The Forgotten Library of Elysara v1.0

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The Forgotten
Library of Elysara
The Forgotten Library of Elysara


4. Library of Secrets 6. Garden of Forgotten Words
Rows of tomes, collections, and leather-wrapped pages A gnarled tree, its roots sprawling across the floor,
reach the ceiling of this room on every wall. The musty scent stands at the center of an underground garden. There
of old leather and dust fills the room. Towers of ancient are five moss-covered stone steps. Each step bears a
books and handwritten pages crowd dusty tables. If players cryptic word that refers to each of Elysara’s odysseys.
This library was once the
take time to examine the books more closely, they find a By placing them in chronological order, the tree’s roots
archive maintained by an
journal whose pages seem to respond to those who write will shift, revealing a hidden passage down a ladder. Any
elven mystic named Elysara,
within. You can prompt players to interact by having them player that places their hand upon the tree and gives it
the Keeper of Knowledge.
read, “You are most certainly not Elysara!” a memory will receive a treasure of equal value (at the
It housed the land’s most
DM’s discretion). The player no longer remembers what
profound secrets. However,
it gave to the Tree of Knowledge, but they do remember
after Elysara vanished,
that there was an exchange.
the library’s whereabouts
were lost. Legend says
the library is protected 7. The Sanctuary of Elysara
by guardians, traps, Climbing down the ladder, players find a solitary room
and puzzles to test the in which earthen roots weave across the walls. A simple
worthiness of those who desk and chair sit in the center of the room. A single
seek its knowledge. note, its edges tinged with age, rests upon the table.
Hand the players Elysara’s final letter.

1. Hidden Entrance
In the heart of the Elvish
Wood, the oldest oak holds a
secret. A hidden door lay in its bark,
waiting for a hand to be placed upon it
and the right word to be spoken. Players can
accidentally discover this while resting or
leaning upon the tree. The massive oak creaks,
then splits open, revealing a dark passage.
The Forgotten Library of Elysara

2. Entryway
Twisting roots sprawl along the entrance, leading
into a dark room. On the moss-slick walls, portraits
of elven library keepers stare down. Name plates are
unreadable except for the last, which reads Elysara.
If players speak any louder than a whisper here, the portraits
come alive with a collective shriek. (A constitution saving
throw is required to resist the urge to faint). The door is 5. Chamber of Artifacts
magically locked with an elvish riddle etched into the door: This room contains two long glass cases, one
I have leaves, but never grow, full of stories, whispered low. displaying exotic treasures from distant lands
Seek knowledge here, but speak with care, for silence is the and the other with aged scrolls and curious
treasure there. (Answer: The elvish word for “library”) tools. There are 5 paintings on the walls that
depict landscapes, but on closer inspection reveal a
3. Hall of Echoes story - an ordered chronicle of Elysara’s journeys. A stone
Roots snake along the floor and climb the walls like warrior stands guard, its gaze fixed on the chamber’s riches.
grasping hands, and cobwebs hang from the ceiling like Anyone attempting to leave the room with one of these
dusty curtains. The air smells like dirt and old books. Up relics will activate this silent protector, who will guard the
ahead, massive double doors block the way forward. door and transform this room of wonder into a battleground.


The Stars and Our Fate: A Treatise on

A small flock of flying books swoop down to 1
Celestial Navigation by Elara Stargazer Leaving with memory of the tree
attack explorers. Centuries passed and the wondrous knowledge
tree became a well-known legend. A young boy
The Draconomicon of Scales by Bahamut seeking his fortune in the world found the tree
An ornate folded paper butterfly gracefully the Platinum and became king of the land by using it’s gifts. A
lands nearby. If pursued, it will lead a player to a wicked advisor parted him from this life and took
nearby hidden treasure. Fungus Among Us: A Mycologist’s Guide to the tree’s power for his own. The land felt the
the Underdark by Myconid Sage curse. The magic twisted, left a reminder: some
secrets are best kept hidden, lest they become a
3 A book within sight displays a curious property The Elven Blade: A History of king’s burden and a kingdom’s ruin.
that would give cause for investigation. This 4
Swordsmanship by Elrohir Moonshadow
could include but is not limited to: glowing,
floating, voices, shaking, or something reaching
Dwarven Drinking Songs: A Collection of Leaving with NO memory of the tree
out from between the pages. 5 Legends whisper of a time after the Forgotten
Ballads and Toasts by Brokk Stonehammer
Keeper’s sacrifice. Years rolled by, and the Tree of
Knowledge, nourished by the library, flourished.
A nearby vine snares the character with the The Paladin’s Code: A Guide to Righteous Its branches reached upward through the roof,
4 6
highest intelligence and begins to pull it toward Conduct by Sir Gareth Brighthelm bidding an enchanted forest rise up from the soil.
the Tree of Knowledge. Miraculous discoveries bloomed – lost healing
The Goblin Chef’s Cookbook: Surprisingly techniques, forgotten languages of diplomacy,
Edible Treats by Grumblesnap and whispers of ancient pacts that fostered
5 A creature emerges from an open book into peace. This newfound knowledge ushered in
the library. The party will find it is not able to be an era of unprecedented harmony for all who
The Alchemist’s Codex: Potions, Powders,
The Forgotten Library of Elysara

