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Technical Information

Drum Chipper
VTH 45/12/2

Order No.:
Machine No.:
Date: 2017-01-09
Year of Construction: 1999
Document version: 1.0

Vecoplan AG
Vor der Bitz 10
56470 Bad Marienberg

Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 / 6267-0

Fax: + 49 (0) 2661 / 6267-70

Important note!

This document is as technical information. It is to

understand to operate the machine.
This document does not represent a manual in the
sense of the European machine directive 2006/46/EG!

Due to the year of construction of the machine small

deviations between the machine and this technical
information are possible.

Copyright of this Technical Information remains the property of

This operating manual is intended for use by the plant operator's

installation, operating and monitoring personnel.

It contains regulations and drawings of a technical nature, which may

not be duplicated, distributed or used without authorisation for the
purposes of competition or communicated to others either wholly or

 Copyright
Vor der Bitz 10
D-56470 Bad Marienberg


1 Contents

1 Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 3

2 General .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Note to the Operator .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 VECOPLAN - Quality Control ............................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Usage as Stipulated ........................................................................................................................... 8

3 Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Occupational Safety ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Occupational Safety Instructions ..................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Organisational Measures ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2.2 Selection and Qualification of Personnel; Fundamental Obligations........................................... 10
3.3 Safety Instructions for Specific Operating Phases .......................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Normal Operation ........................................................................................................................ 11
3.3.2 Special Work such as Maintenance Work, Rectifying Faults and Waste Disposal ..................... 12
3.4 Instructions on Particular Types of Risk .......................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Electrical Energy .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.2 Gas, dust, steam and smoke ....................................................................................................... 15
3.4.3 Oils, Greases and other Chemical Substances ........................................................................... 15
3.5 Inspection cycle for safety equipment ............................................................................................. 15
3.6 Protective Devices ........................................................................................................................... 16
3.7 Functional Description of Hood Safety ............................................................................................ 17
3.8 Threats ............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.9 Dangerous Area ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.10 Residual Risks ................................................................................................................................. 19
3.11 Personal protection equipment ........................................................................................................ 20

4 Technical Data ......................................................................................................................................21

4.1 Machine Model Code ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Machine/Plant Rating ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Functional Data ............................................................................................................................ 21
4.2.2 Dimensions and Weight ............................................................................................................... 21
4.2.3 Main drive .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.4 Lower Feed Roller Drive Machine Housingg" .............................................................................. 23
4.2.5 Upper Feed Unit Lower Feed Roller Drives ................................................................................. 23
4.3 Tightening Moment of the Screw, Except Fixing Screws for Reducing Tools and Counter Knife (not
for extension screws) ................................................................................................................................... 24


4.3.1 Tightening Torque of the Centrifugal Wedge Screw.................................................................... 25

4.3.2 Tightening Torques of Screw Connection for Counter Knife ....................................................... 25
4.4 Electrical Connections ..................................................................................................................... 25
4.5 Noise Emission ................................................................................................................................ 26

5 Transporting .........................................................................................................................................27
5.1 Dimensions and Weight (see Chapter "Technical Data") ................................................................ 27
5.2 Instructions and Protective Measures for Transporting ................................................................... 27
5.3 Hoisting Gear, Lifting Eye Bolts ....................................................................................................... 27
5.4 Check on Acceptance by the Recipient ........................................................................................... 28
5.5 Disposal of packaging and insulation materials............................................................................... 28
5.6 Report and document transport damage ......................................................................................... 28
5.7 Storage location, storage period, protective measures ................................................................... 28

6 Installation .............................................................................................................................................29
6.1 General Instructions ......................................................................................................................... 29
6.2 Installation Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 30
6.3 Hoisting Gear ................................................................................................................................... 31
6.4 Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 31
6.4.1 Fitting ........................................................................................................................................... 32
6.5 After Installation ............................................................................................................................... 33
6.6 Electrical Plant ................................................................................................................................. 34
6.7 Dismantling ...................................................................................................................................... 35

7 Dismantling ...........................................................................................................................................36

8 Commissioning .....................................................................................................................................37
8.1 Instructions....................................................................................................................................... 37
8.2 Before commissioning ..................................................................................................................... 38
8.3 During Commissioning ..................................................................................................................... 39
8.4 Idle Operation and Locking Mechanism Test without Material ........................................................ 39
8.4.1 Idle Operation Test ...................................................................................................................... 39
8.4.2 Locking Mechanism Tests ........................................................................................................... 40
8.5 Mechanical Test Running with Material ........................................................................................... 40

9 Operation ...............................................................................................................................................42
9.1 Normal operation ............................................................................................................................. 42
9.2 Stopping the Machine/Plant ............................................................................................................. 42
9.3 Conduct in Case of Disruptions ....................................................................................................... 43
9.3.1 Safety Cut-Off .............................................................................................................................. 43
9.4 Operational Safety ........................................................................................................................... 43
9.1 Operator controls ............................................................................................................................. 44
9.1.1 Control cabinet ............................................................................................................................. 44

9.2 Functional Description of the Measurement Relay .......................................................................... 46

9.2.1 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 48
9.2.2 Switching on again after error ...................................................................................................... 49
9.3 Damage during Guarantee Period ................................................................................................... 49

10 Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................................50
10.1 Maintenance and inspection ............................................................................................................ 51
10.1.1 Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 51
10.1.2 Maintenance and Inspection List ............................................................................................. 52
10.2 Lubricating and Checking the Bearings ........................................................................................... 54
10.2.1 Checking the Bearings ............................................................................................................. 54
10.2.2 Lubricating Points .................................................................................................................... 55
10.2.3 Lubricant Storage .................................................................................................................... 57
10.3 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 58
10.3.1 Note ......................................................................................................................................... 58
10.3.2 V-Belt Drive .............................................................................................................................. 59
10.3.3 Tension and Replace V-Belt .................................................................................................... 61
10.3.4 Removing and Fitting Pulley .................................................................................................... 62
10.3.5 Changing the Reducing Tools ................................................................................................. 63
10.3.6 Regrinding the Reducing Tools ............................................................................................... 78
10.3.7 Wear Boundary of Reducing Tool and Centrifugal Wedge ..................................................... 79
10.3.8 Adjustment of the Reducing Tools ........................................................................................... 81
10.3.9 Replace Counter Knife ............................................................................................................. 83
10.3.10 Changing the Screen ............................................................................................................... 90
10.3.11 Repair Work on the Machine/Plant .......................................................................................... 92

11 Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service ......................................................................................93

11.1 Spare Parts Holding ......................................................................................................................... 93
11.2 Designation ...................................................................................................................................... 94
11.3 Spare and Replacement Parts List .................................................................................................. 94
11.3.1 Assembly ................................................................................................................................. 95
11.3.2 Machine housing ...................................................................................................................... 97
11.3.3 Rotor ........................................................................................................................................ 99
11.3.4 Upper feed unit ...................................................................................................................... 101
11.3.5 Main Drive .............................................................................................................................. 103
11.4 Replacement part and customer service addresses ..................................................................... 104
11.5 Our Representative Offices ........................................................................................................... 105

12 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................107
12.1 Maintenance Tools and Accessories ............................................................................................. 107
12.2 List of Separate Documentation .................................................................................................... 108


13 Index ....................................................................................................................................................109


2 General

2.1 Note to the Operator

The operating instructions from this operation manual must be

observed, because:
 Only with the knowledge of this operation manual can errors to the
machine/plant be avoided and faultless operation be guaranteed.
 VECOPLAN accepts no liability for damage and operational
disruptions arising from the non-observation of this operation

Nevertheless, should you encounter any difficulties, please turn to our

Customer Service or Spare Parts department or one of our
representative agents. They will be happy to help you (see Chapter
"Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service").

2.2 VECOPLAN - Quality Control

The machine/plant will be completely assembled and the individual

parts operationally checked at the VECOPLAN site.
The complete machine/plant will furthermore be subjected to
VECOPLAN quality control.


2.3 Usage as Stipulated

The machine/system is exclusively designed for the following industrial


- for reducing wood waste to wood chips

The feed material is free of metal parts.

Otherwise a metal detecting device must be pre-switched to
protect the machine.

Spatial limits of the machine:

Environmental conditions: Temperature range: - 20 to + 35°C
Relative humidity: maximum 50 %

Any further usage is deemed not to be as intended. VECOPLAN is not

liable for damage incurred as a result; solely the user bears the risk for

 The machine/plant is constructed in accordance with the state of

the art at the time and the acknowledged safety regulations at the
time it is supplied and is operationally safe.
Nevertheless, risk to life and limb of the user or third parties or
effects on the machine and other investment goods can arise if it is
not used expertly, by untrained personnel or not used as stipulated.
 Included under usage as stipulated is the observance of the
operation manual and keeping to the inspection and maintenance


3 Safety

3.1 Symbols

3.1.1 Occupational Safety


You will find this symbol next to all occupational safety

instructions in this operation manual for which there is risk to life
and/or limb. Observe these instructions and conduct yourself
particularly carefully in these cases.
Forward all occupational safety instructions to other users as well.
As well as the instructions in this operation manual, the generally
valid safety and accident prevention regulations must be

Caution - Equipment Damage!

This symbol is found in places in this operation manual

which are to be specially noted so that the guidelines,
regulations, instructions and the correct working
procedures observed, and so damage and destruction
of the machine and/or other parts of the plant are also


This is where you will find information or notes.


