will admit

4. Both of the goalkeepers----------comfortable with the Jabulani ball.

(A) are doing (B) are feeling (C) are playing (D) is feeling

5. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia,---------- known to be the fourth largest city in

the world.

(A) has (B) had been (C) are (D) is

6. The workshop will continue--------- the original plan of action.

(A) as far as (B) as well as (C) according to (D) by means of (E) as long as

7.The phenomenal movie really made my day; I will love to watch it again!

A. Adjective B. Adverb C. Conjunction D. Verb E. Noun

8.Sice the man was walking -------the road the bus hit him.

A. across B. Between C. Under D. From E. None of these

9. ----------I see him, I will make him pay for the stupid things he did to me!

(A) Where (B) Wherever (C) Whatever (D) However (E) Whoever

10.-----------I see him, he moves his face to the other direction.

(A) Where (B) Whenever (C) Despite (D) However (E) Whatever

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words :

11. Fostering

A. Safeguarding B. Neglecting C. Ignoring D. Nurturing


A. Drive B .Jettison C. Burst D .Acclimatize E. Modify


A .Lump sum B. Strong C. Little D. Gaping E. Huge


A. Argument B. Frustration C. Advantage D. Hurdle E. Fallout


A. Indifferent B. Defy C. Differ D. Postpone

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark E.
16. Our tribal woman are very hardworking in nature.
[a] [B] [C] [D]
17. Bread and butter are always his favorite breakfast.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
18. A group of students from Harvard University have come to meet our Vice Chancellor.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
19. Our teacher said that Jupiter was the biggest planet in universe.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
20. A team of students from USA's California University have come to AIUB on an exchange
[A] [B] [C] [D]

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
. In the 16th century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand
Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese
noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire of
political intrigue at court and lost the king’s favor. After he was dismissed from
service by the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future Emperor Charles V of

A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees
W longitude to Spain and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered
to prove that the East Indies fell under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519,
Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year later, one of these
ships was exploring the topography of South America in search of a water route
across the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the
southern peninsula of South America. Finally they found the passage they sought
near 50 degrees S latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints, but
today it is known as the Strait of Magellan.
One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were
privileged to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained
crossed the meridian now known as the International Date Line in the early spring
of 1521 after 98 days on the Pacific Ocean. During those long days at sea, many of
Magellan’s men died of starvation and disease.

Later, Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was
killed in a tribal battle. Only one ship and 17 sailors under the command of the
Basque navigator Elcano survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and
thus prove once and for all that the world is round, with no precipice at the edge.

21. The 16th century was an age of great ______ exploration.

1. cosmic
2. land
3. mental
4. common man
5. None of the above

22. Magellan lost the favor of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a
political ________.
4. problem
5. None of the above
23. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain and Portugal according to
their location on one side or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50 degrees
west of Greenwich that extends in a _________ direction.
1. north and south
2. crosswise
3. easterly
4. south east
5. north and west
24. One of Magellan’s ships explored the _________ of South America for a
passage across the continent.

1. coastline
2. mountain range
3. physical features
4. islands
5. None of the above
25. Four of the ships sought a passage along a southern ______.

1. coast
2. inland
3. body of land with water on three sides
4. border
5. Answer not available


26. A. Agglomeration B. Aglomeration C. Agglomaration D. Aglomaration

27. A. Agrandize B. Aggrandize C. Aggranndice D. Aggradise

28. A. Desiccate B.Desicate C.Descicate D.Deccicate

29. A. Dicotomy B. Dicotemy C. Dichotomy D. Dechotomy

30. A. Abstemius B. Abstemaus C. Abstemious D. Abstemous


31.Insect : Disease :: War : ?

A. Army B. Defeat C. Arsenal D. Destruction

32.Book : Cover :: Painting : ?

A. Example B. Wall C. Colour D. Frame

33. Float: Sink ::Boat : ?

A. Ship B. War C. Submarine D. Missile

34. Water: Dam :: Trade : ?

A. Commerce B. Economy C. Goods D. Trade Policy

35. Interest : Money lender :: Salay : ?

A. Employees B. Zamindar C. Workers D. Prisoners

“Uses of Facebook ’’

VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. I ...... to him for the past month
A. didn't speak B. haven't spoken C. speak D. doesn’t speak
2. Professionals ....... as doctors and lawyers
a. Like B. Such C.as D. of
3. The dog's ..... the field
A. in B. at C. of D. in
4. Professionals ....... doctors and lawyers
A. Like B. Such C. Soon D. so
5.The doctor, ..... saw me in the afternoon
a. who b. that c. which d. whom
6. The nurse ..... saw me in the afternoon
a. who b. which c. that d. who
7. Something ...... to be done about it
a. ought b. should d c. shall d. will
8. I didn't see .....
a. anyone b.no-one c. everyone d. whoever
9. She didn't ..... finish it
a. quite b. quiet c. still d. stop
10 - The ..... film I've ever seen
a. worse b. worst c. cruel d. anarchy
B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words :

A. Begin B. Stop C. Create D. Dull


A. Religious B. Sympathetic C. Afraid D. Faithful

A. Abolish B. Approve C. Allow D. Break


A. Forsake B. Keep C. Cherish D. Enlarge


A. Decay B. Breed C. Produce D. Sprout

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. Science and religion (A)/ are both necessary for man and for their (B)/
outer and inner self respectively. (C)/ No Error (D)
17. Some categorically suspected (A) / having seen the (B) guard and thief
together. (C) No error (D)

18. A well balanced diet (A)/ is essential for (B)/ good health/ (C) / No error
19. A milk (A)/ can provide protein (B)/ for nutritionally balanced diet. (C). /
No error

20. I couldn't able to ask my dad permission to watch a movie

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions
followed by the passage.
. Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with
her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating
cancer, and studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s
amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.

Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of
physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her
great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high
school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in
Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she
defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where
she earned her master’s degree and doctorate in physics.

Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest
scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married
in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the physics laboratory.
A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon
in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heartbreaking
anguish. Despondently she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had
shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by
herself greatly increased her distress.

Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed
her husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be
given a professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel
Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a
fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about
her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and
to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.
21. The Curies’ _________ collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.

1. friendly
2. competitive
3. courteous
4. industrious
5. chemistry
22. Marie had a bright mind and a ______ personality.

1. strong
2. lighthearted
3. humorous
4. strange
5. envious
23. When she learned that she could not attend the university in Warsaw, she felt

1. hopeless
2. annoyed
3. depressed
4. worried
5. None of the above
24. Marie _________ by leaving Poland and traveling to France to enter the

1. challenged authority
2. showed intelligence
3. behaved
4. was distressed
5. Answer not available

25. _________ she remembered their joy together.

1. Dejectedly
2. Worried
3. Tearfully
4. Happily
5. Irefully
26. A. Cacophone B. Cacophoney C. Cacophoni D. Cacophony

27. A. Capricious B. Cappricious C. Caprisious D. Carisuous

28. A. Centrefuge B. Centrifuse C. Centifuse D. Centrifuge

29. A. Chauvinist B. Chaubinist C. Chauviniste D. Chaubenist

30. A. Compendioum B. Compendium C. Compandium D. Commppendium


31. Asthma : Lungs :: Conjunctivitis: ?

A. Bones B. Teeth C. Eyes D. Blood

32. Dismay: Joy :: Tend : ?

A. Regret B. Ignore C. Negligible D. Spoil

33. Thermometer : Temperature :: Glucometer :?

A. Body sugar B. Body resistance C. Blood D. Blood sugar

34. communicable disease : Malaria :: Non- communicable disease : ?

A. Tuberculosis B. Hepatitis C.AIDS D. Cancer

35. 6 : 36 :: 9 : ?

A.81 B.98 C.42 D.56



“Your Favourite game ’’

VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1 .The worst play I've ..... seen
a. ever b. never c. forever d. however
2 . I saw ............
a. anybody b. nobody c. amazon d. man
3. Something ...... be done about it
a. ought b. should c. can d. would
4 .We ..... better be off now
A .had b. would c. has d. have
5 .It's about a journey up .....
a. the Amazon b. Amazon c. Jakarta d. London
6 . We stayed at ....... Hotel
a. Grand b. The Grand c. Low d. high .
7 . The house ..... I was born
a. where b. which c. whoever d. whatever
8. The house ..... I was born in
a. where b. which c. whoever d. whatever
9 .The house in ..... I was born
a. where b. which c. whose d. whom
10 . ………..... least
a. at b. in c. of d. by

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Rehabilitate B. Recover C. Reimburse D. Relocate


A. Prophecy B. Astronomy C. Intention D. Future


A. Nobel B. Enjoyable C. Delicious D. Sumptuous


A. Nonconductor B. Instructive C. Constructive D. Destructive


A. Insignificant B. Unfair C. Average D. Slovenly

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. My uncle forced (A)/ my friend and I (B)/ to stay back. (C)/ No error (D).
17. The company have (A)/ thousands of customers (B) happy with its service.
(C)/ No error (D).

18. Our new television set come (A)/ with a 90 days warranty (B)/ on all
electrical components. (C) No error (D)

19. My sister asked me (A)/ that how long (B)/ I would stay there. (C) No
Error (D).

20. The US (A)/ don't want (B)/ India in the Security Council. (C)/ No Error

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
. Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located between the ancient Italian cities of Pompeii
and Herculaneum, has received much attention because of its frequent and
destructive eruptions. The most famous of these eruptions occurred in A.D. 79.

The volcano had been inactive for centuries. There was little warning of the coming
eruption, although one account unearthed by archaeologists says that a hard rain and
a strong wind had disturbed the celestial calm during the preceding night. Early the
next morning, the volcano poured a huge river of molten rock down upon
Herculaneum, completely burying the city and filling the harbor with coagulated

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mountain, cinders, stone and ash rained down
on Pompeii. Sparks from the burning ash ignited the combustible rooftops quickly.
Large portions of the city were destroyed in the conflagration. Fire, however, was
not the only cause of destruction. Poisonous sulfuric gases saturated the air. These
heavy gases were not buoyant in the atmosphere and therefore sank toward the earth
and suffocated people.
Over the years, excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum have revealed a great deal
about the behavior of the volcano. By analyzing data, much as a zoologist dissects
an animal specimen, scientists have concluded that the eruption changed large
portions of the area’s geography. For instance, it turned the Sarno River from its
course and raised the level of the beach along the Bay of Naples. Meteorologists
studying these events have also concluded that Vesuvius caused a huge tidal wave
that affected the world’s climate.

In addition to making these investigations, archaeologists have been able to study

the skeletons of victims by using distilled water to wash away the volcanic ash. By
strengthening the brittle bones with acrylic paint, scientists have been able to
examine the skeletons and draw conclusions about the diet and habits of the
residents. Finally, the excavations at both Pompeii and Herculaneum have yielded
many examples of classical art, such as jewelry made of bronze, which is an alloy of
copper and tin. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its tragic consequences have
provided everyone with a wealth of data about the effects that volcanoes can have
on the surrounding area. Today, volcanologists can locate and predict eruptions,
saving lives and preventing the destruction of other cities and cultures.

21. Herculaneum and its harbor were buried under _________ lava.

1. liquid
2. solid
3. flowing
4. gas
5. Answer not available
22. The poisonous gases were not _________ in the air.

1. able to float
2. visible
3. able to evaporate
4. invisible
5. able to condense
23. Scientists analyzed data about Vesuvius in the same way that a zoologist
_________ a specimen.

1. describes in detail
2. studies by cutting apart
3. photographs
4. chart
5. Answer not available

24. _________ have concluded that the volcanic eruption caused a tidal wave.

1. Scientists who study oceans

2. Scientists who study atmospheric conditions
3. Scientists who study ash
4. Scientists who study animal behavior
5. Answer not available in article
25. Scientists have used _________ water to wash away volcanic ash from the
skeletons of victims.

1. bottled
2. volcanic
3. purified
4. sea
5. fountain


26. A. Connillatory B. Concilletry C. Conciliatory D. Concilletry

27 . A. Connillatory B. Concilletry C. Conciliatory D. Concilletry

28. A. Connillatory B. Concilletry C. Conciliatory D. Concilletry

29. A. Deppricate B. Dapricate C. Depricate D. Deprecate

30. A. Desiccate B. Desicate C. Descicate D. Deccicate


31. 6 : 72 :: 8 : ?

