Newspaper Report-8

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News paper Report:

Question 1:
You are Vinod/Vinita of Subhash Public School, Gorakhpur. Recently, your
school celebrated its Silver Jubilee. Write a report in 150-200 words for your
school magazine describing the various programmes arranged in your school
for the celebration.
Silver jubilee Celebrations
by Saurabh Singh, XIIB
Subhash Public School, Gorakhpur recently completed its twenty-five years of
establishment on 5th February, 20XX. The management and staff of the school
organised a grand function to celebrate the same. Mr Prabhat Gupta, the DM of
Gorakhpur, graced the occasion as the chief guest. The school premises was
attractively decorated for the celebrations and the chief guest was received by the
Director and the Principal of the school at the main gate. After the Saraswati
Vandana and welcome song, Mr Praveen Nangia, the school Principal, gave a brief
speech highlighting the meritorious services of the school to the cause of education
for the past 25 years.
The chief guest acknowledged the same in his speech thereafter. He honoured six
teachers for their dedicated services in the field of education. The students who were
the allrounders of each class were awarded medals by the DM.
Students of the three houses presented a musical extravaganza which was the special
feature of the show.
Question 2:
A super speciality hospital was inaugurated in your town by the Health
Minister. As a reporter from The Hindu’, write a brief report on the same to be
published in the newspaper.
Super Speciality Hospital Inaugurated
by Niharika Singh, Staff Reporter
New Delhi, 8th August 20XX : ‘Swasthya Surabhi’, a super speciality hospital was
inaugurated by Ram Prakash Chaudhary, the Minister of State for Health, on Friday.
The 400-bed hospital seemed to be equipped with the most advanced and state of the
art machines and equipments with the latest infrastructure to back up exigencies. It
employs internationally trained physician in the field of emergency medicine. Fully
equipped, advanced cardiac life support ambulances has been made available round
the clock. Besides having an in-house Blood Bank, its information system has been
linked to other major Blood Banks in the country to enable the right group of blood
to be made available at short notice.
The hospital covered an area of 8,000 square metres and the total expenditure in
building the hospital had come around thirty five crore rupees.
Addressing the people, Dr Bhavdekar, the Medical Superintendent reinforced the
need for dedicated and committed staff. He sincerely hoped that the hospital would
provide the best health services to the people at nominal cost.
A blood donation camp was also organised to mark the auspicious occasion. The
authorities also announced free treatment for the poor patients on every Sunday from
10 to 12 noon.
Question 3:
Power shortages are becoming a norm these days. Your city is facing this
problem regularly. Write a report for publication in your school magazine in
150-200 words highlighting this problem and offering solutions.
Time for a Power Cut Again!
by Many a, XU C
Talking about Ghaziabad specifically: Burgeoning population, booming industries,
sprawling malls; all these have one thing in common—they guzzle electricity. Till
now, the government has been providing them the much-needed power by cutting
down electricity meant for households and villages but for how long?
Unfortunately, power supply has been limited in contrast to our demand which know
no boundaries. Till the government works out a long-term solution in terms of
nuclear energy, we as responsible citizens should make judicious use of electricity.
Here’s a slew of measures that can be taken.
Switch off all lights, fans, coolers, ACs and geysers immediately after use. One must
avoid unnecessary and extravagant displays of lights, especially on marriages and
other functions.
Everyone must make optimum use of sunlight by using solar lamps, geysers and
coolers. Moreover, light fixtures must be kept clean and dirt free so that there is no
wastage of power. As citizens of a responsible country, theft of electricity should be
prevented and pay electricity bills regularly.
Pledge together to SAVE ELECTRICITY NOW.
Remember, it’s now or never!
Previous Years’
Examination Questions
Question 1:
You had attended a workshop on personality development for students. Many
eminent personalities had been present. Write a report in 125-150 words on how
the workshop proved to be beneficial. You are Rajesh/Rajshree.
Workshop on Personality Development Beneficial
by Rajesh, Class Xll-C
Six students of our school were sponsored to attend the recent two-day Personality
Development Workshop conducted by M/s Creative Solutions Consultants at
Sarabhai Seminar Hall in the city. This workshop was also attended by students of
Class XII of other schools so that the total number of participants were 35.
