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Rise of the relatable organization

services industry
A Global Talent Trends
companion report
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 1

Outlook for the

professional services
industry in 2022
A compelling career experience and meaningful total rewards are
crucial to retain high-value talent.

Before the advent of the pandemic in early Professional services firms are front and center in the
war for talent amid the “Great Resignation” as young
2020, significant changes were already taking professionals migrate to jobs mainly in the private sector.
place across the professional services sector. However, after taking a conservative approach to pay
There was an increased focus on enhancing in 2020, some major firms administered more than one
organization-wide salary increase event in 2021, along with
the employee experience, clarifying career annual bonus awards and additional “thank-you” bonuses
expectations, introducing greater flexibility into to try to stem the tide of higher turnover. Those off-cycle
the workplace, reskilling and upskilling workers, adjustments have continued into 2022.

and finding the right strategy for retaining Leaders are now challenged to redefine their employee
valued talent. value propositions and identify the right levers to engage
and motivate client-facing talent effectively. More recently,
Professional services firms recognized that although cash major law firms have announced first-year law school
compensation was a key lever for engaging and retaining graduates will have starting salaries of $215,000, which has
client-facing talent, identifying a total rewards solution a ripple effect on pay for all levels of associate attorneys.
was paramount for distinguishing themselves from There is an increasing realization that the right strategy
competitors. Work generally took place in the office or on- to limit the departure of staff will not be through cash
site at client locations, and long hours, tight deadlines and compensation but instead through other total reward
frequent travel were all an accepted part of the employee vehicles, which will vary from firm to firm depending on
value proposition. their particular business and talent strategies.

The onset of COVID-19 was initially met with a combination

of temporary pay reductions, delayed promotions, and the About the author
elimination of merit increases and bonus awards. Firms
were looking for actions to reduce costs and avoid staff
Howard Levine
reductions (which were common in the last major recession
Partner, Career Business
in 2008). By the end of 2020, most firms recognized that
they could still be efficient when operating remotely, and
overall performance was surprisingly strong. While the
apprentice model of training and developing staff is still a
staple, there is a new acceptance by partners and leaders
that operating in a hybrid model is not just possible but
highly desirable by staff.
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 2

The rise of the relatable organization

As companies seek better ways to engage and retain talent, Last year, winning companies led with empathy. This year,
employees are scrutinizing the value they create through our research shows that relatable companies are leading
their work. Both acknowledge that 2022 will be a year of the way. They are constantly resetting for relevance, seeking
doing things differently — figuring out how to work, learn to work in partnership with talent, working hard to deliver on
and laugh together. In an era of increased accountability total well-being and building for employability to harness the
and responsibility ushered in by the accelerated collective energy of their people. This report focuses on the
digitalization and disruption of 2021, making this transition challenges and opportunities in the professional services
is critical. Mercer’s Global Talent Trends research brings industry. To learn more about the five global talent trends,
commentary from more than 10,910 executives, HR refer to the full 2022 report.
professionals and employees on the talent challenges
companies face and how they plan to make progress on
their people agendas.

Top HR priorities for 2022 in the professional services industry

1 2 3 4 5
Evolving our flexible Improving our total Enhancing the Redesigning Leveraging a variable
working culture rewards packages employee experience HR operations staffing model/the
for key retention gig economy
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 3

Partnership is no longer the career goal for most intellectually challenging. Increasingly, they are opting
emerging professionals to move to private sector companies to apply their skills
and continue learning. As a result, firms are discovering
For client-facing professionals, the allure of becoming that many campus hires are interested in “punching their
a partner in a professional services firm is not what it tickets” at prestigious professional services firms for two
was 15 to 20 years ago. The view of work-life balance to three years, updating their LinkedIn profiles and then
for partners is not necessarily favorable. Many are not moving out of the sector to internal roles in the private
interested in the business development responsibilities sector. These individuals are trained, highly productive
associated with being in a leadership role. Staff are and profitable on client engagements, which makes their
interested in their respective disciplines, which are loss especially painful.

What attracts people to join a professional services firm?