A.94 B.96 C.74 D.92

32. 384 : ? :: 216 : 63

A.128 B.124 C.112 D.192

33. Air : Atmosphere :: Water: ?

A.Island B.Earth C.Ocean D.Drop E.Dew

34. Mother : Daughter :: Father : ?

A.Son B.Brother C.Boy D.Sister

35. Obey : Defy :: Work : ?

A.Lazy B.Rest C.Idle D.Labour



“Your favourite player ’’

VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1 .It didn't bother me ..... the least
A . at b.in c. of d. for
2. According .... the media
a. to b. with d. for d. on
3. In accordance ..... the regulations
a. with b. to c. off d. at
4 .She took it ...... her bag
a. from b. out c. between d. under
5. She took it ...... of her bag
a. from b. out c. on d. none of these
6. It was ...... hot to drink
a. too b. such c. in d. as
7. It was ...... hot that I couldn't drink it
a. so b. too c. with d. at
8. It was ...... hot to touch
a. too b. so c. in d. at
9. It was ..... a nice day
a. so b. such c. with d . non of these
10 . The weather was ..... nice
a. so b. such c. as d. in

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Scatter B. Discriminate C. Belittle D. Waste E. Parable


A. Briskness B. Fear C. Frankness D. Alarm E. None of these

13. BUSY

A. Active B. Occupied C. Preoccupied D. Diligent E. None of these

A. Sourness B. Hoarseness C. Acrimony D. Aspersion E. None of these


A. Dry B. Barren C. Childless D. None of these

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. Entering the hotel (A)/ he ordered for (B)/ a drink and a sumptuous
dinner. (C)/ No error (D)

17. I have (A)/ known him (B)/ since two years. ( C )/ No error (D)

18. In world of ours (A)/ one has to compete (B)/ for almost everything. (C) No
error (D)

19. How is Surrinder (A)/ going with (B)/ his work ? (C)/ No error (D)

20. I have been (A)/ working in this organization (B)/ since three years. (C)/
No error (D)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.

Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England wanted a
share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch admiral of the navy, Sir
Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these raids were on a small
scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England’s treasury
and diminishing Spain’s supremacy.

Religious differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain
was Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of
Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again. To
satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England’s theft of his gold and silver,
King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Spanish Armada, in January

Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new warships,

he marshaled 130 sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than 19,000 robust
soldiers and 8,000 sailors. Although some of his ships lacked guns and others lacked
ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could withstand any battle with

The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on May 9, 1588, but bad weather
forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on July 22 after the weather became more

The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable English ships in
battle off the coast of Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on August 2.
The two battles left Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its
ammunition depleted. On August 7, while the Armada lay at anchor on the French
side of the Strait of Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the
Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift
away, their crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could regroup, the
English attacked again on August 8.

Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to fight back, the fleet suffered
extensive damage. During the eight hours of battle, the Armada drifted perilously
close to the rocky coastline. At the moment when it seemed that the Spanish ships
would be driven onto the English shore, the wind shifted, and the Armada drifted
out into the North Sea. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the English fleet
and returned home, defeated.

21. Sir Francis Drake added wealth to the treasury and diminished Spain’s

1. unlimited power
2. unrestricted growth
3. territory
4. treaties
5. Answer not available in article
22. King Philip recruited many ______ soldiers and sailors.

1. warlike
2. strong
3. accomplished
4. timid
5. inexperienced
23. The ______ Armada set sail on May 9, 1588.

1. complete
2. warlike
3. independent
4. isolated
5. Answer not available
24. The two battles left the Spanish fleet _________.

1. open to change
2. triumphant
3. open to attack
4. defeated
5. discouraged
25. The Armada was ______ on one side.

1. closed off
2. damaged
3. alone
4. circled
5. Answer not available in this article


26. A. Dicotomy B. Dicotemy C. Dichotomy D. Dechotomy

27. A. Embelis B. Embelesh C. Embellish D. Embelish

28. A. livelihood B. livelyhood C. livlihood D. livelyhud

29. A. foyere B. foayer C. foyer D. fouyer

30. A. lassivious B. lacivoius C. lascivious D. lasivious


31. Light : sun :: Heat : ?

A. Electricity B. Moon C. Fire D. Stars

32 Oil : lamp :: Wax : ?

A. Bulb B. Candle C. Light D. Dark

33. parrot : cage :: man : ?

A. Home B. Life C. House D. Prison

34. Mango : fruit :: Potato : ?

A. Root B. Stem C. Flower D. Fruit

35. Dog : Bark :: Goat : ?

A. Grunt B. Bray C. Howl D. Bleat



“Your favourite player ’’

VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. It all happened ..... quickly
a. so b. such c. with d. none of these
2 . ……...... people
a. Many b. Many of c. no one d. everyone
3. ..... the people
a. Many b. Many of c. everyone d. no one
4. You must ensure the correctness of the information before________ to

a) drawing b) enabling c) leaning d) jumping e) examining

5. The flood water ____________ agricultural fields and entered houses in several
parts of the state.

a) Bargained b) Restricts c) Inundated d) Groove e) Clustered

6. The ______of our civilization from an agricultural society to today’s complex

industrial world was accompanied by war

a) adjustment b) migration c) route d) metamorphosis

7. The usher showed us ________

a) how to take photographs b) where to sit c) when to comb our hair d) how to dance
8. His wife has a twin who resembles her so much that at first he had great trouble
telling _______

a) one from the other b) one from another c) each other d) who is which

9. I always fall ________ old friends in times of need

a) over b) through c) back on d) off

10. It is desirable to take ________in any business if you want to make profit.

a) advice b) risk c) loan d) recourse e) perseverance

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Choice B. Charge C. Heated dispute D. Distribution E. None of these


A. Prescribe B. Forfeit C. Forbid D. Provide


A. Rude B. Dull C. Illiterate D. Obstinate

A. Index B. Mixture C. Summary D. Puzzle


A. Moving B. Timid C. Obvious D. Instructive

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be
corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. Investors sentiment towards (1)/ India has soured in recent years(2)/as
economic growth slowed(3)/ to less by 5% in current fiscal year to 8% in 2007
(4)/ No error (5).

17. India can become an economic superpower (1)/ It has a young work force
(2)/ China is becoming more expensive (3)/ So it serves us well to force the idea
of effective dialogue (4)/ No error (5)

18. The Central Bank has cut (1)/ Its policy repo rate by fifty basis points (3)/
but only a few banks has (3)/ lowered their base lending rates (4)/ No error

19. Ancient India and medieval (a)/Europe has seen (b)/the culture of
busking.(c)/ No error(d)

20. Having deprived of their houses (A)/ in the recent earthquake (B)/ they
had no other option but to take shelter in a school. (C) No error (D)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
The victory of the small Greek democracy of Athens over the mighty Persian Empire
in 490 B.C. is one of the most famous events in history. Darius, king of the Persian
Empire, was furious because Athens had interceded for the other Greek city-states
in revolt against Persian domination. In anger the king sent an enormous army to
defeat Athens. He thought it would take drastic steps to pacify the rebellious part of
the empire.

Persia was ruled by one man. In Athens, however, all citizens helped to rule.
Ennobled by this participation, Athenians were prepared to die for their city-state.
Perhaps this was the secret of the remarkable victory at Marathon, which freed them
from Persian rule. On their way to Marathon, the Persians tried to fool some Greek
city-states by claiming to have come in peace. The frightened citizens of Delos
refused to believe this. Not wanting to abet the conquest of Greece, they fled from
their city and did not return until the Persians had left. They were wise, for the
Persians next conquered the city of Eritrea and captured its people.

Tiny Athens stood alone against Persia. The Athenian people went to their
sanctuaries. There they prayed for deliverance. They asked their gods to expedite
their victory. The Athenians refurbished their weapons and moved to the plain of
Marathon, where their little band would meet the Persians. At the last moment,
soldiers from Plataea reinforced the Athenian troops.

The Athenian army attacked, and Greek citizens fought bravely. The power of the
mighty Persians was offset by the love that the Athenians had for their city.
Athenians defeated the Persians in both archery and hand combat. Greek soldiers
seized Persian ships and burned them, and the Persians fled in terror. Herodotus, a
famous historian, reports that 6,400 Persians died, compared to only 192 Athenians.

21. Athens had _________ the other Greek city-states against the Persians.

1. refused help to
2. intervened on behalf of
3. wanted to fight
4. given orders for all to fight
5. defeated
22. Darius took drastic steps to ________ the rebellious Athenians.

1. weaken
2. destroy
3. calm
4. irritate
5. Answer not available
23. Their participation _________ to the Athenians.

1. gave comfort
2. gave honor
3. gave strength
4. gave fear
5. gave hope
24. The people of Delos did not want to ______ the conquest of Greece.

1. end
2. encourage
3. think about
4. daydream about
5. Answer not available
25. The Athenians were _________ by some soldiers who arrived from Plataea.

1. welcomed
2. strengthened
3. held
4. captured
5. Answer not available


26. A. enemyty B. enemity C. enmity D. enmety

27. A. irelevant B. irrelavent C. irelevent D. irrelevant

28. A. Benificial B. Beneficil C. Beneficial D. Benifical

29 . A. Uniquely B. Internaly C. Coldlly D. Fortunatelly

30. A. Apprehenssion B. Apprehension C. Apprihension D. Aprihension


31. Moon : Satelite :: Earth : ?

A. Sun B. Solar System C. Planet D. Asteroid

32. Laugh : joy :: weep : ?

A. Grief B. Remorse C. Baby D. Punishment

33. Typist : Typewriter :: Writer : ?

A. Book B. Paper C. Script D. Pen

34. rupee : India :: Yen : ?

A. Turkey B. Bangladesh C. Japan D. Pakistan

35. dog: Rabies :: Mosquito : ?

A. Malaria B. Sting C. Death D. Plague




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. The boy was rewarded for his ________ behaviour.

a) pleasing b) best c) good d) neat e) correct

2. People have become ________ under the burden of heavy taxes.

a) reckless b) isolated c) punished d) fatigue e) impatient

3. The worker used ________ to patch up the hole in the wall

a) sand b) cement c) soil d) grass

4. More children growing up in a world so increasingly diverse that stock racial

identities no longer ________.

a) call off b) hold up c) leave out d) blow up e) bring up

5. A pleasant spoken young constable arrived at Riverview with a warrant and asked
if he might_______ the boat.

a) turn up b) take down c) make out d) make up e) look over

6. We came into the theatre at about two for a_______, Matt came in as well and he
was struggling with his voice.

a) put out b) put up c) run away d) run through e) run into

7. Jet needs to urgently __________its cost strategy as it does not have enough funds
to continue operations for more than two months.
a) work out b) warm up c) wake up d) turn down e) take out

8. Cameron Borthwick-Jackson hopes to make up for lost time and _________his

best as the Manchester United left-back begins his season-long loan at Scunthorpe.

a) get up b) get back at c) get back to d) get along with e) get around

9. I sensed the __________ of the argument.

a) beautiful b) beautifully c) beauty d) beautification

10 . The speaker did not properly space out his speech but went on ________ one
point only

a) stressing b) avoiding c) devoting d) decrying

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Rowdy B. Hungry C. Greedy D. Gaudy


A. Destroy B. Entrain C. Forward D. testify


A. Gather B. Allot C. Calm D. Remit


A. Broad-minded B. Generous C. Visionary D. Imaginative


A. Boldness B. Safety C. Fearlessness D. Confidence

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be
corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. I always enjoy (A)/ to read (B)/ books (C)/ No Error (D)

27. The maintenance (1)/ staff tried to (2) / douse the flames (3)/ but failed (4)/
No Error (5)

18. He is (1)/ survived by (2) / his wife (3)/ or three sons (4)/ No Error (5)

19. Selling match boxes on the road (A)/ is the only means of earning (B)/ in
respect of most of the people (C)/ No error. (D)

20. Selling match boxes on the road (A)/ is the only means of earning (B)/ in
respect of most of the people (C)/ No error. (D)

21. Some of the most (1)/ successful organisations in the world (2)/ uses
exploration and plays (3)/ to their continued success and growth (4) / No error

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
The Trojan War is one of the most famous wars in history. It is well known for the
10-year duration, for the heroism of a number of legendary characters, and for the
Trojan horse. What may not be familiar, however, is the story of how the war began.

According to Greek myth, the strife between the Trojans and the Greeks started at
the wedding of Peleus, King of Thessaly, and Thetis, a sea nymph. All of the gods
and goddesses had been invited to the wedding celebration in Troy except Eris,
goddess of discord. She had been omitted from the guest list because her presence
always embroiled mortals and immortals alike in conflict.
his loyal forces and set sail for Troy to begin the war to reclaim Helen. To take
revenge on those who had slighted her, Eris decided to cause a skirmish. Into the
middle of the banquet hall, she threw a golden apple marked “for the most
beautiful.” All of the goddesses began to haggle over who should possess it. The
gods and goddesses reached a stalemate when the choice was narrowed to Hera,
Athena, and Aphrodite. Someone was needed to settle the controversy by picking a
winner. The job eventually fell to Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, who was said
to be a good judge of beauty. Paris did not have an easy job. Each goddess, eager
to win the golden apple, tried aggressively to bribe him.

“I’ll grant you vast kingdoms to rule,” promised Hera. “Vast kingdoms are nothing
in comparison with my gift,” contradicted Athena. “Choose me and I’ll see that
you win victory and fame in war.” Aphrodite outdid her adversaries, however. She
won the golden apple by offering Helen, daughter of Zeus and the most beautiful
mortal in the land, to Paris. Paris, anxious to claim Helen, set off for Sparta in

Although Paris learned that Helen was married, he nevertheless accepted the
hospitality of her husband, King Menelaus of Sparta. Therefore, Menelaus was
outraged for a number of reasons when Paris departed, taking Helen and much of
the king’s wealth back to Troy. Menelaus collected

21. Eris was known for _________ both mortals and immortals.

1. scheming against
2. creating conflict amongst
3. feeling hostile toward
4. ignoring
5. comforting
22. Each goddess tried ______ to bribe Paris.

