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O Lord, Mighty in Power, please bless
my mind with diligence to study for
my upcoming exams. May I use my
time well, as a precious gift. Please

Prayer focus my mind on my classes. Please

cleanse my mind of outside
distractions and worries. Please
center my thoughts. Help me set
goals and stick to them using the
discipline and perseverance You have
taught me.
Context Clues
Words/phrases found in
sentences. They can be found
by thinking about how the word
is used in the sentence.
A. Definition
The unfamilia r term m ay be d efined , or su ffic ient
description and expla na tion m a y be give n w it hin
the se nten ce or in the follow ing se nten ce .

The boy wants to ea t food with es se ntia l nu trients,
which are subs tanc es th at a re ne cess ary for a
person to su rvive, grow , a nd re prod uc e.
B. Exemplification
Uses examples to help you discover the meaning of
an unfamiliar word.

Gavin can smell fres hly co oked breakfa st like ga rlic
fried rice, tuyo , and fried hotdogs on th e table
prepared by his mother.
C. Synonym
Words with th e sa m e m eani ng . They a re ca lled
restatement clues.
EXAMPLE: It is ve ry es sent ial to ea t br ea kf a st
everyday befo re you go to sc ho ol beca us e it is the
important meal of the day.
D. Antonym
Words with opposite meanings.
EXAMPLE: Unlike the difficult quiz yesterday, today
was very easy.
The family demonstrated an act of generosity by
feeding the homeless children, helping the elderly
and donating money to charities. What is the
meaning of the underlined word?

loyalty kindness honesty

The family demonstrated an act of generosity by
feeding the homeless children, helping the elderly
and donating money to charities. What is the
meaning of the underlined word?

loyalty kindness honesty

Daniel learned to be resilient at all times, especially
during the time of the pandemic.
What is the antonym of the underlined word?

Vulnerable Strong tough

Daniel learned to be resilient at all times, especially
during the time of the pandemic.
What is the antonym of the underlined word?

Vulnerable Strong tough

Reality refers to situations that may happen in real
Example: John is a 9-year-old kid and he can dance.

Refers to the situations that are magical or make-
Example: Mike is turn ing 500 yea rs old tomorrow. He can
fly and be invisible.
Identify which is reality and fantasy.

In life, you will You can use

face problems magic to solve
and challenges. all your
Identify which is reality and fantasy.
Reality Fantasy

In life, you will You can use

face problems magic to solve
and challenges. all your
Affixes attached at the
beginning of a word that
creates new meaning from the
base word.
Prefixes (ir, im, mis) mean NOT;
gives a negative meaning to
the word.
Irregular = NOT regular
Misunderstand =did NOT understand
Improper =NOT proper
The teacher reminded the class to not ask
____________ questions during the discussion.
Which prefixed word best completes the sentence?

irregular irrelevant irresponsible

The teacher reminded the class to not ask
____________ questions during the discussion.
Which prefixed word best completes the sentence?

irregular irrelevant irresponsible

The students are ___________ during the
Which prefixed word best completes the sentence?

misspelling misunder-
The students are ___________ during the
Which prefixed word best completes the sentence?

misspelling misunder-
SUFFIXES (ist, or, er) once added
to the root words mean: a
person involved in a given
profession and someone or
something that does the action.
teacher cartoonist inventor
(a person (an artist (a person
who who draws who invents
teaches) cartoons) things an
Angelo was advised by his ___________ to eat
regularly before class and sleep for 8 hours a day.
Which suffixed word best completes the sentence?

journalist scientist nutritionist

Angelo was advised by his ___________ to eat
regularly before class and sleep for 8 hours a day.
Which suffixed word best completes the sentence?

journalist scientist nutritionist

Jacob enjoyed acting on their roleplay activity. With
this, he decided to become an ___________

actor artist adviser

Jacob enjoyed acting on their roleplay activity. With
this, he decided to become an ___________

actor artist adviser

Words that sound like their

Example: Bang! Achoo! Swish!

Identify which is/are onomatopoeia among the
choices given.

laugh! oink! ding - dong!

