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Ref rac tion of Light

4 at Pla ne Surfaces
(i) Refraction of light through a glass block and a triangular prism, qualitative treatment of simple applicatio
such as real ~d apparent depth of objects in water and apparent bending of sticks in water. Applications of
refraction of light.
Scope of syllabus : Partial reflection and refraction due to change in medium. Laws of refraction , the effect on
speed (V), waveleng~ (A) an~ frequency (J) due to refraction of light, conditions for a light ray to pass undeviate
Values of speed of light (c) m vacuum, air, water and glass; refractive index µ = cN, V = fl,. Values of µ
common _substances such a~ wat~r, glass. and diamond, experimental verification; refraction through glass block;
lateral displacement; multiple images m thick glass plate/mirror; refraction through a glass prism; simple
applications: real and apparen~ depth of objects in water; apparent bending of a stick under water. (Simple
numerical problems and approximate ray diagrams required.)

(ii) Total internal reflection; Critical angle; examples in triangular glass prisms; comparison with reflection
a plane mirror (qualitative only). Applications of total internal reflection .
Scope of syllabus : Transmission of light from a denser medium (glass/water) to a rarer medium (air) at different
angles of incidence; critical angle C, µ = 1/sin C. Essential conditions for total internal reflection. Total internal
reflection in a triangular glass prism; ray diagram, different cases - angles of prism (60°, 60°, 60°), (60°, 30°, 90°),
(45°, 45°, 90°); use of right angle prism to obtain o= 90° and 180° (ray diagram); comparison of total internal
reflection from a prism and reflection from a plane mirror.


In class IX, we have read about reflection of While passing from one medium to the other,
light from plane and spherical mirrors. The return if light slows down, the second medium is said
of light in the same medium after striking a to be optically denser* than the first medium and
polished surface is called reflectio n of light . if light speeds up, the second medium is said to
Reflection of a light ray obeys two laws : (i) the be optically rarer than the first medium. Thus,
angle of reflectio n is equal to the angle of water and glass are optically denser than air (or
incidence, and (ii) the incident ray, the normal at air is opticall y rarer than water and glass).
the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all Similarly, glass is optically denser than water (or
lie in one plane. Here we shall study refraction water is optically rarer than glass).
of light through plane and spherical surfaces of 4.1 REFRACTION OF LIGHT
transparent media.
Partial reflection and refraction at the
Light has the maximum speed(= 3 x 10 m s- ) boundary of two differen t media : In a
8 1

in vacuum and it travels with differen t speeds transparent homogeneous medium light travels with
in differen t media. It travels faster in air a constant speed in a straight line path, but when
than in water or in glass. The speed of light is * Optical density
has no relation with the density of medium. Kerosene
3 x 108 m s-1 in air, 2·25 x 108 m s- 1 in water and is less dense than water (as it floats on water), but it is optically denser
2 x 10 m s-1 in glass. Light travels at a constant than water. Optical density of a medium depends on the speed of
light in that medium, while the density of a medium depends on its
speed in a transparent homogeneous medium. inter-molecular separation.
r.lV of light travelling in one transparent medium A C

:,rikes obliquely at the surface of another ti-$

1r311sparent medium, a part of light goes back_to ~..,,~.;,

the same medium obeying the laws of reflecuon S AIR RARER MEDIUM 1 S'
and is called the reflected light. The remaining part GLASS MEDIUM 2
of light enters into the other medium and travels 1' 6',
l':J'.l '
in a straight path but in a direction different from I ~ '
1-p~B '
its initial direction and is called the refracted light. ·~~
· ti,e two M ~
Thus. at the boundary separarmg .
media, . light
. suffers partia. 1 re;,ec'
.n t'oti and partwl Fig. 4.1 Refractio11 from rarer to denser lrledirun