1. boldly
2. effectively
3. secretly
4. carefully
5. Answer not available
23. Athena _________ Hera, promising Paris victory and fame in war.

1. disregarded the statement of

2. defeated
3. agreed with
4. restated the statement of
5. questioned the statement of
24. Trojans and the Greeks started at the ____________.

1. wedding of Peleus
3.restated the statement of
4.questioned the statement of
25. , Menelaus was________ for a number of reasons when Paris departed.

1. outraged
2. effectively
3. secretly
4. carefully


26. A. Affactionately B. Affectionately C. Afectionately D. Affectionnality

27. A. Averisious B. Avericious C. Avaricious D. Avarisious

28. A. Enterpreneur B. Entreorenure C. Entrepreneur D. Enterprenure

29. A. Promiscuous B. Promescuous C. Promiscuos D. Promescuous

3O. A. Onomatopoeia B. Onomotopoei C. Onomatopoia D. Onamotipoei

31. Aeroplane : Cockpit :: Train : ?

A. Coach B. Wagon C. Engine D. Compartment

32. pen : ink :: Pencil : ?

A. Knife B. Write C. Lead D. Chalk

33. Trouble: Safety :: Freedom : ?

A. Independence B. Patient C. Liberty D. Slavery

34. Sickness : Health :: Happiness : ?

A. Medicine B. Sorrow C. Comfort D. Misery

35. Bee : honey :: Cow : ?

A. Animal B. Water C. Grass D. Milk




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. As he proved inefficient the company ________ him

a) rejected b) ejected c) evicted d) expelled

2. You must refrain ________ such an act.

a) to b) at c) with d) from e) through

3. Keith has _____ with a failure in English examination thrice.

a) caught b) gone c) got d) met

4. Our company has invested a huge amount in ________ the outdated unit.

a) running b) modernizing c) selling d) dispensing e) establishing

5. The streets are lighted ________ electricity

a) with b) by c) an d) in

6. After missing four days of school due to a _________ of flu, Babita struggled to
make up for her missing work.

a) bout b) about c) amount d) array

7. I have in my album photographs of some of my very close friends ________ I can

never forget.

a) that b) who c) whom d) which e) those

8. I have little time so I can tell you only ________ what he said

a) shortly b) briefly c) little of d) briskly

9. Apart from manufacturing electric and hybrid models, companies are now
planning to develop ________driving technology.

a) Indigenous b) Autonomous c) Manual d) Incredible e) Electrical

10. Many people reported ________ noise in the night

a) to hear b) having heard c) to have heard d) been hearing

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Fool B. Unhappy C. Hardworking D. Disappointment


A. Lovable B. Important C. Vague D. Assurance


A. Benefit B. Usefulness C. Profitability D. Advantage


A. Kindness B. Similarity C. Contrast D. Cruelty


A. Craftiness B. Satisfaction C. Idleness D. Craving

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. Workers inside the building may soon (1)/ able to imagine testing his
weightlifting prowess or other muscle (2)/ building regimens against the
mythical feats of King Kong (3)/, who once scaled this building’s facade (4)/
No error (5)

17. In the current year (1)/ small lenders, who global banks have(2)/ long
sneered at are performing (3)/ more better than the giants (4)/ No error (5).

18. Apart of not speaking up enough, (1)/ many professionals do not think
about (2)/ how asking different types of questions (3)/ can lead to different
outcomes (4)/ No error (5).

19. He was (A)/ not in a position to state (B)/ the speed the ship travelled. (C) /
No error (D)

20. He (A)/ is addicted (B)/ with smoking. (C) No error (D)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
One of the most intriguing stories of the Russian Revolution concerns the identity of
Anastasia, the youngest daughter of Czar Nicholas II. During his reign over Russia,
the czar had planned to revoke many of the harsh laws established by previous czars.
Some workers and peasants, however, clamored for more rapid social reform. In
1918, a group of these people known as Bolsheviks overthrew the government. On
July 17 or 18, they murdered the czar and what was thought to be his entire family.

Although witnesses vouched that all the members of the czar’s family had been
executed, there were rumors suggesting that Anastasia had survived. Over the years,
a number of women claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia. Perhaps the most
famous claimant was Anastasia Tschaikovsky, who was also known as Anna

In 1920, 18 months after the czar’s execution, this terrified young woman was
rescued from drowning in a Berlin river. She spent two years in a hospital, where
she attempted to reclaim her health and shattered mind. The doctors and nurses
thought that she resembled Anastasia and questioned her about her background. She
disclaimed any connection with the czar’s family. Eight years later, however, she
claimed that she was Anastasia. She said that she had been rescued by two Russian
soldiers after the czar and the rest of her family had been killed. Two brothers named
Tschaikovsky had carried her into Romania. She had married one of the brothers,
who had taken her to Berlin and left her there, penniless and without a vocation.
Unable to invoke the aid of her mother’s family in Germany, she had tried to drown

During the next few years, scores of the czar’s relatives, ex-servants, and
acquaintances interviewed her. Many of these people said that her looks and
mannerisms were evocative of the Anastasia that they had known. Her grandmother
and other relatives denied that she was the real Anastasia, however.

Tired of being accused of fraud, Anastasia immigrated to the United States in 1928
and took the name Anna Anderson. She still wished to prove that she was Anastasia,
though, and returned to Germany in 1933 to bring suit against her mother’s family.
There she declaimed to the court, asserting that she was indeed Anastasia and
deserved her inheritance.

In 1957, the court decided that it could neither confirm nor deny Anastasia’s identity.
Although it will probably never be known whether this woman was the Grand
Duchess Anastasia, her search to establish her identity has been the subject of
numerous books, plays, and movies.

21. Some Russian peasants and workers ______ for social reform.

1. longed
2. cried out
3. begged
4. hoped
5. thought much
22. Witnesses ______ that all members of the czar’s family had been executed.

1. gave assurance
2. thought
3. hoped
4. convinced some
5. Answer not available
23. Tschaikovsky initially ______ any connection with the czar’s family.

1. denied
2. stopped
3. noted
4. justified
5. Answer not available
24. She was unable to ______ the aid of her relatives.

1. locate
2. speak about
3. call upon
4. identify
5. know
25. In court she _________ maintaining that she was Anastasia and deserved her

1. finally appeared
2. spoke forcefully
3. gave testimony
4. gave evidence
5. Answer not available


26. A. Bureacracy B. Bereaucracy C. Buereacracy D. Bureaucracy

27. A. Millionair B. Millionnaire C. Milionaire D. Millionaire

28. A. Sychological B. Psychological C. Psykological D. Sykological

29. A. Efficient B. Treatmeant C. Beterment D. Employd

30 A. Foreign B. Foreine C. Fariegn D. Forein

31. Plant : Tree :: House : ?

A. Skyscraper B. Building C. Home D. Residence

32. Tall : Short :: Treachery: ?

A. Respect B. Honour C. Disgrace D. Loyalty

33. Stone : Hard :: Feather : ?

A. Soft B. White C. Bird D. Fly

34. Home : Shelter :: School : ?

A. Principal B. Student C. Class D. Education

35 ABC : ZYX :: CBA :: ?




“COVID- 19’’

VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. We have to plant more trees ________ we can save our environment from the
evils of pollution.

a) so as b) since as c) such that d) so that e) such as

2. The story’s bitter antagonist felt such great ______ for all of the other characters
that as a result, his life was very lonely and he died alone.

a) insurgence b) malevolence c) reciprocation d) declamation e) preference

3. They needn’t worry ________ ?

a) isn’t it b) doesn't it c) don’t it d) need they

4. We warned her ________ the danger

a) from b) about c) against d) of

5. We warned her ________ the danger

a) from b) about c) against d) of

6. The candidate’s exposition was ________ for its brevity and clarity

a) complimentary b) conspicuous c) incomprehensible d) remarkable

7. The candidate’s exposition was ________ for its brevity and clarity

a) complimentary b) conspicuous c) incomprehensible d) remarkable

8. Shakespeare, a(n) ______ writer, entertained audiences by writing many tragic
and comic plays.

a) numeric b) obstinate c) dutiful d) prolific e) generic

9. I assume ________ with me

a) everyone agreeing b) that everyone agrees c) everyone to agree d) that everyone

to agree

10. My friend's father died ________ I cancer

a) by b) of c) from d) with

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Imaginary B. Tamed C. Novel D. Wildness


A. Escaping B. Enduring C. Vain D. Weak


A. Meddler B. Cancel C. Advocate D. Horrid

14. GOAD

A. Soothe B. Save C. Irritate D. Worship


A. Extirpate B. Provoke C. Isolation D. Abrasion

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. He is (A)/ your brother (B)/ isn't it? (C)/ No error (D)

17. The Vice-Chancellor (A) wants all vacancies (B)/ to be filled up. (C) No
error (D)

18. Bose is (A) / more popular than (B) / any student in the class. (C) No error

19. It is said (A)/ that this room is not being opened (B)/ for the last fifty years.
(C)/ No error (D)

20. Neither of the two (A)/ candidates have (B)/ paid his subscription. (C)/ No
error (D)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette ruled France from 1774 to 1789, a
time when the country was fighting bankruptcy. The royal couple did not let
France’s insecure financial situation limit their immoderate spending, however.
Even though the minister of finance repeatedly warned the king and queen against
wasting money, they continued to spend great fortunes on their personal pleasure.
This lavish spending greatly enraged the people of France. They felt that the royal
couple bought its luxurious lifestyle at the poor people’s expense.

Marie Antoinette, the beautiful but exceedingly impractical queen, seemed

uncaring about her subjects’ misery. While French citizens begged for lower taxes,
the queen embellished her palace with extravagant works of art. She also
surrounded herself with artists, writers, and musicians, who encouraged the queen
to spend money even more profusely.

While the queen’s favorites glutted themselves on huge feasts at the royal table,
many people in France were starving. The French government taxed the citizens
outrageously. These high taxes paid for the entertainments the queen and her court
so enjoyed. When the minister of finance tried to stop these royal spendthrifts, the
queen replaced him. The intense hatred that the people felt for Louis XVI and
Marie Antoinette kept building until it led to the French Revolution. During this
time of struggle and violence (1789-1799), thousands of aristocrats, as well as the
king and queen themselves, lost their lives at the guillotine. Perhaps if Louis XVI
and Marie Antoinette had reined in their extravagant spending, the events that
rocked France would not have occurred.

21. The people surrounding the queen encouraged her to spend money ______.

1. wisely
2. abundantly
3. carefully
4. foolishly
5. joyfully
22. The minister of finance tried to curb these royal ______.

1. aristocrats
2. money wasters
3. enemies
4. individuals
5. spenders
23. France from ------------ a time when the country was fighting bankruptcy
1.1983 to 1997
2. 1774 to 1789,
3. 1975 to 19995
4. 1993 to 19995
24. During this time of struggle and violence ________thousands of aristocrats,
1. 1789-1799
2. 1774 to 1789
3. 1975 to 19995
4. 1993 to 19995
25. While French citizens begged for lower taxes,___________ embellished her
palace with extravagant works of art.
1. the queen
2. the king
3. luios
4. government
26. A. Ommineous B. Omineous C. Ominous D. Omenous

27. A. Pessenger B. Passenger C. Pasanger D. Pesanger

28. A. Benefittd B. Benifited C. Benefited D. Benefeted

29. A. Treachrous B. Trecherous C. Trechearous D. Treacherous

30. A. Forcast B. Forecaste C. Forcaust D. Forecast


31. JLN : SQO :: PRT : ?


32. ADE : FGJ :: KNO : ?


33. DGJ : KMO :: MPS : ?


34. ACE : HIL :: MCQ : ?


35. (1/4) : (1/8) :: (1/3) : ?

A.1/7 B.1/4 C.1/6 D.1/2




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. _______ the rain forests is very important if we do not want the flora and fauna
found there to become extinct

a) Reserving b) Destroying c) Preserving d) Maintaining

2. The suspect was taken to the police, but the ________ revealed nothing.

a) investigation b) inquiry c) probe d) interrogation e) attempt

3. She has been supporting her family ________ her husband’s death

a) on b) at c) from d) since

4. His novels are very popular. They are being ________ into many languages.

a) recited b) transformed c) sold d) translated e) crammed

5. Smoke from fires ________ into the NCR while the air becomes still and heavy
as the weather turns colder than before.

a) Dazzles b) Headlines c) Drifts d) Moved e) Initiated

6. We cannot ________of life without suitable environment.

a) live b) buy c) extract d) dreams e) think

7. Many people regard office parties as opportunities to ________.

a) unwind b) advocate c) exhibit d) entangle e) demonstrate

8. Gandhi will ________ in history as one of the greatest men that ever lived

a) goby b) goon c) go down d) go through

9. Spiderman reached the party after Batman---------.

(A) would leave (B) have left (C) had left (D) left

10. All of my cousins --------in Thailand's Assumption University's Ph.D. program.

(A) will enroll (B) enroll (C) are admitting (D) will admit

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Mean B. Obvious C. Humble D. Subtle

12. SEE

A. Talk B. Observe C. Stand D. Look


A. Prepared B. Settled C. Started D. Manufactured E. Established


A. Prevent B. Limit C. Hold D. Express E. Control


A. Suddenly B. Ultimately C. Quickly D. Abruptly E. Initially

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. We had scarcely (A)/ reached the place (B)/ than it started to rain heavily.
(C) No error (D).

