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When answering think about the person you are describing in situations where

things are going well for him/her and they feel good about themselves.
1. He/she enjoys things most when...
helping others do what getting others to do what doing what he/she wants
they want to do. he/she wants to do. to do without having to
count on others

2. Most of the time he/she is apt to be...

a feeling person who is an energetic person who is a practical person who is
quick to respond to other quick to see opportunities & careful not to rush into
people's needs. advantages. things before they are

3. When he/she meets people for the first time he/she is most likely to be...
concerned with whether or actively curious about them politely cautious until
not they find him/her a to learn if there is something he/she has learned what
likeable person. in it for him or her. they might want from me

4. Most of the time he/she finds themselves being...

the nice one on whom the strong one who supplies the thinking one who
others can generally count the direction for others. studies things carefully
to lend a helping hand. before acting.

5. He/she feels most satisfied when...

the major decisions have others count on him/her to He/she has had time to
been made by others and make the major decisions study a major decision
how he/she can help is and tell them what to do. and determine their own
clear. best course of action

6. People who know him/her best see them as a person who can be counted on...
to be trusting of them and to be full of ambition and to be unswerving in their
loyal to them. initiative. convictions & principles

7. It is most like him/her to

do the best they can and take the lead in developing be patient, practical and
trust in others to recognise opportunities and sure of what they are
their contribution. influencing decisions. doing.

8. He/she would describe themselves as a person who most of the time is...
friendly, open and who energetic, self-confident and cautious and fair and
sees some good in almost one who sees opportunities who stands by what they
everyone. others miss. believe to be right

9. He/she finds those relationships most gratifying in which they can be...
of support to a strong the one who provides the neither a leader nor a
leader in whom they have leadership others want to follower but free to
faith. follow pursue their own
independent way

10. When she/he is at their best, they most enjoy...

seeing others benefit from having others turn to him/her being their own boss and
what they have been able to lead and guide them and doing things for
to do for them. give them purpose. themselves and by

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When answering these questions think about the person you are describing when
things are going wrong for him/her and they are in conflict with others.
11. When he/she runs into opposition to what they are doing, they are most apt to...
give up what he/she is become forceful and press become doubly cautious
doing and put their wants for their right to be doing it. and check their position
to one side in order to be very carefully

12. If he/she decides they want to overcome someone's opposition, they will try to...
change what they are find the holes in that appeal to the person's
doing and try to make it person's argument and press sense of respect for logic
more acceptable to the the strong points in theirs. and fair play

13. In getting along with difficult people, he/she usually...

finds it easier to just go finds them a challenge to be respects their rights and
along with their wishes for overcome. insist that they respect
now. his/her rights and

14. When someone strongly disagrees with him/her, they tend to...
give in and do it that challenge the person detach myself from the
person's way unless it is immediately and argue as situation until they’ve
very important to him/her. hard as possible made certain of their

15. When someone openly opposes him/her, they usually

give in for the sake of face up to the fact that it is a try to withdraw from the
harmony and rely on that battle and set out to win. relationship and turn to
person's sense of justice to their own interests.
do the right thing.

16. If he/she is not getting what they want from a relationship, they are most apt to...
keep hoping and trusting become more forceful and abandon the relationship
that things will work persuasive and push harder and look elsewhere for
themselves out in due time to get what they want what it is they want.

17. When he/she feels others are taking advantage of their goodwill, they usually...
turn to people with more assert their rights and fight state their rights clearly
experience and ask for for what they feel they are and insist that in fairness
their advice. entitled to. they be respected.

18. When another person insists on having his or her own way, he/she tends to..
put their wishes aside for put up counter arguments respect the person's right
the time being and go and try to get the person to to follow their interests
along with that person. change. as long as there is no
interference with theirs.

19. When others openly criticise him/her, he/she is most apt to...
want to pacify them and become indignant and become doubly cautious
cool their anger with challenge vigorously their and analyse each charge
him/her. right to criticise. in specific detail.

20. When someone has plainly abused his/her trust or confidence, he/she tends to...
feel the person has done get angry with the person analyse what went wrong
more harm to himself or and take steps to even the and how to avoid any
herself than to them. score. repetition in the future.

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