3.2 Occupational Safety Instructions

3.2.1 Organisational Measures

 Always keep the operation manual available at the place where the
machine/plant is being used!
 Staff entrusted with working on the machine must have read the
operation manual, especially its Safety Instructions chapter, before
starting work. While working it is too late.
This is particularly applicable for those staff working only on fitting
out and maintaining the machine, for example.
 All safety and risk instructions at/on the machine are to be kept in a
readable condition in their entirety.

3.2.2 Selection and Qualification of Personnel; Fundamental Obligations

 Only use personnel who are trained or are being trained and who
are at least 18 years old.
Clearly establish the competence of personnel for operating, fitting
out, maintaining, and repairing the plant.
 Ensure that only those staff entrusted for that purpose are working
on the machine.
 Establish responsibility of machine operator - even with respect to
traffic regulations - and enable him to reject any instructions from
third parties that are contrary to safety.
 Only allow staff being trained, instructed or in the context of a
general training course to work on the machine/plant under
constant supervision of an experienced person.


3.3 Safety Instructions for Specific Operating Phases

3.3.1 Normal Operation

Warning - Risk of Injury.

During operation there is the risk of injury in the dangerous areas

of the machine.
Local control desks (operational controls) are to be attached so
that dangerous areas of the machine can be recognised.

Warning - Fire risk!

If reduced material is left standing for long periods in the

machine/plant, the material may ignite.
For preventative fire protection, reduction machines and
conveying plant must be run empty at the end of the shift or before
standing idle for long periods.

 Always operate the machine/plant only in a perfect condition.

 At least once every shift, check the machine/plant for damage and
defects that are externally detectable.
Immediately report any changes made (including those of the
operating behaviour) immediately to the competent post/person.
Shut the machine down immediately, as appropriate, and secure
against it being turned on again.
 In the case of functional faults, shut down the machine/plant
immediately and secure.
Immediately rectify any faults.
 All work on the machine/plant is in principle only to be carried out
when the machine/plant has been stopped and when the main
breaker is turned off and disconnected.
Simply operating the emergency stop switch is not sufficient.
 Before switching on the machine/plant or putting it into operation,
ensure that nobody may be at risk from the running machine/plant.
 Do not switch off or remove pneumatic extraction and ventilation
equipment when the machine is running.


3.3.2 Special Work such as Maintenance Work, Rectifying Faults and Waste Disposal

 Do not make any alterations or extensions to or rebuild the

machine/plant without the approval of VECOPLAN. This also
applies to the installation and adjustment of safety equipment and
safety valves and for welding to load-bearing parts.
 Do not make any alteration to the electrical control system without
the written authorisation of VECOPLAN. This also applies to
software from PLC control systems.
 Keep to the adjustment, maintenance and inspection work and
deadlines prescribed in the operation manual including information
on replacing parts/fitting out parts.
This work must only be carried out by specialist personnel.
 Inform operating staff before starting to carry out special work and
maintenance work. Appoint supervisors.
 Secure an maintenance zone over a wide area.
 During maintenance or repairs, completely switch off machine/plant
and secure against it be switched on again.
 Lock up the master control equipment and remove the key and/or
switch off the main breaker. Emergency stop is not sufficient for
 Individual parts and larger assemblies are to be carefully affixed
and secured by hoisting gear, so that they do not present any risk.
Only use suitable and technically perfect hoisting gear and load-
bearing resources with sufficient loading capacity.
Do not remain or work under suspended loads.
 Only entrust experienced persons with the attachment of loads and
instruction of crane operators.
The instructor must remain in the field of view of the operator or
stay in voice contact with him.
 Use safe climbing aids or working platforms for installation work
above body height.
Do not use machine parts as climbing aids!
Take measures to prevent falling during maintenance work at
heights above 1 metre!


 Keep all handles, handrails, pedestals, platforms and ladders free

from soiling, snow and ice.
 Using appropriate instructions and inspections, the operator must
guarantee cleanliness and visibility of the workplace at the
 Clean the machine, and particularly in this case connections and
screw joints, of oil, fuel or cleaning materials before starting
Do not use any aggressive cleaning materials.
Use fibre-free cleaning cloths.
 Before cleaning the machine with water or other cleaning material,
cover, seal, or glue up all holes so that no water / cleaning material
may penetrate. This is for safety and/or functional reasons.
At particular risk are electrical motors, switching cabinets, and all
Cleaning with a steam jet-air ejector (pressure washer) is not
 After cleaning, remove the covers/adhesions completely.
 After cleaning, inspect all operational and auxiliary material pipes
for leaks, loose connections, rub marks, and damage.
Immediately rectify any defects established.
 Always tighten loosened screw connections when doing
maintenance work.
 If the removal of safety equipment when fitting out, maintaining and
repairing is required, immediately after the maintenance and repair
work has been carried out, the safety equipment is to be replaced
and inspected.
 Prior to starting up again after repairs and maintenance check that
all protective devices have been fitted!
Check screw connections for tightness prior to starting up the
machine again!
 Ensure safe disposal of operating resources and aids, as well as
replacement parts, that is not harmful to the environment.
 Doors and valves must only be opened after the machine/plant is
Observe information signs.


3.4 Instructions on Particular Types of Risk

3.4.1 Electrical Energy

 Only use original fuses with the prescribed current rating.

Turn off the machine/plant whenever the electrical energy supply is
 Work on electrical plant or operating resources must only be done
by a specialist electrician or by persons being instructed under the
management and supervision of a specialist electrician, in
accordance with the electrical engineering regulation.
 Machine and plant parts on which inspection, maintenance and
repair work is to be carried out must be switched off and
First check that the switched-off parts are unpowered, then earth
and short circuit. Insulate nearby parts that are powered.
 The electrical equipment of a machine/plant is to be
inspected/checked regularly. Defects, such as loose connections
and/or soldered cable, must be removed immediately.
 If work on powered is necessary, take on a second person, who
would operate the emergency stop or main breaker with voltage
disconnection in an emergency.
Close off the working areas with a red-and-white safety chain and a
warning sign.
Only use tools which are electrically insulated.

Warning – General Risks!

For all control systems which are equipped with a

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), as well as switching off the
control system voltage, the mains switch located on the UPS must
also be switched off.


3.4.2 Gas, dust, steam and smoke

 In the event of large dust emission from the machine the operator
needs to take measures to prevent risk to operating personnel due
to dust.
 Only carry out welding, burning and grinding work on the plant if this
is expressly authorised.
Risk of fire and explosion.
 Before welding, burning and grinding, clean the machine/plant and
the surrounding area of dust and flammable substances and ensure
sufficient ventilation (risk of explosion).
 When working in tight spaces, observe any national regulations that

3.4.3 Oils, Greases and other Chemical Substances

 When handling oils, greases and other chemical substances,

observe the safety regulations applicable to the product.
Observe manufacturer's information.
 Take care when handling hot operating resources and aids
(risk of burning and/or scalding).

3.5 Inspection cycle for safety equipment

 Check the function of all safety locks and emergency stop devices
once every day!


3.6 Protective Devices

Warning – General Risks!

The machine/plant must not be operated under any circumstances

without a protective device.

The machine/plant is currently fitted with all the required safety devices
according to the current status of safety technology.

 Protective device(s):

1 = Protective hood with 3 = V-belt protection
Safety bar on
Machine intake
2 = Safety end switch 4 = Safety follower of the hood
on machine intake


3.7 Functional Description of Hood Safety

The hood located above the rotor is screwed on. It can only be opened
with an Allen key. It is not possible to open the hood during operation,
as a safety staple with integrated opener contact keeps the hood closed
until the rotor is at rest.
When the hood is open, the safety staple is activated and it is not
possible to switch on the machine.

3.8 Threats

Warning - Risk of Crushing.

Warning - Risk of Crushing.

Warning - Risk of Impact.

Risk of Noise!

Ear protection must be worn in the vicinity of the machine/plant!



The sound power level can be up to LWA = 121 dB (A).

3.9 Dangerous Area

Warning – General Risks!

During operation there is a risk of injury in the dangerous area of

the machine/plant.
Being in the dangerous area of the machine/plant during operation
is not permitted!
We expressly recommend the operator of the machine/plant
labels the the dangerous area with markings on the floor or closes
it off using barriers!


1 2
3 a

4 a


1 = drum chipper 3 = danger area right

2 = material feed 4 = danger area left
(belt conveyor,
vibrating trough)
a = 1,000 mm b = 6,000 mm:

3.10 Residual Risks

There are residual risk from the machine/plant, if

 The machine/plant is operated without protective devices
 Repair work is undertaken without the required safety regulations
 For sub-floor fitting, no antifall guard is arranged
 Material parts knocking around or out


3.11 Personal protection equipment

Personal protection equipment includes complete head protection

(head, ear and face protection), safety gloves and safety shoes.

Head protection, ear protection, face protection safety gloves safety shoes

Warning - General Risks!

The complete personal protection equipment must be worn during

all activities where there is a risk of physical injuries.
Also take measures to prevent falling during working at heights
above 1 metre!

