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1. Background of the Study

In the age of globalization, pursuing overseas education has become increasingly popular
among young individuals, including those from Vietnam. Prior applying to any
educational institution, applicants must prove their language proficiency through
standardized tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS),
Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC), Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL), or the Pearson Test of English (PTE). Among these certifications,
IELTS is considered as a powerful “passport” for both domestic and international

In terms of English language education, discourse markers (DMs) serve as essential tools
that enhance the clarity and coherence of four skills in English, including reading skill.
DMs include words and phrases such as "however," "therefore," "meanwhile," and "for
example". The following functional types of discourse markers (DMs) are distinguished:
1) the markers ensuring text coherence, 2) the markers disclosing a speaker’s attitude to
an utterance, and 3) the markers reflecting the process of interaction between the author
and the reader. They all contribute to ultilize connecting sentences and ideas as well as
promoting the flow of discourse.

Acknowledge its presence, neverthess, many students still encounter difficulties

achieving the English proficiency requirement as they are not familiar with the concept of
DMs, especially in English reading skills. Therefore, one of the most common problem is
the intricate usage of Discourse Markers in IELTS academic texts, which greatly limits
learner’s comprehension ability.

1.1. Importance of Academic Reading in IELTS

Academic reading skills are indispensable for English learners, especially those preparing
for standardized tests such as the International English Language Testing System
(IELTS). Proficiency in academic reading not only contributes to exam success but also
equips students with the necessary skills for academic advancement. The IELTS, widely
recognized by educational institutions and employers, assesses candidates' abilities to
comprehend and analyze complex texts typical of academic and professional settings.
Therefore, mastering the reading section, which often includes dense and challenging
passages, is critical for students aspiring to achieve high scores and pursue further
education or career opportunities in English-speaking environments.

1.2. Challenges in Understanding IELTS Academic Reading texts

Despite its importance, academic reading presents several challenges for English learners.
One of the primary difficulties is understanding complex sentence structures, which are
crucial in academic texts. These structures often involve multiple clauses, varied syntax,
and a high degree of lexical density, making them difficult to comprehend.

Additionally, the formal and abstract setting of academic language, coupled with
unfamiliar vocabulary and sophisticated grammatical constructions, overwhelming
learners and hinder their reading comprehension. Majority of IELTS learners are reported
to experience time-consuming in grasping main idea within complex sentences compared
to the simple one. These challenges underscore the need for effective strategies and tools,
such as discourse markers, to aid learners in breaking down and understanding
information in complex sentences.

2. Research Gap

While others research has been conducted on the general benefits of DMs in language
learning, there is a noticeable gap in studies specifically addressing DMs role in
promoting the comprehension of complex sentences within academic reading texts. Most
existing research tends to focus on the use of DMs in learning English or enhane overall
reading comprehension without delving into their specific impact on intricate sentence

According to Dr. Ana Cristin Lahuerta Martinez, who conducts “The effects of discourse
markers on the reading comprehension of Spanish students of English as a foreign
language”, she has found a significant correlation between the presence of discourse
makers in academic text. Neverthess, her study did not cover whether discourse markers
affected the comprehensive understanding of complex sentences. Therefore, this paper
attempts to fill this gap by examining how DMs contribute to the understanding of
intricate grammatical structures in IELTS academic reading texts, thereby providing
insights into their potential as a learning tool for English learners.

3. Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this study is to investigate how discourse markers help English
learners in comprehending complex sentences within academic texts, particularly those
who pursue preparing for IELTS tests. In addition, the study aims to analyze the types of
discourse markers commonly found in IELTS academic reading texts, alongside examine
the difficulties students that students encounter when dealing with these complex
sentences. Also, it aims to assess the impact of discourse markers on the comprehension
of academic sentences.

Finally, it is hoped that the study will serve as a reliable source of references for
educators to gain a better understanding of learners’ perspectives about DMs and their
use in reading academic texts, resulting in improving the quality of English language
teaching in general and English reading skill in specific.