This workshop featured presentations by eminent personalities on various topics like
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Time Management, Team Building and
Each presentation was followed by a one-hour discussion on the concerned topic,
which was the most beneficial part of the workshop. The presentations were
conducted by Rajat Puri, Communications specialist, Sarvesh Mittal, NDTV
Presenter, Sudhir Das, Independent Consultant and others.
Such an eminent gathering of professionals generated the necessary enthusiasm
among the students so they asked the maximum question. No doubt, the workshop
was highly beneficial in developing our personalities.
Question 2:
A few teachers and students from Edwin University have visited your school on
an exchange programme. You welcomed them grandly. Write a report in
125-150 words on the celebration. You are Brijesh/Benu.
Visit by Exchange Programme Participants
By Brijesh
Four teachers and twenty students from Edwin University, British Columbia,
Canada, visited the Happy School Subhash Nagar last Friday. In this programme
students of Indian schools and colleges visit schools abroad and vice-versa to
broaden their awareness and outlook. The school was wearing a festive look on the
occasion. Decorations and posters welcoming the visitors were everywhere. At the
school gate, our Principal himself was present to welcome the delegat. After touring
the classrooms and laboratories to observe the facilities in the school, the delegat had
an hour-long interaction with teachers and students on education in India and how
students can help society with their positive outlook and enthusiasm. The visit
concluded with a delicious ‘high tea’ in honour of the delegation.
The visitors were seen off by the Principal and senior teachers.
Question 3:
On Teacher’s day, the badge holders of your school organised a grand
celebration to honour the teachers of your school. As the head boy of the school,
write a report on the celebration in 125-150 words.
Teachers’ Day Celebrated
by Sanjeev Kumar, Head Boy
On 5th September the badge holders of Geetaratan School, with the assistance of
other students, felicitated the teachers of the school. The awards instituted were ‘Best
Teacher’, ‘Most Popular Teacher’ and ‘Most Dutiful Teacher’ in the categories of
Senior Secondary, Secondary, Elementary and Primary. The awards were for the
first, second and third position in each category. Earlier in the month, the opinions of
each and every student was taken for the three types of awards and results collated to
decide the winners.
The function itself started with the Principal’s address, continuing with the
announcement and distribution of the awards to individual teachers by the chief
guest, the District Education Officer. After the chief guest’s speech, which lauded the
role of teachers in society, the function concluded with a vote of thanks by the
What a memorable day it was, when students decided who was best!
Question 4:
As you were travelling by train you happened to witness an accident at an
unmanned level crossing. As the reporter of a newspaper, write a report on the
accident, including details of the number of people injured and the extent of
damage caused.
56 Injured in Train-Tractor Trolley Collision
by Sanjeev Kumar, Times News Network
Uttar Pradesh, 28th March, 20XX One more accident at an unmanned level crossing!
The Railways were to be blamed, as they did not have people posted at such
crossings to prevent such accidents.
The correspondent was travelling to Kanpur by the Lucknow Shatabdi, when it hit a
tractor-trolley at an unmanned level crossing after Khurja station. The train driver
was handicapped due to the heavy fog for prevailing in the morning hours. The train
stopped and relief measures were undertaken by the passengers. Apparently, the
trolley was full of a marriage party returning to their village after solemnising the
14 passengers of the trolley were seriously injured and were shifted to Khurja Civil
Hospital by ambulances. The tractor and trolley were smashed beyond repair. The
local administration has announced suitable compensation to the injured. The train
resumed its journey after 3 hours.
Question 5:
As an active member of the Interact Club of your school, you had participated
in a summer camp organised by the Lions Club of your district. Write a report
on the camp and its activities in 125-150 words. You are Gyan/Geeta of XYZ
Public School, Rohini, Delhi.
Summer Camp in the Lap of Nature
by Ceeta Cbauhan, Member Interact Club, XYZ Public School
Lions Club, Rohini organised a 6 day camp to Seetlakheth near Nainital, from 1st to
6th June, 20XX for the students in the age-group of 15-18. The camp was an outdoor
expedition wherein the physical strength as well as the mental abilities was tested.
