code of ethics 2018-converted march 2019

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FOREWORD .........................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.0. INTRODUCTION: .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Objectives ................................................................................................................................................
1.3 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................
1. 4.Information and Resources ......................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................ 8
2. 0.Compliance with General Code ..............................................................................................................
2.1 Prohibition against standing for election ..............................................................................................
2.1.2 Responsibility to organization and Chief Executive Officer ..........................................................
2.1.4. Private affairs -outside activities ......................................................................................................
2.1.5.Private affairs -financial dealings .......................................................................................................
2.1.6. Gifts .........................................................................................................................................................
2.1.7. Bank Accounts outside Kenya ...........................................................................................................
2.1.8. Public Collections/Harambees .........................................................................................................
2.1.9. Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................................
2.10. Breach of Code .....................................................................................................................................
3.1 Public Trust ...............................................................................................................................................
3.2. Responsibility and duties ......................................................................................................................
3.3 Performance of duties ............................................................................................................................
3.4. Professionalism .......................................................................................................................................
3.5 Rule of law ................................................................................................................................................
3.6 Conflict of interest ..................................................................................................................................
3.7. Acting for foreigners ..............................................................................................................................
3.8. Care of property .....................................................................................................................................
3.9. Impartiality ..............................................................................................................................................
4.0. Giving of advice ......................................................................................................................................
4.1. Wrongful or unlawful acquisition of property ...................................................................................
4.2. Misleading the public, etc. ...................................................................................................................
4.3. Sexual Harassment ................................................................................................................................
4.4. Offers of future employment ...............................................................................................................
4.5. Former employee of ICT Authority acting in a Government or public entity matter ...............
4.6. Falsification of records .......................................................................................................................
4.7. Tax, financial and legal obligations ....................................................................................................
4.8. Bullying .....................................................................................................................................................
4.9.Selection of An employee of ICT Authority .........................................................................................
5.0. Submitting of declarations ...................................................................................................................
5.1. Acting through others ............................................................................................................................
5.2. Reporting improper orders ...................................................................................................................

5.3. Official Secrets .......................................................................................................................................
5.4. Enforcement of the Code ......................................................................................................................
5.5. Reporting/ Complaint Procedures .......................................................................................................
5.6. Investigations .........................................................................................................................................
5.7. Disciplinary action.................................................................................................................................
5.8. Referral for possible civil or criminal proceedings...........................................................................
5.8. Review ......................................................................................................................................................
5.9. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................
APPENDICEs ......................................................................................................................................................
Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix 3 (Form C) ....................................................................................................................................

The ICT Authority has an important role to play in enhancing the economic growth and
development of the country. In order to achieve this, it is necessary that services are
rendered to the public and stakeholders in an effective and efficient manner. The
management is committed to develop and promote standards and best practices in
integrity in the work place.

This Code contains rules of conduct and ethics to be observed by employees’ of ICT
Authority so as to maintain the integrity and impartiality of the Authority. The Code does
not in any way replace the regulations governing the discipline and general conduct of
employee of ICT Authority ICT Authority officers must obey those regulations and all other
applicable laws.

Officers should adhere to this Code so as not to bring the Authority into disrepute. I am
therefore calling on all of us to nurture and maintain a culture of good ethics and integrity
at all times.

Dr. Katherine W. Getao, EBS Chief Executive Officer

1. This Code may be cited as the ICT Authority Code of Conduct and Ethics.

2. In his Code, “A public Officer” means—

(i) any State officer; or

(ii) any person, other than a State Officer, who holds a public office.

3. In this Code, “Act” means— The Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012

Application of Code
4. This Code applies with respect to the employees of ICT Authority.


A code of Conduct can be defined as generally accepted rules that govern and regulate
behaviour relationships and actions of members of organization. The word Ethics is derived
from the Greek word “Ethika” from Ethos, character , customs, principles of human
conduct sometimes called morals,. Code of ethics lays down what is acceptable and
unacceptable in an organization. The code also provides penalties in case of breach.

