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The material in this presentation belongs to SIES GST and is solely for educational purposes. Distribution and modifications of the content is prohibited.

Computer Networks(CN)
Subject code : CSC501

Subject In-charge
Ms. Gigi Joseph
Assistant Professor(ECS Dept.)

Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 2
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Topic Sub-topics Weightage
• Introduction to Computer Network
• Network Devices
• Network Topology
• Switching : Circuit switched
Networks, Packet switching
1. • Network Types : LAN, MAN, WAN ≈ 12 Marks
to Networking
• Reference Models : Layer details of
OSI, TCP/IP models,
• Difference between OSI and

Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 3
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Components of a data communication system

Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 4
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Data Representation


Text Numbers Image Audio Video

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 5
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Data Flow

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 6
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Set of devices(nodes) connected by communication links in order

to share information(data) and resources

Node - device capable of sending/receiving data generated by other

nodes(devices) in the network. Examples : Computer, Printer,
Server, Security camera, Switches, Bridges, Routers etc.

Communication Link – carries information, can be wired or

wireless. Examples: Cables, Optical fibres , radio, microwaves,
communication satellites
Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 7
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Network Criteria
• Performance
• Depends on
 Number of users
 Type of transmission medium
 Capabilities of connected hardware
 Efficiency of software
• Measured using Transit time and Response time
• Evaluated in terms of Delay and Throughput
• Reliability
• Failure rate of network components
• Measured in terms of availability/robustness
• Security
• Data protection against corruption/loss of data due to:
• Errors
• Malicious users
Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 8
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Key Objectives of deploying a Computer Network

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 9
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 10
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1. Business Applications 2. Home Applications

• Resource sharing • Internet access – connectivity to
• Virtual Private Networks remote computer
• Email , VoIP • Surfing World wide web
• Teleconferencing • E- newspaper
• Desktop sharing • Online digital library
• E-commerce • Peer- to –peer communication
• Person–to-person communication
• E-commerce

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 11
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Fig. A network with two clients and a server

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 12
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Fig. The client server model involves requests and replies

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Fig. In a peer to peer system there are no fixed clients and servers
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 14
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3. Mobile Users :
• Wireless hotspots
• Texting
• Smart Phones
• Sensor networks

4. Social issues : Defamation of character, Cyber bullying, Identity theft,

gaming addiction, Health & fitness, Education

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 15
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Network Hardware :Classification

• Based on type of transmission technology
• Point to Point - single transmitter and receiver : Unicasting
• Multipoint - multiple recipients of single transmission: Broadcasting & Multicasting

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 16
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Based on scale :

• Personal Area networks(PANs)

• Local Area Networks (LANs)

• Wide Area Networks (WANs)

• Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 17
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Fig. Classification of interconnected processors by scale

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 18
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Based on scale :
• Personal Area networks(PANs):
• Network that are meant for one person
• Eg. Bluetooth- short range wireless network- uses master slave
• Applications: When an embedded medical
device such as a pacemaker, insulin pump or
hearing aid talks to a user-operated remote
RFID on smart cards and library books

Fig. Bluetooth PAN configuration

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 19
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• Local Area Networks (LANs)

• Short distances
• Privately owned
• Designed to provide local interconnectivity i.e. to allow resources to be
shared between personal computers or workstations
• Most common LAN topologies – bus, ring , star
• Access point- relays packets between the wireless computers and also
between the devices and the internet
• Standards used : Wireless LANs – IEEE 802.11(WiFi)
Wired LAN – IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet)

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 20
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Fig. An isolated LAN in the past and today

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Fig. Wireless (IEEE 802.11)and wired LAN(Switched ethernet)

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 22
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• Wide Area Networks (WANs)

• Long distances
• Provide connectivity over larger geographical areas
• Subnet- consists of transmission lines and switching elements – network that connects
the hosts – function: to carry messages from host to host
• 2 types : Switched WAN – connects end systems, which usually comprise a
router that connects another LAN or WAN.
eg. Backbone that connects the Internet
Point-to-Point WAN –normally a line leased from a telephone or cable
TV provider that connects a home computer or a
small LAN to an Internet Service Provider(ISP)

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 23
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Fig. A point-to-point WAN

Fig. A switched WAN

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 24
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Fig. WAN that connects 3 branch offices in Australia

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 25
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• Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)

• Provide connectivity over areas such as a city, a campus
• Network with a size between a LAN and a WAN
• Normally covers the area inside a town or a city.
• Designed for customers who need a high speed connectivity to the internet nd
have end points spread over a city or a part of a city
• Eg. The cable TV network was originally designed for cable TV, but today it is
also used for high speed data connection to Internet

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 26
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Fig. A MAN based on cable TV

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 27
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• Based on Physical Topology

• Connection of devices

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 28
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Fig. A fully connected mesh topology (five devices)

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 29
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Mesh topology
Suppose n nodes,
No. of physical links required = n(n-1)
Assuming duplex mode , then
No. of physical links= n(n-1)/2
No. of I/O ports for each device = n-1

Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Use of dedicated links • Amount of cabling
• Robust • No. of I/O ports
• Privacy and security • Installation and reconnection - difficult
• Fault identification and fault isolation • Hardware- expensive
is easy

