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The line graph compares the amount of electricity produced in France over the period of 32

years ( from 1980 to 2012)

Overall, the electricity production from nuclear power witnessed a significant increase to be
the highest in the last year of the time period. Meanwhile, the amount of electricity produced
from renewable resources remained stable and the lowest.
In 1980, 120 TW-h of electrictiy was produced from thermal energy. In the same year, the
amount of electricity produced from nuclear and hyroelectric resources was around 50 TW-h
each. In 1981, the electricity production from nuclear power rocketed and surpassed the
amount of electricity produced by the thermal plants as the highest among 4 types.
From 1980 to 1985, the amount of electricity produced from thermal power plunged slightly
to 50 TW-h, then it stabilized for the rest of the time period. By contrast, after surpassing the
amount of electricity produced from thermal power, the nuclear stations produced an
increasing amount of electricity before reaching a peak at around 430 TW-h in 2005. The
electricity production from hydroelectricity remained stable at around 50 TW-h in the 32-
year-period. Similarly, the amount of electricity produced from renewable energy remained
unchanged and only rose slightly in the last 7 years.

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