The Code of Conduct and Ethics contains general rules to be observed by employees of ICT
Authority so as to maintain integrity and loyalty to the Government of Kenya and also
uphold the dignity of the public office to which one has been appointed. It should be borne
in mind that each employee of ICTA occupies a special position and ought to be proud of
that position and ensure that his conduct both in public and in private life does not bring
the ICTA into disrepute. It is therefore imperative that every member of staff adheres to
these guidelines of conduct and ethics, and such other rules which may be promulgated by
the Board from time to time.

It is important to note that ICTA has been communicating on issues of employee conduct
and ethics through memos/Circulars. This Code provides the procedures and general
guidelines which will address gaps identified in past practices and the emerging issues
brought about by the dynamic changes in the Public Sector.

The Purpose of this Code of Ethics is to socialize and promote the culture of ethical values
in the practice and realization of the ICTA vision, mission, mandate and core values. Ethics
promote standards by:

i. Defining what is approved or disapproved conduct or practice and regulating

self-control, thus promote discipline.

ii. Setting qualities of character, attitudes, habits and behavior of individual

practitioners, promote honesty

iii. Guiding choice among alternatives, and giving rational direction on course of

iv. Promoting justice, impartial evaluations or assessments and instilling both

fortitude and rectitude.

This Code, therefore, is intended to guide the conduct of all employees of ICTA in their
day to day activities.

1.2. Objectives
The objectives of this Code are to;

i. Foster and maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity and professionalism
of ICT Authority employees.

ii. Ensure uniformity of conduct amongst the employees of ICTA.

iii. Uphold the dignity of the public offices at ICTA

iv. Serve customers in a timely manner and in accordance with the law and Service

v. Ensure that employees carry out their work in an ethical, collegial environment and
perform their duties with efficiency, fairness, impartiality and honesty

vi. To provide framework of the Public service

vii. To provide a framework for reporting of misconduct by public officer

1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this Code is to enhance ethical conduct and integrity of employees at the
ICT Authority. Its purpose is to affirm that the Authority expects that those who carry out
work and related activities for the Authority will observe the highest standards of conduct
and probity.

1.4.Information and Resources

This code derives its authority from the following legal and administrative documents, and
it should, therefore, be read alongside them;
i. The Constitution of Kenya, 2010. ii.

Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003.

iii. The ICT Authority Legal Notice No183 iv.

The ICT Authority HR Manual and Procedures.

v. The Code of Regulations for Public Servants


2.0.Compliance with General Code

(i) A An employee of ICT Authority shall comply with all the requirements of the General
Code of Conduct and Ethics set out in Part II of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012, (ii)
The General Code of Conduct and Ethics set out in Part II of the Act is set out in the
Appendix to this Code and shall form part of this Code.

2.1 Prohibition against standing for election

i. Employee of ICT Authority shall not stand for election as a member of the National
Assembly or a local authority or hold a political office.
ii. Political Neutrality
iii. Regardless of his political opinions, an employee of ICT Authority shall serve impartially,
with loyalty, honesty and objectivity.

2.1.2. A An employee of ICT Authority who is a member of the public service;

i. Shall not make public comments that support or criticize a political party;
ii. Shall not make public comments that may compromise, or may reasonably be seen
to compromise, the political neutrality of his office;
iii. Shall not publicly comment, except in furtherance of his official duties, on matters
in relation to which he/she has been professionally involved;
iv. Shall not, expressly or by implication, represent that any public comments he makes
reflect the views or opinions of his organization if that is not the case.

2.1.2 Responsibility to organization and Chief Executive Officer

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall ensure that he carries out his duties in a way
that is consistent with his being part of his organization.
ii. An employee of ICT Authority shall observe the principle that the responsibility for
Authority lies with a Chief Executive Officer and shall ensure that he/she is not
personally identified with the Authority or its policies to a degree that is
inconsistent with that principle.

