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1 Warm up

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. What do you do when you come across vocabulary in a business context that you don’t understand?

2. What mistakes can people make with writing that won’t be detected by computer software?

3. What is the best way to approach answering a Writing question in the BEC Higher exam?

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2 Reading - Part 5

Read the following article about elements to avoid when writing in a business context. For each
question 1 - 11, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS. There is an example at the beginning (1).

Beyond spell check

When it comes TO 1 making your writing as effective as possible for business situations, there is more
to check for simply grammatical and spelling errors. Firstly, unless you’re on very
close terms with the recipient of an email that is clearly private, it is always advisable to err on the
side of formality. The issue with any writing is that it can always potentially seen by
people other than your intended audience. This is particularly true if it is conveying information of any
kind. Instances when employees have found their jocular email forwarded part of an
email chain seen by potentially hundreds of co-workers aren’t difficult to find. So it’s best to save the
informal address for the coffee break or lunchtime, even it can feel a little unusual
addressing a close colleague just as you would a customer. with any writing, careful
consideration of your audience is paramount. It’s important to be very aware of any jargon or in-house
terms you typically use which may be overly clear outside of your immediate business
circle. These should also be studiously avoided when it comes to writing. However, if you’re forced to
use a particular term, be sure it is explained within the context of the writing. The same
is true of any information pertaining to the company which clients people working
for other businesses may not be familiar with. Language is frequently used to signify belonging to a
particular social group. Your aim in business is to create relationships and break
barriers, not build them up by making co-workers, customers, or management feel as though they are
not a part of sphere.

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3 Proofreading

Read the following sentences. Each contains a grammatical error. Identify the mistake and rewrite
the sentence underneath so that it is correct.

1. I will like to invite you to join us for our departmental meeting next Thursday afternoon at 3pm.

2. The train arrives at 8am in Edinburgh on Thursday which should be give us plenty of time to arrive
at the conference before the 10am starting time.

3. Following the morning presentations, we are wanting to meet you in the afternoon assuming you
have availability.

4. While we are in the meeting, I’d like to ask you to have prepared the drinks and snacks for when
we have finished.

5. I will be contacting you in the near future to discuss further possibilities and I am hoping you will
be interested in doing business with us.

6. Before the meeting started, we have arranged for each attendee to receive a small gift from the

7. If you are able to attend, please contact Gemma at reception who is happy to reserve you a place
at this special event.

8. As you can see from the report, a number of our products is not performing in the way we
anticipated which I will explain during the course of the presentation.

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4 Writing - Part 1

The bar chart below shows expenditure for four different offices for a company during a business
year. Using the information from the bar chart, write a short report describing the results over the
period. Write 120 - 140 words.










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5 Speaking - Part 3

In Speaking - Part 3, you will be given a situation to discuss with a partner. You should approach the
task as though it was a business meeting and make sure you practise taking turns with your partner.

Look at the following prompt card and practise discussing the situation with your partner.

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© Photocopiable and licensed for use in Алёна Мамонтова's lessons.

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