17. They are residing (A)/ in this city (B)/ for the last two decades. (C)/ No
error (D)

18. The cruel lady made (A)/ her step-daughter to do (B)/ all the household
chores. (C)/ No Error (D).

19. The teacher, as well as the students (A)/ have gone on an excursion (B)/ to
Ooty during their summer vacation. (C)/ No Error (D)

20. You can eat (A)/as much as you like (B)/ at the newly launch bar. (C)/ No
Error (D).

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
Many great inventions are initially greeted with ridicule and disbelief. The invention
of the airplane was no exception. Although many people who heard about the first
powered flight on December 17, 1903 were excited and impressed, others reacted
with peals of laughter. The idea of flying an aircraft was repulsive to some people.
Such people called Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the first flying
machine, impulsive fools. Negative reactions, however, did not stop the Wrights.
Impelled by their desire to succeed, they continued their experiments in aviation.

Orville and Wilbur Wright had always had a compelling interest in aeronautics and
mechanics. As young boys they earned money by making and selling kites and
mechanical toys. Later, they designed a newspaper-folding machine, built a printing
press, and operated a bicycle-repair shop. In 1896, when they read about the death
of Otto Lilienthal, the brothers’ interest in flight grew into a compulsion.

Lilienthal, a pioneer in hang-gliding, had controlled his gliders by shifting his body
in the desired direction. This idea was repellent to the Wright brothers, however, and
they searched for more efficient methods to control the balance of airborne vehicles.
In 1900 and 1901, the Wrights tested numerous gliders and developed control
techniques. The brothers’ inability to obtain enough lift power for the gliders almost
led them to abandon their efforts.

After further study, the Wright brothers concluded that the published tables of air
pressure on curved surfaces must be wrong. They set up a wind tunnel and began a
series of experiments with model wings. Because of their efforts, the old tables were
repealed in time and replaced by the first reliable figures for air pressure on curved
surfaces. This work, in turn, made it possible for the brothers to design a machine
that would fly. In 1903 the Wrights built their first airplane, which cost less than
$1,000. They even designed and built their own source of propulsion-a lightweight
gasoline engine. When they started the engine on December 17, the airplane pulsated
wildly before taking off. The plane managed to stay aloft for 12 seconds, however,
and it flew 120 feet.

By 1905, the Wrights had perfected the first airplane that could turn, circle, and
remain airborne for half an hour at a time. Others had flown in balloons and hang
gliders, but the Wright brothers were the first to build a full-size machine that could
fly under its own power. As the contributors of one of the most outstanding
engineering achievements in history, the Wright brothers are accurately called the
fathers of aviation.

21. The idea of flying an aircraft was ______ to some people.

1. boring
2. distasteful
3. exciting
4. needless
5. Answer not available
22. People thought that the Wright brothers had ______.

1. acted without thinking

2. been negatively influenced
3. been too cautious
4. been mistaken
5. acted in a negative way
23. The Wrights’ interest in flight grew into a ______.

1. financial empire
2. plan
3. need to act
4. foolish thought
5. Answer not available
24. Lilienthal’s idea about controlling airborne vehicles was _________ the

1. proven wrong by
2. opposite to the ideas of
3. disliked by
4. accepted by
5. improved by
25. The old tables were _________ and replaced by the first reliable figures for air
pressure on curved surfaces.

1. destroyed
2. invalidated
3. multiplied
4. approved
5. not used


26. A. Rigerous B. Rigourous C. Regerous D. Rigorous

27. A. Palete B. Palet C. Palate D. Pelate

28. A. Bouquete B. Bouquette C. Bouquet D. Boqquet

29. A. Vetarinary B. Veteninary C. Vetinary D. Veterinary

30. A. Chancelary B. Chancellery C. Chancelery D. Chancellary

31. (1/4) : (1/8) :: (2/3) : ?

A.1/4 B.1/3 C.1/2 D.2/7

32. 9 : 25 :: 49 : ?

A.63 B.81 C.36 D.100

33. 12: 35 :: 16 : ?

A.32 B.48 C.49 D.63

34. 1: 8 :: 9 : ?

A.16 B.25 C.64 D.49

35. Registration : Office ::

A. Competition : Game B. Illness : Hospital C. Abdication : Throne D. Moisture

: Rain



VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. In the last few months, competition has become ___________.
a. much tougher b. more tougher c. much more tough d. more tough
2. 'He ______ at the seminar on Thursday because he was sick.'
a. was not b. is not c. will not be
3. I intend to _____ to my boss about my salary.
a. Tell b. speak c. talk
4. I ________ a great film.'
A. am seeing b. will see c. have seen d. could see
5. How ________________ renew a passport?'
a. often do you have to b. do often you to have c. you often do have to d. you do
have to often
6. No one was allowed to use any written materials ______ the exam.'
A. on b. by C. over D. during
7. The stairs are wet and slippery. Walk _________.'
A. carefuller B. carefuls C. careful D. carefully
8. 'There wasn't enough paper in the printer, ________?'
A. are there B. is there C. was there D. were there
9. The candidates _________________ by the selection committee next week.'
A. are interviewed B. will be interviewed C. were interviewed D. have been
10. 'He is a famous architect _____ designs won an international award last year.'
A. that C. which D. whose E. who

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Desirable B. Advisable C. Beneficial D. Unavoidable

12. TURN

A. Shift B. Curve C. Move D. Rotate E. Fabricate


A. Enlightened B. Realized C. Shook D. Briefed


A. Amusement B. Distortion C. Deviation D. Change

15. PASS

A. Qualify B. Die C. Cross D. Elongated

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark D.
16. I whistled thrice (A)/ with full might and raise my arms (B)/ towards the
sky. (C)/ No Error (D)
17. Yesterday, while I was outside, my friend has come to my house.
18. The various consequences of (A)/ the decision taken by the (B)/ fiancé
ministry was not foreseen by the bureaucrats. (C) No error.

19. I told the tailor (A) /to made a new (B)/dress for me (C). /No error. (D)

20. Unless aid arrives (A) within the next few weeks (B)/ thousands are
starving. (C) No error (D)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.

Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides
holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of
making us tolerant of each other's yarns-and even convictions. The Lawyer-the best
of old fellows-had, because of his many years and many virtues, the only cushion on
deck, and was lying on the only rug. The Accountant had brought out already a box
of dominoes, and was toying architecturally with the bones. Marlow sat cross-legged
right aft, leaning against the mizzen-mast. He had sunken cheeks, a yellow
complexion, a straight back, an ascetic aspect, and, with his arms dropped, the palms
of hands outwards, resembled an idol. The Director, satisfied the anchor had good
hold, made his way aft and sat down amongst us. We exchanged a few words lazily.
Afterwards there was silence on board the yacht. For some reason or other we did
not begin that game of dominoes. We felt meditative, and fit for nothing but placid
staring. The day was ending in a serenity of still and exquisite brilliance. The water
shone pacifically; the sky, without a speck, was a benign immensity of unstained
light; the very mist on the Essex marshes was like a gauzy and radiant fabric, hung
from the wooded rises inland, and draping the low shores in diaphanous folds. Only
the gloom to the west, brooding over the upper reaches, became more sombre every
minute, as if angered by the approach of the sun. And at last, in its curved and
imperceptible fall, the sun sank low, and from glowing white changed to a dull red
without rays and without heat, as if about to go out suddenly, stricken to death by
the touch of that gloom brooding over a crowd of men. From ‘The Heart of
Darkness’, by Joseph Conrad.
21.The narrator of this passage is telling his story from:

A: a wharf.

B: the deck of a yacht.

C: a high vantage point.

D: the edge of the Essex marshes.

E: None of the above.

22. The mood of the men in this passage is best described as:

A: surly.

B: resigned.

C: contemplative.

D: restless.

E: ecstatic

23. From the passage, it is clear that the men:

A: do not get along.

B: show a quiet understanding.

C: cannot be bothered with one another.

D: have just had a quarrel.

E: are worn out.

24. The word ‘diaphanous’, used to describe the mist, means:

A: almost transparent.

B: fragile.

C: suffocating.

D: silent

E: none of the above

25. The very mist on the Essex marshes was like a _________.

A. Gauzy and radiant fabric

B. suffocating.

C. fragile.
D. : almost transparent
26. A. Excessive B. Exccessive C. Exxcesive D. Excesive.

27. A. Indipensable B. Indipenseble C. Indispansible D. Indispensable

28. A. Humorous B. Ganerous C. Pupolous D. Maretorious

29. A. Itinarery B. Itinerary C. Itenary D. Itinarary

30. A. Survaillance B. Surveillance C. Survellance D. Surveilance

31. Bunch : Key ::

A. Hound : Pack B. Team : Competition C. Beehive : Bee D .Bouquet : Flower

32. profit : loss ::

A. Success : Failure B. Rupee : Paisa C. Whole : Part D. Multiplication :


33. Sapling : Tree ::

A. Horse : Mare B. Student : Teacher C. Bud : Flower D. River : Brook

34. supervisor : Worker ::

A. Junior : Senior B. Superior : Inferior C. Elder : Younger D. Debtor : Creditor

E. Officer : Clerk

35. Timid : Ass :: Cunning : ?

A. Ant B. Fox C. Rabbit D. Horse




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /

1). 1950 is _______ year in which India became a republic.
a) an b) the c) a d) these
2). You may have ____ of the four watches.
a) either b) some c) any d) many
3). She always _____ excuses for coming late.
a) makes b) make c) making d) have made
4) Travelling by bus is ________ expensive than by train.
a) less b) least c) many d) few
5) The climate is getting ____ every year.
a) hot b) hottest c) hotter d) less hot
6) I like short stories best because they _____ much time to read.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t take c) don’t take d) hasn’t taken
7) He drove with ______ care and hence was fined by _____ police.
a) the; the b) little; the c) much; a d) much; an
8) The Prime Minister ______ for Russia tomorrow on a five day visit.
a) should leave b) has left c) will leave d) had left
9) I didn’t know Jim ____ to the United States.
a) migrates b) will migrate c) migrated d) migrate

(10) This news ____ broadcast from All India Radio.

a) were b) was c) are d) is

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:

A. Poor B. Foolish C. Insane D. Strained E. Transfer


A. Repetition B. Artlessness C. Deceit D. Cleverness


A. Race driver B. Officer C. Flag bearer D. Pioneer


A. Similarity B. Courage C. Protection D. Safety


A. Ignorant B. Unexpected C. Unintentional D. Undisturbed

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammatical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark 4.
16. One of my desires (1)/ are to become (2)/ a doctor (3)/. No error. (4)
17. I went to the temple (1)/ with my parents, my aunts (2)/ and my cousins
(3)/. No error. (4)

18. When the football team walked onto the field (1)/ the crowd burst into
applause, (2)/ but some cheers were heard too. (3)/ No error (4).

19. A milk (1)/ can provide protein (2)/ for a nutritionally balanced diet. (3)/
No error (4).

20. In Singapore (1)/my brother-in law with his wife (2)/were present at the
function. (3)/No error. (4).

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
. Among predatory dinosaurs, few flesh-eaters were bigger, faster and nastier than
the "tyrant lizard" of popular imagination, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. At least, that is
what we have been led to believe. Now research suggests that, far from being the
Ferrari of dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose ferocious reputation has fascinated
generations of schoolchildren, was in fact a cumbersome creature with a usual
running speed of twenty-five kilometres an hour. This is a mere snail's pace
compared with modern animals such as the cheetah. Unlike some of the predators of
today's African savannah, which can change direction almost immediately, the
dinosaur would have had to turn slowly or risk tumbling over. And while a human
can spin forty-five degrees in a twentieth of a second, a Tyrannosaurus would have
taken as much as two seconds, as it would have been hampered by its long tail.
Thankfully, however, all its prey, such as triceratops, would have been afflicted with
the same lack of speed and agility. The findings were reached after researchers used
computer modelling and biomechanical calculations to work out the dinosaur's
speed, agility and weight. They based their calculations on measurements taken from
a fossil dinosaur representative of an average Tyrannosaurus and concluded the
creatures probably weighed between six and eight tonnes. Calculations of the leg
muscles suggest that the animal would have had a top speed of forty kilometres an
hour, which is nothing compared to a cheetah’s one hundred kilometres an hour. It
is sobering to reflect, though, that an Olympic sprinter runs at about thirty-five
kilometres an hour, not sufficient to outrun a Tyrannosaurus, should Man have been
around at that time!
21. Being known as the ‘Ferrari of dinosaurs’ means Tyrannosaurus Rex:
A: wore shoes.
B: was a quick and agile creature.
C: was a hunting machine.
D: was the most ferocious of dinosaurs.
E: None of these.