2.1.4. Private affairs -outside activities

i. While a An employee of ICT Authority should not be isolated from the society of
which he/she is a part, he/she shall ensure that his/her non-official activities do
not interfere with his/her official duties or affect the dignity of his/her office and
that the risk of conflict with his/her official duties is minimized.
ii. An employee of ICT Authority shall not engage in private business during official
working hours.

iii. Subject to subsection (iv), an employee of ICT Authority who is serving on a full
time basis shall not participate in any other gainful employment.
iv. In this section, “gainful employment” means work that a person can pursue and
perform for money or other form of compensation or remuneration which is
inherently incompatible with the responsibilities of the public office or which
results in the impairment of the judgment of the An employee of ICT Authority in
the execution of the functions of the public office or results in a conflict of interest.

2.1.5.Private affairs -financial dealings

An employee of ICT Authority shall live within his means and avoid incurring any financial
liability that he cannot satisfy.

2.1.6. Gifts
i. A gift or donation given to a An employee of ICT Authority on a public or official
occasion shall be treated as a gift or donation to the State.
ii. Notwithstanding subsection (i), a An employee of ICT Authority may receive a gift
given to the An employee of ICT Authority in an official capacity, provided that —
(a) The gift is within the ordinary bounds of propriety, a usual expression of courtesy
or protocol and within the ordinary standards of hospitality;
(b) The gift is not monetary; and
(c) The gift does not exceed such value as may be prescribed by the
Commission in the regulations.
iii. Without limiting the generality of subsection (ii), An employee of ICT Authority shall
(a) accept or solicit gifts, hospitality or other benefits from a person who —
1) Has an interest that may be achieved by the carrying out or not carrying out
of the An employee of ICT Authority’s duties;
2) Carries on regulated activities with respect to which the An employee of ICT
Authority’s organization has a role; or
3) Has a contractual or legal relationship with the An employee of ICT Authority's
(b) Accept gifts of jewelry or other gifts comprising of precious metal or stones,
ivory or any other animal part protected under the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; or
(c) Any other type of gift specified by the Commission in the regulations. iv. An
employee of ICT Authority shall not receive a gift which is given with the intention of
compromising the integrity, objectivity or impartiality of the State officer.
v. Subject to subsection (ii), an employee of ICT Authority who receives a gift or donation
shall declare the gift or donation to the Authority
vi. ICT Authority shall keep a register of;
(a) Gifts received by a An employee of ICT Authority serving in the public entity; and
(b) Gifts given by the public entity to other An employee of ICT Authority.

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vii.The Authority shall make and publicize regulations regarding receipt and disposal of
gifts under this section.
2.1.7. Bank Accounts outside Kenya
An employee of ICT Authority shall not—

i. Maintain a bank account outside Kenya except with approval of Ethics and
Anticorruption Commission or in accordance with an Act of Parliament;


ii. Seek or accept a personal loan or benefit in circumstances that compromise the
integrity of the an employee of ICT Authority.

2.1.8. Public Collections/Harambees

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall not preside over a harambee, play a central role
in its organization or play the role of "guest of honour".
ii. An employee of ICT Authority shall not participate in a Public Collections in such a
way as to reflect adversely on his/her integrity or impartiality or to interfere with
the performance of his/her official duties.
iii. An employee of ICT Authority shall not solicit for contributions from the public for
a public purpose unless the President has, by notice in the Gazette, declared a
national disaster and allowed a public collection for the purpose of the national
disaster in accordance with the law.
iv. Participate in harambee in such a way as to reflect adversely on his integrity or
impartiality or interfere with the performance of his/her duties

2.1.9 Confidentiality
An employee of ICT Authority shall ensure that confidential or secret information or
documents entrusted to his/her care are adequately protected from improper or
inadvertent disclosure.
He/She shall not use or disclose any official information for personal gain or gain for others.
It would be for example wrong for an employee of ICTA to supply confidential information
or divulge any information that is kept on personal records of employees.