refraction. (2) When a ray of light travels /ron,

11,e cJumge in the direction of the patll of li~ht, denser medium to a rarer medium (say, f~
when it passes from one transparent medmm glass to air), it bends away from the normal (Lt
to another transparent medium, is ca~led Lr > Li) as shown in Fig. 4.2. The deviation~
refraction. The refraction of light is essentwlly the ray is then 8 = r - i.
a surface phenomenon. A
In F~. 4_1 and Fig. 4.2. ~S' is the surface ~
separating the two media (say, rur and glass). Whe~ ~~I- ·y,,.
Jiaht trarellino in medium 1 falls on the swface SS ' S. (DENSERL MEDIUM 1 S'
a~small part oof it is reflected back in the same
medium o~ying the Jaws of reflection and
of it is refracted through the boundary m:o
medium 2, ie., there is partial reflection and pamal
refraction al the boundary surface. The intensity (or M

the amplitude) of the refracted light will be less than Fig. 4.2 Refraction from denser to rarer mediun,
that of the incident light because a part of the (3) The ray of light incident nonnally on~
incident lieht's intensity has been lost by reflection. surface separating the two media, pasu1
1n Fi!!~ 4.1 and 4.2, for the incident ray AO, undeviated (i.e.) such a ray suffers no bending 1
the reJ,d'cred ray is OB, the reflected ray is OC, the surface). Thus, in case of light incidCQ
and the nonnal at the point of incidence O is normally i.e. when angle of incidence Li: a
NOM. The angle which the incident ray makes then angle of refraction Lr = 0° as shown in ~
\\ith the normal, i.e. the angle of incidence i is 4.3. The deviation of the ray is zero (i.e.• 6: f1
LAON and the angle which the refracted ray A
makes with the nonnal, i.e. the angle of refraction
, is LBOM. Note that angle r is not equal to
angle i (i.e., ray OB is not in the direction of OA). Li= 0° 90°
It has been experimentally observed that GLASS OR O MEDIUM 2
WATER L r= 0°
(1) When a ray of light travels from a (DENSER)

rarer medium to a denser medium (say, from

air to glass), it bends towards the nonnal (i.e., B RAY

Lr < Li) as shown in Fig. 4.1. The deviation* Fig. 4.3 Refraction at normal incidence
of the ray (from its initial path) is o= i - r.
Note : In discussing refraction now onwi
• Deriarion means rht angle through Y,hich the ray turns i.e. the the reflected ray from the boundary surfs
1111gle ben.-un rh.t dirrcrion <J/ refrocred ray and the dirtction of will not be shown although it is always t1w
incidLnJ ray. It is denoted l,y tht letter 6.
~ 76
cause of refraction (or cause of change In Unit : The refractive indeit has no unit as it
direction) is the ratio of two similar quantities.
When a ray of light passes from one medium Effect on speed ( V), frequency (f) and
to another medium, its direction (or path) wavelength (A) due to refraction of light
changes because of Jhe change in speed of light 1. When a ray of light gets refracted from a rarer
in going from one medium to another. In passing to a denser medium, the speed of light
from one medium to another, if light slows down, decreases; while if it is refracted from a denser
it be nds towards the normal and if light to a rarer medium, the speed of light increases.
speeds up, it bends away from the nonnal. If the 2. The frequency f of light does not change on
speed of light remains the same in passing from refraction as it depends on the source of light.
one medium to another, the ray of light does not 3 • The wavelength changes on refraction. The
bend. It passes undeviated. speed of light V in a medium is related to
Note : In case of normal incidence (Li = 0°) the frequency f and its wavelength A. (in that
for light passing from one medium to another, medium), as :
the speed of light changes but the direction of V=f"A
light does not change. V
or wavelength A = / ... (4.2)
Refraction of light obeys two laws of When light passes from a rarer to a denser
refraction whjch were given by the Dutch scientist medium. the wavelength decreases (since
Willebrod Snell, so they are known as Snell's speed of light decreases, but its frequency
laws after his name. They are : remains unchanged).
( J) The incident ray, the refracted ray and the When light passes from a denser medium to
normal at Jhe point of incidence, all lie in a rarer medium, its wavelength increases as
1/ie same plane.
the speed of light increases.

