9 rose half book exam

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Name :________________ Ninth Gujranwala Mathematics

Board 2022

Time: 2 hr 30 min Objective + Subjective Marks : 75 Q1.

Choose the correct answer. (10)

1. Adjoint of [ 10 −12 ] is

(a) [−10 −21 ] (b) [ 10 −2

−1 ]
(c) [−10 −12 ] (d) [−12 01 ]
2. If a,b ∈R,then only one of a=b or a < b or a > b holds is called

(A) trichotomy property (B) transitive property (C) additive property (D)7multiplicative property.

3.log b a x log c b = …..

(A) log a c (B) log c a (C) log a b (D) log b c

4. For common logarithm, the base is _____

(A) 1 (B) 10 (C) e (D) 5

5. The solution set of |x – 4 | = -4 is

(A) {-4} (B) {-4,4} (C) {1} (D) {}

6. (4x + 3y – 2 ) is an algebraic ……

(A) expression (B) sentence (C) equation (D) inequality

7. Imaginary part of -i (3i + 2) is

(A) -2 (B) 2 (C) -3 (D) 3

8. Log e = ……. , where e = 2.718

(a) 0 (b) 0.4343 (c) 1 (d) ∞

9. a3 + b3 is equal to

(A) (a + b)(a2 + ab + b2) (B) (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2) (C) (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2) (D) (a + b)(a2 + ab - b2)

10. (3 + √ 2 ) (3 - √ 2 ) is equal to

(A) 7 (B) -7 (C) 1 (D) -1

11. The equation -2x + 3 = 8 is equivalent to….

(A) -2x = 11 (B) 2x = 5 (C) -2x = 5 (D) 2x = 11

12. If the capacity c of an elevator is at most 1600 pounds ,then

(A) c < 1600 (B) c ≥ 1600 (C) c ≤ 1600 (D) c > 1600

13 . Write √
x in exponential form……

(A) x7 (B) x 1/7 (C) x7/2 (D) x

25 -1/2
14. ( ) = …..

5 4 5 4
(A) (B) (C) - (D) -
4 5 4 5

15 . [ √02 √02] is called a ________ marix.

(a) zero (b) scalar (c) unit (d) singular

Q2. Write short answers of any (Six) of the following. (12)

(i) Define Diagonal Matrix with an example.

(ii) Find the multiplicative inverse (if exist). A = [−31 −52 ]

2 3
(iii) Find the product.1 1
0 −2
2 −1
3 0 [ ]
(iv) If A = [ 10 21] then show that A + A is symmetric.

(v) Simplify and write the answer in the form a + bi . (- 7 + 3i )(- 3 + 2i)
9−7 i
(vi) Simplify and write your answer in the form of a + bi .

(vii) Show that

−6 −4
32 x y z 2/5
(viii) Simplify ( 4 −4
625 x y z

Q3. Write short answers of any (Six) of the following. (12)

(i) Find the value of x in the following. log 625 5= x
(ii) If log 2 = 0.3010 , log 3 = 0.4771 and log 5 = 0.6990 ,then find the value of log24
(iii) Calculate the following. log 3 2 x log 2 81
(iv) Express the following in ordinary notation. 9.018 x 10-6
x −4 x +4
(v) Reduce the following rational expressions into its lowest form 2
2 x −8
(vi) Factorize 8x3 – 3
27 y
(vii) Rationalize the following.
√ 3+1
(viii) Express the following in simplest form. √
96 x 6 y7 z 8
Q4. Write short answers of any (Six) of the following. (12)

(i) Simplify by combining similar terms. √ 45 - 3√ 20 + 4√ 5

1 1
(ii) If p = 2 + √ 3 , then find (i) p + (ii) p -
p p
(iii) Solve equation and check for extraneous solution,if any. √3 2−t = √3 2 t−28
(iv) Solve 3 ≥ ≥1
(v) The formula relating degrees into fahrenheit is F = C + 32. For what value of C is F < 0?
(vi) Define Absolute Value of a real number.


Q5.(a) Solve by using Matrix Inversion method . 2x – 2y = 4 ,3x + 2y = 6 (8)

(b) Simplify

Q6.(a) If A=π r 2 , find A when π = and r = 15 (8)

(b) If x – y = 4 and xy = 21 ,then find the value of x3 – y3

Q7. Any point equidistant from the end points of a line segment is on the right bisector of it. (8)

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