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Page 1: Introduction to Political Science

Political science examines government structures, political behavior, power

relations, and public policy. It explores theories, institutions, ideologies, and
processes shaping political systems.

Page 2: Comparative Politics

Comparative politics analyzes different political systems and institutions across

countries. Topics include democracies, authoritarian regimes, political parties,
electoral systems, and governance.

Page 3: International Relations

International relations studies interactions between countries, global

organizations, and non-state actors. Topics include diplomacy, conflict
resolution, globalization, international law, and global security issues.

Page 4: Political Theory

Political theory examines ideas and concepts underlying political systems and
governance. Topics include liberalism, conservatism, socialism, democracy,
justice, human rights, and theories of political power.

Page 5: Public Policy

Public policy analyzes government decisions and actions addressing societal

issues. Topics include policy-making processes, policy analysis,
implementation, evaluation, and the role of public opinion and interest groups.

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