22. In turning, a Tyrannosaurus would have been hampered by:

A: its weight.
B: its bulky leg muscles.
C: its overall size.
D: its tail length.
E: All of the above.

23. In calculating the size, speed and agility of Tyrannosaurus Rex, scientists used:
A: examination of fossils.
B: biomechanical calculations and computer models.
C: comparisons with modern animals.
D: A and B together.
E: B and C together.
24. The overall theme of the passage is:
A: Because it was cumbersome, Tyrannosaurus Rex was lucky to survive.
B: Tyrannosaurus Rex’s speed and agility were still superior to those of other
C: Tyrannosaurus Rex’s fierce reputation is now laid to rest.
D: Compared to modern predatory animals, Tyrannosaurus Rex was slow and
E: None of these.

25. in fact a cumbersome creature with a usual running speed of

________kilometres an hour.
A. twenty-five
B. twenty-SIX
C. twenty-EIGHT
D. thirty-five


26. A. Sepulchral B. Sepilchrle C. Sepalchrul D. Sepalchrl.

27. A. Acommodation B. Accomodaton C. Accommodation D. Acomodation

28. A. Faithfuly B. Sincerely C. Truely D. Affectionatly

29. A. Klaptomania B. Klepptomania C. Kleptemania D. Kleptomania

30. A. Schedulle B. Schedeule C. Schdule D. Schedule

31. Ecstasy : Gloom ::

A. Congratulation : Occasion B. Diligent : Successful C. Measure : Scale

D. Humiliation : Exaltation

32. Architect : Building :: Sculptor : ?

A. Museum B. Stone C. Chisel D. Statue

33. 123 : 36 :: 221 : ?

A.52 B.69 C.72 D.25

34. 24 : 60 :: 120 : ?

A.160 B.220 C.300 D.108

35. Country : President :: state : ?

A. Chief Minister B. Prime Minister C. Speaker D. Governor




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1) Hillary was the first man _______ Mt. Everest.
a) who climb b) who climbed c) that climb d) that climbed
2) He went on a diet, hoping ______ slim and attractive.
a) to become b) to became c) becomes d) became
3) I have been to ____ doctor whose name appeared in ____ New York Times.
a) the; the b) a; the c) the; a d) a; a
4) We ___ to go out for a picnic tomorrow?
a) will plan b) planning c) are planning d) plan
5) Yippy! I ______ for the school dance competition.
a) have selected b) have been selected c) was selected d) had been select
6) Why don’t you ____ it with a hammer?
a) try hitting b) tried hitting c) try hit d) trying hit
7) Mathematics ______ a compulsory subject for under graduation in most of the
a) has b) will c) is d) are
8) This is the best movie that I have ____
a) ever saw b) ever seen c) ever see d) ever seas
9) That well built boy _____ I met at the sports meet is a famous hockey player.
a) who b) whom c) where d) whose
10. Many people regard office parties as opportunities to ________.
a) unwind b) advocate c) exhibit d) entangle e) demonstrate

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Faithfulness B. Resourcefulness C. Strength D. Weakness


A. Advance B. Develop C. Provide D. Discover


A. Addressed B. Equalized C. Restored D. Redone E. Rearranged


A. Postpone B. Accept C. Bargain D. Reject


A. Awful B. Irrelevant C. Shallow D. Profound

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammatical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark 4.
16. If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations (1)/they will be stopped,
ticketed (2)/and have to pay a fine. (3)/ No error. (4)

17. I am really disappointed (A)/ in not having saw my friends (B)/ while I
was in New Delhi on vacation this summer. (C)/ No error (D).
18. The members of the Opposition Party in the Parliament (1)/ shout upon
the minister (2)/ if he makes a wrong statement (3)/. No error (4).

19. I told him (1)/that we enjoyed very much (2)/at the party. (3)/ No error (4).

20. The mason will not (1)/do the work (2)/except give the order. (3)/No error

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
. "Anne," cried Mary, still at her window, "there is Mrs. Clay, I am sure, standing
under the colonnade, and a gentleman with her. I saw them turn the corner from Bath
Street just now. They seemed deep in talk. Who is it? Come, and tell me. Good
heavens! I recollect. It is Mr. Elliot himself." "No," cried Anne, quickly, "it cannot
be Mr. Elliot, I assure you. He was to leave Bath at nine this morning, and does not
come back till to-morrow." As she spoke, she felt that Captain Wentworth was
looking at her, the consciousness of which vexed and embarrassed her, and made her
regret that she had said so much, simple as it was. Mary, resenting that she should
be supposed not to know her own cousin, began talking very warmly about the
family features, and protesting still more positively that it was Mr. Elliot, calling
again upon Anne to come and look for herself, but Anne did not mean to stir, and
tried to be cool and unconcerned. Her distress returned, however, on perceiving
smiles and intelligent glances pass between two or three of the lady visitors, as if
they believed themselves quite in the secret. It was evident that the report concerning
her had spread, and a short pause succeeded, which seemed to ensure that it would
now spread farther. "Do come, Anne" cried Mary, "come and look yourself. You will
be too late if you do not make haste. They are parting; they are shaking hands. He is
turning away. Not know Mr. Elliot, indeed! You seem to have forgot all about Lyme."
To pacify Mary, and perhaps screen her own embarrassment, Anne did move quietly
to the window. She was just in time to ascertain that it really was Mr. Elliot, which
she had never believed, before he disappeared on one side, as Mrs. Clay walked
quickly off on the other; and checking the surprise which she could not but feel at
such an appearance of friendly conference between two persons of totally opposite
interest, she calmly said, "Yes, it is Mr. Elliot, certainly. He has changed his hour of
going, I suppose, that is all, or I may be mistaken, I might not attend;" and walked
back to her chair, recomposed, and with the comfortable hope of having acquitted
herself well. From ‘Persuasion’, by Jane Austen

21. Anne does not believe it is Mr. Elliot whom Mary sees from the window
A: Mary does not know what Mr. Elliot looks like.
B: Mr. Elliot was to have left Bath earlier that day.
C: it was highly unlikely Mr. Elliot would be a friend of Mrs. Clay.
D: A and B together.
E: B and C together.

22. Anne obviously knows Mr. Elliot quite well for all the following reasons
A: she has knowledge of his travel plans.
B: she shows discomfort at Mary spotting him.
C: she is sensitive to what the other ladies might know.
D: she had been speaking about Mr. Elliot to others in the room.
E: Mary refers to Anne meeting Mr. Elliot in Lyme.

23. Anne finally goes to the window because:

A: she knows in her heart that it really is Mr. Elliot.
B: she wishes to prove Mary wrong.
C: she wishes to calm Mary and cover up her own lack of composure.
D: Mary frets that Mr Elliot will disappear from view.
E: Mary is creating a fuss in front of the others in the room.
24. From what occurs it can be inferred that Anne:
A: couldn’t care less about Mr. Elliot.
B: had not known Mr. Elliot long enough to recognize him.
C: is attracted to Mr. Elliot.
D: is uncomfortable at Mr. Elliot’s behavior.
E: C and D together.

25. she felt that _________was looking at her

1. Captain Wentworth
2. Mr. Elliot
3. Mrs. Clay
4. Mary
26. A. Skillful B. Skillfull C. Skilfull D. Skilpull

27. A. Judicious B. Cancious C. Dilicous D. Gracous

28. A. Gaurantee B. Guarantee C. Garuntee D. Guaruntee

29. A. Friming B. Burnning C. Running D. Fryng

30. A. Dammage B. Damaige C. Dammege D. Damage


31. Each of the following five are alike in certain way so form a group. Which of
the following does not belong to that group ?

A. Mind B. Ear C. Leg D. Hand E. Eye

32. Each of the following five are alike in certain way so form a group. Which of
the following does not belong to that group ?

A. Potassium B. Magnesium C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen E. Iron

33. . Each of the following five are alike in certain way so form a group. Which of
the following does not belong to that group ?

A. Mustard B. Ginger C. Rapeseed D. Sesame E. Groundnut

34. MOONSOON is related to SEASON in the same way APRRIL is related to :

A. Spring B. Autumn C. Winter D. Month

35. Mask : Disguise

A. Clothes: Necessity B. Building: Office C. Makeup: Beautify D. Radio: News




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. The witness will __________ what I have said.
A. bear on B. bear up C. bear out D. bear with
2. The witness will __________ what I have said.
A. bear on B. bear up C. bear out D. bear with

3. Can you tell me how the accident ________?

A. came down B. came about C. came up D. came by

4. Nitin as well as his friend Ramesh _________ coming to the party.

A. Is B. are C. were D. have been
5. Today, the need of common man ___________ just bread and butter.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
6. The train was about to leave the station when we __________ there.
A. had reached B. would reach C. reached D. have reached
7. Smoking will never be given up, ______ the tobacco industry thrives.
A. so that B. as long as C. though D. as if
8. Smoking will never be given up, ______ the tobacco industry thrives.
A. so that B. as long as C. though D. as if
9. The increasing concerns about climate change point to the need for enhanced
efforts towards ________ sustained growth.
A. to achieve B. achieve C. achieved D. achieving
10. The Mekong is also home ___________ the world’s largest catfish.
A. For B. in C. to D. within

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:

11. YOB

A. Aggressive B. Intelligent C. Annoyed D. Humble


A. Lean B. Gaunt C. Emaciated D. Obese


A. Limited B. Small C. Little D. Short


A. Misappropriate B. Balance C. Remunerate D. Clear

15. VENT

A. Opening B. Stodge C. End D. Past

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark 4.
16. Good heavens ! (1)/ How has she (2)/ grown ! (3)/ No error (4).

17. The table’s legs (1)/ have been (2) / elaborately carved. (3) / No error (4)
18. The introduction of tea and coffee (1)/ and such other beverages (2)/ have
not been without some effect. (3)/ No error. (4)

19. You could be better off these days (1)/ and this enables you (2)/ to have
little more fun. (3)/ No error (4).

20. Though its gloss can (1)/fool few unwary customers, (2)/it wouldn’t be
difficult for the clever ones to judge its real worth (3)/No error. (4)
D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions
followed by the passage.
When I returned to the common the sun was setting. The crowd about the pit had
increased, and stood out black against the lemon yellow of the sky-a couple of
hundred people, perhaps. There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle
appeared to be going on about the pit. Strange imaginings passed through my mind.
As I drew nearer I heard Stent's voice: "Keep back! Keep back!" A boy came running
towards me. "It's movin'," he said to me as he passed; "it’s screwin' and screwin' out.
I don't like it. I'm goin' home, I am." I went on to the crowd. There were really, I
should think, two or three hundred people elbowing and jostling one another, the one
or two ladies there being by no means the least active. "He's fallen in the pit!" cried
some one. "Keep back!" said several. The crowd swayed a little, and I elbowed my
way through. Everyone seemed greatly excited. I heard a peculiar humming sound
from the pit. "I say!" said Ogilvy. "Help keep these idiots back. We don't know what's
in the confounded thing, you know!" I saw a young man, a shop assistant in Woking
I believe he was, standing on the cylinder and trying to scramble out of the hole
again. The crowd had pushed him in. The end of the cylinder was being screwed out
from within. Nearly two feet of shining screw projected. Somebody blundered
against me, and I narrowly missed being pitched onto the top of the screw. I turned,
and as I did so the screw must have come out, for the lid of the cylinder fell upon the
gravel with a ringing concussion. I stuck my elbow into the person behind me, and
turned my head towards the Thing again. For a moment that circular cavity seemed
perfectly black. I had the sunset in my eyes. I think everyone expected to see a man
emerge-possibly something a little unlike us terrestrial men, but in all essentials a
man. I know I did. But, looking, I presently saw something stirring within the
shadow: greyish billowy movements, one above another, and then two luminous
disks-like eyes. Then something resembling a little grey snake, about the thickness
of a walking stick, coiled up out of the writhing middle, and wriggled in the air
towards me-and then another. A sudden chill came over me. There was a loud shriek
from a woman behind. I half turned, keeping my eyes fixed upon the cylinder still,
from which other tentacles were now projecting, and began pushing my way back
from the edge of the pit. I saw astonishment giving place to horror on the faces of
the people about me. I heard inarticulate exclamations on all sides. There was a
general movement backwards. I saw the shopman struggling still on the edge of the
pit. I found myself alone, and saw the people on the other side of the pit running off,
Stent among them. I looked again at the cylinder and ungovernable terror gripped
me. I stood petrified and staring. A big greyish rounded bulk, the size, perhaps, of a
bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder. As it bulged up and caught
the light, it glistened like wet leather. Two large dark-coloured eyes were regarding
me steadfastly. The mass that framed them, the head of the thing, was rounded, and
had, one might say, a face. There was a mouth under the eyes, the lipless brim of
which quivered and panted, and dropped saliva. The whole creature heaved and
pulsated convulsively. A lank tentacular appendage gripped the edge of the cylinder,
another swayed in the air. Those who have never seen a living Martian can scarcely
imagine the strange horror of its appearance. The peculiar V-shaped mouth with its
pointed upper lip, the absence of brow ridges, the absence of a chin beneath the
wedgelike lower lip, the incessant quivering of this mouth, the Gorgon groups of
tentacles, the tumultuous breathing of the lungs in a strange atmosphere, the evident
heaviness and painfulness of movement due to the greater gravitational energy of
the earthabove all, the extraordinary intensity of the immense eyes-were at once
vital, intense, inhuman, Reading Comprehension Practice Test Page 9 crippled and
monstrous. There was something fungoid in the oily brown skin, something in the
clumsy deliberation of the tedious movements unspeakably nasty. Even at this first
encounter, this first glimpse, I was overcome with disgust and dread. From ‘The War
of the Worlds’, by H G Wells

21. This is part of a science fiction story. The most important clue to this would be:
A: the cylinder in a hole on the common.
B: something unscrewing the cylinder from within.
C: the sense of terror and apprehension in the crowd.
D: the emergence of a Martian.
E: the author’s feelings of disgust and dread.
22. The people in the crowd were first ‘elbowing and jostling’ one another because:
A: they were retreating in fear from the pit.
B: some were trying to push others into the pit.
C: they were excited and curious to see what was in the pit.
D: a few had lost their tempers.
E: there were no police present to control them.