Professional services Total

Job security
37% 38%
Opportunity for career progression
44% 36%
Organization’s brand and reputation
29% 36%
Competitiveness of pay/rewards
38% 35%
Flexible working policy
39% 34%
Opportunity to continuously develop and learn
35% 33%
Fair pay/responsible rewards practices
28% 31%
Medical insurance
30% 31%
Confidence in our strategy/future vision
25% 31%
Pension/retirement options
23% 30%
Employee wellness/well-being programs
39% 29%
Commitment to innovation
28% 28%
Inspiring and trustworthy leadership/culture
25% 28%
Inclusive work environment/commitment to DEI
25% 27%
Vacation/time-off policies
25% 27%
Focus on making a positive impact
30% 27%
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 4

Remote/hybrid work is the new normal Firm leaders received high marks from their staff over the
past two years, especially for their mental wellness and
Operating during the pandemic demonstrated to health efforts. HR leaders expect 43% of employees to
professional services firm leaders that their workforces thrive in 2022, which is 12% higher than the all-industry
could be highly profitable, efficient and productive when average. Further, leaders in this industry are focused on
working in a virtual setting. This finding ran counter to delivering targeted preventive measures to promote long-
the long-held belief that staff learned at the feet of more term employee health and well-being (39% for professional
senior-level practitioners either in the office, on location services firms versus 31% for the all-industry average).
with clients or in transit to client meetings. The cadence of communication from senior leadership to
staff was considerably higher than in pre-pandemic times.
Although a number of midsize firms have incorporated Partners also displayed a sensitivity to the stresses working
some form of flexible work into their operating models for from home can bring — such as longer hours, constant
years, the concept of remote working, especially among law email traffic and the need to care for young children.
firms, was new for many. In the future, professional services
will need to offer flexible work arrangements as part of Many firms are still formulating a specific flexible working
the employee value proposition to compete for talent both policy looking to the future. Cultures founded on an in-office
within the professional services industry and outside it (such working environment will need to adapt to this new normal
as in the tech industry). to achieve the desired level of workforce “stickiness.”

Concerns about moving to permanent hybrid or remote working models

Professional services Total

I am concerned that employees will only join

or stay at a company that offers remote/hybrid
working — Strongly agree
41% 32%
I am concerned about resentment building

42% 32%
as groups working from the office may feel
they are working harder than remote
workers — Strongly agree

I am concerned about resentment building as

groups working remotely may feel they are not
able to disconnect — Strongly agree
40% 32%

I am concerned that remote workers will have

a more difficult time getting ahead/being
promoted — Strongly agree
44% 32%
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 5

Professional services firms are revisiting total rewards leaders recognize that the solutions for their respective
programs to fit the new work environment firms may not be simply replicating what others are doing.
Rather, the challenge is understanding the employee value
Many actions taken during the pandemic have centered proposition and crafting an array of customized programs
on cash compensation, as 2021 saw the onset of the Great and options for a firm’s unique workforce. Although pay
Resignation and the departure of staff early in their careers gets you in the game, professional services firm leaders
for higher-paying jobs in the private sector. Although there understand that it takes a thoughtful total rewards
is a desire to match the competition, with the introduction approach to attract, retain and engage talent at all job levels
of various benefits and work-life programs (for example, more effectively.
holiday shutdowns and access to external coaches), firm

Efforts professional services firms are making to ensure a ready flow of talent in the year ahead

Professional services Total

Increase base pay and/or bonuses for top

performers — We plan to do this in 2022 54% 45%

Adjust internal/external pay equity — We plan to

do this in 2022 55% 45%

Offer a dedicated “return-to-work” package for

caregivers and/or furloughed workers — We plan
to do this in 2022
53% 41%
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 6

Reimagine both the employee and career experiences Fridays, meetings that start five minutes after the hour and
are limited to no more than 45 minutes, and more.
Although cash compensation is necessary, firms recognize Leaders are increasingly looking at how to portray the
that they cannot win in the war for talent on pay alone. whole career experience at their respective firms, defining
Instead, firm leaders focus on ways to improve the what roles entail at each career level and managing total
employee experience with regard to how work is performed, compensation expectations. There is an opportunity to
what can be offshored or outsourced, and how to design reduce attrition if staff have a better understanding of
more intellectually stimulating and challenging jobs. what they can earn in base salary and annual bonus at
various career levels, including up to partner. Leaders
The way work is done in the professional services sector are considering movement or rotations to other practice
will be different in the future. Clients may not need (or areas to take advantage of their specific offerings for skills
want) staff on-site to complete the work as frequently as in development that will enable firms to retain people that
the past, and the need for in-office activities will decrease are searching for new challenges. Eighty-six percent of
through better use of technology. Firms are beginning the C-suite report in our study that they have relinquished
to evaluate how work should best be performed in a central control of employee decision-making and moved
virtual setting, and they’re considering staff needs related toward unsupervised work arrangements. This is 10%
to flexibility, use of technology, intellectual challenge, higher than the responses for the all-industry average.
engagement and workload. On the table are No-Zoom
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 7

