GIT Bank (Original)

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A 35-year-old male patient come to ER after car

accident causing blunt trauma into the right

hypochondrium region which leads to injury into Anterior part of Posterior part of
anterior surface of liver and falciform ligament. What is ventral ventral
the embryological origin of falciform ligament? mesogastrium mesogastrium Left umbilical vein Ductus venosus Ductus arteriosus A
Where do the common bile duct and main pancreatic 1st part of 2nd part of Duodenojejunal
duct open together? duodenum duodenum Pyloric antrum junction Pancreatic head B
A 40-year-old female presented with upper right
quadrant pain and diagnosed as cholecystitis. What
could be a posterior relation to the fundus of the gall 4th part of the Fundus of the
bladder? Transverse colon duodenum stomach Bare area of the liver Descending colon A
A midline abdominal incision below the umbilicus
passes through all the following except: Pyramidalis Linea alba Extraperitoneal fat Transversalis fascia Peritoneum A
The transversalis fascia contributes to which of the Superficial inguinal Anterior wall of the
following structures on the anterior abdominal wall? ring Deep inguinal ring Inguinal ligament inguinal canal Lacunar ligament B
Which structure does not enter the inguinal canal Genital branch of
through the deep inguinal ring? Testicular artery Vas deferens Ilioinguinal nerve genitofemoral nerve Testicular vein C
The main sites for oxidative deamination are Intestine and
Liver and kidney mamary gland Skin and pancreas Lung and spleen Brain and muscle A
A coenzyme required for the synthesis of glycine from
serine is Tetrahydrofolate ATP Pyridoxal phosphate NAD Betain A
DOPA is an intermediate in the synthesis of Catecholamine
and melanin Thyroid hormone Melanin Catecholamine Vitamine C A
In alkaptonuria, which one of the following accumulates
abnormally in urine? Homogentisate Acetoacetate Phenylalanine Fumarate Pyruvate A
Niacine deficiency seen with carcinoid syndrome is due Shifting of
to tryptophan to Increased Deficiency of Deficiency of Deficiency of
sertonin pathway synthysis of NAD pyridoxine tetrahydrobiopetrine homogentisate A
-The following antibody marker is found in vaccinated
persons and its presence may protect from new
infections: Anti-HBs HBcAg. Anti core IgM Anti- HBe. Anti core IgG A
-The following antibody marker becomes detectable as
viral replication falls and indicates low infectivity in a
carrier. Anti-HBs HBcAg. Anti core IgM Anti- HBe. Anti core IgG D
- Examination of stool in a case of diarrhea reveals the
presence of a virus belongs to reoviridae family, 60-80
nm particles having a double layered capsid suggesting
of: Norwalk virus Echovirus Rota virus Influenza virus Adenovirus C
Brucellosis is commonly transmitted by: Man to man Raw milk from infected
Flies contact Water cattle Mites D
- Polio vaccine "sabin" is characterized by: mimics natural
infection with
good immunity
Inactivated by including IgA in Can be used in given as 3
formalin. gut. Safe and stable immunocompromized. injections B
- Examination of stool in a case of diarrhea reveals the
presence of a virus belongs to reoviridae family, 60-80
nm particles having a double layered capsid suggesting
of: Norwalk virus Echovirus Rota virus Plio virus Adenovirus C
Which of the following is characteristic for the payer`s patches numerous goblet Brunner`s gland in
long selender villi numerous M cells E
duodenum ? in the corium cells the submucosa
Which part of the intestine contains lymphoid follicles
Stomach Appendix Colon Ileum Doudenum B
allover the circumference?
What is the covering epithelium of columns of Simple columnar Stratified Pseudostratified Stratified squamous
Simple columnar
Morgagni? epithelium with columnar columnar with goblet keratinized B
goblet cells epithelium cells epithelium
What is the lining of the invaginated part of intercalated columnar cells Pseudostratified Columnar cells with
Centroacinar cells Stratified epithelium A
duct in pancreatic acini? with goblet cells epithelium microvilli
Which of the following is content of the space of Disse? Bile Lymph Whole blood RBCs only Microvilli E
Which is correct about Paneth cells? Present in crypts Have basal zymogen Have apical basophilic Have apical
Secrete lysozyme B
of large intestine granules cytoplasm microvilli
Which is correct about Entero-endocrine cells? S- cells secrete E.G – cells Mo- cells secrete E-cells secrete D cells secrete
gastrin secrete secretin motilin histamine serotonin
Which of the following organs contains Tenia coli in
Appendix Stomach Oral cavity Colon Small intestine D
their wall?
