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▪ Problem solving is the ability to work through problems by

using critical thinking skills to arrive at a solution.

▪ With teamwork, problem solving improves the chances of
coming up with the best solution or result.
▪ When people work together, they can share and compare
ideas and choose the one that best solves the problem.
▪ The collective wisdom of the group can be much
more profound than what any individual could have
come up with.
▪ Everyone on the team can contribute solutions to a
1. Forming
- Involves a period of orientation and getting acquainted.
- Team acquaints and establishes ground rules.
- Formalities are preserved and members are treated as
2. Storming
- Most difficult and a critical stage to pass through.
- A period marked by conflict and competition as individual
personalities emerge.
- Members start to communicate their feelings but still view
themselves as individuals rather than part of the team.
- They resist control by group leaders and show hostility.
3. Norming
- Consensus develops around who the leader or leaders are,
and individual member’s roles.
- People feel part of the team and realize that they can
achieve work if they accept other viewpoints.
4. Performing
- Consensus and cooperation have been well-established
and the team is mature, organized, and well-functioning.
- There is a clear and stable structure, and members are
committed to the team’s mission.
- Problems and conflicts still emerge, but they are dealt with
- The team works in an open and trusting atmosphere where
flexibility is the key and hierarchy is of little importance.
1. Common Goal
- Effective teams have a common goal.
- They have one shared objective that each team member is
working toward.
- This goal is unambiguous, known to all team members,
motivating, and has a clear path to achievement.
2. Open Communication
- Communication is the foundation of effective teamwork.
- Without communication, goal will not be achieved.
- With bad communication, the goal will be achieved but the
process will involve duplication of tasks, unnecessary tasks,
frustration, and confusion.
- Good communication involves accurately dispensing
knowledge, an environment where team members can
freely express their thoughts and opinions, trust, and ears.
3. Team Roles
- Establishing defined team roles, with a respect for each
role’s part in achieving the common goal, is an essential part
of effective teamwork.
4. Time Management
- Time is precious in an effective team.
- Once a task is identified, they focus on that task until
5. Practical Problem Solving
- An effective team identify problems and solve them
- The most important in problem solving is correctly
identifying the real problem to solve it easier.
- Effective teams embrace problems as they arise. Problems
are seen as a opportunity to progress further along the path
to the common goal.
6. Bonding
- A happy team is an effective team.
- Team members should have trust on one another and they
should also have each other’s back when they fail.

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