This applies to the following types of work on the machine/plant:

- when transporting
- during installation/dismantling
- when commissioning
- duringoperation
- during maintenance and repair work

Technical Data

4 Technical Data

4.1 Machine Model Code

VTH 45 12 2

VECOPLAN Intake width Intake height

Feed Rollers
Drum Chipper in cm in cm

4.2 Machine/Plant Rating

4.2.1 Functional Data

- Rotor diameter mm
(circle of flight):
- Rotor length: mm
- Rotor speed: approx. min
- Number of reducing tools:
- Feed: m/min

4.2.2 Dimensions and Weight

- Installation Drawing: -
- Overall length: approx. mm
- Overall width: approx. mm
- Overall height: approx. mm
- Weight: approx. kg
- Dimensional drawing:

Technical Data

4.2.3 Main drive

- Type: Electric motor with

V-Belt Drive
- Nominal motor power:: kW
- Nominal current of motor: A
- Motor speed: min
- Connection voltage: V
- Mains frequency: Hz
- Degree of protection: IP
- Model:
- Motor pulley: d1 = mm
- Rotor pulley: d2 = mm
- Ratio: i=
- Number of V belts: Z=
- Belt profile: P=
- Effective length of V-belt: Lw = mm
- Axle base: enom = mm
- Trumlänge: L= mm
- Depth of indentation: Ea = mm
- Applied load for each F= N
- Natural frequency Hz
of the free branch:

Technical Data

4.2.4 Lower Feed Roller Drive Machine Housingg"

- Type: Slip on gear motor

- Output speed: rpm
- Ratio: i=
- Nominal motor power: kW
- Nominal current of motor: A
- Motor speed: rpm
- Connection voltage: V
- Mains frequency: Hz
- Degree of protection: IP
- Model:
Extension left
- Quantity of lubricant: litres
- Types of lubricant: Shell Omala Oil 220

4.2.5 Upper Feed Unit Lower Feed Roller Drives

- Type: Slip on gear motor

- Output speed: rpm
- Ratio: i=
- Nominal motor power: kW
- Nominal current of motor: A
- Motor speed: rpm
- Connection voltage: V
- Mains frequency: Hz
- Degree of protection: IP
- Model:
Extension left
- Quantity of lubricant: litres
- Types of lubricant: Shell Omala Oil 220

Technical Data

4.3 Tightening Moment of the Screw, Except Fixing Screws for Reducing Tools and Counter Knife
(not for extension screws)

Regular type screw thread Regular type screw thread

oiled or greased with NordLock washers, Oiled or greased,

Friction coefficient = 0.14 Friction coefficient = 0.12

Size Tightening torque Size Tightening torque

[Nm] [Nm]
8.8 10.9 12.9 8.8 10.9 12.9

M4 3,0 4,4 5,1 M4 2,7 4,0 4,7

M5 5,9 8,7 10 M5 5,4 7,9 9,2
M6 10 15 18 M6 9,3 14 16
M8 25 36 43 M8 23 33 39
M 10 49 72 84 M 10 45 66 77
M 12 85 125 145 M 12 77 115 135
M 14 135 200 235 M 14 125 180 210
M 16 210 310 365 M 16 190 280 330
M 18 300 430 500 M 18 275 390 455
M 20 425 610 710 M 20 385 550 640
M 22 580 820 960 M 22 530 750 880
M 24 730 1050 1220 M 24 660 950 1100
M 27 1100 1550 1800 M 27 980 1400 1650
M 30 1450 2100 2450 M 30 1350 1900 2200
M 42 4050 5700 6835

Technical Data

4.3.1 Tightening Torque of the Centrifugal Wedge Screw

Size Material 45H DIN 915

M 30 x 2 300 Nm

4.3.2 Tightening Torques of Screw Connection for Counter Knife

Size Property Class 8.8

M 12 85 Nm

4.4 Electrical Connections


Conductor cross sections must be designed in accordance

with the relevant regulations of the structural circumstances.
Recommended minimum pipe cross-section

Power supply from switch cabinet to the consumers:

Drive Power Motor Fuse Protection in the from the Control Cabinet to the
Switch Cabinet Motor
[kW] [A] [mm ]

Technical Data

4.5 Noise Emission

The noise emission varies greatly, as it depends on things including:

 Power
 Speed
 Working material
At different power levels and with different materials, the following
values were determined:
LpA = ≥ 85 to 130 dB (measured value)
LwA = 106 to 121 dB (measured value)

Risk of Noise!

Ear protection must be worn in the vicinity of the machine/plant!

Measurements are to be taken by the operator of the machine/plant at

exposed workstations.
If the permitted limits for the emission relating to the workstation are
exceeded, noise reduction measures are to be taken by the operator.
For noise pollution protection, the relevant guidelines are to be
Protective measures are also to be taken by the operator of the


5 Transporting

5.1 Dimensions and Weight (see Chapter "Technical Data")

5.2 Instructions and Protective Measures for Transporting

Warning – Danger of Death!

Do not walk or stand under a suspended load!

Secure machine/plant for transporting on transport vehicle
(e.g. lorry).
Only take up machine/plant at the marked load fastening points.

max. 60°

Caution - Equipment Damage!

Ensure that no components are damaged.

5.3 Hoisting Gear, Lifting Eye Bolts

 Only use tested and permitted hoisting gear.

- Shackle, compliant with EN 13889
- Lifting chains, compliant with EN 818
- Sling ropes, compliant with EN 13414
- Textile hoisting gear, compliant with EN 1492-2

Warning – General Risks.

When selecting hoisting gear, ensure sufficient loading force!


5.4 Check on Acceptance by the Recipient

When accepting the machine/plant, check for visible damage from

transportation, particularly on
 moving parts
 electrical cables
 hydraulic lines
 pneumatic lines

5.5 Disposal of packaging and insulation materials

Dispose of packaging and insulation materials professionally and in a

way appropriate to the environment.
National regulations shall be observed.

5.6 Report and document transport damage

 Transport damage established must be recorded in the transport

 The supplier responsible (normally the lorry driver) must confirm the
damage established on the transport documents (by signature)
 Transport damage is to be reported to the manufacturer as quickly
as possible.
 A photograph is to be taken of the transport damage for damage
claim or documentation.

5.7 Storage location, storage period, protective measures

 All exposed parts of the machine/plant are provided with anti-

corrosion protection prior to delivery.
 Store machine/plant in a dry, ventilated room.
 Machine/plant shutdown up to maximum 3 months.
 During intermediate storage, exposed machine parts must be
protected against corrosion, e.g. using Tectyl 506 or a comparable

When transporting overseas, etc. consult the manufacturer without

fail; the machine/system must be specially protected and packaged
in this case.


6 Installation

6.1 General Instructions

Warning - Risk of Injury.

Only take up machine/plant at the marked load fastening points.


Observe the safety instructions in the "Safety" Chapter in the

operating instructions for dismantling.

VECOPLAN urgently recommends that fitting work on the

machine/plant is carried out by VECOPLAN expert personnel.
VECOPLAN accepts no liability for damage as a result of non-expert
work by third parties.


6.2 Installation Conditions

When installing, consider whether there is enough space for

Machines connected in series are to be arranged accordingly.
Check that the delivery is complete before fitting. All parts are to be
unpacked expertly.
For fitting the machine/plant:
 In principle, only use labour with sufficient expertise and who have
the necessary equipment.
 When installing the machine/plant outside, special arrangements
are to be made and VECOPLAN is to be consulted. Otherwise, the
machine/plant is to be installed in roofed rooms. Damage from the
effects of weathering, e.g. damp and ice, are excluded from the
 The installation regulations of VECOPLAN must be observed.
 The relevant technical regulations are to be kept to.
 Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation so that there is no build up
of heat in the switch cabinet, drive and hydraulic drive area of the
machine/plant. Ambient temperatures of over 30° Celsius could
cause faults. In that case, ventilation equipment and/or cooling
equipment is required.
Special measurements are required for ambient temperatures
below 0°C.
At ambient temperatures of below – 10°C the machine/plant is only
conditionally usable.
Special heating spirales etc. will be required – please contact the
VECOPLAN-Service Department for more information.
 Observe national laws and regulations of private and public
inspection authorities.


6.3 Hoisting Gear

 Only use permitted hoisting gear and fixing materials.

 Never exceed the permitted load capacity.
 Only lift machine/plant or machine parts at the marked load
fastening points.

Warning - Danger of Death!

Do not walk or stand under a suspended load!

6.4 Installation

Measures before Starting to Install

 Determining and establishing the axes
 Establishing height marks

The installation (erection) is to be effected according to the installation

drawing (if necessary).
When installing, the working processes and instructions listed below are
particularly to be observed:
 Aligning the machine/plant with a spirit level.
 Level and sufficient loadable standing area/ fixing area.
 The machine/plant must not be tilted.


6.4.1 Fitting

The static and dynamic base load can be seen from the dimensional
drawing (see Chapter "Technical Data - Dimensions and Weight").
Required minimum clearance during fitting:

Dimensions in mm!


X 285


rear front

Direction of view right


- Height = mm
- Height to open the hood = mm

Place the machine/plant on the prepared support points (supports,

foundations etc.) with a fork-lift truck or truck crane.
Align the machine/plant in accordance with the prescribed axes and
holes for inserting and removing materials and anchor firmly.

Warning – General Risks!

Screw down the machine/plant to the floor with anchoring dowels.

The safety instructions and fitting instructions of the dowel
manufacturer are to be observed.


