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Module 1

Intergral Calculus

The integral calculus is closely related to the differential calculus. One of the
fundamental uses for integral calculus is the construction of methods for
finding areas, arc lenghts, surface areas and volumes associated with plane
curves and solid figures. Various concepts are related to the integral calculus
requires some preliminary background.


Instruction. Answer the following derivatives below.

1. F(x) = x4+3x2+4

2. F(x) = 4x2+ 5

3. Y= 3y+ y5

4. F(x)= 2x2+4x

5. F(x) = 5x4+ 2x3+ 4x+3

In the preceding chapter of the calculus we were concerned with the problem of
determining the derivative of a know function. The inverse process of
determining a function whose derivative is know called an
 Antidefferential or what we called Integral
 What is Integral?

The integral symbol∫ (x)dx as an operator thatperforms the inverse of

differentiation which is called integration.

1.1The Indefinite Integrals

In evaluating an integral, we are finding for the antiderivative of the integrand.
that Given the function f(x), the antiderivative of f(x ) in any function f(x)
such that

F’(x)= f(x) where f(x) is the function and F’(x) is the derivativeof the function.

If F(x) is any antiderivative of f(x) then the most general antiderivative of f’(x)
is called the indefinite integral and denoted,

∫ f (x )dx =F ( x )+ c
Whereʃ is the integral sign, f(x) is the integrand, x is the variable of integration
and c" is theconstant of integration.

1.2Propertiesof Indefinite Integrals

The following are the basic properties of indefinite integrals.

1, ∫ dx=x+ c , Definition of an integral.

2. ∫ c f ( x ) dx=c ʃ f ( x ) dx
Defined that if the integrand consists of a constant factor, that factor can be
written before the integralsign.

3.∫ −f ( x ) dx =− ʃ f ( x ) dx

This is thesecond property where c = -1

4. ∫ [ f ( x )+¿−g ( x )+ ¿−h ( x ) ] dx=∫ f ( x ) +¿− ʃ g ( x ) dx+ ¿− ʃ h ( x ) dx

Defined that if the integrand consists of sum or difference of terms, each term
Properties of Indefinite Integrals

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