The set of outdoor activities included trekking, river crossing, mountain climbing
etc. They were especially designed to enhance the team spirit among people from
different backgrounds.
It also included yoga, meditation, board games, various cultural programs and
awareness discussions. The camp was mainly aimed to show the survival in the wild
as well as to boost the personality of the students.
After the trip, students felt much rejuvenated and enlightened. They seemed happy to
live in the lap of nature and learned many tricks related to survival in the forest.
They seemed determined to join the camp every year and also encourage their
friends to do the same.
Question 6:
You are the Sports Captain of your school. The annual sports were conducted
last month. Write a report in 125-150 words on the conduct of the same. You are
Manish/ Mita of PQR School, Mall Road, Amritsar.
Annual Sports Meet
by Mita Chauhan, Sports Captain
PQR School, Mall Road, Amritsar organised its Annual Sports Meet on 20th
December, 20XX in its premises. It was the 25th Sports Meet of the school, so it saw
many ex- students too. The event had Sania Nehwal as the Chief Guest who was
warmly welcomed by the Principal and the staff members. The event started with
welcoming the eminent personalities, followed by the march past organised by the
senior students of the school. It also included various jumps, races and drills. The
winners were awarded the medals by the chief guest. After the award ceremony,
Sania also gave a speech wherein she congratulated the winners and encouraged the
students to take up sports seriously and to make it as their career options for the
glory of the nation.
Event was huge success where students and parents felt much delighted.
Question 7:
You are Anurag/Anjali, a reporter with a national daily. You have heard that a
multistorey building hear the main railway station has collapsed causing panic
in the area. You rush to site of the accident with your team. Write a report in
125-150 words mentioning the time and the place of the accident, number of
casualties, the cause of the accident and the rescue operation conducted by the
5-Storeyed Building Collapsed Claiming 10 lives
by Anurag Pandey
Jharkhand, 15th April, 20XX A 5-storeyed building collapsed near the main railway
station area of Samarpal District. The incident took place on the afternoon of 13th
April. Fortunately it was a Sunday, so not many people were present in the building.
Yet, when it collapsed it hurt the passer-by, claiming the lives of 10 people and
injuring several. Locals quickly came into action and rushed the victims to the
hospital. The police, along with the special team looked for more survivals under the
debris but with no success.
On investigation it was found that building had illegally enlarged its covered area.
The old pillars of the building could not bear the burden of the new construction and
gave way. On enquiring, the builder said that the corporation charged handsome
bribe for the construction. Thus, the corporation had ignored the safety measures too.
For the selfish motive of some, precious life of innocent people was taken away.
Question 8:
Write a report in 125-150 words on the Zonal Cricket Tournament held in the
playground of ABC School, Laxmi Nagar last week. Your report should include
details such as names of participating teams, exciting, cheerful atmosphere,
decorated playground, a large crowd of cheering students and presentation
ceremony. You are Gopalan/ Gauri, Student Editor of your school magazine.
Zonal Cricket Tournament
by Gauri Singhal
ABC School, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi, hosted the Zonal Cricket Tournament from 1st
August, 20XX to 14th August, 20XX in its playground. 25 public schools (all
following CBSE) from various states participated in the event, competing against
each other. The school was decorated beautifully to welcome the participants and
ground was filled with cheerful atmosphere when the teams were cheered for the
brilliant performances. The final match was held on 14th August, 20XX between
Bharti Public School, Delhi and Punjab Senior Secondary School, Amritsar. Famous
Cricketer, Virender Sehwag, Mr Ahluwalia, the Sports Chairman of CBSE graced
the occasion by being the chief guest on the final day.
They also gave medals and trophy to the winning team and to the man of the
tournament. A special vote of thanks and best wishes were given by the Principal of
the school. The school was applauded by the chief guest for handling the event with
utmost zeal.
Question 9:
A bomb blast in a busy market area in your locality has caused huge damage.
As a member of the Social Service League of your school, you visited the place.