Identify which is/are onomatopoeia among the
choices given.

laugh! oink! ding - dong!

General References
There are several reference
books that we can use in looking
for information.
A. Atlas
Collection of maps.

B. Dictionary
Contains alp ha be tic al list of wo rd s,
with their mea ning s , pr o nun cia tio ns ,
and origin
C. Almanac
Contain s gene ra l in fo rm a tio n,
significant a nd in ter es ting fa c ts and
D. Encyclopedia
Consisting of art icles on a wide range
of topics.
E. Newspaper
Contains news and information.

F. Thesaurus
A book o f words and their
Oliver wants to know the meaning of the word
“peculiar”. Which general reference should he use?

almanac newspaper dictionary

Oliver wants to know the meaning of the word
“peculiar”. Which general reference should he use?

almanac newspaper dictionary

Julia is interested in music. She wants to learn more
information and facts about music. Which general
reference should she use?

almanac atlas dictionary

Julia is interested in music. She wants to learn more
information and facts about music. Which general
reference should she use?

almanac atlas dictionary

A dictionary is a reference that
gives the meaning of words.
Sometimes, it also gives the part
of speech to where a word
belongs, its pronunciation, and
its origin.
Entry word Pronunciation
gives a guide on
word that is how to
being descri pronounce the

Syllabication Parts of a Definition

S h ow s h o w shows the
man y s yl l a b le s Dictionary meaning

of Speech Origin
Part shows the
Shows in
at pa r t o f original
wh language
Guide words
They are found at the top of
each dictionary page. The first
word (left corner) is the first
word entry on the page and the
second word (right corner) is
the last word entry on the page.
Guide words
Oliver wants to know if the word “peculiar” is taken
from either Latin or Greek language. Which
dictionary entry will be best used for the given

entry word origin part of

Oliver wants to know if the word “peculiar” is taken
from either Latin or Greek language. Which
dictionary entry will be best used for the given

entry word origin part of

Chris wants to know how to correctly pronounce
the word “ancient”. Which dictionary entry will be
best used for the given situation?

definition syllabication pronunciation

Chris wants to know how to correctly pronounce
the word “ancient”. Which dictionary entry will be
best used for the given situation?

definition syllabication pronunciation

Which among these words are the guide words?
blue blur
bluff blrt
bluish blush
blunder bluster
blunt boar

blue - boar blunt - bluff blue – blunt

Which among these words are the guide words?
blue blur
bluff blrt
bluish blush
blunder bluster
blunt boar

blue - boar blunt - bluff blue – blunt

Literal meaning of the word or
the dictionary definition of the
Example: Th e st uden ts w ent ho m e (a pla ce
w here one lives ) at 4 in the after no on .
The unspoken, hidden meaning
that gives a word more
emotional impact.
Example: Gavin became a star (famous
person) because of his talent in singing
Positive Connotation
Words that evoke positive or
good feelings/emotions.

Example: A slim person connotes that

the person is thin in an attractive way.
Negative Connotation
Words that evoke negative or
bad feelings/ emotions.

Exam ple: A sk inny pe rs on is perc eive d as

a very thin ind ividua l in an un a ttra ctive
What is the connotative meaning of the word blue?

color sad happy

What is the connotative meaning of the word blue?

color sad happy

Which word shows positive connotation?

strange bizarre
Which word shows positive connotation?

strange bizarre
A comparison of two things that
may have similar or opposite
characteristics or features.
Antonym - opposite meaning
ex: hot: cold summer: winter

Synonym - same meaning

ex: beautiful: gorgeous cute: adorable
Part to Whole - smaller part of a
bigger whole
ex: wheel: bicycle tire: car
Function to thing - particular
ex: shovel: dig helmet: protect
Characteristic to thing - descriptive
ex: flamingo: pink turtle: green
Collective Nouns
This refers to a group of
persons, objects, or animals.

Examples: team, crew , class, swarm, and

Count Nouns
Nouns that can be counted.
Examples: penc ils, chairs, tables, rooms
and erasers

Mass Nouns
Nouns that cannot be counted.
Examples: sand, coffee ,milk, salt, sugar
and rice

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