6.5 After Installation

After the installation it is to be observed that:

 All screw connections are to be checked so that they sit firmly
 Remove transport locks labelled
 Close doors, flaps and trim
 Attach the required protective device
 Leave space to work on machine/plant and free machines
connected in series from foreign bodies (steel parts, tool left
 Fill all lubrication points with grease
(see Chapter " Maintenance, Lubrication Points")

If you have any further questions, please contact the installation

department of VECOPLAN, to prevent possible errors in assembly.


6.6 Electrical Plant

Warning - General Risks.

Machines with damaged electrical equipment must not be put into

Local control desks (operational controls) are to be attached so
that dangerous areas of the machine can be recognised.
For all control systems which are equipped with a UPS
(Uninterruptible Power Supply), as well as switching off the control
system voltage, the mains switch located on the UPS must also be
switched off.

Caution - Equipment Damage

When cabling the control cabinet from the building,

when introducing cables from below these are to be
enclosed with Rittal bottom plates (+ microcellular
rubber) so that the type of protection is maintained.

The switch cabinet must only be installed in ventilated, roofed rooms.

It is to be protected from the effects of dust and the sun, however, in
particular from damp.
A fused mains is to be laid to the switch cabinet, the cross-section of
which must be sufficient to supply the motors. All cables are to be laid
protected in pipes or cable conduits.
Check the proper electrical installation in accordance with the
customer's and local regulations.
Check and adjust the protective devices (motor protection relay,
earthing resistor etc.).
Electrical drives are to be kept free from the build up of dust.
Cooling air must be supplied for unhindered access.
Note that fault-free operation is only guaranteed when the work
mentioned below has been properly carried out.
 Arrange the terminal boxes in such a way that the cable entries are
pointing downwards.
 Suitable metric screw connections are to be used for the supply,
using reduction fittings as appropriate.


 Brush the threads of metric screw joints and blind stops with jointing
compound and tighten well. Then brush over again.
Also seal cable entries well.
 Clean sealing surfaces of terminal boxes and terminal box lid well
before reinstallation.
Seals must be glued in place on one side.
Replace seals that have become brittle.
 When reinstalling after maintenance work etc., the end plate
centres are also to be brushed with jointing compound.
 Corrosion protection consists of a multiple application. This must be
renewed or improved regularly depending on external effects.

6.7 Dismantling

Warning - Danger of Death!

Installation work on the machine may only be carried out by

VECOPLAN specialist personnel, by VECOPLAN supervisors or by
personnel trained by VECOPLAN.
Consult the Vecoplan Service Department prior to dismantling the
machine in order to prevent any risks during dismantling.
Disconnect the system from the power supply and secure against
accidental switching-on prior to dismantling.


When disposing of all types of process materials, observe

national rules and regulations to ensure correct disposal of
these materials.
Observe the safety instructions in the "Safety" Chapter in the
operating instructions for dismantling.
Observe the safety instructions in the "Installation" Chapter
in the installation instructions for dismantling.


7 Dismantling

Warning - Danger of Death!

Installation work on the machine may only be carried out by

VECOPLAN specialist personnel, by VECOPLAN supervisors or by
personnel trained by VECOPLAN.
Consult the Vecoplan Service Department prior to dismantling the
machine in order to prevent any risks during dismantling.
Disconnect the system from the power supply and secure against
accidental switching-on prior to dismantling.


When disposing of all types of process materials, observe

national rules and regulations to ensure correct disposal of
these materials.
Observe the safety instructions in the "Safety" Chapter in the
operating instructions for dismantling.
Observe the safety instructions in the "Installation" Chapter
in the installation instructions for dismantling.


8 Commissioning

8.1 Instructions

Initial commissioning has a significant effect on the optimum working of

the machine/plant.
Because of the number of influencing factors, we urgently recommend
taking on VECOPLAN expert personnel for commissioning. This must
only not only be done for guarantee reasons, but at the same time:
 check the machine/plant
(any damage in transit, installation errors),
 determine optimum performance,
 instruct the operating personnel,
 forward additional advice on how to operate the machine/plant, on


8.2 Before commissioning

The machine/plant is to be checked before commissioning: Yes No

 All transport fixings and transport locks are removed.  

 All protective devices and cover plates are fitted.  

 All fixing screws for the reducing tools are fastened tightly.  

 All counter knife fixing screws are fastened tightly.  

 All centrifugal wedge screws are fastened tightly.  

 The values for voltage and frequency on the type plates of  

motors, solenoids and other electrical devices match the
values of the local power supply.
 The electrical cabling is properly laid and fused.  

 The thermal relay settings correspond to the nominal current of  

the motor on the motor rating plate.
 All control parts (e.g. limit switches) working correctly.  

 Oil level in gears  

 Nobody must be standing in the danger area of the  



For tightening torques of the screws see "Technical Data"

For oil levels see “Specifications“ chapter or “Appendix“.


8.3 During Commissioning

Warning – General Risks!

Faulty plant must not be put into operation.

after an
The following are to be checked when commissioning: immediately

Direction of rotation of the rotor

(see arrows for the direction of rotation on the rotor bearing)
Direction of rotation of the geared motors (see arrow for direction of rotation)

Current consumption of the electric motors (see “Technical Data” chapter)

Bearing temperatures

If the machine/plant is in operation, the fastening must be checked.

8.4 Idle Operation and Locking Mechanism Test without Material

Caution - Equipment Damage!

The machine/plant must only be run in an empty

working room.

8.4.1 Idle Operation Test

After the machine/plant has been successfully installed, the idle

operation test is to be conducted. This includes the relevant starting of
the machine/plant and its material feed and disposal groups
(e.g. conveyor belts), in order to obtain proof of perfect functioning of
the individual machine/plant components.
The idle operation test has been completed if all the required reworking,
and that which has become necessary, has been finished and it is
guaranteed that the units can be operated without further supervision
for the duration of the locking mechanism tests.
Conducting the idle operation tests has the prerequisite that the drives
in question are ready to be switched on after mechanical and electrical
installation has been finished.


8.4.2 Locking Mechanism Tests

After the idle operation tests have been completed, there needs to be
clearance from the locking mechanism tests before electrical and
mechanical installation.
The customer's locking mechanism schedule is to be extended for the
locking mechanism sequence with the relevant machine/plant
 Start of the material evacuation system
 Start of the machine/installation component
 Start of the material feeding system
Switching off is done in the reverse order.

Warning - Risk of Injury.

No mechanical reworking is allowed to be carried out during the

locking mechanism test.

The locking mechanisms are there, firstly so that the individual units of
the plant work alongside each other and then together with each other.
If a drive fails, it must be ensured that the drives connected in series in
the locking mechanism chain fail immediately or after the prescribed
It is absolutely necessary that all drives are correctly connected in terms
of locking mechanisms and the control works properly.
All motors must run during the locking mechanism tests.
As far as possible, the locking mechanism tests are to be set to the true
operating behaviour. A simulation of running drives with fuses or
electrical inserts taken out should not be carried out in the interest of
later commissioning.

8.5 Mechanical Test Running with Material

Only after completing the "Idle Operation and Locking Mechanism

Tests" is the machine/plant loaded with material.

Warning – General Risks!

Nobody must stand in the danger area of the

entire plant.


The procedures is as follows:

 Operate running warning switch (if required for safety) and wait for
release before switching on the machine/plant
 Test locking mechanisms
 The following material evacuation devices must work
 Push Start-button
 If the machine/plant cannot start, see "Operation, Troubleshooting"
 Start the material feeding devices

The following procedure has proven itself in practice:

 Begin with a small amount of material and check the automatic
 Check temperatures of bearings
 Check current consumption of the electric motors
 Check for abnormal working noise
 After the first 12 hours of operation, check that all screws are in
place and tighten as appropriate

For commissioning by a VECOPLAN technician, a commissioning

report is to be signed by the same.
No guarantee claim can be made for damage when in-house, non-
expert commissioning is carried out.
The safety regulations are always to be observed when commissioning.
The machine/plant is to be checked directly after commissioning for
faultless operation.

The machine/plant must not be operated if:

 Any function is not working properly
 Safety defects are present through the type of installation or
through additional devices or machines.


9 Operation

9.1 Normal operation

Do not feed the machine with material until commissioning has been

Warning - General Risks!

Nobody must stand in the danger area of the

entire plant!

Proceed as follows:
 Operate start-up warning switch (if fitted) and wait for enable before
switching on the machine/plant.
 Downstream material removal units must be running.
 Operate start button.
 If the machine refuses to start:
see Chapter "Operation, Para. Troubleshooting".
 Start the material feed units.

 After the first 12 hours of operation, check that all screws are
securely in place and tighten as necessary.

9.2 Stopping the Machine/Plant

Stopping is done in the following order:

 Switch off the material feeding device.
 Before a long stoppage, particularly in winter operation, run the
machine/plant empty.
 Switch off group drive of the machine/plant.
 Switch off the material evacuation device after clearing out.


For preventative fire protection the machine/plant, must be

run empty at the end of the shift or before standing idle for
long periods.


9.3 Conduct in Case of Disruptions

Depending on the following instructions, for the operation of the

machine/plant, the local safety provisions are applicable in each case.

9.3.1 Safety Cut-Off

We recommend most urgently a lockable repair switch, which prevents

unintentional switching on of the machine/plant during repairs or
disruptions. Normally we refer to the relevant accident prevention
regulations of the relevant employment insurance association.