( 2) Tir e ratio of the s;ne of the angle of Note : The relationship between waveJengths
in cidence i to the sine of the angle of in two media is given ahead.
refraction r is constant for the pair of given 4.3 SPEED OF LIGHT IN DIFFERENT MEDIA;
media. i.e., mathematically RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REFRACTIVE
-.- = constant 1µ 2 ....(4.1) The speed of light is maximum in vacuum and
is equal to 3 x I 0 8 m s-1*. The speed of light in
The constant 1µ 2 is called the refractive i11dex air is nearly the same as in vacuum. It is denoted
of the second medium with respect to the first by the symbol c. In any other transparent media, the
medium. Here the Greek letter µ (mew) is speed of light is less than that in air (or vacuum).
the symbol used for refractive index. The refractive index of a, medium is generally
defined with respect to vacuum (or air), and is
Refractive index called the absolute refractive index (or simply the
The refractive index of second medium with refractive index) of the medium. It is denoted by
respect to the first medium is defined as the the letter µ.
ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence in The refractive index of a medium is defined
the first medium to the sine of the angle of as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum
refraction in the second medium.
* Precisely the S!)l!ed of light in vacuum is 299,792.458 m s-1•
- 77
(or air) to the speed of light in that medium, related to the speed of light in the two media as
i.e., follows :
Speed of light in vacuum or air (c) Speed of light in medium I ... (4.4)
...(4.3) = Speed of light in medium 2
\1 = Speed of light in that medium (V) 1µ2

where 1µ 2 represents the refractive index of

The refractive inde.x of a transparent medium
is always greater than l (it can not be less medium 2 with respect to medium 1.
than 1), because speed of light in any medium is If V1 is the speed of light in medium 1 and V2is
always less than that in vacuum (i.e., V < c). the speed of light in medium 2, then from eqn. {4.3),
Obviously µ = l for air or vacuum. Vi _ c/µ I - µ,
IL - -
r-l- ---µ ... (4.S)
E"Xamples : (1) The speed of light in air is V2 c/µ 2 1
3 x 108 m s-1 and in glass it is 2 x 108 m s-1,
therefore the refractive index of glass is Here µ 1 and µ2 are the absolute refractive indices
3xto8 of medium 1 and 2 respectively.
ajrl,I glass = 2X 108 = 1·5 Examples : (1) Refractive index of glass with
(2) The speed of light in water is respect to wat,er is
2·25 x 108 m s-1, so the refractive index of Speed of light in water
waterµ glnss = Speed of light in glass
water is
3x108 4 = 2,25x JOB = 1·125
~v.ntrr = 2-25x108 = 3 = 1·33 2-0 X 108

(3) The refractive index of diamond is 2-41 . or = µ glnss = 312 = 2. = 1·125

waterµgl ass ilwnter
413 8
It means that light travels in air 2•41 times faster
(2) Refractive index of water with respect to
than in diamond, or speed of light in diamond is
glass is
1 •
Speed of light in glass
2.41 Umes the speed of light in air. The speed glussµwater = Speed of light in water
~f li~ht in air is 3 x 108 m5-·11 the speed of light 8
m diamond is l ·245 x 108 m s-1, = 2·0 X J0 = Q,,89
2· 25 l08
The refractive indices of some common
transparent substances are given in the table below. or glassµwater = µgluss = 3/2 = 98 = O·89
µwaler 4/3