Write a report in 125-150 words on the destruction caused and the rescue
operations conducted. You are Mohinder/ Meena of ABC Public School, Preet
Nagar, Delhi.
Bomb Blast in Lajpat Nagar
by Mohinder Gadwal
Life came to a standstill when a bomb blasted in the busy Lajpat Nagar market at
around 2pm on Sunday, the 22nd September, 20XX. Busy markets have been the
favourite spot for such blasts especially during the festival times. The bomb was
placed in a scooter parked near the 3C Cinema. The blast claimed the lives of 25
people, and injuring about 50. Immediately after the blast, people started running
here and there, creating a huge chaos.
Police reached the spot with various ambulances and bomb squad. The injured
victims were rushed to the nearby government hospital. The area was sealed for
further investigation. Media people too gathered the place in no time. The local NGO
came into action and helped in controlling the situation along with the police. So far
nobody has taken the responsibility of the attack but the police claimed it to be a
terrorist attack.
Question 10:
You are Gauri/ Gaurav of ABC Public School, Gandhi Nagar, Meerut. Your
school has just celebrated the Literary week. As the Secretary of Literary Club,
write a report in 125-150 words to be published in the school newsletter. Invent
all the necessary details.
Grand Success of Literary Week
by Gaurav Goyal
ABC Public School, Gandhi Nagar, Meerut celebrated the Literary week from 8th
February to 15th February,20XX in the school auditorium. The event was
inaugurated by the famous writer Arundhati Roy who was warmly welcomed by the
Principal and the staff. On the first day, students presented a play highlighting the
importance of books, followed by debate competition and cultural program. For the
whole week there was a book exhibition open for all with a minimum entry fee of ₹
20. The exhibition had both old and new books of different genres, from different
publications and authors. The event also had book readings by well-known authors
like Chetan Bhagat, Amitav Gosh etc. Also the school hosted different inter-school
competitions during the week. The final day was marked by the presence of HRD
Minister Mrs Smriti Irani, who applauded the efforts of the school and congratulated
the Principal and the teachers for the success of the event.
Question 11:
Members of the Social Activities Club of your school recently visited an
orphanage run by a well-known NGO Members of the club were greatly
impressed with the atmosphere in the orphanage. Write a report in 125-150
words, giving details such as clean surroundings, nice and caring staff, well-fed
children with glowing faces, toys and games for kids, etc. You are
Nutan/Naveen, President of your school’s Social Activities Club.
Visit to an Orphanage for the Blind
by Naveen Jain, President, Social Activities Club
15 members of the Social Activities Club of ABC Public School, Deralwal Delhi,
visited an orphanage for the blind on 18th March, 20XX. The students were made to
visit the orphanage run by well-known Sarvappam NGO located at the outskirts of
Delhi. Students were amazed to see the kind of infrastructure the place had which
suited the blind people so well that they did not seem to be lacking anything at all.
Every step was designed to cater to the needs of these children. Apart from the
educational needs, special care was devoted to their clean surroundings, the type of
toys and games and their food. Exceptional attention was also given to their hygiene
and sanitation. The staff showed much care for these children and had created a
friendly family kind of environment. It was an enlightening experience for the
normal students who cribbed for petty things instead of being thankful to all they
Question 12:
The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at
the District Park against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down
trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Write a report on the rally
in 125-150 words. You are Puneeta/ Pramod, the President of the Association.
Protest Rally by Saraswati RWA
by Pramod Ahooja, President, RWA
New Delhi, 11th May, 20XX The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare
Association held a protest at the District Park on 10th May, 20XX. The residents
were annoyed by the Municipal Corporation’s decision to cut down trees to widen
the roads to ease the traffic congestion. The rally took place for about 3 hours, and
took to the roads, proving a nightmare for the commuters. The residents basically
resented the destruction of their beautiful district park which is used by everyone.
Soon the media too came to cover the rally, and eminent environmentalists too joined
to protest for the crime against the environment. People suggested alternate methods
like diversion of the route, building elevated roads to ease the traffic congestion. The
rally was finally concluded when the concerned authority came with a stay on their
decision and promised to adopt the alternate methods.