23. The author hints that the women in the crowd were:
A: just as aggressive as the men.
B: more aggressive than the men.
C: reluctant to push forward.
D: merely passive onlookers.
E: None of these.

24. The mood of the crowd altered suddenly when:

A: the cylinder opened.
B: a bear emerged from the cylinder.
C: a pair of eyes was detected peering at them from the cylinder.
D: tentacles appeared out of the top of the cylinder.
E: the creature opened its mouth.
25. Of the Martian’s features, the one most causing the writer’s disgust and dread
A: the slobbering mouth.
B: the huge, intensely staring eyes.
C: the oily, fungoid skin.
D: the Gorgon-like tentacles.
E: the heaving, pulsating body.


26. A. Accomplish B. Acomplush C. Ackmplesh D. Accompalish

27. A. Puerrile B. Puerrille C. Purrile D. Puerile

28. A. Satelite B. Sattelite C. Satellite D. Sattellite

29. A. Inoculation B.I nnoculation C. Inocculation D. Inocullation

30. A. Velnerable B. Vulnarable C. Vulnerable D. Valnerable


31. Wind : Hurricane

A. Clouds: Rain B. Sky : Universe C. Thunder : Lighting D. Water: Life

32. Find the number that not forms the group .

A.175 B.385 C.495 D.572

33. Find the number that not forms the group .

A. 3256 B. 5643 C.6424 D.7424

34. Find the number that not forms the group .

A.173 B. 263 C. 284 D. 362

35. Find the number that not forms the group .

A.3229 B.4127 C.5218 D.7018




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. Are you looking forward ______ Nikhil again?
A. seeing B. to see C. to be seeing D. to seeing
2. Are you looking forward ______ Nikhil again?
A. seeing B. to see C. to be seeing D. to seeing
3. The angles are equal, consequently the sides are _____________.
A. equal B. unequal C. larger D. smaller
4. He hinted _____ some loss of treasure.
A. Of B. for C. with D. at
5. The writer declares that __________ children of their childhood is a criminal
A. robbing B. robbed C. rob D. to rob
6. He _______ a lot of letters yesterday.
A. had written B. had been writing C. wrote D. has written
7. Their idea of a holiday ______ at a luxury resort.
A. is relaxed B. is to relaxing C. is relax D.is relaxing
8. My college is farther than ________.
A. her B. her's C. hers D. she
9. The climate is getting ____ every year.
a) hot b) hottest c) hotter d) less hot
10. I intend to _____ to my boss about my salary.
a. Tell b. speak c. talk

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Common B. Ridiculous C. Dignified D. Petty


A. Obstinate B. Handsome C. Clever D. Stout


A. Energetic B. Observant C. Intelligent D. Watchful


A. Soldier B. Sailor C. Pirate D. Spy


A. Far B. Removed C. Reserved D. Separate

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammetical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark 4.
16. The interim report does not (1)/ analyse thoroughly the principle causes
(2)/of the disaster (3) / No error (4).

17. I must complement you (1)/ on your good manners (2)/ and your
impeccable behaviour. (3)/ No error. (4)
18. The Prime Minister was asked (1)/ to write a forward (2)/ to the book. (3)/
No error. (4)

19. The manager wanted to know who had arrived (1)/early that day (2)/the
cashier or the accountant (3)/No error. (4)

20. The soil was moist as (1)/there was little rain (2)/the day before (3)/No
error. (4)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view.
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, there are three basic tools of
persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is a speaker's way of convincing the
audience that she is a credible source. An audience will consider a speaker credible
if she seems trustworthy, reliable, and sincere. This can be done in many ways. For
example, a speaker can develop ethos by explaining how much experience or
education she has in the field. After all, you would be more likely to listen to advice
about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a firefighter. A speaker can
also create ethos by convincing the audience that she is a good person who has their
best interests at heart. If an audience cannot trust you, you will not be able to
persuade them. Pathos is a speaker's way of connecting with an audience's emotions.
For example, a speaker who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might
say that he alone can save the country from a terrible war. These words are intended
to fill the audience with fear, thus making them want to vote for him. Similarly, a
charity organization that helps animals might show an audience pictures of injured
dogs and cats. These images are intended to fill the viewers with pity. If the audience
feels bad for the animals, they will be more likely to donate money. Logos is the use
of facts, information, statistics, or other evidence to make your argument more
convincing. An audience will be more likely to believe you if you have data to back
up your claims. For example, a commercial for soap might tell you that laboratory
tests have shown that their soap kills all 7,000,000 of the bacteria living on your
hands right now. This piece of information might make you more likely to buy their
brand of soap. Presenting this evidence is much more convincing than simply saying
"our soap is the best!" Use of logos can also increase a speaker's ethos; the more
facts a speaker includes in his argument, the more likely you are to think that he is
educated and trustworthy. Although ethos, pathos, and logos all have their strengths,
they are often most effective when they are used together. Indeed, most speakers use
a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade their audiences. The next time
you listen to a speech, watch a commercial, or listen to a friend try to convince you
to lend him some money, be on the lookout for these ancient Greek tools of

21. As used in paragraph 2, what is the best antonym for credible?

A. Unintelligent
B. Boring
C. Dishonest
D. Amazing
E. None
22. Amy is trying to convince her mother to buy her a pair of $200 shoes. She says:
"Mom, the shoes I have are really old and ugly. If I don't get these new shoes,
everyone at school is going to laugh at me. I will be so embarrassed that I will
want to die." What form of persuasion is Amy using here?
A. Pathos
B. Ethos
C. Logos
D. All
E. None
23. According to the passage, logos can build ethos because
A. an audience is more easily convinced by facts and information than simple
appeals to emotions like pity or fear
B. an audience is more likely to trust a speaker who uses evidence to support his
C. a speaker who overuses pathos might make an audience too emotional;
audiences who are too frightened or too sad are unlikely to be persuaded
D. a speaker can use misleading or false information to make his argument seem
more convincing
E. None of the above.

24. Gareth is running for mayor. He tells his audience: "Under our current mayor,
there have been 15,000 new cases of unemployment. If he stays in office, who
knows how many more people will lose their jobs? The number could go up even
higher. When I was the CEO of Magnatech, I helped to create over 1,000 new jobs.
I can do the same thing forthis city if you vote for me." Which form of persuasion
is Gareth using here?
I. pathos II. logos III. Ethos

A. I only

B. I and II

C. II and III

D. I,II, and III

E. None

25. According to the passage, the most effective tool of persuasion is

A. ethos, because you cannot persuade an audience that does not trust you

B. logos, because it can also be used to build ethos

C. a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos C

D. pathos, because human beings are most easily persuaded by emotion

E. None of the above.

26. A. Simpal B. Bannar C. Pattren D. Modern

27. A.S cripher B. Scripture C .Skripture D. Scriptur

28. A. Comitte B. Commitee C. Committee D. Comiittee

29. A. Exaggerate B. Exeggrate C. Exagerate D. Exadgerate

30. A. Asspersion B. Voluptuous C. Voguei D. Equestrain


31. Four of the following five are alike In a certain way and so form a group .
Which is the one that does not belong to the group.

A. Clutch B. Wheel C. Break D. Car E. Gear

32. Banana is related to Fruit in same way as TUILIP is related to :

A. Fruit B. Stem C. Flower D. Root

33. HOSPITAL is related to TREATMET in same way as SCHOOL is related to :

A. Education B. Student C. Teacher D. Books

34. Each of the following five are alike in certain way so form a group. Which of
the following does not belong to that group ?

A. Cloth B. Trouser C. Jacket D. Shirt E.T-shirt

35. Gravity is related to pull in the same way as magnetism is related to:

A. Repulsion B. Separation C .Attraction D. Push




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /
1. They _ ………….the problem now.
a. understand b. understands c. understanding d. for
2. Kaiser has been …………Dhaka three times.
a. of b.to c. with d. understood
3. The doctor gave me a prescription ....... my cough.
A. for B. with C. at D. to
4. He gave a talk…………. the causes of dengue fever.
A. of B. on C. for D. off
5. You can see the doctor……… 8 am and 12 noon.
A. at B. in C. between D. on
6. Nowadays Raktim studies………… the whole day.
A. with B. from C. throughout D. under
7. May I come........?
A. with B. in C. at D. None of the above
8. My watch is…….. the table.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
9. Throw this pen dustbin……….. the

A. into B. in C. none D. on

10. The kitchen is ……….. the back of the house

A. about B. in C. of D. at

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Failure B. Helplessness C. Misfortune D. Crisis

12. FAKE

A. Original B. Imitation C. Trustworthy D. Loyal


A. Condemn B. Reprimand C. Accuse D. Allege


A. Dry B. Strained C. Rigorous D. Shrill


A. Complain B. Comment C. Condone D. Console

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammatical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark 4.
16. The items I liked most (1)/were the rosewood carvings (2)/and the teak-
wood furnitures of Dutch design (3)/No error.
17. I will send my servant (1)/ but I cannot insure (2)/ that he will reach there
in time. (3)/ No error (4).

18. He is (1)/ capable to do this work (2)/ within the stipulated period. (3)/ No
error (4).

19. I do not know where could he have gone (1)/ so early (2)/ in the morning.
(3)/No error. (4)

20. The whole country (1)/ was suffering by (2)/ a financial crisis. (3)/ No
error. (4)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.

The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones. We spend all year looking forward
to nice weather and long, hot days. All of winter, with its dreary gray days and bitter
cold, we dream of those endless days at the beach, laying on the sand and soaking in
the bright and burning sun. And then, summer comes, and it rains. As a child, I would
wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying. It wasn't fair. We suffered
through months of school and miserable weather for those scant ten weeks of
freedom and balmy weather. Any day that I could not spend at the beach or playing
ball with my friends seemed like a punishment for something I didn't even do. On
those rainy summer days, I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside, staring
out at the rain like a Dickensian orphan. I was an only child, so there was no one else
to play with. My father worked from home, so I was not truly alone, but he could
not actively play with me since he was technically at work. It was those days that I
would resign myself to whatever was on television or any books that I could find
lying around. I'd crawl through the day and pray each night that the rain would not
be there the next day. As an adult, though, my opinion of summer rain has changed.
When you have to work every day, summer is not as eagerly anticipated. Mostly, the
days run together, bleeding into each other so that they no longer seem like separate
entities and instead feel like continuations of the same long day. Everything seems
monotonous and dull, and an ennui or listlessness kicks in. Such a mindset makes
you cheer for anything new or different. I spend the winter dreaming of summer and
the summer dreaming of winter. When summer comes, I complain about how hot it
is. And then I look forward to the rain, because the rain brings with it a cold front,
which offers a reprieve-admittedly one that is all too short-from the torture of 100°
and humid days. Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer, but summer rain
today means positively beautiful-and considerably cooler-weather tomorrow.

21. The passage makes use of language that is

A. Metaphorical

B. Rhetorical

C. Formal

D. Ambiguous

E. None

22. According to the passage, summer is different for adults because

A. rain brings with it cold temperatures for the following days

B. the weather is much warmer than it is for children

C. they do not get a long time off from work for the season

D. they better know how to occupy their downtime

E. None of the above.

23. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the
narrator as a child?