defeated. The creature’s attacks will always fail 8 dwelled near the forest, a testament to the
and Poisons by Zardath the Alchemist
because it is an illusion with physical properties Keeper’s ultimate sacrifice.
and can produce sound. After it is left alone, it
will disappear. Gnomish Engineering Marvels by Gearheart
the Clever
If the tree is destroyed
Should the Tree of Knowledge fall, a terrible fate
A medium-sized, brown spider spins a The Subtle Art of Persuasion: A Bard’s
6 10 awaits the library. Slowly, walls crumble, shelves
message in its web in front of their eyes. Handbook by Dorian Nightsong
topple, and the forgotten lore it holds dissipates
like whispers on the wind. All knowledge will be
The Language of Flowers: A Guide to Sylvan lost, save for a single ember. Nestled within the
An echo spirit mimics the last character to 11
Communication by Bartholomew the Wise
7 library’s hidden entrance, a lone tome will remain,
speak. The third time this encounter is rolled, a
its weathered pages cradling a single, withered
8 full-bodied clone of the speaker emerges and
Unveiling the Arcane: A History of Magical seed. This solitary survivor, a testament to the
attacks the original player. 12
Theory by Archmage Theliel library’s legacy, will hold the last secret.

Elysara’s Final Letter

As dawn approaches, I find myself compelled to share a secret this very

place has held close for far too long. The burden I carry has become
a weight too heavy to bear alone, and perhaps, by sharing my tale, a
solution might present itself – though hope dwindles with each passing

For generations, this library has served as a sanctuary for lost

knowledge, a haven for whispered lore and forgotten histories. It was
within these hallowed halls that the mantle of Keeper was passed on to
me, a responsibility I embraced with both reverence and trepidation. Yet,
fate, it seems, had a different path in store.

One starlit evening, amidst the towering stacks, I stumbled upon a

peculiar sight – a single, withered seed nestled within the pages of an
ancient tome. Curiosity, that insatiable companion of all Keepers, urged
me to plant it. With tender care, I nourished it not with water and
sunlight, but with the forgotten melodies and verses that echoed within
these walls. Each word whispered, each verse recited, coaxed the seed
forth, a new leaf unfurling with every syllable. Slowly, steadily, the
seedling grew, its branches reaching for the library’ s vaulted ceiling, its
leaves rustling with the whispers of forgotten lore.

Driven by a scholar’ s curiosity, I experimented with the knowledge tree.

Simple offerings, like forgotten lullabies, yielded minor gifts from the
tree. But as I delved deeper, offering cherished memories of my village and
Elysara’s Final Letter

mentor, the gifts grew extraordinary – a hidden map and an enchanted staff.
A horrifying truth emerged: the tree’ s power mirrored the value of the sacrificed
memory. A terrifying vision unfolded: warlords bartering memories for armies,
sorcerers sacrificing love for forbidden magic. The knowledge tree, a haven for lost
lore, could become a tool for devastation.

Destroying the tree was unthinkable. It was a gift, a beacon in the vast
unknown. Yet, leaving it unguarded was an even greater risk. In the end, with a
heart heavy with sorrow, I made a choice. I, Elysara, Keeper of the Forgotten
Library, will sacrifice my own memories of this place, the very foundation of my
being, and pour them into the knowledge tree. The library will fade from my mind,
a necessary price to ensure its continued existence.

Tomorrow, I leave. I walk away from the love of my life, from the very essence
of who I am, all to protect the knowledge this library holds. May whoever
finds this letter understand the sacrifice made, and may they find a way to
safeguard the power that now resides within the walls of the Forgotten Library.

With a heart etched with sorrow,

5 Elysara, the Forgotten Keeper
The Forgotten Library of Elysara



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