9.4 Operational Safety

The drive motor must be protected from overload by an overload switch.

All safety devices must be installed before operation. Alterations to the
drives are only permitted after written consultation with VECOPLAN.
Add-ons to the machine/plant, e.g. feeder funnel etc. are only permitted
according to the information of VECOPLAN.

Caution - Equipment Damage!

The switch cabinet doors must remain closed except for

maintenance work!
As required, the doors may only be opened if the switch
cabinet has not been connected (main breaker set to
zero) and the ambient air is free of dust and dirt.
This also needs a waiting time until the swirled up dust
has settled.

To protect against damage which could arise from catching foreign

bodies, such as larger metal parts, for example, it is sensible to install
metal detector coils in the machine intake.

Caution - Equipment Damage!

Switching the machine back on again without removal

of the foreign body leads to series damage to the rotor,
rotor shaft and counter knife.
Damage to the machine which is attributable to iron
parts will be excluded from the guarantee.


9.1 Operator controls

For arrangement and function of the controls, see separate

documentation in "Appendix" chapter.

Warning – Danger of Death!

Ensure that nobody is present in the infeed area.

9.1.1 Control cabinet

Main switch


Operational Controls Label Description

0 Load disconnecting switch Main switch for electrical cabinet

1 Emergency stop Emergency stop to switch off the control voltage

2 0 = Off It is not possible to operate the machine

1 = Open hood Hood can be opened when the machine is in idle mode
2 = Operation Normal mode (machine controls active)

3 Chipper Start / Stop Starts the chipper / stops the chipper

4 Feed Start / Stop Feed is started / Feed is stopped

5 Intake rollers backwards Starts intake rollers backwards

6 Acknowledge chipper inlet Acknowledgement of limit switch on chipper inlet if triggered

limit switch
7 Collective faults Indicator lamp that displays faults in the area of the plant

8 Check lamps Checks the functionality of the signal lamps


9.2 Functional Description of the Measurement Relay

The material feed is controlled by a measurement relay.

The lower feed rollers supply to the reducing unit (rotor) as much
material as it is in a position to process. When the current value has
been reached (according to the nominal current) the supply is switched
off and automatically switched off again, if the current consumption has
dropped by 20% compared with the current value set.
The current values are set according to the targets of VECOPLAN and
must not be changed without consultation with VECOPLAN.
In so doing, a high throughput is achieved with working method
apparently at the same time.

The following possible adjustments are

on the measurement relay:

Pick-up value
max. (A in %) = 10 – 100

Recoil value
min. (A in %) = 5 – 95

Delay value
t1 (s) = 0.2 – 10
always set to 0.2


kW A Adjustment Transformer Model

50/5 100/5 200/5 250/5 400/5 600/5 800/5
max. A in % 74 37 18,5
18,5 37
min. A in % 59 30 15
max. A in % 86 43 21,5
22 43
min. A in % 69 34,5 17
max. A in % 57 28,5
30 57
min. A in % 45,5 23
max. A in % 73 36,5
37 73
min. A in % 58,4 29
max. A in % 87 43,5
45 87
min. A in % 70 35
max. A in % 100 50
55 107
min. A in % 80 40
max. A in % 72 57,5
75 144
min. A in % 57,5 46
max. A in % 86,5 69,25 43
90 173
min. A in % 69 55,5 34,5
max. A in % 100 82,5 51,5
110 206
min. A in % 80 66 41
max. A in % 98 61,5 41
132 246
min. A in % 78 49 32
max. A in % 74,25 49,5
160 297
min. A in % 38 39,5
max. A in % 90,5 60,25 45,25
200 362
min. A in % 72,5 48 36
max. A in % 75 56,25
250 450
min. A in % 60 45

Response Value e.g.


9.2.1 Troubleshooting

Symptom Cause Action

The machine has strong The machine is tilted Align machine with spirit level
Motor shaft journal bent Damage in transit or installation Replace motor
Rotor shaft bent Damage in transit or it is hit by Replace rotor shaft
a foreign body
Pulley damaged. Damage in transit or installation Replace pulley

Bearing temperature too high Insufficient greasing or over- Check greasing

> 80°C
Dirt Replace seals, clean bearing and
Bearing installation fault Check bearing assembly

Abnormal noise in the Foreign body near the rotor Stop machine immediately,
shredder clean out complete reducing area and
remove foreign bodies
Rotor blocked Foreign bodies in rotor area Stop reducer, clear up working space
and remove foreign bodies

Frequent switching off of the Worn reducing tools Regrind or replace work reducing tools
Worn counter knife Turn or replace counter knife

End grain size too large Screen holes too large Install screen with smaller holes
Gap between the reducing tool Grind or replace reducing tool
and the counter knife too great
Turn or replace counter knife
(tool wear)


Observe separate troubleshooting measures for plant

(See separate documentation in "Appendix" chapter.)


9.2.2 Switching on again after error

(See Operating Instructions "Chapter Operation, Para. Normal


9.3 Damage during Guarantee Period

If a defect occurs on the machine/plant during the guarantee period,

which cannot be attributed to improper treatment, then the plant is to be
left in this condition and the damage to be reported to VECOPLAN
Service Department. Appropriate measures are then taken by the
Service Department after agreement with the operator.
Vecoplan Service Colleagues are entitled to take photographs and
make video recordings for the purpose of damage declaration and


10 Maintenance

Warning – Danger of Death!

Only the works specified in this Chapter may be carried out by the
Should other works be necessary, please contact VECOPLAN
Service Department!
The machine may not be fed/loaded with material during
maintenance and repair work.
This shall be ensured by the operator in the form of
operating instructions.

Warning – General Risks!

Keep parts that you can walk on free of oil and grease.
Risk of sliding out.
Substances harmful to the environment, such as oil, are to be
collected and disposed of in an environmentally-friendly way. In so
doing, the relevant laws for keeping ground and waterways clean
are to be observed.
If the repair switches are operated, then they must be secured
permanently against switching on (padlock) for the period of the
maintenance work.

Caution - Equipment Damage!

The repair switch must only be switched with the

system/machine switched off, otherwise electronic
components such as frequency converter may be


When changing consumables e.g. oil and grease, these

need to be disposed of professionally in accordance with
national rules and regulations.


10.1 Maintenance and inspection

10.1.1 Instructions

 For maintenance and inspection work, the "Safety" chapter is to be

observed in principle.
 Operating faults which arise due to insufficient or improper
maintenance could lead to very high repair costs and long
shutdown periods of the machine/plant. Therefore, regular
maintenance is indispensible.
 The operating safety and service life of the machine/plant, as well
as other factors, also depend on proper maintenance.
 The following table contains time, inspection and maintenance
instructions for normal use of the machine/plant.
 However, a complete overhaul must be undertaken every three
years as a minimum.
 Because of the various operating conditions, it cannot be
established in advance how often an inspection for wear,
inspection, maintenance and repairs are required. A suitable
inspection route is to be established under consideration of your
operating conditions.
 Our specialists will be happy to give you further advice.
 The plant is to be shutdown and the power supply disconnected for
all maintenance and repair work.
 Maintenance and installation work on electrical components may
only be carried out, if the component is disconnected from the
power supply.
 For welding work on or in the vicinity of the machine/plant, the earth
terminal must be fitted in the immediate vicinity of the welding point
so that no currents can flow uncontrolled over bearings.
Light barriers, particularly optics, must be covered.


10.1.2 Maintenance and Inspection List

Control Point and Maintenance Instructions Description Sheet No. Firstly Regularly
after ... after ...
Operating Operating
hours hours

Check the function of all safety locks and 1 x day

emergency stop devices.
All screws to be tight. 200

Remove all removable covers and any material 1000


Switch cabinets must not be blasted out with Every six

compressed air, but must be vacuumed. months or
weekly with
high soiling

Check condition of reducing tools, regrind or Maintenance: 24

replace if required.
Replace reducing tool

Condition of counter knife, Maintenance: 8 100

exchange if necessary
Replacing counter knife
Check V-belt tension. Maintenance: 4-5 100
Tension and replace

Screen Condition Maintenance: 200

- Visual inspection Replace screen

Check bearings 40 2000

Ensure the motor is sufficiently cooled. Appendix: 50
In so doing, vacuum motor cooling ribs.
Documentation on
Oil level control and/or oil fill renewal Appendix:
For quantity and type of lubricant, see "Technical Document on Gears,
Data" chapter. Inspection and
Maintenance Intervals


Caution - Equipment Damage!

When using cooling equipment, ventilators, air

conditioner etc. in the control cabinet , these (or filter
mats) must be cleaned of dust / dirt.

Warning - Fire risk!

If the cooling devices, ventilators, air conditioners etc. are not

sufficiently maintained, this leads to unpermitted heating in the
control cabinet.


Observe the separate maintenance and inspection

instructions for plant components.
(See separate documentation in "Appendix" chapter.)


10.2 Lubricating and Checking the Bearings

Like other vital components, roller bearings must be checked and

cleaned now and again.
The schedule for checks depends on the operating conditions.
If the condition of the bearings can be assessed by listening to the
running noise, measuring the temperature of the bearings or checking
the lubrication, then it is usually sufficient to thoroughly check and clean
the bearings (rings, separators and body) and all other parts of the
bearings during a routine machine inspection or during repair work.
However, if the bearings are subject to high stress, they must be
checked more frequently.