A. He or she was often bored on summer days.

B. He or she preferred cooler weather.

C. He or she liked staying indoors.

D. He or she had no siblings.

E. None of the above.

24. Compared to how he or she was as a child, the narrator as an adult is

A. More realistic

B.less excitable

C. More idealistic

D. Less calm

E. None of the above.

25. As used in the final paragraph, the word reprieve most nearly means

A. a permanent conclusion

B. a short continuation

C. a higher level of pain

D. A temporary break

E. None of the above.


26. A. Hindrance B. Hinderrance C. Hindrence D. Hinderence

27. A. Parallelled B. Parralleled C. Paralleled D. Paraleled

28. A. Lckadaisicle B. Lackdaisical C. Lackadisical D .Lackadaisical

29. A. Equanimity B. Equannimity C. Equanimmity D. Equinimity

30. A . Occured B. Occurad C. Ocurred D. Occurred


31. 12 is related to 36 in the same way as 17 is related to –

A.34 B.51 C.63 D.68

32. Traveler is related to journey in the same way as a sailor Is related to :

A. Ship B. Crew C. Water D. Voyage E. Navy

33. Ink: Pen :: Blood : ?

A. Accident B. Doctor C. Vein D. Donation

34. Tale : Late :: ? : Cafe


35. Odometer is to milage as compass is to

A. speed B. hiking C. needle D. direction




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /

1. The children were freed.......... the danger.

A. of B. from C. with D. in

2. That child died........ heavy fever.

A. at B. for C. of D. with

3. You have finished ………last.

A. about B. in C. of D. at

4. You can obtain the answer ....... adding the date of birth to this figure.

A. to B. by C. on D. in

5. He got........ the bus when he reached Ann St.

A. of B. off C. over D. beneath

6. I don't approve......... Your language, young man.

A. from B. in C. on D. of

7. He arrived....... The airport...... time for the plane.

A. in, in B. at, on C. on, in D. at, in

8. He went so fast that I could not keep up........ him.

A. for B. with C. to D. in

9. Let us travel....... night, it will be cool then.

A. by B. at C. in D. during

10. The bird flew........ my head.

A. across B. over C. beside D. behind

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Stopped B. Paused C. Slowed D. Postponed


A. Save B .Command C. Help D. Defence E. None of these


A. Serve B. Explore C. Try D. Explain


A. Maraud B. Contest C. Ranger D. Intuition


A. Courageous B. Rash C. Bold D. Daring

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammatical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark 4.
16. As several studies shows over (1)/ the years, the annual data is useful in
(2)/ reviewing trends of extreme events. (3)/ No error. (4)

17. He built the theatre as a tribute to his rootings (1)/ and the thought of it
outlasting him, (2)/ would surely have given him the greatest joy. (3)/ No
error. (4)
18. He said that he thought off politics right when (1)/ he was studying
Intermediate and that (2)/ he had no fear of politics. (3)/ No error. (4)

19. The priest class took upon itself the monopoly (1)/ of scriptural knowledge
and interpretation (2)/ of the same to its own advantage. (3)/ No error (4)

20. No matter what Ashoka did in his earlier (1)/ years, in the ending he
proved to be uncommonly (2)/ virtuous and wise. (3)/ No error (4)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.

One learns a lot while serving in the United States Army. Foreing places, stressful
conditions, and absence from home can foster an out-of-the-classroom education
that crosses the boundary of the odd and unusual. Today, tales of strange sea
creatures and haunted islands seem like a bad Sci-Fi marathon. But these were
realities for one U.S. Army soldier stationed overseas at the thrun of the 20 th century.

The art of journal keeping, letter writing and daily diary entries are becoming extinct
as methods of memory management are changing in today’s technology driven
world. What once was detailed on paper with memory fresh at hand is now posted
on YouTube Today, blogs replace diary entries. Hand-written letters to loved ones
are far slower than a quick Facebook ‘poke’ or a cell phone text message.
Historians enjoy a deep appreciation for the written word. They savour the ability to
see the world through the eyes of someone who never had satellite TV, the Internet
or cell phone. Where explanation was not readily at hand in the strange lands of the
Philippine Islands, the environment was ripe for adventure and the unknown. Placing
one’s self in such situations fosters an education that cannot be duplicated in any
classroom, book or blockbuster movie. A survivor of deadly and savage situations,
Colonel Horace P. Hoobs recorded these well-documented experiences that lend a
degree of depth to the retelling and re-imagining of Army history.

The odd education of Colonel Horace P. Hobbs Is revealed in his voluminous

personal papers held at the U.S. Army Military History Institute. A letter of August
16, 1918, soothes his wife while he is stationed in France during World War I. “You
see it is the women who suffer most during a war. Now I know you and mother are
worrying about me and I am living in the most luxurious comfort and perfect safety
just now.” He goes to great lengths to explain his lush surroundings and the comfort
he is experiencing, from bathing in a nearby brook to the size of his room and the
servants who provide for him, as he attempts to console a worry-sick wife. It would
seem, however, that Mrs Hobbs had been through worse as a military spouse.

Her husband was stationed in the Philippines during the insurrection from 1899 to
1901. Colonel Hobbs wrote a book from his collected journals and memoirs entitled,
“Kris and Krag: Adventures among the Moros of the Southern Philippine Islands”.
Among his many tales, the Colonel tells about a strange native custom on one of the
small islands of taking their boats across a narrow strait to another island and
returning before dark. They explained to him that the island was the home of the
‘wok-wok’, a powerful ghost who must be appeased with gifts of rice so they will
not harm the people. Upon further inspection, the Army discovered the 'wok-wok’
to be large apes.

Another bizarre chapter in the Colonel’s education came when he was asked by some
villagers to kill a sea creature which wreaked havoc among the people whenever
they Slaughtered an animal for food. The blood would run into the water, and out
would come the creature. The Colonel waited for the apparition to appear after a
slaughter, and he was not disappointed. Upon further inspection he described the
animal as being some kind of mix between an alligator and a crocodile, but one he
had never seen before.

Experience in foreign places, blended with curiosity and a desire to learn, enabled
Colon to obtain a far greater grasp of the world. These traits provided him with an
education that the average person today cannot obtain from watching television or
searching the web.

21.What traits helped a Colonel to get a good education?

A) A desire to travel to foreign places
B) Curiosity and a good grasp of the world
C) Watching TV and using the Internet
D) Curiosity and a desire to learn

22. A sea creature would appear

A) Whenever the Colonel was in the village.
B) And make the Colonel disappointed.
C)When blood from a dead animal ran into the water.
D)And slaughter an animal.

23. What offers a non-traditional form of education?

A) Being away from home
B) Being in foreign countries
C) Situations that cause stress
D) All of the above
24.Historians enjoy the chance to see
A) Satellite TV.
B) The world through other’s eyes.
C) The world.
D) Popular documented experiences

25.While in France, the Colonel

A) Looked after his sick wife.
B) Lived with his wife.
c) Wrote letters to the U.S. Army Military History Institute,
D) Comforted his wife with his letters.
26. A. Swelte B. Filpant C. Licentious D. Puessile

27. A. Grief B. Breif C. Recieve D. Diceive

28. A. Furnituer B. Exampel C. Medicine D. Sampal

29. A. Eflorescence B. Efllorescence C. Efflorescence D. Efflorascence

30. A. Exterminatte B. Inexpliccable C. Offspring D. Reffere


31. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to

A. winter B. bear C. dream D. sleep

32. Window is to pane as book is to .

A. novel B. glass C. cover D. page

33. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to .

A. dish B. soup C. spoon D .food

34. Yard is to inch as quart is to .

A. gallon B. ounce C. milk D. liquid

35. Elated is to despondent as enlightened is to

A. aware B. ignorant C .miserable D. tolerant




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /


1. Tom's away at the moment. He's ........ holiday in France.

A. on B. at C. in D. for

2. In London the cars go....... the left side.

A. in B. on C. to D. near

3. John put......... his clothes and went out

A. on B. in C. through D. with

4. If you are averse....... recommending my names, you should not hesitate to admit

A. against B. for C. about D. to

5. The room is filled.........smoke.

A. on B. by C. to D. with

6. In the examination, you have to answer all the questions...........an hour.

A. by B. on C. before D. within

7. Her thinking leans........ democracy.

A. with B. for C. towards D. None of the above

8. Aqsa is travelling....... the school?

A. off B. to C. towards D. through

9. Try to reach the village........ the sunset.

A. before B. by C. from D. of

10. I was astonished news........ the sad

A. to B. with C. at D. in

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Results B .Conclusions C. Difficulties D. Applications


A. Advancement B. Betterment C. Promotion D. Preference


A. Dreamy B. Stupefied C. Unsteady D. Drunken


A. Barren B. Fertile C. Childless D. Dry


A. Challenge B. Miserable C. Deny D. Disobey

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammatical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark 4.
16. As with people, some monkeys are lazy, (1)/ like those who sleep all day in
the zoo, (2)/ and some were industrious. (3)/ No error (4)

17. As with people, some monkeys are lazy, (1)/ like those who sleep all day in
the zoo, (2)/ and some were industrious. (3)/ No error (4)

18. He explained that the pillars of tribalism (1)/ that humans rely on for
security would always (2)/ counter any significant culture or social change.
(3)/ No error (4)

19. Credit when used responsibly, can achieve a great number (1)/ of positive
things in our lives, such as (2)/ financing and paying of our dream hybrid or
college tuition fees. (3)/ No error (4)

20. Many a man (A)/ have come to India from Bangladesh (B)/ to live here
permanently. (C)/ No error. (D)

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
Ants and aphids are known to have a complex relationship. Aphids provide ants with
a food source the – sugar-rich honeydew they excrete when eating plants – and, in
return, the ants protect the aphids from ladybirds and other insects that prey on them.

To ensure a constant supply of honeydew, some ant species cultivate large numbers
of aphids and prevent them from straying too far from the colony by biting and
damaging, or even completely removing, their wings. The ants also secrete a
chemical from their mandibles which inhibits wing development in juvenile aphids.

Ants communicate with each other using a large repertoire of chemical signals,
which are actively secreted onto surfaces from exocrine glands on the legs. These
signals can recruit nestmates to food sources and are also used to mark a colony’s
territory. Ants secrete chemicals passively too. As an ant moves, hydrocarbons are
shed from the cuticle (the waterproof outer lining of the exoskeleton), leaving a
chemical trail.

Ants use behavioural signals called semiochemicals to manipulate aphids’ nervous

systems. Ant’s own behaviour can be manipulated too, by parasitic fungi. Earlier
work has shown that the presence of ants can somehow tranquilize aphids and limit
their motor functions, but
Whether or not this required direct contact between the ants and aphids is unclear.

Using digital video cameras to measure the walking speeds of aphids, Tom Oliver of
Imperial College London and colleagues from Royal Holloway and the University
of Reading have shown that aphids move much more slowly on paper that has
previously been walked on by
Ants. They believe that the chemicals laid down in the ants’ footprints are used to
maintain an aphid farm near the ant colony.

Maintaining a populous aphid farm in a small area is obviously beneficial to the ants,
as it would provide them with large quantities of honeydew. However, the
relationship between the two species is complex, and it seems that the ants’
manipulation of the aphids behaviour is exploitative.

Normally, aphids wander off to new locations when conditions become crowded, to
establish new populations nearby. And although ant-attended aphid populations are
bigger and live longer than those not attended by ants, the ants prevent the aphid
dispersal that is necessary to maintain a stable meta-population and makes the aphids
more vulnerable to parasites.
21. How do ants ensure they have regular supplies of honeydew?
A)They provide food to aphids.
B)They maintain a large population of aphids.
C)They force aphids to secrete a chemical.
D)They find more juvenile aphids.

22. Honeydew is naturally produced by


23.What do aphids do if the area becomes overpopulated?

A)Start a new colony
b)Start a stable meta-population
C)They grow bigger
d)They live longer than ants

24.Studies have shown that the nervous system of aphids is affected by

A)The behaviour of ants.
B)Using parasitic fungi.
C)Direct contact with ants.
D)Chemicals secreted by ants.