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 30
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Fig. A star topology connecting four stations

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 31
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Star topology
 Point-to point connection

 Advantages:
• Controller- hub – acts as exchange
• Less expensive
• Only 1 I/O port: easy to install and reconfigure
• Less cabling
• Robustness
• Easy fault identification and fault isolation

 Disadvantage: Dependency of whole topology on central hub

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 32
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Fig. A bus topology connecting three stations

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 33
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Bus topology
Multipoint connection
One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices
Nodes are connected to by cable by drop lines and taps

• Ease of installation
• Less cabling than mesh or star

• Difficult reconnection
• Fault isolation
• Signal reflection at taps cause quality degradation
• Adding new devices require modification or replacement of backbone- a
fault or break in the bus cable or in between devices stops all transmission.
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 34
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Fig. A ring topology connecting six stations

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 35
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Ring topology
Each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with only two devices on
either side of it.
A signal is passed along the ring in one direction , from device to device , until it
reaches the destination
Each device in the ring incorporates a repeater

• Easy to install and configure
• Simplified fault isolation
• To add or delete a device - requires changing only 2 connections

• Unidirectional traffic
• A break in the ring can disable the entire network
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 36
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Fig. A hybrid topology: a star backbone with three bus networks

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 37
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Connection-oriented Vs Connectionless service

Connection-oriented Connectionless

• Creation and termination of the • Transfer data packets without creating

connection for sending data any connection
• creates virtual path • Doesn’t create a virtual path

• Requires authentication • Doesn’t require authentication

• Data packets are received in same order • Not received in same order
as sent by the sender
• Requires higher bandwidth • Requires low bandwidth to transfer data

• More reliable • Not a reliable service

• No congestion • May cause congestion

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 38
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Protocol Layering

Fig. Tasks involved in sending a letter

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 39
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Fig. A five layer network with layers, protocols and interfaces

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 40
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Fig. Example information flow supporting virtual communication in layer 5

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 41
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Protocol Layering - divide complex tasks into several smaller and simpler tasks
- separate services from implementation
- presence of intermediate systems

Drawbacks - one layer may duplicate lower-layer functionality

- functionality at one layer need information present in another

Principles of protocol layering:

First principle- bidirectional communication
Second principle- identical objects in each layer

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 42
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Fig.The interaction between layers in the OSI model

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• Open system interconnection – deals with connecting open systems i.e.
facilitates communication between different systems without requiring changes
to the logic of underlying hardware and software.

• is based on a proposal developed by the international standards organization as

a first step towards international standardization of the protocols used in various

• is layered framework for design of network systems that allows communication

between all types of systems

• Has 7 layers

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Fig. Seven layers of the OSI model

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Physical Layer: -concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication

-responsible for the actual physical connection between devices
-Functions: - Bit synchronization
- Bit rate control
- Physical topologies
- transmission mode

Data link layer: -Main task is to transform a raw transmission facility into a line
that appears free of transmission errors i.e. into a reliable link
-Functions: - Physical addressing
- Error control
- Flow control
- Access control
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 47
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Network Layer: -responsible for source-to-destination delivery of a packet,

without recognizing any relationship between those packets –
treats each packet independently
-Functions: - Routing
- Logical Addressing

Transport layer: -responsible for process-to-process delivery of the entire

-ensures that the whole message arrives intact and inorder,
overseeing both error control and flow control at the source-to-
destination level
-Functions: - Service point addressing - Connection control
- Segmentation and assembly - Error control
- Flow control
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Session Layer: -the network dialog controller

-establishes, maintains and synchronizes the interaction among
communicating systems
-Functions: - Dialog control
- Synchronization

Presentation layer: -concerned with the syntax and semantics of the

information exchanged between two systems
-Functions: - Translation
- Encryption
- Compression

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Application layer: -enables the user to access the network

-provides user interfaces and supports for services such as
email, remote file access and transfer , shared database
management, and other types of distributed information
-Functions: - Network virtual terminal
- File transfer, access and management
- Mail services
- Directory services

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Fig. Data Encapsulation and de-encapsulation in the OSI model

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TCP/IP Protocol
• Is a hierarchical protocol
• Developed prior to OSI model
• Originally had 4 layers
Host-to-host network
• Today, TCP/IP is thought as a 5 layer model

Fig. Layers in TCP/IP model

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Fig. the TCP/IP model with some protocols

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Fig. Addressing used in TCP/IP model

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OSI model Vs TCP/IP

• Refers to Open system • Refers to Transmission control
interconnection protocol
• Developed by ISO(International • Adopted as protocol standard by
Standard organisation) ARPANET(Advanced Research
• Have 7 layers Project Agency Network)
• Have 4 layers
• Is a theoretical model -Considered as
a reference tool • Model around which internet is
• Provides a clear distinction between
interfaces, services and protocols • Doesn’t have any clear distinguishing
• Has separate session and points between services, interfaces
presentation layer and protocols.
• Combines session and presentation
layer in application layer
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OSI model Vs TCP/IP