Question 13:
Your school, Sun Public School, Pune, celebrated ‘Environment Day’ on 5th
November. Write a report on the programme in 100-125 words for your school
newsletter. You are Neeta/Naveen, Cultural Secretary of the school. Invent the
necessary details.
Environment Day Celebration
by Naveen, Cultural Secretary
The ‘Environment Club’ of Sun Public School celebrated ‘Environment Day’ on 5th
November in the school premises. The programme was inaugurated by Mr
Karuppasammy, the eminent environmentalist and presided over by our Principal.
The function began with a special vandana prepared by the school choir group.
Many cultural programmes were prepared by the Cultural Group of the school that
included a very interesting play on the theme ‘Mother Earth’ which was highly
applauded by all. An essay writing and poster making competition also took place.
After distributing the prizes, the Chief Guest gave a speech in which he highlighted
the need for conservation.
Finally, the day was concluded after a tree plantation drive. It was a huge success.
Question 14:
You are Deepak/Deepika, Secretary of Ahimsa Club, Parsva Public School,
Delhi. On 2nd October, your school observed ‘International Day for peace and
non-violence’, organising various activities such as visit to Raj Ghat, Charkha
spinning, lectures by eminent Gandhians, etc. Write a report on the same in
100-125 words.
International Day for Peace and Non-violence
by Deepika, Secretary Ahimsa Club
On 2nd October, 20XX, to mark the birthday of the Father of the Nation, Parsva
Public School observed ‘International Day for Peace and Non-violence’. Many
eminent Gandhians were also present on the occasion. The day began with an
Ahimsa oath in the morning assembly followed by a play on non-violence.
In his opening speech, the Principal highlighted the fact that in these times of global
unrest brotherhood was needed more than any time in history. In their lectures, the
Gandhians urged the students to follow the path of Ahimsa and demonstrated with
examples what is the right path. They also brought charkhas with them and the
students were very happy to learn a new art.
The senior classes were taken for a visit to Raj Ghat and the day concluded after
observing a 2 minute silence.
Question 15:
Traffic police has launched a special drive against pollution causing vehicles.
This has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections. Write a
report in 100-125 words to be published in ‘Chennai Times’. You are
Prince/Priya, 12 MG Road, Adayar, Chennai.
Wrong Strategy Spoils Right Cause
by Priya, Special Correspondent
Chennai: 6th April, 20XX: While driving towards the office, the commuters get
engulfed with numerous unusual traffic jams. The irony with the jams was that it
emerged as a result of a special drive against the pollution causing vehicles launched
by the Chennai traffic police.
After Chennai was included in the list of cities with the highest air pollution in India,
the authorities tried to come down hard on the vehicles emitting pollution. But the
failure in the right planning spoiled the drive. The biggest mistake that the authorities
made was barricading the important intersections of the city which created a havoc
on roads.
The problems became so severe that the drive had to be cancelled midway. Hope the
authorities will come prepared the next time.
Question 16:
Your school, Kanpur Secondary School, Kanpur celebrated ‘No Tobacco Day’
on 4th September. Write a report in 100-125 words on the activities performed
for your school newsletter. You are Shobita/Sameer, Cultural Secretary of your
school. Invent the necessary details.
No Tobacco Day Celebrated
by Shobita, Cultural Secretary
The ‘Health Club’ of Kanpur Secondary School celebrated ‘No Tobacco Day’ on 4th
September in the school premises. The programme was inaugurated by Mr Kumar,
the Health Minister of the state and presided by the Principal.
Many cultural programmes were prepared by the Cultural Group of the school that
included a very interesting play on the theme ‘Tobacco Kills’ which was highly
applauded by all.
An essay writing and poster making competition also took place. After distributing
the prizes, the Chief Guest gave a speech in which he highlighted the problems faced
by people who consume tobacco.
Finally, the day was concluded after declaring the area no tobacco zone. It was a
huge success.
Question 17:
As a staff reporter of The Times of India, Delhi, you are asked to cover an
incident of daylight robbery on the outskirts of Delhi, while the inmates were
present in the house. Write a report in 100-125 words.
