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SOCI1001: Introduction to Sociology

Final exam review session

Date: November 29, 2023

Instructor: Dr. HAN, Sinn Won

Prejudice, discrimination, and the new racism

● Color-blindness: the New Racism

● Old kind of obvious racism has declined
● New kind of racism, especially “color-blind racism”, gains its ground
● Color-blind racism is a form of racism in which an individual claims to ignore others’ skin color
completely, and therefore, believes they are treating all racial groups equally
● However, color-blindness often perpetuates discriminatory practices by allowing people to
ignore historical contexts and structural circumstances that cause racial inequalities

Final exam (40%)

● Date & Time: December 18, 2:30 ~ 4:30 PM (Monday)

● Exam venue: Loke Yew Hall & Main Building Rm 103

● Exam structure: 50 MCQs (each Q worths 2 pts = 100)
● Office hours: December 13, 12:00 ~ 2:00 PM (Wednesday)
● Just walk into my office (Rm. 9.21, The Jockey Club Tower); no arrangement needed
We have learnt

Part 1: Sociological perspective and sociological imagination

Part 2: The development of sociological thinking

Part 3: Sociological research methods

Part 4: Fundamental sociological concepts: Culture and structure

Part 5: Assorted substantive topics in sociology

Part 1

• Seeing and thinking like a sociologist

1. The sociological imagination

• We should go beyond the individual-oriented perspective!

• Reading: Mills (1959) “The promise.” Chapter 1 of The Sociological Imagination

2. Peter Berger’s sociological perspective (Berger 1963)

• Sociology as a “value-free” (objective) social science
• Sociology as a “debunking” (unmasking) social science

Part 2

• The development of sociological thinking

1. Classical sociological theory

• Karl Marx, Max Weber, Émile Durkheim

2. Modern sociological theoretical approaches

• Functionalism / Conflict theory / Feminist theory / Symbolic interactionism /
Postmodernism / Midrange theory

Part 3

• Sociological research methods

• What is the scientific method?

• Hypothesis and variables
• Variable relationships (correlation vs. causality)
• Choosing your method: Quantitative & qualitative approaches
• Ethics of social research

Part 4

• Culture & Structure as two fundamental sociological concepts

1. Culture
● What is culture?

● Media, culture, and society

● Socialization

2. Structure: Networks, groups, and organizations

● Sociology of social networks, key concepts of social network analysis, organizations
Part 5

• Assorted substantive topics in sociology

1. Social inequality and stratification

● Inequality and stratification: How different are they

● Different forms of social stratification

● Global inequality and stratification: Two theories of global inequality

2. Family
● The historical divide between public and private spheres

● Women’s growing labor market participation and the “second shift” problem 9
Part 5 (cont.)

• Assorted substantive topics in sociology

3. Gender
● Seeing sex and gender as social

● Theories of gender inequality: Feminism / Sex role theory / Conflict theory / “Doing
gender” / Intersectionality theory

● Gender stratification: Why/how does gender inequality at work exist?

4. Race
● Seeing race as social
See you next week!

Slides templates:
Ma, G. Y. K., Choi, C., & Yeung, P. P. S. (2023) PowerPoint template.
#IDEALeaders Self-learning Series: Co-creation of virtual learning
accessibility. HKU Data Repository.



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