 The machine/plant is provided with the appropriate quantities of

grease for the site installation.
 Careful lubrication is required for a faultless operation of the
machine/plant and prevents costly repairs. This particularly applies
to the proper lubrication of all roller bearings.
 If lubrication is defective, the standing time of the roller bearing is
insufficient and leads to failures.

10.2.1 Checking the Bearings

Noise check
Everything is OK if a quiet whirring noise is heard. On the other hand, a
damaged bearings cause a loud, mostly irregular rattling noise.

Temperature check
Check the temperature at the bearing position with a thermometer or
very simply by laying a hand on the bearing housing. An unusually high
temperature or a sudden rise in temperature under the same operating
conditions is a sure sign that something is wrong. Reasons for this may
be insufficient or excessive lubrication, contamination, overload, bearing
damage, too little bearing ventilation, distortions, high friction in the
seals or heat coming from outside. However, it is be noted that
immediately after relubricating the bearing there is a certain
temperature increase which is maintained for up to two days. This is

Visual inspection
Check the conditions of seals, screwed plugs, transition joints and
similar, and establish whether lubricant is leaking and whether
contamination including hot or corrosive liquids or gases might be able
to penetrate the bearing point. Darkly coloured lubricant generally
indicates contamination in the bearing. Any automatic lubrication
systems present are also to be checked to make sure that they are
functioning properly.


10.2.2 Lubricating Points

All lubricating points are to be lubricated with lithium-based grease with

corrosion protection additive of penetration grade 3.
Naturally, this recommendation does not exclude the use of lubricants
of other makes with the same properties.
It is to be noted that when greasing, the grease is not too quickly
pushed in, as otherwise the seals could be damaged.

Observe the following when lubricating with grease nipples:

 Clean the grease nipples before use

 Make sure that the grease is getting through

Attention - changing lubrication intervals

under application conditions!

The lubrication intervals specified in the following table

only apply under normal operating conditions.
(8 operating hours/day)
In the event of adverse environmental effects:
e.g. cold, heat, dust, high humidity, moisture, and with
corrosive or abrasive materials (e.g. proportions of
alkaline solutions, acids, abrasives or grease-solvent
In the event of adverse operating conditions:
e.g. vibrations, knocks, frequent start-up,
for long machine shutdown periods.
The lubrication intervals can be reduced by these
environmental effects and operating conditions.

Please contact Vecoplan Service in such cases.

Complete lubricant change after 3 years at the latest.


Pos. No of Located at Refill Relubrication Visual and

No.: quantity temperature
(g) (h)

1 2 Rotor bearing 35 500 6 months

2 8 Roller bearing (large) 35 750 6 months

3 2 Upper feed unit pivot 15 750 6 months
4 2 Hood pivot as required as required weekly

Grease nipple

3 2 1 4

2 1


10.2.3 Lubricant Storage

 Store oils and grease in a cool, dry and clean, enclosure.


10.3 Maintenance

10.3.1 Note

 VECOPLAN recommends to employ the qualified VECOPLAN

service crew for repairs. Therefore, your maintenance personnel
obtain the opportunity for intensive training.
 Only the maintenance work is described, which is done in the
context of maintenance, or is needed for replacing worn parts.
 If for certain reasons, you need to replace parts yourself, the
following instructions and the individual steps below are to be
 To avoid unnecessary stoppage times, we recommend keeping a
supply of spare or replacement parts.
These parts are particularly marked in the spare parts in the "Spare
Parts Holding and Customer Service" chapter.
 Only use original spare parts.
 Before beginning of any repair or maintenance work the
machine/plant has to be protected against unintentional start.
A lockable main power switch and a separate repair switch (if
existing) enable this.
 The maintenance drawings are partially simplified.
 The tool supplied for maintenance of the machine is listed in the
"Appendix" chapter.


10.3.2 V-Belt Drive

The V-belt drive is designed for the required drive power. The forcing of
a higher power by a high V-belt tension leads to belt breakages, bearing
damage and therefore too little efficiency. Too low a V-belt tension
leads to slippage, therefore to increased V-belt temperature and
premature destruction of the V-belt.
Long-acting temperatures above 70°C reduce the lifetime and
productivity of the V-belt.
The grooves of the V-belt must be free of rust, grease and dirt and
should not show any damage. The use of belt wax or similar
substances for increasing the cofficient of friction is unnecessary and
only damages the V-belt. Contaminations from oils, greases or
chemicals must be avoided.
So that perfect power transmission is guaranteed, the V-belt drive is
continuously monitored and maintained.

The following notes are to be observed:

 With multiple-groove pulleys, when replacing worn V-belts only
measured V-belt sets of the same length are to be used. Failed
individual V-belts are only to be replaced by complete, new V-belt
sets, as old and new V-belts, as a result of different effective
lengths and extension, do not work with each other satisfactorily.
 When starting to run the VECOPLAN machine/plant with a new
V-belt set, after around 4-5 h run-in time, the V-belt tension is to be
checked; the belts are to be re-tensioned in the same way.
 The V-belt tension is to be checked at regular intervals and re-
tensioned if required
(see Maintenance and Inspection List).


Ea = Impression depth of branch (mm)

L = Branch length (mm)

F = Applied load for each V-belt (N)
Enom = Axle base (mm)

For value see chapter "Technical Data, Main Drive".

The correct V-belt tension is to be determined quickly and easily with a

pretension measuring device.
Handling the pretension measuring device:

 Lay the measuring device with load hook A

in the centre of the branch.
 Put trailing pointer B into position.
 Apply a load force depending on profile in
accordance with scale C. To do this, turn
measuring device in a right angle to the
 Read off the impression depths on scale D
of the trailing pointer.
 Correct pre-tension in the same way until
impression depth Ea is achieved.

Warning - Risk of Fire.

There is a risk of fire from too little V-belt tension and from
contaminated V-belt drive!


10.3.3 Tension and Replace V-Belt

Warning – General Risks!

Remove the drive protection device only when the V-belt drive is at
rest and the machine/plant is fused.
Before starting maintenance work, stop the plant and secure
against being switched on again!
During this work, safety gloves must be worn.
Risk of Injury!

3 1


1 = V-belt protection 3 = tension screw

2 = motor foot screws

 Remove front sheet of the V-belt guard

 Undo 4 motor foot screws by approx. 1 turn
 Undo tension screws - V-belt is de-tensioned
 Put the new V-belt in the grooves of the pulley gently by hand,
without using force
 Tension the V-belt drive by increasing the axle base with tension
screw to the described, required V-belt tension
 Test alignment between pulleys (steel ruler)!
 Tighten 4 motor foot screws in the same way
 Fit front sheet of the V-belt guard


10.3.4 Removing and Fitting Pulley

Warning – General Risks!

Before starting maintenance work, stop machine/plant, disconnect

power supply to open sections of the system and make pressure
lines (hydraulics, compressed air, etc.) unpressurised and secure
against switching on again.

Putting the Pulleys in Place Clean and degrease all blank Push on pulley with bush on the
surfaces. Put disks and bushes shaft, align and tighten the
into each other, put holes in the screws evenly.
cover and loosely screw in

Removing the Pulleys Remove screws, screw in and Remove the pulley unit that has
tighten one of them as an come loose by hand without
impression screw into the hole hitting and without damaging the
with half the thread in the bush. machine.
In so doing, the Taper-Lock bush
is loosened.


10.3.5 Changing the Reducing Tools

Warning – General Risks!

Before starting maintenance work, stop the machine/plant,

disconnect the power supply and secure against being switched
on again!
During this work, safety gloves must be worn.
Risk of Injury!

1 2


1 = lever 2 = magnetic switch

 Only after the set time is the magnetic switch released and the lever
can be pulled.



3 = hood 4 = hood lock


 Loosen the locking devices for the hood on both sides

 The hood remains in the end position due to its own weight after


5 = rotor 6 = adjusting rod

 Secure rotor against turning with adjusting rod.



5 = rotor 7 = hexagonal nut

 Loosen and remove hexagon nuts on both sides of the rotor.


8 = centrifugal wedge 9 = centrifugal wedge screws


 Loosen all centrifugal wedge screws in the centrifugal wedge of up

to the resistance of the rod.




8 = centrifugal wedge 10 = impact mandrel

 The centrifugal wedge is to be loosed backwards by powerful

hammer blows to the centrifugal wedge.
In so doing, the impact mandrel should be placed at different points
of the centrifugal wedge, in order to guarantee easier loosening.






5 = rotor 11 = reducing tool

8 = centrifugal wedge a = 2 – 3 mm


 After the centrifugal wedge has been released from the reducing
tool, the reducing tool is to be taken forwards out of the rotor.




5 = rotor b = clamping surface

reducing tool
8 = centrifugal wedge

 Carefully clean the clamping surface for taking up the tool in the
rotor and centrifugal wedge.
 For better accessibility, the centrifugal wedge is to removed from
the rotor.


Caution - Equipment Damage!

It must be guaranteed that the reducing tool is adjacent

to the entire clamping surface!
Damage to the clamping surfaces must be removed
before installing the reducing tool.