4. Research Questions

This study seeks to address the following research questions:

1. How do DMs affect the understanding of complex sentences in IELTS academic

reading texts?
2. Among six categories of DMs, which is the most beneficial for IELTS reading
comprehension to English learners?
3. To what extent do DMs influence the improvement of IELTS academic reading
comprehension among learners?

5. Scope and Limitations

The study invlolves a group of English learners aged 15-18 years who were enrolling in
IELTS preparation courses at an English language center in Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam.
Within the research context of an English language center, learners were attending
academic IELTS preparation courses varied in different academic backgrounds and
represent both genders. Among the four language skills, they found out reading skill is
the most difficult as they usually consume huge amount of time to comprehend IELTS
passages and gained unsatisfactory scores.

The research will examine a selection of academic reading texts that are relevant to
IELTS preparation. These texts are chosen for their complexity and relevance to the types
of materials that students are likely to encounter in the IELTS reading section. The study
will analyze the presence and role of discourse markers within these texts.
Despite many potential advantages the study might contribute, it remains some of
limitations as well. Firstly, the study is now solely focuses on a particular group of
learners and educational context, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to
further groups or educational setting. Additionally, its scope is limited to academic
reading texts relevant to the IELTS exam, which is potentially exclude other types of
academic materials that could also benefit from the use of discourse markers.

6. Significance of the Study

6.1. Function of Discourse Markers in IELTS Reading Comprehension

Discourse markers are linguistic elements that serve as signposts within a text, guiding
readers through the flow of ideas and indicating how different parts of the discourse are
connected. They function to signal relationships such as addition ("and," "also"), contrast
("but," "however"), cause and effect ("therefore," "because"), and sequence ("first,"

By linking sentences and paragraphs, DMs help to create a coherent structure, making the
text easier to follow and understand. Their role is not solely decorative; they actively
facilitate comprehension by providing cues about the logical and semantic connections
between ideas, thereby enhancing the reader’s ability to process and integrate

6.2. The Importance of Discourse Markers in IELTS Reading Comprehension

In the context of reading comprehension, DMs play a critical role in helping readers
understand the organization and progression of a text. They clarify the relationships
between different sections and ideas, making it easier for readers to follow arguments,
compare and contrast information, and grasp causal relationships.

For English learners, particularly those encountering complex academic texts, DMs can
significantly reduce cognitive load by breaking down intricate sentence structures into
more manageable components. This allows learners to focus on understanding the content
rather than getting lost in the complexity of the language, thereby improving their overall
comprehension and retention of the material.

7. Definition of Key Terms

Discourse Markers: Words or phrases that help to organize and manage the flow of
discourse by signaling relationships between ideas and providing cues for interpreting the
structure and meaning of a text.

Complex Sentences: Sentences that contain one or more dependent clauses in addition to
the main clause, which can make them difficult to understand due to their syntactic and
semantic complexity.

Academic Reading Materials: Texts that are typically used in educational settings and
are characterized by their formal tone, complex structures, and specialized vocabulary.

IELTS: The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized

test that assesses the English language proficiency of non-native speakers, particularly in
the context of academic and professional settings.


Rezanova, Z. I., & Kogut, S. V. (2015). Types of discourse markers: Their ethnocultural
diversity in scientific text. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 215, 266 – 272.

Al-Surmi, M. (2011). Discourse markers and reading comprehension: Is there an effect?

Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(12), 1673-1678.

Ang, Z. (2014). The effects of discourse markers on the reading comprehension and
speed of Chinese learners of English. International Journal of English Language and
Linguistics Studies, 2(2), 27-49.

Martínez, A. C. L. (2009). Empirical Study of the Effects of Discourse Markers on the

Reading Comprehension of Spanish Students of English as a Foreign Language.
International Studies of English Studies, 9(2), 19-43.

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