25. Ants and aphids are known to have a________ relationship

A) simple
B) complex
C) Beautiful
D) Good
26. A. Occasion B. Occassion C. Ocasion D. Ocassion

27. A. Entrepreneur B. Entrapreneur C. Entrepraneur D. Enterprenuer

28. A. Appraise B. Commend C. Mentanence D. Behavior E. All correct (FIND


29. A. Passion B. Fashion C. Ration D. Tution E. All correct (FIND WRONG


30. A. Amature B. Manual C. Nephew D. Athletic E. All correct (FIND



31. optimist Is to cheerful as pessimist is to

A. gloomy B. mean C. petty D. helpful

32. Reptile is to lizard as flower is to.

A. petal B. stem C. daisy D. alligator

33. Play is actor as concert is to

A. symphony B. musician C. piano D. percussion

34. Sponge is to porous as rubber is to

A. massive B. solid C. elastic D. inflexible

35. Careful is to cautious as Boastful is to .

A. arrogant B. humble C. joyful D. suspicious




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /

1. These four monkeys always quarrel....... themselves in cage.

A. on B. in C. among D. between

2. I am waiting....... my brother.

A. on B. to C. for D. at

3. William says that he aims............ winning at least a consolation prize.

A. to B. at C. on D. for

4. Both parties must adhere............ the terms of the contract.

A. in B. by C. on D. to

5. You are rather friendly.......... the Tans, aren't you?

A. to B. at C. with D. over

6. She smiled......... my mistakes.

A. on B. upon C. over D. at

7. Exercise is necessary......... a good health.

A. by B. for C. with D. in

8. He was absent....... the meeting.

A. in B. from C. on D. of

9. We did not exactly bargain him......... turning up like that out of the blue.

A. about B. for C. of D. to

10. The Muslims attend prayers in the mosque.............. Friday.

A. at B. in C. on D. from

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Taking B. Toying C. Shifting D. Turning


A. Inflexible B. Bitter C. Good-natured D. Sarcastic


A. Fast B. Slow C. Medium D. Shy


A. Pull B. Free C. Tie D. Complicate


A. Unbiased B. Non-aligned C. Undecided D. Indifferent

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammatical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark E.
16. Not only the (a)/ students but also (b)/ the principal were(c)/ laughing at
the joke he cracked.(d)/No error (e).
17. New purchasing power will increasingly (a)/ come from Asia and Africa
where (b)/ the demographics are still favorable (c)/ for high income growth.
(d)/ No error (e).

18. It is widely believe (a)/ that the village which is situated on the (b)/ eastern
coast of India will be wiped out (c)/ within a decade. (d)/ No error. (e)

19. 'Quit India' came not from the lips (A)/ although (B)/ the aching hurt of
millions. (C)/ No error (D)

20. Our digestive system produces an assimilable, (1)/ nutrient-rich liquid

that builds and (2)/ nourish our first body tissue, plasma. (3)/ No error (4)
D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions
followed by the passage.
. Deforestation in the tropical areas of the world is following a course similar to the
earlier clearing of the forests in Europe and North America, only advancing more
rapidly. Today, more than 3 billion people live in the tropics alone; less than that
lived in the entire world in 1950. To provide food, wood, fuel and resources for the
world’s rapidly growing population and to make room for the exploding tropical
population, the world's tropical rainforests are literally disappearing.

Tropical hardwood prices continue to climb as world demand for tropical hardwoods
continues to grow. A single teak log, for example, can now bring as much as $20,000.
Annual world consumption of tropical hardwoods is now more than 250 million
cubic meters, over 100 billion board feet, per year. Southeast Asia until recently has
been the largest source of tropical hardwoods, but that area will largely be depleted
within the next five years.

All of the primary forests in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are gone, and Ivory
Coast’s forests are essentially non-existent. Nigeria’s forests have been decimated as
well. As Asia’s and Africa’s tropical forests are depleted, consuming countries are
turning increasing attention to Latin America and the Amazon, whose own rapidly
growing population is also a source of pressure on the rainforests.

Also, trillions of dollars worth of oil, gas, uranium, gold, iron, bauxite and other
minerals, and millions of acres of potential farmland lie under the Amazon, the
largest area of rainforest remaining on Earth. Amazon rainforests are being cleared
on a vast scale for settlements, logging, gold mining, petroleum, cattle ranching,
sugar cane, large hydroelectric dams, and charcoal for smelting ore. Peasant farmers
also clear the rainforest to have land for planting, and then in the dry season, burning
what they have cut.

During one month in 1995 for example, NASA satellite surveys of Brazil recorded
39,889 individual fires, up 370 percent from the same month of the prior year. In
neighboring Bolivia, the smoke is sometimes so thick that schools have to close and
flights have to be delayed or cancelled. Scientists estimate that until as recently as
10,000 years ago, the world had 6 billion acres of tropical rainforests. By 1950, we
had a little less than 2.8 billion acres of rainforest. It was then being cut down at the
rate of about 10 to 15 million acres per year.

Today we have less than 1.5 billion acres left, and we are clearing this remaining
rainforest at the rate of 30 to 50 million acres per year, two to three times as rapidly
as just a few decades ago. If the present rate of tropical deforestation continues, in
only three decades from now, scientists anticipate that tropical rainforests will no
longer exist.

One important way to help is to plant tropical hardwood trees for harvests to produce
hardwoods so that they are not taken from the natural rainforest. It is also vitally
important to get the message out to others about the importance, and the wisdom, of
planting tropical Hardwood trees for profit, not just because of the profit but also
because of the benefit to the world.
Some countries are beginning to listen. Thailand, for example, banned logging in
1988, and Costa Rica has now protected nearly 26% of its country in national parks
or reserves. The trend is unmistakable, and the facts are compelling. The world’s
rainforests will be either protected or destroyed.

21.What is the purpose of the passage?

A) To suggest different places for holiday destinations.
B) To explain why people are so greedy.
C)To offer possible solutions to an environmental problem.
D)To detail the destruction of the rainforests.

22.Some positive changes can be made by-

a) Admitting the mistakes we have made.
B) Growing trees for commercial purposes.
C)Making more profit.
d)Each country decides what to do.

23.Scientists claim that within 10,000 years, the rainforests have

A) Reduced to 6 billion acres.
B) Diminished by 2.8 billion acres.
C) Diminished to a quarter.
D) Been cut at a yearly rate of 30 to 40 million acres.
24.The Amazon rainforests are being decimated to
A) Improve tourism.
b) Raise cattle, dig mines and build dams.
C) Clear the settlements.
D) Build millions of farms.

25.One reason people are cutting down the tropical rainforests is

A)To be like Europe and North America.
B)To progress rapidly.
C)To live alone in tropical areas.
26. A. Inflamable B. Musician C. Righteousness D. Negotiate E. All correct

27. A. Geography B. History C. Chemistry D. Commerce E. All correct (FIND


28. A. Immature B. Imminent C. Ilicit D. Imperative E. All correct (FIND


29. A. Quarreled B. Rebellious C. Commission D. Mirraculous E. All correct


30. A. Lenient B. Nationalism C. Overhaul D. Transfered E. All correct (FIND

31. Pen is to poet as needle is to

A. thread B. button C. sewing D. tailor

32. Secretly is to Openly As Silently is to .

A. scarcely B. impolitely C. noisily D. quietly

33. Embarrassed is to Humiliated As frightened is to

A. terrified B. agitated C. courageous D. reckless

34. Pride is to lion as shoal is to .

A. teacher B. student C. self-respect D. fish

35. Artist is to Lion as shoal is to .

A. attorney B. law C. politician D. constituents




VERBAL SECTION ( 35× 2 = 70 )

A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate word /

1. This is the book I was telling you............

A. for B. on C. of D. about

2. Mike often hides........ that tree.

A. above B. behind C. in D. None of the above

3. What time did you arrive........... the station?

A. by B. at C. on D. in

4. He is responsible........ the president for his decisions?

A. for B. of C. to D. with

5. You have to work hard if you want to succeed............ life.

A. in B. from C. for D. to

6. He had to go......... square one."

A. back to B. under C. onto (on to) D. over

7. Rita was engaged......... Ravi.

A. with B. from C. to D. none

8. The farmer is working........ his field.

A. at B. in C. on D. over

9. He comes........ a car.

A. at B. by C. with D. on

10. What did you think............ the film? I did not like it much.

A. in B. of C. about D. on

B. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the following words:


A. Artificial B .Superficial C. Foolish D. Worthless


A. Amusement B. Arrival C. Deviation D. Bylane


A. Poor B. Bankrupt C. Penniless D. Broke


A. Confusing B. Unaccountable C. Chaotic D. Unconnected


A. Weak B. Vain C. Arrogant D. Sick

C. Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be

corrected in order for the sentence to make grammatical sense. If
you decide that there is no error, then mark E.
16. Elon musk is determined (a)/ to be success (b)/ in whatever field (c)/ he
chooses. (d)/ No error.(e)

17. FATF strongly urges (a)/ Pakistan to swiftly complete its action plan (b)/
by October 2019 to stop (c)/ terror funding in the country (d)/ No error.(e)

18. The criminal was (a)/ sentenced to the (b)/ death and was (c) hung for his
crime (d)/ No error.(e)

19. My uncle forced (A)/ my friend and I (B)/ to stay back. (C)/ No error (D).

20. A milk (1)/ can provide protein (2)/ for a nutritionally balanced diet. (3)/
No error (4).

D. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the questions

followed by the passage.
Deforestation in the tropical areas of the world is following a course similar to the
earlier clearing of the forests in Europe and North America, only advancing more
rapidly. Today, more than 3 billion people live in the tropics alone; less than that
lived in the entire world in 1950. To provide food, wood, fuel and resources for the
world’s rapidly growing population and to make room for the exploding tropical
population, the world's tropical rainforests are literally disappearing.

Tropical hardwood prices continue to climb as world demand for tropical hardwoods
continues to grow. A single teak log, for example, can now bring as much as $20,000.
Annual world consumption of tropical hardwoods is now more than 250 million
cubic meters, over 100 billion board feet, per year. Southeast Asia until recently has
been the largest source of tropical hardwoods, but that area will largely be depleted
within the next five years.

All of the primary forests in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are gone, and Ivory
Coast’s forests are essentially non-existent. Nigeria’s forests have been decimated as
well. As Asia’s and Africa’s tropical forests are depleted, consuming countries are
turning increasing attention to Latin America and the Amazon, whose own rapidly
growing population is also a source of pressure on the rainforests.

Also, trillions of dollars worth of oil, gas, uranium, gold, iron, bauxite and other
minerals, and millions of acres of potential farmland lie under the Amazon, the
largest area of rainforest remaining on Earth. Amazon rainforests are being cleared
on a vast scale for settlements, logging, gold mining, petroleum, cattle ranching,
sugar cane, large hydroelectric dams, and charcoal for smelting ore. Peasant farmers
also clear the rainforest to have land for planting, and then in the dry season, burning
what they have cut.

During one month in 1995 for example, NASA satellite surveys of Brazil recorded
39,889 individual fires, up 370 percent from the same month of the prior year. In
neighbouring Bolivia, the smoke is sometimes so thick that schools have to close
and flights have to be delayed or cancelled. Scientists estimate that until as recently
as 10,000 years ago, the world had 6 billion acres of tropical rainforests. By 1950,
we had a little less than 2.8 billion acres of rainforest. It was then being cut down at
the rate of about 10 to 15 million acres per year.

Today we have less than 1.5 billion acres left, and we are clearing this remaining
rainforest at the rate of 30 to 50 million acres per year, two to three times as rapidly
as just a few decades ago. If the present rate of tropical deforestation continues, in
only three decades from now, scientists anticipate that tropical rainforests will no
longer exist.

One important way to help is to plant tropical hardwood trees for harvests to produce
hardwoods so that they are not taken from the natural rainforest. It is also vitally
important to get the message out to others about the importance, and the wisdom, of
planting tropical Hardwood trees for profit, not just because of the profit but also
because of the benefit to the world.
Some countries are beginning to listen. Thailand, for example, banned logging in
1988, and Costa Rica has now protected nearly 26% of its country in national parks
or reserves. The trend is unmistakable, and the facts are compelling. The world’s
rainforests will be either protected or destroyed.

21.What is the purpose of the passage?

A) To suggest different places for holiday destinations.
B) To explain why people are so greedy.
C) To offer possible solutions to an environmental problem.
D) To detail the destruction of the rainforests.

22.Some positive changes can be made by-

a) Admitting the mistakes we have made.
B) Growing trees for commercial purposes.
C) Making more profit.
d) Each country decides what to do.

23.Scientists claim that within 10,000 years, the rainforests have

A) Reduced to 6 billion acres.
B) Diminished by 2.8 billion acres.
C) Diminished to a quarter.
D) Been cut at a yearly rate of 30 to 40 million acres.
24.The Amazon rainforests are being decimated to
A) Improve tourism.
b) Raise cattle, dig mines and build dams.
C) Clear the settlements.
D) Build millions of farms.

25.One reason people are cutting down the tropical rainforests is

A) To be like Europe and North America.
B) To progress rapidly.
C) To live alone in tropical areas.
26. A. Refuse B. Repute C. Despute D. Confuse E. All correct (FIND WRONG

27. A. Urge B. Merge C. Perge D. Surge E. All correct (FIND WRONG


28. A. Boundary B. Exhibit C. Depresion D. Demonstration E. All correct (FIND


29. A. Logical B. Ludicrucous C. Lovel D. Lonesome E. All correct (FIND


30. A. Periphery B. Advurtise C. Courteous D. Indefinite E. All correct (FIND


31. We: Us: She:

(A) Whose (B) His (C) Her (D) Their
32. Pen: Write: Food:
(A) Drink (B) Sleep (C) Exercise (D) Eat
33. Library: Student; Kitchen:
(A) Cooking (B) Meal (C) Customer (D) Chef
34. Detective: Inspector: Teacher:
(A) Student (B) Child (C) Professor (D) University
35.. Anarchy: Order: Chaos:
A. Turbulence B. Disorder C. Silence D. Peace

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