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What is the mode of transmission for Brucella species

- Brucella species are transmitted from animals to humans, primarily through

handling infected animals or consuming contaminated milk or milk products.
There is no human-to-human transmission

What are the common symptoms of Clostridium botulinum infection

Common symptoms include difficulty speaking, inability to swallow, nausea,
vomiting, non-bloody diarrhea, drooping eyelids, diplopia, respiratory
paralysis, and potentially death

How can Vibrio cholerae be identified in the laboratory

Vibrio cholerae can be identified through wet smear for motility, Gram
staining for morphology, culture on alkaline peptone water and TCBS agar,
biochemical tests (oxidase positive, indole positive), and agglutination with
specific antisera

What specimen is typically used for diagnosing Brucella infection

and why
Blood, biopsy of lymph node, spleen, liver, and bone marrow are used for
diagnosing Brucella because the bacteria localize in the reticuloendothelial
system and are intracellular

Describe the typical laboratory diagnosis procedure for Clostridium

Laboratory diagnosis includes direct Gram staining to observe morphology,
culture on blood agar and egg yolk-glucose agar, and biochemical tests for
sugar fermentation and lecithinase production

What are the clinical features of cholera

Cholera presents with watery diarrhea described as "rice-water stool,"
extensive fluid and electrolyte loss, dehydration, hypokalemia, metabolic
acidosis, and anuria

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