Sociology 101 Lecture Notes

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Page 1: Introduction to Sociology

Sociology is the study of society, social interactions, and social structures. It

explores how individuals and groups shape and are shaped by social norms,
institutions, and inequalities.

Page 2: Sociological Perspectives

Key perspectives include:

 Functionalism: Emphasizes the roles and functions of institutions in

maintaining social order.
 Conflict Theory: Focuses on power dynamics, inequalities, and social
change through conflict.
 Symbolic Interactionism: Examines how symbols and meanings shape
individual behavior and interactions.

Page 3: Social Institutions

Institutions like family, education, religion, government, and economy organize

social life and influence behavior. Topics include roles, socialization, social
norms, and the impact of institutions on individuals and society.

Page 4: Social Stratification

Stratification refers to hierarchical divisions based on social status, wealth, and

power. Topics include social classes, mobility (upward and downward),
inequality (income, gender, race), and theories of stratification.

Page 5: Social Change and Globalization

Sociology explores how societies change over time and through interactions
with other cultures. Topics include globalization, social movements,
technology's impact on society, and cultural diversity.

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