5 = rotor 9 = centrifugal wedge screw
7 = hexagonal nut 11 = reducing tool
8 = centrifugal wedge

 Only insert newly ground and adjusted reducing tool back into the

Caution - Equipment Damage!

Only use evenly reground reducing tools to avoid an

unbalancing of the rotor.


 Place both hexagonal nuts back and gently tighten by hand.

It is to be observed that the reducing tool is resting evenly in the
rotor. Only when this is established the affixing nuts are to be
tightened with a tightening torque
(see Tightening Torques of Screws in "Technical Data" chapter).
 Alternately and evenly tighten centrifugal wedge screws
several times with a torque wrench so that the centrifugal
wedge lifts parallel (see Tightening Torques of Screws in
"Technical Data" chapters 300 Nm). In so doing, the reducing tool is
clamped positively and negatively by the centrifugal wedge.

12 13 11 9 8


5 = rotor 11 = reducing tool

8 = centrifugal wedge 12 = supporting screw
9 = centrifugal wedge screws 13 = hexagon nut

Caution - Equipment Damage!

After the final centrifugal wedge screw does not show

further movements at 300 Nm, tighten all centrifugal
wedge screws one after another once again.

After replacing the chipping knife, we recommend that

the centrifugal wedge screws are tightened to the
tightening torque of 120 Nm again after the 1st shift!


 In addition, the reducing tool is secured by 2 supporting screws

against backfiring.
When replacing the reducing tools, both supporting screws are to
be readjusted to the reducing tool and secured with the hexagonal


5 = rotor 6 = adjusting rod

 When all reducing tools are replaced, the locking bar which secures
the rotor against turning is to be removed.



5 = rotor

 By turning the rotor by hand, it is be checked whether any reducing

tools are attached to the counter knife. Readjust this as appropriate.



3 = hood 4 = hood lock

 Next, the hood is to be closed again, and locked by the hood



1 2


1 = lever 2 = magnetic switch

 The magnetic switch is locked by pressing in the lever.


Worn parts are excluded from guarantee.


10.3.6 Regrinding the Reducing Tools

Warning – General Risks!

This maintenance work must only be carried out with work gloves
and safety goggles.
Risk of Injury!

35° "X"



11 = reducing tool ‘’X’’ = grinding Surface

 Regrind all reducing tools to the same length.

This avoids unbalancing the rotor.
 Only wet grind the reducing tool!
 Keep to the prescribed angle precisely!
 Only grind the reducing tool on the surfaces marked with "X"!

Caution - Equipment Damage!

You must be careful of grinding cracks!

Do not re-use reducing tools with such characteristics.
Refrain from hitting the reducing tools with metal.


10.3.7 Wear Boundary of Reducing Tool and Centrifugal Wedge

Caution - Equipment Damage!

If the wear boundary for the reducing tool or centrifugal

wedge is undercut, operation of the machine is not
Danger of fracture!
Working the clamping surfaces on the rotor and on the
centrifugal wedges by welding on and grinding is not
Damaged screws are to be replaced immediately.


To achieve the required tightening torques (see "Technical

Data" chapter), the threads are to be kept clean and easy to

New Condition Wear Boundary of Reducing Tool

New reducing tool
A = 90 mm (22 mm regrindable) B = 68 mm

Rotor edge undamaged B


1 1


Wear boundary of centrifugal wedge Danger of fracture!

Clamping width too small.
No operation permitted!
C = 50 mm D = < 45 mm


2 2
1 1


1 = centrifugal wedge 2 = centrifugal wedge wear


10.3.8 Adjustment of the Reducing Tools

11 16 14 15


15 14 16 11



15 a

14 16 11




11 = Reducing tool 17 = Hexagonal

14 = Adjusting nut 18 = Vernier calliper
15 = Adjusting screw a = Adjustment
16 = Check nut

 To adjust the reducing tools, the adjusting dimension (see machine

rating plate) must be transferred to the vernier calliper.
 The adjusting screw (hexagonal) is set by unscrewing to the
 You must replace adjusting screws (adjusting nuts) with new ones.
 After setting, the adjusting screw is to be secured against twisting
with the check nut.


Only use original adjusting screws.

Worn parts are excluded from guarantee.


10.3.9 Replace Counter Knife

Warning – General Risks!

Before starting maintenance work, stop the machine/plant,

disconnect the power supply and secure against being switched
on again!
During this work, safety gloves must be worn.
Risk of Injury!





1 = cover plates 4 = counter knife bar

2 = cylinder screws 5 = handle
3 = cylinder screws

 Loosen cylinder screws for cover plates on both sides and remove
cover plates.
 Loosen cylinder screws on both sides and remove.
 Pull counter knife bars sideways out of the machine.





4 = counter knife bar 8 = clamping wedge

6 = support 9 = counter knife
7 = fixing screws


 Loosen fixing screws for the terminal block a few turns and remove
counter knife.

Caution - Equipment Damage!

Clean all clamping surfaces (guidance, support and

counter knife) carefully.

 A new counter knife is installed sensibly in the reverse order.

 Tighten fastening screws of the clamping wedge with the given
(see tightening torque of the screws
in the "Technical Data" chapter)
Damaged and/or worn screws for affixing the counter knife are to be
replaced immediately with screws of the same property class.


Worn parts are excluded from guarantee.


10.3.10 Changing the Screen

Warning – General Risks!

Before starting maintenance work, stop the machine/plant,

disconnect the power supply and secure against being switched
on again!
During this work, safety gloves must be worn.
Risk of Injury!

Caution - Equipment Damage!

Do not tip the screen when installing and removing.

1 2


1 = lever 2 = magnetic switch


 The magnetic switch is released by pulling the lever and after the
set time.


3 = hood 4 = hood lock


 Loosen the locking devices for the hood on both sides

 The hood remains in the end position due to its own weight after

3 1


1 = screen 3 = hood closures

2 = screen guidance 4 = hood

 Pull the screen out of the screen guide with a tracked tractor or
other suitable hoisting gear.
 Before installing the screen, the screen guides are to be carefully
cleaned of wood remnants on both sides of the chipper side wall.
 Do not tip the screen when installing and removing!


Worn parts are excluded from guarantee.

10.3.11 Repair Work on the Machine/Plant

For all repair work concerning the machine/plant (store change, drive
change etc.) technical qualifications are required, consult with
VECOPLAN as appropriate.
Every time you change the tool, assess the wear on the rotor contour.
If the rotor body is worn too badly, get into contact with VECOPLAN.

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11 Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.1 Spare Parts Holding

A supply of the most important spare and replacement parts on the

installation site is an important prerequisite for continuous functioning
and operational readiness of the machine/plant.
Only use original spare parts.
We expressly make it clear that spare parts and accessories that are
not from VECOPLAN have also not been tested and released by
VECOPLAN. The installation and/or the user of such products can
therefore under circumstances negatively affect the prescribed
properties of the machine/plant in terms of design, and therefore affect
the active and/or passive safety.
The liability and guarantee on the part of VECOPLAN is excluded for
damage which is incurred by the user of non-original spare parts and
Please note that there are often special manufacturing and supplier
specification for own or external parts. We always supply you with spare
parts to the latest state of the art and in accordance with the latest legal
For ordering spare parts, please use the following spare parts list.

The following information is to be given for orders of spare parts:

 Order number
 Nomination
 Rating
 Assembly
 Machine number (commission number)
 Item number
 Quantity

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.2 Designation

Type plate

11.3 Spare and Replacement Parts List


Replacement parts => No label

Spare parts => labelled with *

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.3.1 Assembly

Item Quantity Description

1 1 Machine housing
2 1 Upper feed unit
3 1 Hood
4 1 Rotor
5 2 Rotor bearing housing
6 1 Rotor disc
7 1 Rotor shaft
8 2 Flanged bearing housing (pivot on upper feed unit)
9 2 Gear motors
10 1 Shock absorbers
11 2 Spherical roller bearing with bushing (rotor)
12 2 Spherical roller bearing with bushing (pivot on upper feed unit)
13 2 Mounting set 4000 (rotor)
14 1 Upper torque support (upper feed unit)
15 1 Lower torque support (machine housing)

2 8 14 3

1 15 10 9

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.3.2 Machine housing

Item Quantity Description

1 1 Machine housing (welded assemblage)

2 2 Flanged bearing housing with lid open/closed (feed roller)
3 1 Drive shaft (feed roller)
4 1 Feed roller
5 2 Spherical roller bearing with bushing (feed roller Item 4)
6 2 Mounting set 4000 (feed roller Item 4)
7 1 Counter knife bar
8 1 Counter knife *
9 1 Clamping wedge *
10 1 Comb stripper
11 1 Support for counter knife bar Item 7
12 1 Fastening screws for clamping wedge Item 9*
13 1 Fastening screws for comb stripper Item 10
14 1 Screen *

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service


1 11 3 2 4

9 13

1 11 10 3

8 12 9 13 10


Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.3.3 Rotor

Item Quantity Description

1 4 Collar nut
2 2 Centrifugal wedge *
3 6 Centrifugal wedge screw *
4 2 Reducing tool *
5 4 Supporting screw *
6 4 Hexagonal nut
7 2 Adjusting screw with nut *
8 2 Hexagonal nut

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

1 7 8 4

7 3

5 6

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.3.4 Upper feed unit

Item Quantity Description

1 1 Upper feed unit (welded assemblage)