2.10. Breach of Code

Where an employee of ICT Authority has committed a breach of this Code, appropriate
action will be taken in accordance with the Public Officers Ethics Act and other applicable

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Part sets out general Code

This Part sets out a general Code of Conduct and Ethics for an employee of ICT Authority.

3.1 Public Trust

A Public Office is a position of trust, and responsibility vested in a employee of ICT
Authority shall be exercised by the employee of ICT Authority in the best interest of the
people of Kenya.

3.2. Responsibility and duties

Subject to the Constitution and any other law, an employee of ICT Authority shall take
personal responsibility for the reasonably foreseeable consequences of any actions or
omissions arising from the discharge of the duties of the office.

3.3 Performance of duties

An employee of ICT Authority shall, to the best of his/her ability, carry out his/her duties
and ensure that the services that he/she provides are provided efficiently and honestly.
He/she shall carry out his duties in a transparent and accountable manner, keep accurate
records and documents relating to his/her duties, not absent himself from duty without
official permission and not engage in private business during official work

3.4. Professionalism
An employee of ICT Authority shall—
i. Carry out his/her duties in a way that maintains public confidence in the integrity
of his/her office;

ii. Treat the public and his/her fellow employee of ICT Authority with courtesy and

iii. To extent appropriate to his/her office, seek to improve the standards of

performance and level of professionalism in his/her organization;

iv. If a member of a professional body, observe the ethical and professional

requirements of that body;

v. Observe official working hours and not be absent without proper authorization or
reasonable cause;

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vi. Maintain an appropriate standard of dress and personal hygiene; Should always be
neat and respectable
vii. Shall be honest and accountable in dealing with the public funds and use of public
service property and other resources efficiently, effectively and for the
authorized official purposes

viii. Discharge any professional responsibilities in a professional manner.

ix. Not discriminate against any person

3.5 Rule of law

An employee of ICT Authority shall carry out his duties in accordance with the law. In
carrying out his duties, an employee of ICT Authority shall not violate the rights and
freedoms of any person under Chapter Four, Part 2 of the Constitution 2010.
Employee shall not engage in activities that amount to abuse of office, and wrongful
conduct in furtherance of personal benefit. Employee shall not misuse public resources,
falsify any records and not engage in actions that may lead to his/her removal from
membership of a professional body to which he /she may belong.

3.6 Conflict of interest

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall use his/her best efforts to avoid being in a position
in which his/her personal interests conflict with his/her official duties. ii. Without limiting
the generality of subsection (i), an employee of ICT Authority shall not hold shares or have
any other interest in a corporation, partnership of other body, directly or through another
person, if holding those shares or having that interest would result in the officer's personal
interests conflicting with his/her official duties. iii. An employee of ICT Authority whose
personal interests conflict with his/her official duties shall—
a. declare the personal interests to his/her superior or other appropriate body and
comply with any directions to avoid the conflict; and
b. refrain from participating in any deliberations with respect to the matter. iv.
Notwithstanding any directions to the contrary under subsection (iii)(a), an officer
shall not award a contract, or influence the award of a contract, to—
(a) himself/herself;
(b) a spouse/child or relative;
(c) a business associate; or
(d) a corporation, partnership or other body in which the officer has an interest.
v. The regulations may apply when the personal interests of an employee of ICT
Authority conflict with his/her official duties for the purposes of this section. In
this section, "personal interest" includes the interest of a spouse, relative or
business associate or agent , or any other matter in which the public service has a
direct or indirect pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest.