Which of the following organs contains Appendices
Appendix Oral cavity Stomach Small intestine Colon E
epiploicae in their wall?
Centroacinar cells are a characteristic feature of:: Pancreas Liver Stomach Esophagus Small intestine A
What is the shape of the classic hepatic lobule? Hexagonal Triangular Rounded Diamond Rectangular A
A 40-year-old white man presents to emergency
department complaining of burning retrosternal chest
pain after meal. The pain is relieved by
antacids.Endoscopy was done from lower esophagus squamous cell
and reveled Barretts esophagus.This patient is at risk Adenocarcinoma Gastric carcinoma Non-small cell
for developing which of the following type of cancer? of esophagus adenocarcinoma esophagus Krukenberg tumor carcinoma A
Celiac disease is best described as a/an: mucosal disease of
asymptomatic condition associated common cause of
the small intestine
disease of the left with reflux intestinal
producing type of inflammatory
colon esophagitis obstruction
malabsorption bowel disease A
Laennec cirrhosis caused by Chronic hepatitis Malnutration and
Chronic hepatitis C Haemochromatosis Bile flow obstruction
B chronic alcoholism E
The most commenst cause of chronic pancreatitis Gall bladder Long standinding
Surgical truma Mumps virus Idiopathic
stone alcohol abuse C
A 49-year-old woman complaining of heartburn during
past 3 months. Upper GIT endoscopy was done and
revelead redness with superficial erosions of lower
esophagus. Biopsy from the lesion was taken.
Microscopic picture revealed presence of stratified
squamous epithelium infiltrated by eosinophils and Barrett' s Reflux Adenocarcinoma
neurophils. What is your most likely diagnosis? esophagus esophagitis Achalasia esophageal varices esophagus B
Which clinical or laboratory finding is most consistently Elevated zinc levels Normal small bowel
seen in malabsorption syndromes Hypercalcemia Iron overload in serum biopsy E
Post necrotic liver cirrhosis commonly caused by Asbestos Heart faliure Haemochromatosis Carbon tetracholaride Malnutrition D
The most commenst cause of acute pancreatitis Gallbladder
Surgical truma Hypercalcemia Mumps virus Idiopathic
stone B
Which of the following side effects occur with
Dystonia Tachycardia Hyperprolactinemia Psychotropic effects Urine retention D
Which of the following drugs inhibit RNA-dependent
Ribavirin Interferon Grazoprevir Elbasvir Sofosbuvir A
RNA polymerase ?
Which of the following receptors blocked by
5HT-3 M1 H1 NK-1 CB1 D
Aprepitant ?
Which of the following anti-amebic drugs produce
Iodoquinol Diloxanide Paromomycin Metronidazole Chloroquine D
disulfiram-like reaction?
Infliximab is one of drugs used in treatment of
Anti-tumor necrosis Impair purine
inflammatory bowel disease act by which of the Anti-integrin Antimetabolite Anti-inflammatory A
factor biosynthesis
following mechanisms?
Which one of the following drugs can causes
Glucocorticoids Methotrexate Sulfasalazine Azathioprine 6- Mercaptopurine C
reversable oligospermia?
Which of the following is the most potent physiologic vasoactive
choleretic? bile salts cholcystokinin secretin vagal stimulation intestinal peptide A
Control of intestinal secretion is mainly through : unconditioned somatostatin
gastrin hormone. local stimuli. conditioned reflexes. reflexes. hormone. B
Trypsinogen is activated into trypsin by Lipase amylase Gastrin Enterokinase secretin D
Regarding factors that regulate food intake, the most decreased
accepted theory is:
blood fatty decreased blood decreased blood decreased blood decreased
acid. amino acid. glucose. vitamins. blood minerals. C
Regarding primary bile acids (salts) formation: their formation
they are formed needs bacterial they include they are formed in the they are formed
in the intestine action deoxycholic acid liver from amino acids D
Which of the following is an active enzyme Chemotrypsinogen Proelastase Precolipase lipase Trypsinogen D
Which of the following electrolytes remain constaint
during starvation Na+ K+ Mg++ Ca++ SO4 A
what is the infective stage of ancylostoma encysted
filariform eggs metacercaria adults cysticercoid a
which one of the following cause leovelar syndrome ancylostoma entamoeba giardiasis enterobiasis Trichinella a
what is the infective stage of cryptosporidium encysted
oocysts eggs filariform cysticercoid metacercaria a
what is the infective stage of fasciola encysted
metacercaria eggs adults filariform cysticercoid a
what is the mode of infection with ancylostomiasis penetrations of
skin ingestion contact sexual inhalation a
which one of the following cause hyper infection strongloidosis ancylostomiasis giardiasis fasciola ascariasis a

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