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Lesson Plan
English 10

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Lesson Plan for English


A. Understand the concept of a claim; and

B. learn about different types of claims; and
C. practice identifying and analyzing various types of claims in a text.


A. Lesson/Topic: Claims and Types of Claims.

B. Materials: Laptop, Television and PowerPoint, Paper and Pen.
C. Reference: DepEd Tambayan. (2021).
English10_Q2_Mod5_FormulatingClaimsofFactPolicyandValue.pdf [PDF document]. Retrieved
D. Duration: 1-hour
E. Strategies: Teacher-Student Interaction , Individual Activity

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

III. LESSON PROPER (A student will lead the prayer)

A. Preparation

1. Routinary Activities

a. Prayer

Let’s start our lesson for today with a prayer. Good morning, Ma’am Danica
Bow your head and feel the presence of our
Lord. (The students will listen to classroom rules)

Thank you.

b. Greetings We’re good Ma’am

Good morning, grade-10. Before we start I

have here an online classroom rules.

(Present the rules)

How’s everybody?
I hope everyone's okay, and ready for our
class today.

c. Checking of Attendance

Now let us check your attendance. Class

Monitor, how many absences do we have for I am glad to say that we have __ absentees for
today? today.

Thank you. You may now take your seat.

d. Review

Before we proceed, let's first recap of our

lesson yesterday. Ma’am we learned about the
characteristics of a well written
Who among you can still remember? text.

Could you please tell me what are the

characteristics of a well written text? Ma’am the text should have
correctness, coherence and
That’s correct, very good!

Great! Now that you have mastered our last

topic let us move on for another learning
episode. Are you ready?

2. Motivation

So this morning we will be discussing a new

topic. To begin, let us have an activity.

I have different statements here and I want

you to answer whether you agree or disagree
with these statements.

● Social media has a negative impact on

mental health.
● School should teach more about
mental health.
● Education should be free for everyone.
● Online learning is as effective as
traditional classroom learning.
● Every student should learn a second
● Teachers should use more technology
in their classroom.

What have you noticed about the different


Okay, very good.

All the statements that I have provided are all

argumentative in nature, meaning some
people may agree and some may disagree.


Today we are going to discuss claims and

types of claims.

A claim is the main topic of an argument

where the speaker tries to assert on his or her
beliefs, ideas or actions.

Whereas, for the writer a claim is the central

statement of a text where the writer tries to
prove in the text by providing details,
explanations and other types of evidence.

Examples of claims:

Reading books regularly can increase


Online education is as effective as traditional

classroom learning.

These are the characteristics of a good claim:

● A claim should be
argumentative and debatable
● A claim should be specific and
● A claim should be interesting
and engaging.
● A claim should be logical.

Do you understand what the claim is?

Okay, now let’s proceed to three types of


1. Claim of fact
(The student’s will answer)
A claim whether something is true or untrue
but there must always be potential for
controversy, conflict and change.

A claim that reports, describes, predicts and

shows cause and effect.

A claim that something has existed (past),

exists (present) or will exist (future).

(Provide examples for claim of fact)

Video games lead to the increase of violence

among students.

It is a claim of fact because these are claims

that can be proven or disproven with

2. Claim of Policy

A claim that urges that an action be taken or

discontinued in specific policies. A claim that
shows that a problem exists and it’s good to
solve it in a certain way.

When you are identifying a claim of policy

ask yourself “What should be done?”

(Provide examples for claim of policy)

Schools should provide healthier lunch

options for students.

It is a claim of policy because there’s an

action that needs to be taken and there’s a
3. Claim of Value

A claim that gives judgment about morality,

beauty, merit or wisdom. A claim that
compares and contrasts a problem with a
similar one in another time and/or place. A
claim that is based on preference such as likes
or dislikes, good or bad.

When you are identifying a claim of value ask

yourself “Is it good or bad?”

(Provide examples for claim of value)

Reading fiction is more enriching than

watching television

This is an example of a claim of value

because it answers whether it’s good or bad,
also it gives wisdom and it can be good or

Do you understand the three types of claims?

Again, what are the three types of claims?

Very good, do you have any questions?

Okay, now we are going to have an activity.

4. Application

Sort it out!
(The student’s will answer)
I have here sets of claims, I want you to
classify whether it’s a claim of fact, policy, or

5. Generalization

Wrap Up Your Insights!

Today we have learned about claims and types

of claims. Let us sum up what you have
learned in this lesson by completing the
I learned that claim is _________.

Claim of Fact is defined as ______________.

On the other hand, Claim of Policy is


Good job, it seems that you listened and

understood our lesson for today.
(The student’s will answer)


Let’s Express It!

Formulate your own claims on any topic of your choice. You have to make one claim for each
type of claim.

Claim of Fact


Claim of Policy


Claim of Value


I will post a text on our Google classroom, and analyze what kind of claim was used in the text
and explain your answer.

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