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vi. Where an employee is present at a meeting where an issue that is likely to result
in a conflicting interest is to be discussed , he or she shall declare the interest at
the beginning of the meeting or before or before the issue is deliberated upon.
vii. A declaration of interest shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting
viii. ICT Authority shall maintain a register of conflicts of interests in the form
appended in this document, the affected officer shall register the particulars of
registerable interests, stating the nature and extent of conflict.
ix. The register of conflicts shall be kept for five years after which the entry in each
volume of the register.
x. Officers shall amend the record of his/her registrable interest in the register
maintained whenever there is a change in those registrable interest and such an
amendment shall be made within thirty days of the change in the conflict of
xi. The employee shall in his/her private capacity participate in a tender for the
supply of goods or services to the public entity in which he/she serves

3.7. Acting for foreigners

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall, in a manner that may be detrimental to the
security interests of Kenya, be an agent for, or further the interests of, a foreign
government, organization or individual.
ii. For the purposes of this section—
(a) an individual is foreign if the individual is not a citizen of Kenya;
(b) an organization is foreign if it is established outside Kenya or if it is owned or
controlled by foreign governments, organizations or individuals

3.8. Care of property

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that property
that is entrusted to his/her care is adequately protected and not misused or
ii. An employee of ICT Authority who contravenes subsection (i) shall be personally
liable for losses resulting from the contravention.

3.9. Impartiality
An employee of ICT Authority shall, at all times, carry out the duties of the office with
impartiality and objectivity in accordance with Articles 10, 27, 73(2)(b) and 232 of the
Constitution and shall not practice favouritism, nepotism, tribalism, cronyism, religious
bias or engage in corrupt or unethical practices.

4.0. Giving of advice

An employee of ICT Authority who has a duty to give advice shall give honest and impartial
advice without fear or favour.

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4.1. Wrongful or unlawful acquisition of property/Financial Integrity
An employee of ICT Authority shall not use the office to wrongfully or unlawfully influence
the acquisition of property/wrongfully enrich himself/herself or any other person The
employees shall live within their means and shall not incur any financial liability that he
or she cannot satisfy

4.2. Misleading the public, etc.

An employee of ICT Authority shall not knowingly give false or misleading information to
members of the public or to any other An employee of ICT Authority.

4.3. Sexual Harassment

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall not sexually harass a member of the public or a
fellow officer.
ii. In subsection (i), "sexually harass" includes doing any of the following, if the person
doing it knows or ought to know that it is unwelcome —
(a) making a request or exerting pressure for sexual activity or favours;
(b) making intentional or careless physical contact that is sexual in nature; and
(c) making gestures, noises, jokes or comments, including innuendoes, regarding
another person's sexuality.
(d) Sending of sexually suggestive text, pictures or videos

4.4. Offers of future employment

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall not allow himself or herself to be influenced in
the performance of their duties by plans or expectations for or offers of future
employment or benefits.
ii. An employee of ICT Authority shall disclose, in writing, to the public entity and the
commission, all offers of future employment or benefits that could place the An
employee of ICT Authority in a situation of conflict of interest.

4.5. Former employee of ICT Authority acting in a Government or public entity matter
A former employee of ICT Authority shall not be engaged by or act for a person or entity
in a matter in which the officer was originally engaged in as a An employee of ICT Authority,
for at least two years after leaving the Public office.

4.6. Falsification of records

An employee of ICT Authority shall not falsify any records or misrepresent information to
the public.

4.7. Tax, financial and legal obligations

i. An employee of ICT Authority shall pay any taxes due from him or her within the
prescribed period.
ii. An employee of ICT Authority shall not neglect their financial or legal obligations.
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4.8. Bullying
i. An employee of ICT Authority shall not bully any person.
ii. For purposes of subsection (i), “bullying” includes repeated offensive behavior
which is vindictive, cruel, malicious or humiliating and is intended to undermine a

4.9.Selection of An employee of ICT Authority

An employee of ICT Authority shall practice and promote the principle that employee of
ICT Authority should be selected on the basis of integrity, competence and suitability.

5.0. Submitting of declarations

i. Every employee of ICT Authority shall, once every two years as prescribed by
section 27, submit to the responsible Commission for an employee of ICT Authority
a declaration of the income, assets and liabilities of himself, his spouse or spouses
and his dependent children under the age of 18 years.
ii. The declaration shall be in the form set out in the Schedule and shall include the
information required by the form.