Refractive indiCt'S (JI) of some common substances Note : If the refractive indices of medium 1
Subatance JI Subltanu and medium 2 are the same, the speed of light
Vacuum 1·00 Paraffin oil 1•44
will be the same in both the media, so a ray
Air 1-00 Glycerine of light will pass from medium I to medium
0 ·0003) Turpentine oil 1·47 2 without any change in its path even when
Ice 1·31 Ordinary g18U
l·S the angle of incidence in medium I is not zero.
1·33 Crown glass 1-53
Methylated Quanz
1•54Conditions for a light ray to pass undeviated
1·36 Rock salt 1·56
Ether 1·36
on refraction
Carbon disulphide 1·63
Alcohol 1·37Flintglua A ray of light passes undeviated from
Kerosene 1-41Ruby 1•76 medium 1 to medium 2 in either of the following
Sulphuric acid 1-43Diamond 2·41 two conditions :
(1) When the angle of incidence at the
In general, the refractive index of second
boundary of two media is zero (i.e.,
medium with respect to first medium is
Li = 0° so Lr = 0°) as shown in Fig. 4.3•
- 78
(2) When the refractive index of medium 2 (2) Physical condition such as temperature :
is same as that of medium 1 (Fig. 4.4) With increase in temperature. the refractive
i.e. , µ 1 = ~• i = r. ind~x of _the medium decrea~s. So, the speed
A I of light m the medium increases.
I I (3) The colour or wavelength of light : The
s µ S' speed of light of all the colours is the same
J.I in air (or vacuum), but in any other
tr~nsparent medium, the speed of light is
B diffe_rent for different colours. In a given
mechum, the speed of red light is maximum
Fig. 4.4 No deviation ifµ, = µ 1 = µ (say) and that of the violet light is )east, therefore
the refractive index of that medium is
Relationship between wavelength in the two
maximum for violet light and least for red
medium Ii?~' (i.~., ~v > µR) . The wavelength of
If a ray of l.ight of frequency f and v1s1bJe light increases from the violet to the
avelength A suffers refraction from air (speed of
red end, so refractive index of a medium
~ ht == c) to a medium in which the speed of decreases with the increase in wavelength.
,;:ht is V, then the frequency of light jn the
edium remains unchanged (equal to/), but the 4.4 PRINCIPLE OF REVERSIBILITY OF
:avelength of light change5v to '}..,' such that in air THE PATH OF LIGHT

/ = and in medium f = 'A.' •
According to this principle, the path of a light
is reversible.
- == -
').. ')..'
or 'A,' = - ,.
C In Fig. 4.5, a ray of light AO is incident at
But !: = µ the refractive index of the medium. an angle .i on a plane surface SS' separating the
V two med1a l and 2. It is refracted along OB at

/1.-=~ I ····· (4.6)

an angle of refraction ,. The refractive index of
medium 2 with respect to medium l is
Obviously when light passes from a rarer to a
..... (i)
denser medium (µ > 1), its wavelength decreases
('>..' < A.), but if light passes from a denser to a A
rarer medium (µ < 1), its wavelength increases
(}..' > A).
factors affecting the refractive index of a
The refractive index of a medium depends on
the following three factors :
(1) Nature of the medium (on the basis of Fig. 4.5 Printiplt of revtnibilily
, speed of light) : Less the speed of light
in a medium as compared to that in air, Now, if refraction takes place from medium
more is the refractive index of the medium 2 to 1, the principle of reversibility requires that
the ray of light incident along BO at O at an
(µ = -). angle of incidence r in medium 2 will get
vglass = 2 x 10 m s- , µglass = 1·5 and refracted only along OA at an angle of refraction
8 1

Vwater = 2•25 X 108 m s-1, ~ater = 1-33. i in medium 1 and in no other direction than OA.
, 79 ~ .
- - .... . . .
The refractive inde'X of medium l with respect to (7) Then remove the pins one by one aft
medium 2 is then marking a dot at the position of each pin \Ii
sinr a fine pencil. Remove the block and join d
2l-l1 = sini ..... (ii) points c and d by a line BC which meets a
From eqns. (i) and (ii), boundary line RS at a point B. Join the poin
0 and B by a straight line which gives 1h
sini sinr
x µ - - xsin-;
\ µ2 2 t - sin , path of light ray inside the glass block.