• Model was developed before the • Protocols were developed first and
development of protocols then the model was developed
• Network Layer- supports • Network Layer- supports
Connectionless and connection Connectionless only
oriented communication • Transport layer – supports
• Transport layer – supports only Connectionless and connection
connection oriented oriented communication
• Disadvantages • Disadvantages
• Doesn’t define any particular • Transport layer doesn’t
protocol guarantee delivery of packets
• Difficult to fit a new protocol • Replacing a protocol is not easy
• Duplication of services
• Interdependence among the layers
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Networking devices
1. Repeater: -operates at the physical layer
-is a 2 port device
-regenerates the signal over the same network before the signal
becomes too weak or corrupted- they do not amplify the signal
-when a signal becomes weak – it copies the signal bit by bit and
regenerate it at the original strength

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Networking devices
2. Hub: - operate at physical layer
- is multiport repeater
- connects multiple/different stations
- cannot filter data, so data packets are sent to all connected
- 2 types: Active Hub: hubs that have their own power supply and can
clean, boost and relay the signal along the network–used to extend
maximum distance between nodes
- Passive Hub: hubs that collect wiring from nodes and power supply
from active hub - relays signals onto the network without cleaning
and boosting them

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3. Bridge: -operates at the data link layer

-is a repeater + filtering content by reading the MAC
address of source and destination
-also used for interconnecting 2 LANs working on same
-has a single input and single output port – 2 port device

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4. Switch: -is a multiport bridge with a buffer and a design that can
boosts its efficiency and performance
-connects devices within a Local Area Network
-is a data link layer device
-is an intelligent device which stores MAC address table
-performs error checking before forwarding data

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5. Router: -is a network layer device

-is like a switch that routes data packets based on their IP address
-connects LANs and WANs together and have a dynamically
updating routing table based on which they make decisions on
routing the data packets
-connect 2 or more different LANs that has 2 or more different

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6. Gateway: -operate at network and upper layers

-is a passage to connect 2 networks together that may work upon
different networking models with different routing algorithms
and protocols
-take data from one system , interpret it and transfer it to another
-translation between network technologies : protocol converters
-a gateway usually is a computer with multiple NICs (Network
Interface Cards) connected to different networks.
-A gateway can also be configured completely using software.

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7. Brouter: - also known as the bridging router is a device that combines

features of both bridge and router.
- can work either at the data link layer or a network layer.
- Working as a router, it is capable of routing packets across
networks and working as the bridge, it is capable of filtering local
area network traffic.

8. NIC: - network interface card is a network adapter that is used to connect

the computer to the network.
- is installed in the computer to establish a LAN.
- has a unique id that is written on the chip, and it has a connector to
connect the cable to it - cable acts as an interface between the
computer and the router or modem.
- NIC card is a layer 2 device which means that it works on both the
physical and data link layers of the network model.
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• Technique of transferring the information from one computer network to
another network
• Switches – devices that create temporary connections between 2 or more
devices linked to the switch

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Fig. (a) Circuit switching (b)Packet switching

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Circuit Switching:
• Circuit switching takes place at the physical layer.
• Before starting communication, the stations must make a reservation for
the resources to be used during the communication..
• Data transferred between the two stations are not packetized .
• There is no addressing involved during data transfer.

• The actual communication in a circuit-switched network requires three

1. Connection setup
2. Data transfer
3. Connection teardown.

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 70
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Packet Switching
• In packet switching, there is no resource allocation for a packet.
Resources are allocated on demand.
• Because no bandwidth is reserved with packet switching, packets may
have to wait to be forwarded ,this introduces queuing delay.

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 71
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Comparison of circuit switching and packet switching

Circuit Switching Packet switching
In circuit switching there are 3 phases: In Packet switching directly data transfer
i) Connection Establishment. takes place.
ii) Data Transfer.
iii) Connection Released
Each data unit know the entire path address Each data unit just know the final destination
which is provided by the source address intermediate path is decided by the
Data is processed at source system only Data is processed at all intermediate node
including source system
Delay between data units in circuit switching Delay between data units in packet switching
is uniform is not uniform

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Circuit Switching Packet switching

more reliable less reliable
Wastage of resources are more in Circuit Less wastage of resources as compared to
Switching Circuit Switching
is not a store and forward technique is a store and forward technique
Transmission of the data is done by the Transmission of the data is done not only by
source the source, but also by the intermediate routers
Congestion can occur during the connection Congestion can occur during data transfer
establishment phase, because there might be phase, large number of packets comes in no
a case where a request is being made for a time
channel but the channel is already occupied
is not convenient for handling bilateral suitable for handling bilateral traffic
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Circuit Switching Packet switching

In Circuit switching, charge depend on time In Packet switching, charge is based on the
and distance, not on traffic in the network number of bytes and connection time
Recording of packet is never possible in Recording of packet is possible in packet
circuit switching switching
there is a physical path between the source there is no physical path between the source
and the destination and the destination
Resource reservation is the feature of There is no resource reservation because
circuit switching because path is fixed for bandwidth is shared among users
data transmission.

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Fig. Comparison of circuit switching and packet switching

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department (AI ML) Ms. Gigi Joseph 75

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