The reskilling and upskilling of client-facing staff is a performance. Firms are devoting resources to identifying
significant focus the most relevant skills for development and determining
how this impacts career advancement, compensation and
Like other industries, professional services firms are laser- assignments for client engagements. The more progressive
focused on upskilling and reskilling their client-facing team firms are evaluating the value of those skills in the external
members to enhance their value — both at their current market and are looking to apply a pay premium to staff
employers and throughout their careers. In addition to who can acquire those skills and then deploy them on client
increasing the market value of the individual, a higher- work. The challenge is to avoid training individuals on skills
skilled workforce can be more effectively deployed on client that quickly become obsolete in the marketplace.
engagements, leading to higher margins and more robust

The most impactful ways professional services firms are addressing skills gaps

Professional services Total

Targeting learning — tailored upskilling/reskilling

for identified skills gaps in our current workforce 43% 42%
Rewarding skills acquisition — compensating
employees who complete courses or certifications 37% 40%
Experiential learning — using internal rotations,
short-term projects or internal gigs 38% 39%
External learning — offering assignments with
partners, suppliers, customers, JVs, etc. 36% 37%
Buying skills — hiring new talent with the
required skills and/or experience 42% 37%
43% 35%
Transferring skills — resourcing work with
multidisciplinary teams

Peer-to-peer learning — learning from colleagues

36% 34%
Borrowing skills — leveraging the gig economy to
“borrow” the skills we need 24% 30%
Acquiring skills via M&A — obtaining skills
through an acquisition or merger 30% 30%
Paying for learning — providing tuition
reimbursement 34% 28%
None of the above — we do not have
significant skills gaps 3% 2%
GTT 2022: Professional services industry insights 8

The challenge for professional services firms is
understanding their employee value propositions and
crafting an array of customized programs and options
for their unique workforces and cultures. Firms are all on
a journey to revamp their total rewards approaches and
identify the “secret sauce” that will meet the specific needs
of their workforces. Creating a compelling career experience
and meaningful total rewards packages will go a long way
toward attracting and retaining high-value talent.

Recommended actions for the professional services industry in 2022

Get ahead of the trends toward greater pay transparency Revisit HR programs and processes for an increasingly
by sharing career earnings potential. Provide a career virtual workforce. The reality is that your current methods
roadmap for staff that shows what each career level is and programs may be ill suited to a more virtually deployed
about, including work challenges, responsibilities and the workforce. Understand how the HR function is structured
impact staff can have on a client’s business. As part of that and equipped to serve staff no longer in the office, and
picture, share potential pay opportunities for base salary, determine how to deploy technology. Create a change
annual incentive/bonus and other specific benefits, such as management strategy for performance coaches and staff
taking a sabbatical at a particular level of job, special bonus for how the new normal will operate, and provide proper
awards, etc. training and coaching.

Craft a total rewards strategy geared toward your firm. Reimagine the employee work experience. In conjunction
What’s suitable for one of your competitors is not necessarily with ongoing efforts to redesign how work is performed, give
the right approach for your firm. Instead, use more advanced equal consideration and focus to the employee experience.
employee sensing tools, such as digital focus groups and This is the opportunity to put all ideas on the table and apply
conjoint surveys, to evaluate what your staff believe is most a design-thinking approach to push the envelope on what’s
important and how your current offerings are perceived possible and innovative. Staff are departing the industry
internally. Introduce more variability and choice into because they don’t view the career model as attractive in the
those offerings, and don’t assume an increasingly diverse long term. Identify what’s lacking, and pilot specific programs
workforce requires a “one-size-fits-all” approach. and approaches in targeted practices to determine whether
they are viable for your firm.
Invest in thoughtful upskilling and reskilling. Reevaluate
your talent strategy to gain a better understanding of For more insights or recommendations, please see the full
the skills needed on engagements both today and in the 2022 Global Talent Trends report.
future. Consider which skills to acquire via midcareer hires
at higher job levels versus those for which you aim to train
current staff for deployment on client engagements and
longer-term individual development.
© 2022 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.

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