2 2 Flanged bearing housing with lid open / closed
3 1 Drive shaft
4 1 Roller
5 2 Spherical roller bearing with bushing (feed roller)
6 2 Mounting set (feed roller)
7 1 End plate

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service


Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.3.5 Main Drive

Item Quantity Description

1 1 Three-phase A.C. motor

2 1 Pulley (motor); Ø ; troughs; SPB
3 1 Turbo-jet bushing ; for motor disc
4 1 Pulley (rotor); Ø ; troughs; SPB
5 1 Turbo-jet bushing ; Ø for rotor disc
6 5 V-belt XPB *
7 1 Belt guard

4; 5 7; 6 1; 2; 3

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.4 Replacement part and customer service addresses

Contact details for replacement parts and customer service:

Vecoplan AG
Geschäftsbereich Service
Postfach 1260

D-56464 Bad Marienberg

Service (mechanical) +49 (0) 2661 6267 888

Service (electrical) +49 (0) 2661 6267 889
Replacement parts +49 (0) 2661 6267 890

Fax: +49 (0) 2661 6267 70

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

11.5 Our Representative Offices

Vecotrade Belgium AG Telephone: +324 75 26 2532
Robert Königs Fax: +352 26 90 3155
Krinkelt, Mürringer Weg 15 E-Mail:
B-4760 Büllingen

Innomac Oy Telephone: +358 2 77765 0
Tiemestarinkatu 3 Fax: +358 2 77765 40
FI - 20360 Turku E-mail:

T.B.M. Telephone: +33 389 2850 80
Z.A. Tiergarten Fax: +33 389.2850 81
28, rue des Celtes E-mail:
F - 68510 Sierentz

United Kingdom
VECOPLAN Ltd. Telephone: +44 121 476 5644
Unit 1b, The Cofton Centre Fax: +44 7814 219 584
Groveley Lane E-Mail:
B31 4PT
GB - Birmingham, West Midlands

PIGOZZO p.i. FRANCESCO Telephone: +39 04 25 93 05 11
Via Casalveghe n. 51 Fax: +39 04 25 93 05 03
I - 45100 Concadirame E-mail:

Ryoki Co. Ltd Telephone: +81 82 433 6201
3-15-24, Ohshiba, Nishi-Ku Fax: +81 82 433 6264
J - 7330001 Hiroshima E-mail:

VECOTRADE S.A. Telephone: +352 26 91 2626
75, Duarrefstrooss Fax: +352 26 90 3155
LU - 9990 Weiswampach E-mail:

VECO-VOS B. V. Telephone: +31 35 538 45 45
Mauvezand 37 Fax: +31 35 538 45 25
NL - 1251 JD LAREN E-mail:

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service

Vecoplan Austria GmbH Telephone: +43 7617 32181
Helmut Bammer Fax: +49 2661 6267 94362
WDZ 2 Top 3.3 E-mail:
Durisolstr. 1
A - 4600 Wels

Norpeças, Lda. Telephone: +351 229445390
Estrada Nacional 107-A, Fax: +351 229445399
Nº 1147 – Pav. B E-mail:
P – 4470 628 Moreira Maia

Ingenjörsfirman J Mared AB Telephone: +46 36 387800
Box 214 Fax: +46 36 387845
Klövergatan 6 E-mail:
S – 561 23 Huskvarna

Borema Umwelttechnik AG Telephone: +41 71 929 57 77
Poststraße 7 Fax: +41 71 929 57 78
CH - 9536 Schwarzenbach E-mail:

Vecoplan Ibérica, S.L. Telephone: +34 944 536 368
Borja Alonso Fax: +34 944 536 639
Pol. Ind. Belako E-mail:
Gazanda bidea, Parcela 9B, Pabellón A1
E - 48100 Mungia - Bizkaia

VECOPLAN LLC Telephone: +1 336 861 6070
5708 Uwharrie Road Fax: +1 336 861 4329
USA - 27263 Archdale N.C. E-mail:


12 Appendix

12.1 Maintenance Tools and Accessories


For undertaking maintenance work and making this

maintenance work easier the following tools and accessories
are supplied:

1 tool box
1 dynamometric key 30 - 210 Nm ½"
1 ratchet 1/2"
1 extension 1/2"; 125 mm l.
1 extension 1/2"; 250 mm l.
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 6 mm; allen
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 8 mm; allen
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 10 mm; allen
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 14 mm; allen
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 17 mm; allen
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 19 mm; allen
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 19 mm; hexagonal
1 socket wrench - insert 1/2" 24 mm; hexagonal
1 standard ratchet 1".
1 extension 1"; 200 mm l.
1 wrench insert - socket 1" 65 mm
1 allen key set 4-19 mm
1 combination wrench set 8-22 mm
1 vernier calliper 300 mm l.
1 impact mandril D = 30; 230 mm l.
1 patented lidded can of original paint 1/2 l
1 dynamometric key 75 - 400 Nm ½"; with ratchet and nut SW 30


12.2 List of Separate Documentation

Documentation on Gears SEW

Documentation on Motor SEW
Documentation on Main Motor VEM
Documentation for electrical equipment (See inside control cabinet)


13 Index


Adjustment of the Reducing Tools ......................81 Gas_ dust_ steam_ smoke ................................ 15
After Installation ..................................................33 General ................................................................ 7
Appendix ...........................................................107 General Instructions ........................................... 29
Assembly ............................................................95 H
B Hoisting Gear ..................................................... 31
Before commissioning ........................................38 Hoisting Gear, Lifting Eye Bolts ......................... 27

C Hood Safety ....................................................... 17

Changing the Reducing Tools ............................63 I

Changing the Screen ..........................................90 Idle Operation and Locking Mechanism Test
without Material .............................................. 39
Check on acceptance by the recipient ................28
Idle Operation Test ............................................ 39
Commissioning ...................................................37
Inspection cycle for safety equipment................ 15
Conduct in Case of Disruptions ..........................43
Installation .................................................... 29, 31
Copyright .............................................................. 2
Installation Conditions ........................................ 30
Instructions and Protective Measures for
Damage during Guarantee Period ......................49 Transporting ................................................... 27
Dangerous Area ..................................................18 Instructions on Particular Types of Risk ............ 14
Designation .........................................................94 L
Dimensions and Weight ......................................21
List of Separate Documentation ...................... 108
Dismantling ...................................................35, 36
Locking Mechanism Tests ................................. 40
Disposal of packaging and insulation materials .28
Lower Feed Roller Drive Machine Housing ....... 23
During Commissioning ........................................39
Lubricant quantity............................................... 23
E Lubricant Storage............................................... 57
Electrical Connections ........................................25 Lubricating Points .............................................. 55
Electrical Energy .................................................14 M
Electrical Plant ....................................................34
Machine housing ................................................ 97
F Machine Model Code ......................................... 21
Fitting ..................................................................32 Machine/Plant Rating ......................................... 21
Functional Data ...................................................21 Main drive .......................................................... 22
Functional Description of the Measurement Relay Main Drive ........................................................ 103
Maintenance ................................................ 50, 58
Selection and Qualification of Personnel ............10
Maintenance and inspection .............................. 51
Maintenance and Inspection List ....................... 52
Maintenance Tools and Accessories ............... 107

Mechanical Test Running with Material ..............40 Spare and Replacement Parts List .................... 94

N Spare Parts Holding ........................................... 93

Spare Parts Holding and Customer Service ...... 93
Noise Emission ...................................................26
Special Work such as Maintenance Work,
Normal operation ................................................42
Rectifying Faults and Waste Disposal ........... 12
Normal Operation ...............................................11
Stopping the Machine/Plant ............................... 42
Note to the Operator ............................................. 7
Storage location, storage period, protective
O measures ....................................................... 28
Switching on again after error ............................ 49
Occupational Safety.............................................. 9
Symbols ............................................................... 9
Occupational Safety Instructions ........................10
Oils, Greases and other Chemical Substances ..15 T

Operation ............................................................42 Technical Data ................................................... 21

Operational Safety ..............................................43 Tension and Replace V-Belt .............................. 61
Operator controls ................................................44 Threats ............................................................... 17
Organisational Measures ....................................10 Tightening Moments of the Screws ................... 24

P Tightening Torque of the Centrifugal Wedge

Screw ............................................................. 25
Personal protection equipment ...........................20
Tightening Torques of Screw Connection for
Protective Devices ..............................................16 Counter Knife ................................................. 25

R Transporting ....................................................... 27
Troubleshooting ................................................. 48
Regrinding the Reducing Tools ..........................78
Type plate .......................................................... 94
Removing and Fitting Pulley ...............................62
Types of Lubricant ............................................. 23
Repair Work on the Machine/Plant .....................92
Replace Counter Knife........................................83 U

replacement part and customer service addresses Upper feed unit ................................................ 101
Upper Feed Unit Lower Feed Roller Drives ....... 23
Report and document transport damage ............28 Usage as Stipulated ............................................. 8
Residual Risks ....................................................19
Rotor ...................................................................99
V-Belt Drive ........................................................ 59
VECOPLAN - Quality Control .............................. 7
Safety .................................................................... 9
Safety Cut-Off .....................................................43
Warning ................................................................ 9
Safety Instructions for Specific Operating Phases
........................................................................11 Wear Boundary of Reducing Tool and Centrifugal
Wedge ............................................................ 79


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