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To compare and contrast the institutions established in terms of sections 178, 179, 182, and 190 of

the Constitution, we need to consider the purpose, function, and status of each institution.

Section 178

The institution established under section 178 of the Constitution is the Judicial Service Commission
(JSC). Its purpose is to promote and facilitate the independence, impartiality, integrity, and
effectiveness of the judiciary. The JSC is responsible for judicial appointments, promotions, and
disciplinary matters.

Section 179

Section 179 establishes the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). The NPA's primary function is to
institute criminal proceedings on behalf of the state, carry out functions incidental to instituting
criminal proceedings, and to discontinue criminal proceedings.

Section 182

Under section 182, the Public Protector is established. The Public Protector's role is to investigate any
conduct in state affairs or in any sphere of government that is alleged or suspected to be improper or
to result in any impropriety or prejudice.

Section 190

Section 190 establishes the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC). The SAHRC is tasked
with promoting, protecting, and monitoring the realization of human rights in South Africa.

Each of these institutions plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of
individuals within the South African legal system. Case law, such as relevant Constitutional Court
judgments, can be cited to provide further insight and substantiate the discussion of the purpose,
function, and status of these institutions.

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