or I 1P2 x 2P t = I I .. (4.7)
Here AO represents the incident ray, OB th
refracted ray through the glass block and B(
the emergent ray. NOM is the glass nonnaj
1 I at the p oint of incidence 0 , LAON is the
or 2µ, = µ or 1µ2= 2µ1 .. (4.8)
1 2 angle of incidence i and LBOM is the angle
of refraction r.
Thus, if refractive index of glass with respect
. . 3 A
to air ts Jig= 2 , the refractive index of air with
respect to glass will be u0 = - 1 = l
K' 3/2 3•
Procedure : sL .---~--+-+------
(1) Place a rectangular glass block on a white I
sheet ~f paper fixed on a drawing board and C
draw its boundary line PQRS with a pencil
as shown in Fig. 4.6.
Fig. 4.6 Verficatio11 of laws of refraction
(2) Remove the b~ock and on the boundary line
PQ, take a pomt 0 nearly at its middle and (S) Measure the angles i and r. Read the values
then ~aw a normal N0M on the line PQ at of sin i and sin r from the sine table and
the pomt 0. calculate the ratio sin i/sin r . This ratio is
constant and it gives the refractive index of
(3) Draw a line AO me
· lined at an angle i (say
0 glass.
40 ) to the nonnal NOM. '
Alternative method : In order to verfiy the
(4) bReplace t?e glass block exactly on its law of refraction without measuring the angles i
oundary line.
and r, draw a circle of suitable radius with the point
(5) Fix tw ·
bo o pms a and b vertically on the board 0 as centre which intersects the incident ray AO at
a ut 5 cm apart, on the line AO. ' D and the refracted ray OB at E. Draw nonnals
(6) Now 1 kin OF and EG on NOM from the points D and E
oo g from the other side RS of the
block by keeping the eye close to the plane respectively. Measure the length of the nonnals DF
and EG with the help of a scale. Find DF/EG This
of the board, fix two more pins c and d such
ratio is constant and it gives the refractive index
dthat the base of all the four pins a, b,cand of glass. This can be seen as follows :
appear to be in a straight line as seen
through the block. In right-angled dOFD, sin i = ii
. EG normal NOM. It travels inside the glass in a
and in right-angled ~OGE. sm r = OE
S:IO / OF/OD straight path along OB. At the surface RS. the ray
µ = sin r = EG/OE OB suffers another refraction. N 1BM I is the
But OD = OE. being the radii of the same circle. nonnal to the surface RS at the point of incidence
OF B. The ray OB now enters from glass (denser
µ= EG medium) to air (rarer medium), so it speeds up
(9) Repeat the steps (3) to (8) of the experiment and bends away from the normal N 1BM 1• It
for different values of angle of incidence i travels along BC in air. The ray AO is called the
equal to 50°. 60°, 70°. 80° and in each case, incident ray. OB the refracted ray and BC the
. sini OF emergent ray. LAON is the angle of incidence i,
find the ratio sin r or EG . LBOM is the angle of refraction r and LCBM 1
( 10) Record your observations in the table shown is the angle of emergence e. Since refraction
occurs at two parallel surfaces PQ and RS,
below :
therefore, LMOB = LN1BO and by the principle
i i r sin i sin r sini OF
S.N. -.-
SUl r
or EG -µ of reversibility of the path of a light ray
orDF orEG Le = Li i.e., the angle of emergence e is equal
1. 40° to the angle of incidence i. Thus, the emergent ray
2. 50° BC is parallel to the incident ray AO.
3. 600
4. 70°
5. goo
Averageµ p,----_,;,j~------~a
From the above observation table, we find that
tio sin ; or DF comes out to be a constant
thera sin r EG s ' R
fioreach value of angle i. This verifies the second
. d . al
Alfi B
.r ' ~
' , ~~IS'~
law of refraction. The ratio so obtame 1s ~u I X ~~ ',"~ (),_
the refractive index µ of glass, the matenal of M, .,t-9~~
wr;. c~
0 ~ Qc.
to . . d
the block. Thus, the refractJve m ex µ o g ass
f l
or of any other material in the form of a block Fig. 4.7 Refraction through a rectangular glass block
can be determined. Lateral displacement
Further, the incident ray AO, the normal NOM In Fig. 4.7, we observe that due to refraction
at the point of incidence O and the refracted ray of light at two parallel surfaces of a parallel sided
OB are in the plane of paper (i.e., in the same glass block, the angle of emergence is equal to the
plane). This verifies the first law of refraction. angle of incidence, so the emergent ray BC and the
incident ray AO are parallel (i.e., they are in the
same direction), but they are not along the same
line. The emergent ray is laterally displaced from
Fig 4.7 shows a rectangular glass block the path of the incident ray. The path of the
PQRS. A light ray AO falls on the surface PQ. incident ray AO in absence of glass block has been
NOM is the normal to the surface PQ at the point shown in Fig. 4.7 by the dotted line OD. The
of incidence 0. At the surface PQ, the ray AO perpendicular distance XY (= x), between the path
enters from air (rarer medium) to glass (denser of emergent ray BC and the direction of incident
medium), so it slows down and bends towards the ray OD is called laleral displacemenl.
,. 81 ..
1. - - - - - - -~ -- - --- . •.
The lateral displacement x depends on* p
(i) The thickness of the block (or medium): a~
More the thickness of the medium, more s
is tpe lateral displacement.
(ii) The angle of incidence : More the ang
of incidence, more is the lateral L
displacement. p
(iii) The refractive index of the medium and
the wavelength of light used : More
the refractive index of the medium,
more is the lateral displacement. Since
refractive index increases with the
Fig. 4.8 Multiple reflections in a thick mirror
decrease in wavelength of light, so lateral
displacement increases with the decrease 4%) is reflected in the
direction BP, forming
in wavelength of light (i.e., lateral faint virtual image
at Ai' while a larger fractio;
displacement is more for violet light than of light (nearly
96%) is refracted along BB'
for red light). inside the glass. The ray BB' which strikes at
• B'
4.7 MULTIPLE IMAGES IN A THICK PLA 1s now stro ngly reflected back by the silvered I