Another Incident of Daylight Robbery
by Deepika, Staff Reporter
Delhi 1.2th March, 20XX: The robbers at the peripheries of Delhi have become so
bold that they ransacked a house in broad daylight, while the inmates were present in
the house.
This was the fifth occurrence of such a kind in the past two weeks.
The Incident took place in Kavi Nagar Colony on 10th March, 20XX. The robbers
acted as credit card dealers and gained entry into the house easily. Then they bundled
the family of four, including two small children, into a room. The family couldn’t
raise an alarm as they were caught off guard.
The house owner said that the robbers took away all their savings, but was somewhat
relieved as no one was hurt. The police have issued an advisory and have been
looking into the matter.
Question 18:
You are Rohini/Rehan. Your school KRM Senior Secondary School, Gurgaon
organized a workshop on how to conserve energy. A number of CBSE schools
participated in it. Many eminent personalities addressed the students. Write a
report in 100-125 words for your school magazine.
Energy Conservation Workshop
by Rohini
KRM Senior Secondary School, Gurgaon organised a workshop on how to conserve
energy on 26th February 20XX in its promises. A number of CBSE schools
participated in it. To start the programme the lights were switched off for 5 minutes.
Then the Principal took the dais and made an Eco-Pledge. Many eminent
personalities including environmentalist and scientists addressed the students. They
included engineers from the State Electricity Board who explained the environmental
benefits of conserving electricity by switching off appliances when not required.
Scientists from the Pollution Control Board highlighted the environmental benefits
of switching off automobile engines at stop lights. Environmentalists from NGOs
explained the necessity of preserving the environment for future generations. The
highlight of the workshop was the display of various models from the participating
schools which focused on the methods to conserve energy.
Question 19:
You are Roshan/Rohini, School Pupil Leader of Meerut Public School, Meerut.
Your school joined a campaign organised by various agencies of your city to
create awareness among people to conserve water. Write a report in 100-125
words highlighting the activities such as rain water harvesting, etc.
Conserve Water Campaign
by Rohirri, School Pupil Leader
Students of Meerut Public School, Meerut participated in a campaign on 23rd March
20XX, organised by various agencies to create awareness among people to conserve
water. The campaign was held keeping in view the approaching summer and the
impending water scarcity. The students formed many groups and went to visit many
places where reports of water shortage were prevalent. They presented many street
plays, displayed posters and handed out booklets containing information about the
need to conserve water.
The agencies involved presented various scientific models which caught the eye of
the masses. Moreover, the play on the theme of ‘Rainwater Harvesting’ remained the
talk of the town and was hugely appreciated.
The Principal applauded the efforts of the students and announced that the school
will continue to participate in such causes.
Question 20:
Your school has recently arranged a musical night in the school auditorium.
Write a report in 100-125 words on this programme, for your school magazine.
You are Mahima/Mahesh, Cultural Secretary of Vasant Vihar Public School,
Itarsi. Invent the details.
A Musical Night
by Mahesh Gupta, Cultural Secretary Vasant Vihar Public SchoolItarsi
Itarsi, 6th April, 20XX To promote an awareness of cultural activities and to enhance
the talent of students, particularly in the field of music, the management and staff of
the school recently organised a musical night in the school auditorium. Mr Prabhu
Shekhar, the DM of Itarsi, inaugurated the programme as the chief guest.
Participants were very enthusiastic about the event. Many of them performed quite
well and received great applause from the audience. Parents of almost all the
students were also present. One girl, Adhiti, of class XII won the hearts of almost all
present by her melodious and sweet songs. One group of boys and girls performed
the folk dance that represents the cultural heritage of our state. It was a fascinating
Question 21:
You witnessed a road accident near Nalband Chauraha at Agra in which a bus
and a scooter were involved. Write a report for Amar Ujala in 100-125 words.
Sign as Vivek/Vimala, Special Correspondent.
Speeding Bus Claims a Life
by Vivek Jain Special Correspondent, Amar Ujala
Agra 26th May 20XX It was very early morning of 25th May 20XX. A middle aged
person was going on his scooter. He was not driving very fast, but the bus that
appeared suddenly on Nalbandh Chowraha was in great speed. It was a clear case of
rash driving on the part of the bus driver. He didn’t even blow the horn and just hit
the scooterist from behind running the vehicle over his body. All this happened in a
second. There were the only four commuters at that time. The victim was rushed to
the nearby hospital, but he had succumbed to his injuries.