5.1. Acting through others

An employee of ICT Authority contravenes the Code of Conduct and Ethics if—
i. He/she causes anything to be done through another person that would, if the An
employee of ICT Authority did it, be a contravention of the Code of Conduct and
Ethics; or ii. He/she allows or directs a person under his/her supervision or control
to do anything that is a contravention of the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
iii. Subsection (i)(b) does not apply with respect to anything done without the An employee
of ICT Authority's knowledge or consent if the An employee of ICT Authority took
reasonable steps to prevent it.

5.2. Reporting improper orders

If an employee of the Authority considers instructions issued in the performance of their
duties amount to contravention of the Code of Conduct and Ethics he/she shall report the
matter to an appropriate authority.

5.3. Official Secrets

An employee in an administrative position will be required to sign a declaration of secrecy

under the Official Secrets Act (CAP. 187) on appointment and again on leaving the service
of the Authority.

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5.4. Enforcement of the Code

i. When an employee has committed a breach of this Code, an appropriate

action will be taken in accordance with the provisions of the Public Officers
Ethics Act, 2003; other laws; other organizational policies; and the terms and
conditions of service of the employee.

ii. The Board of Directors shall have the ultimate responsibility for enforcement
of this Code at all levels of the Authority.

iii. The Top Management shall ensure that this Code is implemented and enforced
at all levels of the Authority
iv. The Heads of Department/ Section have the delegated responsibility for
enforcement of this Code at their respective levels.

v. The HRM Department and Integrity Committee shall be involved facilitating

the sensitization, enforcement, monitoring and evaluation of this Code.

vi. All individual staff members, service providers and other stakeholders shall
carry out their activities in the spirit and letter of this Code.

vii. Where a staff member fails to observe any of the above provisions or where a
staff member has committed, whether directly or by agent, a breach of this
Code appropriate action shall be taken by the Disciplinary Committee in
consultation with the Board, Top Management, Heads of
Department/ Section, the HRM Department and the Integrity Committee;

a) The Disciplinary Committee shall deal with the issue based on facts
presented to it. Penalties for misconduct will include, but not limited to
verbal reprimanding, written caution, written warning, suspension from
service and dismissal from the service of ICT Authority.
b) Failure to follow the guidance given in this Code may not itself constitute
misconduct, but it means that the staff member concerned may have to
justify his or her actions to the MPUC Disciplinary Committee.
c) The Management will at all times inquire into apparent failure by staff to
observe ethical requirements and may refer the matter to the
Disciplinary Committee.

5.5. Reporting/ Complaint Procedures

Any breach of the provisions of this Code shall be reported in writing by either
the staff member, customer or another stakeholder. The report shall specify

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the nature of the complaint, the dates and actual place where the incident took
i. If the matter is a complaint, or the individual wishes to maintain
confidentiality in relation to the complaint, the Chairman of the Public
Complaints Steering Committee may be contacted. If the issue being
reported is a matter concerning the integrity of an employee, the PCSC
shall inform the Integrity Committee accordingly.

ii. If any employee considers that anything required of him/her is a

contravention of the code of conduct and ethics or is otherwise improper
or unethical, he/she shall report the matter to an appropriate authority.

iii. The first point of contact for individual members of staff shall be their
HOD/ COD. Alternatively, they may contact the HRM office in order to
discuss issues in general terms.

iv. Upon receipt of the complaint, a reply shall be written to the complainant
and copied to the accused.
v. In all situations, investigations shall be carried out within thirty (30) days
and the parties involved shall be informed in writing.