NE surface PN inside the

GLASS PLATE OR THICK MIRROR glass as B'C. This ray is
then partially refracted along CQ in air and
If a pin (or an illuminated object) is plac
ed partially reflected along CC' within the glass. The
in front of a thick plane glass plate (or a
thick refracted ray CQ forms the virtual image Ai·
mirror) and is viewed obliquely, a numb~r The
of image Ai is the brightest image because
images are seen. Out of these images, it is
the second formed due to the light suffering a stro
image is the brightest, while others are ng first
of reflection at the silvered surface PN.
decreasing brightness.
The reflected ray CC' further suffers multiple
In Fig. 4.8, LMNP represents a thick plan
e reflections at C', D, D', ... and refractions at
mirror of which NP is the silvered surf D,
ace . An E, F, .. ...... within the thickness of the
illuminated object A is kept in fron glas s plate
t of it. giving rise to multiple virtual images A
Consider two rays, one falling normally , A , A ,
on the ..... of gradually decreasing brightness. 3 4 5
mirror and the other AB falling obliquely
on it.
When the ray of light AB falls on the surf
ace LM Note : (1) In Fig. 4.8 due to drawing, the
of the mirror, a small fraction of light
(nearly rays BP, CQ, ..... appear to be far separated
~om each other, but actually they enter the eye
• r sin (i - r )
Lateral displacement x = --- . simultaneously.
'-- - where t = tluckncss of glass
cos r
block, ; = angle of incidence, r = angle of
refraction. In case of (2) A thick glass plate also behaves like a
white light, for a given angle i, the angle r thick plane mirror.
is different for different
colours, so the lateral displ acement is also differ


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