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BSCE 1C ; GROUP II ; 5, 6, 7, 8 ; JULY 2, 2024

1. It emphasizes the value of human connection and challenges the concept that
happiness is entirely derived from collecting and utilizing things. While love and
connection are essential human needs, a comprehensive picture must also include our
material wants. Well-chosen things may enrich our lives, improve our well-being, and
even serve as methods for expressing affection. A pleasant house gives security, and
being able to care for oneself and loved ones promotes stability and self-worth. The
problem develops when the need for material items becomes all-consuming. Excessive
concentration on getting and consuming things can lead to a superficial and unsatisfying
life. However, attributing global problems solely to a reversed relationship with objects
overlooks the complex political, social, and environmental factors at play. Ultimately, a
balanced approach is key. We need to fulfill our material needs while fostering
meaningful connections. Objects can play a role in both aspects. A well-crafted tool can
be a source of satisfaction and a testament to human ingenuity. A cherished family
heirloom holds sentimental value and connects us to our past. The key lies in appreciating
the craftsmanship and design of objects without worshipping them, and using them
responsibly to enhance our lives and express love. True happiness comes from a
combination of strong relationships, personal fulfillment, and a responsible engagement
with the material world.
2. Yes, I do consider my possessions as an extension of myself, but I extend this
concept even further to include not just the things I own but also the things i do not
possess. My sense of self is not confined to my physical body or the boundaries of my
skin. I view my identity as interconnected with the world around me. For instance, I need
to breathe, and for that, I have lungs. My lungs need oxygen, which comes from plants
and trees. Trees, in turn, need water, sunlight, soil, and carbon dioxide to thrive. The
sunlight that nourishes these plants comes from the sun, which is perfectly positioned at a
distance from the Earth that ensures it’s not too hot nor too cold for life to flourish.
Moreover, the sun itself is part of a galaxy, and the galaxies are part of the universe, all
perfectly aligned to maintain the conditions necessary for life on Earth. In this sense,
everything from the air I breathe to the vast expanse of the universe plays a role in
sustaining my life. Thus, my possessions and even the elements I do not own are
extensions of myself.

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