vi. Where a case has been established against the employee, the Disciplinary
Committee shall be convened and expected to give its recommendations
on the issue within another thirty (30) days.
5.6. Investigations
i. The Authority will investigate to determine whether the An employee of ICT
Authority has contravened the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
ii. An investigation may be made on the Authority’s own initiative or pursuant
to a complaint by any person.
iii. The Authority may refer a matter to another appropriate body for
investigation and that body shall investigate the matter within a reasonable
time and submit a report to the Authority on its findings. iv. An investigation
may be conducted even if the subject of the investigation has ceased to be
a An employee of ICT Authority.
5.7. Disciplinary action
If an investigation discloses that the employee has contravened the Code of
Conduct and Ethics, the Authority shall, within the time period prescribed:-
a) take the appropriate disciplinary action; or
b) if the Authority does not have the power to take the appropriate disciplinary
action, refer the matter to a body or person who does have that power.
(The Authority shall inform the An employee of ICT Authority concerned of any
action it takes or intends to take under subsection (i) either before it takes

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the action or within thirty days after it does so. 5.8. Referral for possible
civil or criminal proceedings
If, as a result of an investigation under this Part, the Authority is of the view
that civil or criminal proceedings ought to be considered, the Authority shall
refer the matter to the Attorney-General or other appropriate authority.

5.9. Review

This Code of conduct and ethics may be reviewed from time to time and when need arises
but shall be reviewed after once every three(3)years.


This Code provides the general rules of conduct and ethics to be observed by employees
of ICT Authority so as to maintain integrity and also uphold the dignity of the public
office to which they have been appointed. It is not expected to be punitive but rather to
maintain those standards of behavior expected of staff members of ICT Authority during
service provision.

The success of this Code will depend on the commitment of Authority and its employees.
This means that this Code will be implemented by the collective and coordinated
activities of the, the Management Board, the Integrity Committee, CODs/HODs and
employees. While we understand that the success of this Code will be dependent on its
enforcement, it is also hoped that all staff members will be sensitized accordingly to
ensure its ease of implementation.

This Code shall come into effect from this day:

31st October, 2018

Signed by:

Chief Executive Officer

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Appendix 1
(Form A)
Declaration of conflict of interest
Part A- Declaration (to be completed by staff member)
To: (Approving Authority)…………………………………………………………..
I would like to report the following existing/ potential* conflict of interest situation arising
during the discharge of my official duties:

1. Persons/ companies with whom/ which I have official dealings and/ or personal interest
(a) ……………………………………………………………………………….. (b)
(c) ………………………………………………………………………………..
(d) ………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Brief description of my duties which involve the persons/ companies mentioned above
and these are the areas of real/ possible conflict of interest.
(a) …………………………………….................................
(b) ……………………………………………………………………………….
(c) ……………………………………………………………………………….
(d) ……………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
Date Name of declaring staff member
Title/ Department
Part B- Acknowledgment (to be completed by approving authority)

To: (Declaring member)…………………………………………………………………….

This information contained in your declaration for………………is noted. It has been decided
You should refrain from performing or getting involved in performing the
work/participating in deliberations regarding*……….., as described in Part A, which may
give rise to conflict of interest/ You should continue to handle the work/ participate in
deliberations regarding*……….., as described in Part A, provided that there is no change in
information declared above*.
Other conditions(please specify)…………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………….
Date Name of approving authority
Title/ Department
*Please delete as appropriate

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Appendix 2
(Form B)
Report of gifts received
Part A- Declaration (to be completed by member)
To: (Approving authority)………………………………………………………………………………….
Description of offer………………………………………………………………………………………….
Name and title of giver…………………………………………………………………………………….
Relationship (Business/ Personal)……………………………………………………………………… Occasion
on which the gift was/ is to be received……………………………………………..
Assessed value of gift………………………………………………………………………
Suggested method of disposal (Please tick one)
Retained by receiving staff □
Retained for display/ souvenir in the office □
Shared among the officers □
Reserve as luck draw prize at staff function □
Donate to charitable organization □
Return to provider □
Others (specify) □
……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….
Date Name of receiving staff
Title/ Department

Part B- Acknowledge (to be completed by approving authority)

To (receiving staff)………………………………………………………………………… The
recommended method of disposal is approved/ not approved* The
gift(s) concerned should be disposed of by way of:
………………………………………. …………………………………….
Date Name of approving authority Title/

21 | P a g e
22 | P a g e

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