The doctors present could not do anything and declared him ‘brought dead.’
The police has registered a case. The Superintendent of Police has assured an early
Question 22:
You are Cultural Secretary of PND Xavier School, Jamshedpur. Your school
organised a debate on the topic, ‘The impact of reality shows on the younger
generation.1 Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in ‘The Times of
India’, Jamshedpur.
An Impactful Debate
by Vinod Kumar, Cultural Secretary PND Xavier School, Jamshedpur
Jamshedpur 4th September 20XX An Inter School Debate Competition was hosted
by PND Xavier School, Jamshedpur on 1st
September, 20XX. The debate was held on the topic ‘The impact of reality shows on
the younger generation. May reputed schools of the town participated in the debate.
As a matter of debate, some expressed their views in favour and some against the
Students of Bharti Public School who spoke for the motion, won the first prize. The
District Magistrate, who was the chief guest, concluded by saying that everything
has two aspects-we need to identify the positive aspects. Prizes and certificates were
given to the winners.
Question 23:
You visited a Job Fair organised by Ability Foundation at Chennai recently.
You were impressed to see that nearly 55 companies from various sectors such
as information technology, telecommunications, electronics etc offered jobs to
the final year students of colleges. As a reporter of ‘The Deccan Times’,
Chennai prepare a report in 100-125 words. You are Peeyush/Priya.
Get Served with Services
by Peeyush Reporter
Chennai 16th March 20XX Recently a 4-day Job Fair was organised by Ability
Foundation in the city. It saw the participation of 55 national as well as international
companies from various sectors such as information technology, telecommunication,
electronics and some other manufacturing sectors. On the spot interviews were taken
to judge the final year students of various colleges and they were offered lucrative
jobs with attractive salaries as per their calibre and potential. Students thronged the
stalls of various companies to enquire about the placements. Many national heads of
companies addressed the students about their company and future prospects in the
related field. It was very nice to see a lot of happy faces all around.
Question 24:
You are Sweety/Suresh of LM Jain School, Ajmer. As Secretary of your school
Co-Curricular Activities Club, you visited a slum area in your city where the
people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The students
of your school rendered their services and materials to help the victims. Write a
report in 100-125 words for your school magazine.
Relief Measures for Fire Victims
by Sweety, Secretary, Co-Curricular Activities Club
A major area of slums under the new overbridge in the city was rocked by a fire of
great intensity in the morning hours of 8th March. People were caught unaware by
the sudden sound of a cylinder blast and within no time the whole area was engulfed
in smoke. People rushed out of their houses in great panic but some were trapped in
the blaze.
In a bid to offer some relief students of co-curricular Activities Club visited that area
and the school held its emergent meeting to transport and distribute relief care
packages. Collection points were fixed and announced by the students to deposit
their contribution. A special forum was set up to collect other necessary items such
as clothes, blankets, tents etc. The funds collected will also be used effectively for
rehabilitation purposes.
Inspired by school’s efforts many other government and private agencies too rushed
for immediate help.
Question 25:
Your school organised a seminar on swine flue for creating awareness among
students of your school and their parents. As Secretary of the Health Club of
Oasis Public School, Hyderabad, write a report in 100-125 words for The
Deccan Herald’.
The Growing Threat
by Keshav Karnani, Secretary, Health Club> Oasis Public School, Hyderabad
Hyderabad There has been a rise in the number of swine flue cases registered in the
city, which being a matter of concern, took the attention of our school authorities. It
was considered appropriate to call all the students and their parents for a seminar to
educate everyone about the causes and precaution to ensure that this virus does not
infect anyone.
The seminar saw successful completion on 15th March, 20XX in the school
Doctors from various hospitals were called to throw light on the matter. Basic details
about the cause, symptoms and effects were explained to all. A sense of ease
prevailed on the faces of parents after knowing about it. The seminar was a great

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